fiery white rose

Chapter 242 Ask

There are many comments below the comments, some supporting and some opposing.

5. Media Critic E: The combination of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi is really exciting. They are both young people with strength and potential. I believe their future will be even more brilliant.

6. Netizen F: I have always been a fan of Shen Ye. Although I am a little disappointed with him, I still wish them well.I hope their relationship will last forever.

7. Media critic G: This news is undoubtedly a good thing for the company’s image.I hope that the love between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi can bring more attention and praise to the company.

8. Fan H: Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi are so enviable!They are my dream couple!Wish them happiness and happiness!
9. Netizen I: Shen Ye is really a lucky man to be able to find such an excellent girlfriend.I hope their relationship can last long without interference from the outside world.

10. Media critic J: Shen Ye’s choice to make his relationship public is a brave decision, but he also needs to pay attention to the impact on the company’s image.Hope they can handle this properly.

User A: Totally agree!Shen Ye is a very talented person who has made great achievements in his career and is also a high-profile single nobleman.I have always felt that he should find a female companion who matches him, and I hope Mu Xiaoxi is that person!

User B: I am also surprised. After all, Shen Ye has always been a very low-key person, and his love life has always been a mystery.But since he chose to make it public, it means that he must be sincere towards Mu Xiaoxi.bless them!
User C: I think Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi are really a match made in heaven. They are both very good in appearance and talent.Their combination is simply perfect!I hope their relationship will last long and they will always be happy.

User D: My impression of Shen Ye has always been that he is a very career-focused person. I am surprised that he would choose to make his relationship public.However, since he can make such a decision, it means that Mu Xiaoxi must be a very special girl.bless them!
User E: Although I don’t know much about Shen Ye, I think he should be a very charming and talented person.He deserves an excellent female companion.I hope they can work together towards happiness!
User F: I think the combination of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi is really exciting!They are all young people with strength and potential, and I believe their future will be even more brilliant.bless them!
User G: I think Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi are two very individual and charming people. They will definitely be able to produce a very sparkling chemical reaction together.I hope their relationship can always remain sweet and happy!

User H: I am a big fan of Shen Ye. Although I was a little disappointed when I heard that he had a girlfriend, I still hope that he can be happy.After all, his happiness is all that matters.bless them!
User I: I think this couple is really enviable!Shen Ye is a very talented and charming person, and Mu Xiaoxi is also an excellent designer. Their combination is simply dreamy.bless them!
User J: I think the combination of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi is a bit unexpected, but they are both very talented people and should be able to promote and grow each other.I hope their relationship can be stable and happy.

When Shen Ye announced his love relationship, the entire society was thrown into shock.At first, people were open-mouthed in disbelief that the news was real.As one of the upper class figures in society, Shen Ye's actions exceeded many people's expectations and made people feel a little incredible.

The news was immediately widely reported in the news media and spread quickly on social media.People discussed and discussed one after another, expressing shock and confusion about Shen Ye's actions.For a time, various comments and speculations flooded public opinion, arousing huge attention and discussion.

The upper classes and social elites were also shocked by the news, which they felt was an insult and challenge to the upper class they represented.They believed that Shen Ye's behavior had lost the face of the upper class and destroyed the stability and order they had established.

Many upper-level people began to question Shen Ye. They began to examine their past cooperative relationships with Shen Ye and began to discuss whether they should sever ties with him.They worry that association with Shen Ye will have a negative impact on their reputation and status.

At the same time, some social groups and organizations also began to express dissatisfaction and protest against Shen Ye.They believe that Shen Ye's behavior deviates from traditional values ​​and moral standards and poses a threat to social order and stability.Some authoritative agencies have also begun to investigate whether Shen Ye violated relevant laws and regulations.

However, as time went by, people began to calm down, think and analyze the true meaning and impact of this incident.Some rational voices began to appear. They believed that everyone has the right to make their own choices, and that marriage and love relationships should be based on true love and mutual respect.

Society began to gradually accept and understand Shen Ye's decision and respect his right to choose.Some public figures also began to come forward to express support and understanding for Shen Ye, calling for more tolerance and tolerance from society.

At Mu Xiaoxi's home, a group of relatives gathered together, and a tense and suspicious atmosphere filled the air.They sat around the living room, looking at each other, their expressions solemn and their eyes intertwined.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother still didn't know what happened. She was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen.Relatives silently debated whether to tell her the shocking news.

A relative whispered: "I heard rumors about Shen Ye announcing their relationship, but I don't know if it's true."

Another relative echoed: "Yes, I heard it too. But it sounds incredible. Shen Ye is such a high-status person, how could he be related to Xiaoxi?"

There was a hint of disbelief and doubt on everyone's faces.They began to express their opinions and speculations.

