Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 216 Stabilizing the Energy Field

Chapter 216 Stabilizing the Energy Field

Chapter 218 Stabilizing the Energy Field
Chen Zhigang explained it in detail.

"At the same time, we also exploit the energy fluctuations in the magnetic field in the Earth's core, which is a relatively stable energy source."

"By introducing this kind of fluctuation in the Earth's energy field, we can maintain the balance of the cluster and prevent it from suddenly losing control."

Lin Sisi explained after careful consideration.

"The combination of these two methods allows us to more precisely control the state of the Earth's energy field."

"When the energy field is maintained in a relatively balanced state, the frequency of weird events is almost reduced by half."

The success of this method has strengthened Lin Sisi and her team's determination to continue exploring the earth's energy field.

In subsequent research, Lin Sisi and her team conducted large-scale data collection and analysis to more accurately understand the Earth's crustal changes and geomagnetic field fluctuations.

They deployed a series of advanced sensors and detectors at different locations on Earth to monitor subtle changes in the Earth's crust.

At the same time, they have also established a global data network to aggregate information from different regions into a central database to achieve real-time monitoring and response.

Zhao Xinting studied the interaction between the earth's inner core and outer core. She discovered that there is a mysterious balance mechanism in the relationship between the earth's nuclear energy and the energy field.

By fine-tuning the thickness of the Earth's crust and the strength of the geomagnetic field, they can affect the stability of the energy field, thereby reducing the frequency of weird events.

Chen Zhigang has made new discoveries on the working principles of the earth's interior. He believes that the magnetic field fluctuations in the earth's core are closely related to the stability of the energy field.

They began to design a new underground magnetic field control device to maintain the balance of the energy field.

During long-term research, they continued to optimize and improve these technologies, gradually fine-tuning the earth's energy field, and reducing the frequency of weird events.

Lin Sisi and her team understand that this process is long and complex and requires unremitting efforts and cooperation.

In the underground caves of Kunlun Mountain, Lin Sisi and her team continue to delve into the earth's energy field and the mysteries of the earth's interior.

They conducted a large number of experiments and observations, trying to find a feasible way to control the earth's energy field and reduce the frequency of weird events.

After a long period of research and experiments, the team finally discovered a delicate balance point that can control the earth's energy field fluctuations to a certain extent.

This equilibrium point depends on the thickness of the Earth's crust and the strength of the geomagnetic field, and requires precise adjustments to achieve.

Zhao Xinting said excitedly in an experiment: “We can affect the fluctuations of the energy field by changing the thickness of the crust in a specific area.

When the crust is thinner, the energy field becomes more stable and weird events occur less frequently. "

Chen Zhigang added: "At the same time, we also found that the magnetic field fluctuations in the earth's core have an important impact on the stability of the energy field."

"We maintain the balance of the energy field by regulating the magnetic field in the Earth's core."

Lin Sisi thought,

"This is a subtle and complex process that requires us to constantly monitor changes in the Earth's interior and make timely adjustments."

"But through our efforts, the fluctuations in the energy field have been gradually controlled."

In the following months, Lin Sisi's team continued to optimize the control device and accurately fine-tuned the thickness of the earth's crust and the strength of the geomagnetic field.

They built an advanced monitoring system that can monitor changes in the Earth's interior in real time and make adjustments based on the data.

Every experiment is full of challenges, but the scientists' persistence and wisdom bring them gradually closer to their goals.

They continue to analyze the internal operating mechanism of the earth and gain a deep understanding of the interaction between the energy field and the earth's core.

Zhao Xinting thinks. "We found a subtle resonant relationship between the energy field and the Earth's core."

"By adjusting the thickness of the crust, we can control the frequency of the energy field to keep it in a steady state."

Chen Zhigang continued to add some more
"At the same time, the magnetic field in the earth's core can also affect the stability of the energy field."

"We keep the energy field in an ideal balance by changing the strength of the geomagnetic field."

The efforts of Lin Sisi's team gradually bore fruit, and the fluctuation frequency of the energy field was reduced by more than half.

The frequency of strange events also decreased, and the earth became quiet and peaceful again.

Lin Sisi said with emotion: "This process was full of challenges, but we did not give up, kept exploring, and finally found a solution to the problem."

While their group was studying, they witnessed the energy field suddenly emitting a strong light.

They couldn't help but close their eyes to avoid being stabbed open.

This light exudes a mysterious atmosphere that makes people feel chilling.

Soon after, a huge crack appeared in the center of the energy field, as if a door to the unknown was opened.

There is a deep cave in this crack, and the dark interior reveals a mysterious and alluring atmosphere.

Lin Sisi frowned, feeling that this sudden change was full of uncertainty.

She took a deep breath and spoke to the team.

"It seems that our research is not over yet. This cave may be the direction we continue to move forward. But please be careful and don't take it lightly."

Zhao Xinting nodded in agreement, and the group of them slowly approached the crack, preparing to embark on a new adventure.

There may be more mysteries and challenges hidden in this cave, but Lin Sisi and her team are ready. They will move forward bravely and continue to solve the mysteries of the earth.

As they walked forward, they saw some stone monuments.

When I walked in carefully, I saw that there were words engraved on the stone tablet.

It turns out that this text records the key to controlling the energy field and explains the steps.

Whether it was true or not, they decided to give it a try first.

Zhao Xinting frowned, read the text carefully, then raised her head and said mysteriously.

"This step seems very complicated, but if we can master it, we may be able to completely solve the strange events on the earth."

She went on to explain that the stele describes the following steps:

The group of people stood in front of the stone tablet and carefully studied these five mysterious steps.

They discussed with each other how to implement these steps. Faced with such a complex and mysterious task, everyone was full of challenges and curiosity.

Chen Zhigang said: "The first step seems to be the key. We need to accurately capture the energy pulse of the earth's core. This requires a large amount of geological data and earth science knowledge."

Zhao Xinting added: "At the same time, we also need advanced monitoring equipment and instruments to observe this pulse."

"It's not an easy task, but if we succeed, we may be able to take the first step toward solving the puzzle."

(End of this chapter)

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