fiery white rose

Chapter 241 Release

Chu Yiyi's heart was filled with this blessing, and she believed that her concession would bring them more happiness.

Although she has some regrets and pain in her heart, she is willing to fill the vacancy in her heart with this pure friendship.

"Chen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi, I will always stand behind you and silently support your love. Even if I can't be a part of you, I will still give you my most sincere blessings."

Chu Yiyi smiled and walked away from the entanglement and pain in her heart step by step.She believed that even if her feelings receded into the background, her friendship and blessing would remain forever.

Early the next morning, Shen Ye decided to call the group's assistant Li Yilan and expressed his intention to disclose his relationship with Mu Xiaoxi.He picked up his cell phone and pressed Li Yilan's phone number, his heart filled with determination.

After the phone rang a few times, Li Yilan answered the call: "Hello, Mr. Shen, good morning."

Chen Ye's voice was firm and determined: "Li Yilan, I want to discuss something with you. I have decided to disclose my relationship with Mu Xiaoxi. I hope you can help me handle this matter."

Li Yilan couldn't help being surprised. After hesitating for a moment, she said: "Mr. Shen, disclosing the relationship with Mu Xiaoxi will indeed attract a lot of attention and impact. We need to weigh the pros and cons and consider the possible consequences."

Shen Ye's tone was firm: "I understand that it may bring some troubles and negative effects, but I don't want to hide our relationship anymore. I hope the whole world knows that Mu Xiaoxi is my wife, and I am willing to organize a marriage for her The grand wedding will allow her to live happily ever after.”

Li Yilan was hesitant, and she reminded: "Mr. Shen, disclosing your relationship may cause some negative comments and speculation, which will have a certain impact on your and Mu Xiaoxi's image. We need to think carefully."

Shen Ye smiled: "Li Yilan, I understand your worries. But I believe that love cannot be controlled and hidden. I want to show my love and cherishment and let the whole world know that Mu Xiaoxi is the most important thing in my life." people."

Li Yilan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Shen, I understand your determination. Now that you have made a decision, I will try my best to help you get this done. We can plan a well-designed wedding for everyone to witness. love."

Hearing Li Yilan's answer, Shen Ye felt warm in his heart: "Thank you for your support, Li Yilan. I believe you can help us organize this wedding and make it an unforgettable memory."

Li Yilan smiled softly: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will do my best to assist you. A wedding is an important ceremony in life, and I hope your wedding will become a beautiful story."

Shen Ye said gratefully: "Thank you, Li Yilan. Your support means a lot to me."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Ye breathed a sigh of relief.He knows that it is not easy to make his relationship with Mu Xiaoxi public, but he is willing to bear all difficulties and negative effects just to declare their love to the world.

He believed that their wedding would become a beautiful story that would make people feel the power and determination of love.He hoped that this wedding would bring happiness and happiness to him and Mu Xiaoxi, and also bring sincere touching and inspiration to others.

Chen Ye walked firmly to the window and looked at the distant sunshine shining on the earth.He is determined to use actions to prove his love and commitment to Mu Xiaoxi.He hopes that the whole world can see their happiness and bless them.

"Mu Xiaoxi, I will hold a grand wedding for you and let the whole world know that you are my wife. Our love will shine in this world forever."

After listening to Shen Ye's call, Li Yilan inevitably felt a headache.She understood that disclosing the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi would have a huge impact, not only on their personal image, but also on the interests of the entire group.

Sitting in the office, Li Yilan rubbed her temples, thinking about how to deal with this difficult task.She knew that this was a major public relations challenge and required a balance between the publicity of the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi and the interests of the group.

"Revealing the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi will not only cause widespread media coverage, but also arouse discussions among many employees and partners. We must consider all possible consequences and cannot ignore the group's interests because of personal feelings. Benefit."

Li Yilan thought about it, trying to find a solution that could balance the interests of all parties, but she found that it was not an easy task.She understood that the power to decide the public relationship was in Shen Ye's hands, and she could only help him make the best decision.

"We need to make a detailed plan, including wedding preparations and external publicity. At the same time, we also need to handle the emotions of internal employees and the pressure of external public opinion."

Li Yilan looked around the office, the sunlight outside the window shone on her face, and she felt heavy pressure.She understands that in order to complete this task, she must take responsibility and find a solution.

"I must try my best to meet the requirements of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi while ensuring the interests of the group. I need to cooperate with various departments to coordinate various tasks and ensure that everything goes smoothly."

Although the task was difficult, Li Yilan knew she could not back down.As an assistant to the group, she must put the interests of the group first, while also trying her best to ensure the happiness of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi.

"I must find a balance point that not only meets the requirements of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi, but also takes into account the interests of the group. I will use my intelligence and Shen Ye's support to deal with this difficult challenge."