"Maybe it's a rumor. We should first find out the authenticity of the news." A relative questioned, with a hint of suspicion and alertness in his voice.

"I think we should find reliable sources to confirm whether this matter is true." Another relative suggested, with a hint of seriousness and calmness on his face.

Relatives began exchanging details and rumors they had heard, trying to piece together a complete story.For a moment, the living room was filled with sounds of speculation and doubt.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother heard the discussion in the living room and couldn't help but put down what she was doing and walked out of the kitchen to the living room. "What are you talking about?" she asked, a look of confusion on her face.

The relatives looked at each other awkwardly.Finally, a relative stood up and whispered to Mu Xiaoxi's mother: "Sister, we heard the rumors about Shen Ye's announcement of their relationship. We don't know if it is true."

Mu Xiaoxi's mother was stunned, with a trace of confusion and surprise in her eyes. "Shen Ye? That famous socialite? What is his relationship with Xiaoxi?" Her voice was trembling.

The relatives exchanged silent glances and decided to tell Mu Xiaoxi's mother.They took turns recounting to her the rumors and details they had heard.

After listening to the relatives' stories, Mu Xiaoxi's mother froze on the spot, her eyes full of shock and disbelief.Her face was pale and her lips were trembling slightly.

" is this possible?" she stammered, with a hint of heartache and confusion in her voice.

Relatives surrounded Mu Xiaoxi's mother, trying to give her some comfort and support. "We are not sure the authenticity of this news, but we think you should know." A relative said. Mu Xiaoxi's mother heard the discussion in the living room and couldn't help but put down what she was doing and walked out of the kitchen to the living room.She saw relatives looking at each other with a hint of nervousness and confusion on their faces.

"What happened?" my mother asked, a hint of anxiety and uneasiness in her voice.

The relatives exchanged glances, and finally, an older relative stood up and told Mu Xiaoxi's mother softly: "Sister, we heard a rumor about Mu Xiaoxi, but we don't know if it's true."

The mother's heart couldn't help but tremble, and there was a trace of surprise and worry in her eyes: "What rumors? Please tell me the details."

Relatives gathered around the sofa and began telling my mother the rumors and details they had heard.They talked about Shen Ye's announcement of his relationship with Mu Xiaoxi, and the disputes and disputes between the two.

The mother's face gradually turned pale as she listened to these words. She could not accept the sudden news.She tried to stay calm, but there was a flash of pain and disappointment in her eyes.

"This... this must be a misunderstanding. It is impossible for Mu Xiaoxi to be involved in such a thing." Her mother's voice trembled slightly. She tried to comfort herself and express her distrust to her relatives.

Relatives understand their mother's emotions, but they also want her to face the reality of what's possible.They took turns to comfort her, telling her to stay calm and rational while looking for more evidence to confirm the authenticity of the rumors.

The mother was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Well, if this is really the truth, we have to face it." There was a hint of determination and helplessness in her voice.

Relatives nodded silently, knowing that their mother was struggling to accept this reality.They decided to work together to support their mother and help her face possible changes.

The relatives sat more closely in front of Mu Xiaoxi's mother, and they started a heated discussion around this rumor.A relative stood up and looked at Mu Xiaoxi's mother firmly.

"Sister, we can't draw conclusions based on hearsay alone. We should ask Mu Xiaoxi directly and hear her side of the story."

Another relative followed closely: "Yes, we can't doubt her because of rumors. After all, Mu Xiaoxi is part of our family, and we should give her a chance to explain herself."

Relatives expressed their approval and hoped that Mu Xiaoxi's mother could talk to her in person to understand the truth of the matter.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother thought for a moment. She understood the intentions of her relatives, but she was still hesitant in her heart.She was worried that it was all just a misunderstanding and that her actions would cause harm to Mu Xiaoxi.

A relative stood up and said softly: "Sister, we all understand your deep love and care for Mu Xiaoxi, but now it is time to face this problem. If this rumor is true, we must take action as soon as possible, Protect the dignity and interests of the family.”

Another relative then said: "Yes, sister, we cannot be bound by fear and uncertainty. Only through direct dialogue and Mu Xiaoxi's answer can we truly understand the truth of the matter."

Relatives echoed one after another, trying to persuade Mu Xiaoxi's mother with reason and empathy.They emphasized the importance of family and the need to stick together in this difficult situation.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt the care and support of her relatives, and her heart gradually became stronger.She knew she couldn't keep running away from the problem. She had to face reality and have a sincere conversation with Mu Xiaoxi.

"Okay, you are right." Mu Xiaoxi's mother finally made up her mind.She stood up with a look of firmness and determination on her face. "I will talk to Mu Xiaoxi, listen to her story, and learn the truth of this rumor."

