Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 215 The relationship between the inner core magnetic field and crystal clusters

Chapter 215 The relationship between the inner core magnetic field and crystal clusters
Chapter 217 The relationship between the inner core magnetic field and crystal clusters

Over time, Lin Sisi and her team conducted a series of small-scale experiments in underground caves.

They precisely adjusted the thickness of the earth's crust and the strength of the geomagnetic field, gradually stabilizing the energy of the clusters. They also noticed the connection between the magnetic field in the Earth's core and the clusters.

Zhao Zhen is satisfied with the progress of the test, but also reminds everyone to remain vigilant.

"We want to make sure we are very careful every step of the way to avoid irreversible impacts on the planet. Our goal is to solve problems, not create new ones."

Zhao Xinting nodded to express her understanding: "We already have some useful data and can further optimize the parameters."

"At the same time, we must also pay close attention to the feedback from the earth to ensure that there is no abnormality in it."

Chen Zhigang added: "While continuing the experiment, we can also deeply study the operating mechanism of the magnetic field in the Earth's core, which may provide us with more clues."

Lin Sisi and her team continue to conduct experiments in underground caves.

Soon after, they began to feel some strange changes.

As they adjusted the thickness of the earth's crust and the geomagnetic field, the temperature inside the underground cave began to rise rapidly. Although the underground should be cold, it is now extremely hot.

Zhao Zhen said worriedly: "This is not normal. How can it be so hot underground? Is it possible that our experiment triggered underground volcanic activity?"

Zhao Xinting observed the monitoring equipment anxiously: "I can't tell, but the temperature has been rising, and we need to take action as soon as possible."

Suddenly, the underground cave began to tremble, as if a huge force was awakening from a deep sleep.

Rocks crumbled, soil sank, and the entire cave seemed to begin to collapse.

Chen Zhigang warned loudly: "Quick, we must evacuate here as soon as possible, this place is about to collapse!"

Lin Sisi and her team hurriedly evacuated the underground cave, watching it collapse in chaos.

They escaped from the cave but were frightened out of their wits.

This time the experiment triggered even greater weirdness. They didn't know whether they had released some kind of power deep underground, and it was unclear whether this power had an impact on the earth.

Lin Sisi and her team returned to their research base after evacuating the underground cave.

They immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss the strange events they had experienced.

Zhao Zhen rubbed the couple's already pale faces with worry on their faces.

"Our experiments seem to have triggered an underground catastrophe, and I feel like we may have touched some kind of power deep within the earth."

Zhao Xinting sat on the chair tiredly and added.

"We must act immediately to find out what happened. This situation could have unpredictable effects on the planet."

Chen Zhigang frowned, thinking about his next plan.

"We need to send a dedicated investigation team to the underground cave to look for possible clues."

"At the same time, we also need to collaborate with geologists, geophysicists and other experts to understand whether our experiment triggered abnormal activities on the earth."

Lin Sisi clasped her hands together and said with determination.

"Our goal is to solve this problem, not avoid it. We must find out the cause and try to mitigate or repair the possible impact."

After some urgent negotiations, Lin Sisi and her team decided to send a select team of experts to the underground cave for in-depth exploration and research.This team will be composed of experts in multiple fields such as geologists, geophysicists, and meteorologists to comprehensively understand the causes and potential threats of underground anomalies.

At the same time, they also plan to cooperate with international scientific research institutions to share information and resources to better understand and solve this problem.

Lin Sisi encouraged team members: "Although we face huge challenges, our goal is to protect the earth and mankind. Only through scientific methods and global cooperation can we find ways to solve the problem."

Zhao Zhen nodded in agreement: "We will go all out and not be afraid of hardships. This is our responsibility and mission."

Over the next few months, Lin Sisi and her team embarked on an underground expedition.

The environment in the underground cave is harsh and full of dangers, but the scientists move forward firmly without flinching.

Geologists delve into the composition and properties of underground rock formations to find the source of anomalies.

Geophysicists use advanced instruments to measure changes in underground energy fields to understand their patterns and fluctuations.

Meteorologists analyzed the climate conditions in underground caves and explored their relationship with underground anomalies.

During the long expedition, the scientists faced various difficulties and challenges.

Sometimes, rock collapses inside the cave threaten their safety.

Sometimes, extreme weather conditions make the job extremely difficult.But their perseverance and persistence enabled them to overcome difficulties time and time again.

In the end, they succeeded in solving the mystery of the underground anomalies.

They found that these anomalies are related to energy fluctuations and crustal tectonics within the Earth.

By changing the magnetism and electrical conductivity of underground rocks, scientists can control the stability of the energy field, thereby reducing the occurrence of abnormal events.

Lin Sisi and her team are relieved that their efforts have paid off.

They shared this discovery with the international scientific community, providing new methods and ideas for solving abnormal events on a global scale.

Although this mission is over, their scientific exploration journey continues, contributing wisdom and strength to the future of the earth.

Relying on their research results, Lin Sisi and her team began to control the earth's energy field to reduce the occurrence of strange events.

Zhao Xinting came to a conclusion.

"We have already started implementing this approach in some locations and the results have been dramatic. The frequency of unusual events has dropped significantly, which is a positive sign."

Chen Zhigang has also made progress here.

"We need to continue to monitor fluctuations in the Earth's energy field and adjust our approach as needed. This is a long and complex undertaking, but we have taken the first step."

As time goes by, Lin Sisi and her team have increasingly gained control over the earth's energy field.

They conducted an in-depth study of the relationship between the crustal thickness of the Earth's interior and the strength of the geomagnetic field and the cluster energy, and discovered a method called "energy balance fine-tuning."

Zhao Xinting excitedly introduced this method to everyone.

"By fine-tuning the crustal thickness in specific areas, we are able to introduce tiny fluctuations in the Earth's energy field, which propagate through the Earth's energy network and affect the stability of the crystal clusters."

"Our research shows that moderate fluctuations can make the clusters easier to control and reduce the occurrence of weird events."

(End of this chapter)

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