Chapter 182 Go Back
180. go back
"There is nothing in this house. Fortunately, I bought a few instant noodles when I went to buy shirts yesterday afternoon, otherwise I would be hungry."

"Oh! By the way, you can't go out now, it will be troublesome if you are recognized by netizens."

"Have you eaten? How about I cook a bowl of instant noodles for you too?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and sat opposite him.

"You continue to eat!"

Zhao Chunhua watched her carefully.

"Are you not angry with me today?"

"Your expression is very similar to Xia Yunbo. Every time I get angry, he has such a cautious and flattering expression."

"So, you believe that I am Xia Yunbo?"

"I don't know, but I had a dream just now, a very real dream. I dreamed about some fragments of Miss Zhang's life in Nanshi."

"Really? That is to say, she is in your body?"

Zhang Yu glared at Zhao Chunhua.

"I know why you care so much about her, because she is young, beautiful, and very attractive."

"Zhang Yu, she is a part of you, and you are also a part of her. I don't know how to say it, so you can understand what I mean. In short, it's God's will together, let's each have our destiny!"

"Okay, that's very good, each has its own destiny, you find your girl Zhang, and I will marry my Fang Shaoxing."

Zhao Chunhua sighed: "But I don't know where to find her."

"Didn't you say before that you passed through because you have a special stone on your body, can you show me that stone?"

Zhao Chunhua took out a stone from his bosom, and carefully put it into Zhang Yu's palm.

When Zhang Yu touched the stone, it was like getting an electric shock. His body trembled and he returned to normal.

Zhang Yu looked around with curious eyes.

"Yunbo, why are we here? What kind of place is this?"

Hearing this "cloud wave", Zhao Chunhua's heart trembled.

Looking at Zhang Yu, the state of the whole person has changed. Although he is still the same person, the soul living in it is different, and the state displayed is completely different.

The previous Zhang Yu was confident and proud, but also a little lazy and unrestrained.

But now Zhang Yu has soft lines on his face, a simple expression, and eyes full of agility.

"Xiao Yu'er, is that you?" Zhao Chunhua's voice trembled.

"Yunbo, why do you say that..."

Her voice paused, and she saw herself through the glass of the window.

She touched her face in surprise.

"How did I change back to my original form?"

Zhao Chunhua excitedly hugged her tightly.

"Xiao Yu'er, I thought I would never find you again!"

"I remember the two of us seem to wear back to modern times, right here? But, didn't you mean to wear it to my original home? This is not my home! Also, why did you still look like Zhao Chunhua after wearing it, and I, Has it returned to its original form?"

Zhao Chunhua held her hand tightly, fearing that if he let go, she would run away, so he pulled her to sit on the sofa.

"We have been through for 21 hours. You are sleeping in this body, and you just woke up now."

She looked puzzled.

"Don't worry, listen to me."

So, Zhao Chunhua told her what happened in the past 21 hours.

She was so shocked that she couldn't recall it for a long time.

"So, you are no longer Xia Yunbo, and I am no longer Zhang Yu?"

"Yes, Xia Yunbo is dead. Whether it is this world or the world we live in, he no longer exists, and so is Zhang Yu. The real Zhang Yu is still living in the original time and space. Therefore, from now on , I am Zhao Chunhua, and you are Miss Zhang."

"I may be Miss Zhang in front of the whole world, but in front of you, I will always be your little Yu'er."

"Okay, you will always be my little Yu'er, and me, you can call me whatever you want, but here, you can only call me Zhao Chunhua, otherwise people you know will be suspicious when they hear it."

"You take good care of this stone. If the stone leaves you, you may become Zhang Yu again."

Da Niu Zhang nodded: "There is no place for us to stand here, let's go see my parents now, and then we will go back."

Zhao Chunhua was a little embarrassed.

"It's not convenient for me to go out now, and it's troublesome to be recognized by netizens."

"It's okay, I'll help you dress up so that your mother won't recognize you."

Zhang Daniu flipped through her bag, and the mobile phone password inside was still the same as before.

She checked the balance in Alipay and WeChat.

"I'm going out to buy things, you stay at home obediently, by the way, I'll bring you something delicious."

Zhang Da Niu said, and went out.

She went to a supermarket near the community to buy some things, including coats, hats, sunglasses, masks, and some food.

"Modern material conditions are rich, and there are quite a lot of delicious things. If I can take them away, I would like to buy more delicious things for Erniu and Xiaobao to take back."

"They're going to live like this in the future."

"Yes, they can live, and we can live in the future."

"Xiao Yu'er, do you regret it? You finally turned into Zhang Da Niu, and you are no longer Zhang Yu?"

"There is nothing to regret. Life is like a dream, and dreams are like life. What's more, I just changed to a different place and a different way of life, and there is still you there. Wherever you are, my heart is at ease."

After Zhao Chunhua was fully armed, they went out.

Of course, before going out, they cleaned the room and tried to restore it to the way it was before they came in.

Zhang Daniu drove her car directly to her parents' house.

Before, she looked at their circle of friends, and her parents were making dumplings at home!Because it was agreed that the daughter and son-in-law will come back for dinner today.

Over the years, their daughter's marriage has made them worry about it. Now, this worry is finally going to get rid of. It seems that they have lifted a heavy burden, and they can finally spend their old age with peace of mind.

But when they saw Zhao Chunhua, they were all stunned.

After Zhao Chunhua entered, he quickly took off his hat, sunglasses and mask.

Father Zhang looked out the door.

"Where's Fang Shaoxing? Why didn't he come?"

"He has something to do, so he won't come today."

"This is my friend, Zhao Chunhua."

Mother Zhang looked at him carefully wearing reading glasses.

"This person and name are quite familiar, oh, I remembered, you can't be the doctor Zhao who rescued people in the news, right?"

Zhao Chunhua nodded to Zhang's mother, and said with a smile: "Auntie has good eyesight, you can see it."

Mother Zhang clapped her hands excitedly.

"Really! I watched the video on the news several times. Your medical skills are really good. Sudden cardiac arrest and rupture of the aorta are very dangerous situations. If you don't intervene in time, you will die."

(End of this chapter)

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