Relatives exchanged a smile that made them feel relieved and encouraged.They knew Mu Xiaoxi's mother made the right decision.

"Sister, we support you," one relative said, and others echoed.

"Yes, you will not be alone. We will be by your side and face this dilemma together," another relative added.

Relatives expressed their support and encouragement for Mu Xiaoxi's mother. They hoped that she could face this difficulty with strength and find a solution to the problem.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt the warmth and encouragement from her relatives, and she nodded gratefully. "Thank you for your support. I will talk to Mu Xiaoxi as soon as possible. I hope we can solve this mystery and give Mu Xiaoxi a fair judgment." Relatives applauded together and expressed encouragement to Mu Xiaoxi's mother.They know that the truth about this issue will be revealed, and their unity and support will bring solid strength to the entire family.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt firm in her heart. She decided to face this problem and have a sincere dialogue with Mu Xiaoxi.She knew that by personally understanding Mu Xiaoxi's thoughts and feelings, she could truly solve the mystery and maintain the harmony and dignity of the family.

So, with the encouragement and support of relatives, Mu Xiaoxi's mother took a firm step and prepared to communicate face to face with Mu Xiaoxi to face the authenticity of this rumor.She hopes that through this dialogue, the mystery can be solved, fair treatment can be given to Mu Xiaoxi, and harmony and unity can be brought to the family.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother dialed the phone with concern, looking forward to the conversation with Mu Xiaoxi.Her heart was full of questions and worries, and she didn't know how to face this sudden emotional wave.After the call was connected, her voice trembled slightly, revealing anxiety and longing.

The mother's voice was slightly trembling and said: "Xiaoxi, mother called you. There are some things I want to talk to you about. Recently, I heard some rumors about you and Shen Ye. I am very worried. I don't know why. not real……"

Mu Xiaoxi could feel her mother's anxiety. There was a warmth in her heart, and she also felt a little nervous.

Mu Xiaoxi comforted her softly: "Mom, don't worry. I know you heard something. The truth is that there is indeed feelings between Shen Ye and I."

There was deep doubt in the mother's voice: "Did someone force you to do this? Were you threatened by him?"

Mu Xiaoxi replied firmly, her eyes showing perseverance and calmness: "No, mom, Shen Ye and I are in love without any external interference." She reminded her mother that she had only recently learned that Shen Ye was the president of the group. In fact, I hope my mother can understand their feelings.

The mother was silent for a moment, her thoughts confused.Finally, she said in a caring tone: "Xiaoxi, mother is just worried about whether you can handle such feelings and whether you can face the challenges in the future. Mother hopes that you can become a happy girl."

Mu Xiaoxi replied movedly: "Mom, I understand your worries, but I really love Shen Ye. We will face the difficulties in the future together, support each other, and grow together. Please trust us."

On the other end of the phone, my mother's voice revealed a hint of relief: "Okay, Xiaoxi, since you are so determined, mother will respect your choice. I just hope you can be happy."

Mu Xiaoxi felt a sense of relief. She knew that although her mother was worried, the communication between them had been opened, which was an important step.She said affectionately: "Thank you, Mom, I will work hard to make you feel at ease."

After the call ended, Mu Xiaoxi felt much more relaxed. She decided to face future challenges with Shen Ye and work hard for their love.

After Mu Xiaoxi's mother hung up the phone, her relatives immediately started asking questions, their faces full of curiosity and surprise.

"Xiaoxi's mother, are you saying that Xiaoxi really married a rich man?" a relative asked excitedly, with jealousy and envy in his eyes.

"Yes, I just received the news that Xiaoxi did marry a rich man." Mu Xiaoxi's mother replied, with a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Wow! It's incredible! How can Xiaoxi marry a rich man?" Another relative shouted in surprise, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Is this true? How could Xiaoxi have such good luck?" a relative said enviously, with a hint of regret in her voice.

"How did she meet that rich man? Did they fall in love?" Another relative asked curiously, her eyebrows slightly raised, looking forward to hearing more details.

"I don't know very well. Xiaoxi said they met at a charity event. As for whether they are in love, I don't know much either." Mu Xiaoxi's mother replied, with a complicated mood and a trace of worry on her face. .

"This is so incredible! Xiaoxi is such a lucky guy!" another relative said excitedly, her eyes flashing with jealousy.

"Our Xiaoxi is really unexpected! I hope she can seize this opportunity and live a happy life." A relative blessed her, with envy and expectation in her voice.

"I wonder if she will forget us ordinary people after marrying a rich man." Another relative said worriedly, with a trace of loss in her eyes.

