Chapter 181 Go Back
179. go back
After Xia Yunbo left, Fang Shaoxing, as their mutual friend, often chatted with Zhang Yu to explain her.

At the beginning, it was simply to help, but gradually, Zhang Yu discovered that he had hidden deep feelings for her.

This kind of feeling germinated as early as when I was in college, but at that time, she was the girlfriend of his good buddy, and a gentleman does not take what others like, so he buried the feeling and wiped it out in the bud.

Xia Yunbo left, and Fang Shaoxing was not in a hurry to confess his love, but just accompanied her silently, listened to her, chatted with her, drank with her, and sometimes saw that she was not eating well, so he rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen to cook for her. Favorite dish.

Zhang Yu has always regarded him as a friend, until the epidemic swept across. When she experienced the most helpless moment in her life, he fell from the sky. At that moment, she was moved, and the balance of feelings began to tilt towards him.

After the epidemic passed, their marriage was put on the agenda under the pressure of their parents.

She acquiesced.

The parents were eager to marry her out as soon as possible, and the wedding date was set in a few days.

But at this time, a person suddenly appeared in the family.

The person who suddenly appeared in his home, Zhao Chunhua who claimed to be Xia Yunbo's soul, not only excited the people in this city, but also completely disrupted her life.

The unthinkable things he said are simply absurd and grotesque, but logical and irrefutable.

If what he said is true, it's too nonsense, either he is mentally ill, or she is mentally ill.

If it wasn't true, how could he explain what he knew had actually happened?

He knows everything about her, more than her parents. He can also tell many secret things about her and Xia Yunbo, including details. Except for the real Xia Yunbo, no one in this world can be so detailed I know so much about her and Xia Yunbo.

If you don't look at his appearance, but just chat, from his words, she can actually feel that he is Xia Yunbo.Otherwise, he wouldn't be jealous, and deleted his contact information in a rage.

She just didn't want to admit it.

If he had appeared a year ago, or half a year ago, she would have been ecstatic. No matter where he came from, or whether he had an identity in this world, she would have wandered the world with him without hesitation.

But now, before her wedding date, and her parents can finally relax and enjoy their old age, he appeared in a strange way, and fell in love with another girl.

He kept saying that the girl was her, but she didn't believe it, she was her, and someone else was someone else.

If what he said was not true, what was his intention in doing it?He didn't cheat or cheat money, he said he was just looking for a girl, one of her souls.

If what he said was true, her soul went out of her body, traveled through and borrowed to other people, why didn't she feel at all?

It doesn't mean that if one soul and one soul are lost, the person will be abnormal.

For more than a year, she didn't feel any abnormality.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yu fell asleep in a daze.

Zhang Yu felt that he had suddenly arrived in a strange place, which was very backward, and it was a rural area. The rural areas are not so poor now!But the family was poor.

The three siblings didn't even dare to eat more steamed buns, so they had to save food for the next meal.

They are orphans, orphans should be managed by government departments!
But that was the 80s of last century.

Later, a man named Zhao Chunhua took the three of them to the city, because they were baby relatives, and in order to keep the promise of the two grandfathers.

When she arrived in the city, her sister started selling steamed buns to make money in order to support her younger siblings.

She and a little sister named Yingzi worked hard to start a business together, making a little bit of money, and that money was very hard earned. Selling a steamed bun earned five cents, five cents!When will they be able to save enough money to live a good life, Zhang Yu is really worried for them.

Later, they really made money, not only solved the problem of food and clothing, but also bought a house and a car.

The eldest sister named Zhang Daniu also went to school to take the university entrance exam.

In the dream, Zhang Yu felt that he was Miss Zhang, but sometimes, he felt that he was just a bystander, just like watching a book or a movie, because the content in it is so exciting, so the viewer can't help but take himself away. I went in.

But sometimes she feels very real, such as the details of making steamed buns, which are cumbersome and boring, but she repeats them every day.

She has always thought of herself as a mental worker. For many physical tasks, she can give up and quit, all of which are solved with money, such as housework, such as eating.

But in the dream, she started to earn money by manual labor.

Whether it's making money or dealing with the world, Zhang Daniu is smart and brave, and Zhang Yu begins to understand why she is still full of energy in such a difficult environment, because she has hope for life.

Her younger siblings are her hope, and later she went to school and worked hard to get into college for the sake of her sweetheart.

A hopeful life is naturally full of motivation and invincible.

Later, she dreamed that Zhao Chunhua and Zhang Daniu traveled together, and Zhao Chunhua traveled with her to her home, but Zhang Daniu entered her body, and she woke up suddenly.

Seeing that it was past seven in the morning, Fang Shaoxing sent a WeChat message.

"Honey, I have sent you the hotel menu, if you have any questions or omissions, let me know."

Zhang Yu's mind was full of last night's dream.

She replied: "You can do whatever you say, whatever you want."

Feeling that it was too perfunctory to say this, she deleted it again: "In terms of food, you are an expert, I believe your vision, it is very good, follow the menu you listed."

"I'll pick you up later to buy gifts."

"I have something to do today, tomorrow!"

"What's the matter, didn't we agree? You asked for leave yesterday."

"Fang Shaoxing, I do have something to do, but I don't want to talk about it, is that okay?"

"Okay, you don't need to report everything to me, I believe in you, tomorrow will be tomorrow!"

Zhang Yu jumped up to wash up.

She hastily ate a piece of bread for breakfast, and was about to go out.

She went downstairs and drove to Zhao Chunhua's residence. In the elevator, she restored his wechat and called him again.

Zhao Chunhua, who was eating instant noodles, saw Zhang Yu's call, and he answered it immediately.

"Zhao Chunhua, I've arrived at your door, open the door for me."

Zhao Chunhua put down his phone, and quickly rushed to open the door.

Zhang Yu stepped in.

The strong smell of instant noodles filled the room.

"You just eat this?"

(End of this chapter)

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