Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 243 Strange Email

Chapter 245 Strange Email

A trace of worry flashed across Lin Sisi's face.She understands that this is the plan of evil organizations and infiltrators who seek to sow discord, divide the team, and plunge them into chaos.

She stood up, faced the angry team members, and tried to calm the storm.

She said in a firm tone: "We cannot let them succeed. We must unite and rebuild trust. Only in this way can we fight against the plans of the evil organization."

The team members gradually calmed down, but suspicion and suspicion remained.

Lin Sisi knew that this was just part of the internal and external attack plan. She must find a way to reveal the true identity of the infiltrator and reverse the team's decline.

This scene was full of tension and uneasiness, and conflicts within the team made the atmosphere in the entire command center extremely tense.

Lin Sisi must deal with internal divisions while remaining alert to external threats.

When night fell, Lin Sisi sat in the team's command center with a heavy heart.

She knows full well that the evil organization's plan is being quietly implemented, and internal tensions are gradually escalating.

In one corner of the room, team members were spread out, keeping their distance from each other.

The close partnership that once existed seemed to be gone, replaced by suspicion and suspicion.

Lin Sisi's allies began to doubt each other and were no longer willing to share intelligence and plans.

Suddenly, a team member stood up and banged his fist on the table, making a loud noise.

He glared at another member, accusing him of hiding crucial information.Other members also began to explode, showing their dissatisfaction and anger.

A trace of worry flashed across Lin Sisi's face.She understands that this is the plan of evil organizations and infiltrators who seek to sow discord, divide the team, and plunge them into chaos.

She stood up, faced the angry team members, and tried to calm the storm.

She said in a firm tone: "We cannot let them succeed. We must unite and rebuild trust. Only in this way can we fight against the plans of the evil organization."

The team members gradually calmed down, but suspicion and suspicion remained.

Lin Sisi knew that this was just part of the internal and external attack plan. She must find a way to reveal the true identity of the infiltrator and reverse the team's decline.

This scene was full of tension and uneasiness, and conflicts within the team made the atmosphere in the entire command center extremely tense.

Lin Sisi must deal with internal divisions while remaining alert to external threats.

At one of the team's regular meetings, tension still hung over the room.

The team members sat around the round table, looking at each other with suspicion and doubt.

Lin Sisi sat at one end of the table, and she could clearly feel the tension within the team.

Suddenly, a team member stood up, his voice full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"We can no longer be manipulated by infiltrators! We must find out who is leaking information from the inside and sabotaging our plans!"

Other members have also expressed their opinions, demanding an internal investigation within the team to find out the identity of the infiltrator.

However, their arguments escalated, with each accusing the other of being a possible traitor.

Lin Sisi realized that this time needed to be handled calmly and rationally.

She stood up and said in a firm but calm tone: "We cannot continue to suspect each other internally. This is exactly what infiltrators and evil organizations want to see. We must find evidence instead of making accusations out of thin air.

We need a trustworthy way to determine the identity of the infiltrator. "

The team members calmed down a bit and began to think about how they could determine the identity of the infiltrator.

They decided to set up a team specifically responsible for internal investigations, while Lin Sisi will continue to track the movements of the evil organization.

This time, although the trust within the team is still fragile, they have taken an important step in their determination to work together to solve the internal problems and regain confidence in the plan to fight the evil organization.

The internal investigation team began working intensively and established a series of strict procedures and standards to ensure a fair and transparent investigation.

Lin Sisi assists them, providing detailed intelligence on past operations, as well as leads on potential infiltrators.

After some investigation, the team eventually found a suspicious team member named Alex.

Alex's behavior arouses suspicion in some quarters, and he always seems to provide the wrong information or advice at crucial moments.

The investigation team decided to conduct a more in-depth investigation of Alex, including monitoring his communication records and actions.

During this period, Alex seemed to be aware of the suspicion that he was under suspicion, and began to become more alert and cautious.

In a secret meeting, members of the investigative team presented the results of their investigation of Alex, including some suspicious communications records and whereabouts.

Alex looked nervous when faced with the evidence, but insisted he was innocent.

Lin Sisi decided to take a special approach to test Alex's loyalty.

She uses her supernatural abilities to communicate telepathically with Alex.

On a spiritual level, she attempts to peer into Alex's true intentions and feelings.

As Alex's inner emotions begin to be revealed, his innocent façade begins to crumble.

He confessed that he had been threatened by evil organizations, forcing him to become an infiltrator or else his family would be in danger.

Lin Sisi understood Alex's situation, but she also understood that action must be taken for the safety of the team and the confrontation with the evil organization.

She handed Alex over to local police and also notified his family to ensure their safety.

Although this incident revealed the identity of the infiltrator, it also made the team more cautious and understood the threats and challenges they faced in the process of fighting the evil organization.

They are determined to unite even more closely to continue to defend justice and defeat evil.

Lin Sisi is as active on social media as ever, and her fan base continues to grow as people become fascinated by her mysterious supernatural abilities and battles against evil organizations.

However, this reputation has also attracted some criminals, who impersonate Lin Sisi and try to use her reputation to obtain improper benefits.

One day, Lin Sisi's agent received an email that seemed to be from Lin Sisi, but the agent quickly noticed something was wrong.

The email claimed that Lin Sisi was holding a charity event and needed support from fans to donate to help children in disaster areas.

The email also included a link purporting to be the official website for donations.

The agent immediately contacted Lin Sisi, but Lin Sisi told him that she had never sent the email and had no plans to hold such a charity event.

This incident aroused her alertness.

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