"We want to bless her and hope she can cherish this opportunity and not forget her family and relatives." Other relatives expressed their support, with mixed emotions flashing in their eyes.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt the curiosity and complicated emotions of her relatives, and her mood also fluctuated accordingly.They will face the changes in this family together, hoping that Mu Xiaoxi can find his own happiness in the world of the rich.

At this turning point, family affection and jealousy will be intertwined, and Mu Xiaoxi's fate will also unfold a passionate and touching story in this marriage full of glory and challenges.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother was shocked and unacceptable when she heard the excitement and envy of her relatives about her daughter marrying a rich man.She felt that this incident happened too suddenly and she could not understand and adapt to it for a while.She took a deep breath and expressed her desire for some quiet time.

"I need some time to accept the news. It all happened so suddenly. Please give me some space and let me be quiet." Mu Xiaoxi's mother said in a trembling voice, with confusion on her face. and confusion.

Relatives immediately realized that Mu Xiaoxi's mother needed time to process the news, and they expressed their understanding and concern.

"Mother Xiaoxi, don't worry, we all understand how you feel. This incident is indeed too shocking for you. You need time to adapt, and we will always be by your side." A relative said softly , her eyes revealed deep concern.

"Yes, Xiaoxi's mother, don't worry too much, we will all support you and Xiaoxi. Your family's status in our hearts will never change." Another relative comforted, with sincere emotion in her voice .

"Xiaoxi's mother, you have to take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself. We will help you share some housework and the responsibilities of taking care of Xiaoxi." Another relative said with concern, her eyes showing selfless concern.

"If you need any help, whether it's emotional or material, we will try to support you." Another relative added, her voice full of sincerity and warmth.

The words of relatives were full of care and support. They understood that Mu Xiaoxi's mother needed time to adapt to this change, and promised to provide help and support when she needed it.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother looked at her relatives gratefully, with tears of emotion in her eyes.

"Thank you everyone, your concern and support mean a lot to me. I will try my best to deal with this sudden change, and I hope Mu Xiaoxi can live a happy life." Mu Xiaoxi's mother said firmly. There was strength and gratitude in his voice.

After Mu Xiaoxi's mother expressed that she needed some time to process the sudden news, relatives gradually began to leave.However, their demeanor and dialogue reveal reluctance and deep emotion.

"Mother Xiaoxi, we understand how you feel, and we will give you some space to calm down. If you need our help, please tell us at any time and we will come over immediately." A relative said softly, her His eyes showed deep attachment.

"Yes, Xiaoxi's mother, you have to take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself. We will always miss you and Xiaoxi." Another relative said with emotion, with an unconcealable nostalgia in her voice. .

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt the reluctance of her relatives, and tears of gratitude shone in her eyes.

"Thank you for your understanding and support. I will take good care of myself. You are the relatives of our family, and our relationship will never change." Mu Xiaoxi's mother said firmly, her voice revealing strength and gratitude.

Relatives said goodbye to Mu Xiaoxi's mother one after another, with reluctance in their eyes.

"Mother Xiaoxi, we will miss your smile and warm family atmosphere. I hope you can adapt to this change as soon as possible, and we will always support you." A relative said with a hint of regret, with a deep voice in her voice. of attachment.

"Remember to contact us often and come back to see us with Xiaoxi. We will always wait for your return." Another relative said sincerely, with endless longing in her eyes.

The relatives gradually walked out of Mu Xiaoxi's mother's house, but their presence still remained in her heart.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother stood quietly at the door, looking at the departing figures of her relatives, her heart filled with gratitude and nostalgia.

"Thank you for your care and love. I will take good care of myself and miss you at the same time. I hope we can keep in touch and the bond of family ties will never be broken." Mu Xiaoxi's mother said silently, her voice revealing Expressing deep attachment and gratitude.

As relatives left, Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt the warmth and support they left behind.Although the family has undergone tremendous changes, the ties of family affection will always connect them and become the driving force for them to move forward.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother knew very well that these relatives did not really care about her, but because her daughter married a rich man, they cared about her so much.She understands in her heart that money does not mean everything. She is more concerned about her daughter's happiness and joy.

Standing by the window, Mu Xiaoxi's mother quietly thought about all this.She realized that these relatives' concern and enthusiasm for her were not genuine but stemmed from her daughter's marriage to a wealthy man.Although she understood that this was an inevitable part of reality, she still felt helpless and conflicted inside.

However, for Mu Xiaoxi's mother, money is not her biggest concern.She is more concerned about her daughter's happiness and inner satisfaction.In any case, she hopes that her daughter can find true love and a happy life instead of being bound by material things.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt a firm determination in her heart.She decided to face this change in her own way and protect her daughter's happiness.She will not let the temptation of money and material things interfere with her judgment and decision-making.

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