Li Yilan took a deep breath, stood up, and prepared to devote herself to this arduous task.She knows that although she faces many difficulties, as long as she goes all out, she will be able to cope with this challenge.

"I will try my best to balance the interests of all parties and ensure the smooth completion of the task. I believe that through the efforts of the team and the support of Shen Ye, we can successfully deal with this problem."

Li Yilan decided to face this task proactively. She believed that as long as she seized the opportunity and made good use of resources, she could safely get through this risky period.She hopes that the love between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi will receive due respect and blessings, while also ensuring that the interests of the group are not harmed.

Li Yilan thought for a long time, but still didn't have any feasible ideas. She felt helpless and anxious.She understands that this task is very difficult and requires considering the interests of all parties and considering various possible risks and consequences.She felt powerless to make wise decisions.

Sitting in the office, Li Yilan sighed, realizing that she might not be able to solve this problem with her own abilities alone.She suddenly thought of a way to convene a company meeting to gather everyone's strengths and maybe get some useful suggestions.

"Perhaps, if we can pool the wisdom of everyone, we may be able to find a solution. I need to convene a meeting of the company and invite the heads of various departments to discuss this issue."

Li Yilan was determined. She believed that by brainstorming and cooperating with various departments, a way out might be found.She hopes that everyone can work together to come up with suggestions to solve this problem.

She immediately sent meeting notices to the heads of various departments.The topic of the meeting was about disclosing the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi and the plan for external publicity.She hopes that everyone can bring their own ideas and suggestions and jointly explore the possibility of solutions.

Before the meeting started, Li Yilan felt a little nervous.She was worried that the meeting would not achieve the desired results and that everyone would not be able to reach a consensus, but she also firmly believed that through everyone's wisdom and efforts, a solution might be found.

The meeting began, and the heads of various departments expressed their opinions and suggestions.They offered a variety of opinions, ranging from concerns about possible negative repercussions to support and understanding of an open relationship.Everyone spoke enthusiastically and the discussion was lively and orderly.

Li Yilan listened to everyone's opinions attentively, hoping to find some useful ideas.She realizes that everyone has their own unique perspectives and experiences, and only by bringing together everyone’s strengths can we find the best solutions.

During the discussion at the meeting, Li Yilan gradually felt some enlightenment and inspiration.She realized that by adjusting her publicity strategies and methods and taking into account the actual situation of the group, she might be able to reduce some of the negative impacts and improve the images of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi.

After the meeting, Li Yilan felt satisfied and full of hope.She realized that through cooperation and thinking with the team, they might be able to find a solution that would not only ensure the interests of the group, but also give Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi the blessings they deserve.

Li Yilan decided to organize the discussion results of the meeting, share them with Shen Ye, and continue to conduct in-depth research and plan publicity plans.She believes that as long as everyone works together, we will be able to overcome difficulties and find the best solution. "Through cooperation with the team, we may be able to find a path to success. I believe we can open up a bright path for the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi to be disclosed." Li Yilan secretly made up her mind.

Li Yilan opened the door of the company's conference room and walked out, and couldn't help but hear a burst of discussion.She looked at the employees aside. They all had puzzled expressions, as if they had heard some unbelievable news.

"Have you heard? Shen Ye actually has a partner!"

"Don't be kidding, Shen Ye is a single aristocrat who is sought after by everyone, how can he possibly find a partner?"

"It's true! I heard that he was with a girl named Mu Xiaoxi."

"How is this possible? Shen Ye has never made his love life public, why is he suddenly with someone now?"

Li Yilan approached the employees and frowned slightly when she heard their conversation.She understood that the employees did not believe the news. After all, Shen Ye had always given people the image of a single aristocrat. This sudden news was indeed unbelievable.

"Stop spreading rumors casually. This news is true. Shen Ye told me personally that he and Mu Xiaoxi are indeed together." Li Yilan tried to explain.

"Assistant Li, are you kidding me? We all in the company know that Shen Ye has never disclosed his feelings. How could he suddenly have a partner?" an employee said suspiciously.

Li Yilan felt a little helpless. She knew that the employees' doubts and incomprehension were understandable.As the leader of the company, Shen Ye has always given people a cold image. No one expected that he would suddenly have a partner.

"I know this news sounds unbelievable, but this is Shen Ye's personal decision. We should respect his choice and give him blessings and support." Li Yilan said seriously.

"But Assistant Li, if this news is exposed by the media, the company's image will be greatly affected. We need to carefully consider our external publicity strategy." Another employee raised a key question.

Li Yilan nodded, she understood the concerns of the employees.The company's image and reputation are very important, and any fluctuations in Shen Ye's love life may have a negative impact on the company.

"You are right, we need to formulate a publicity strategy to minimize the negative impact. I will discuss with Shen Ye and try our best to protect the company's image while also ensuring the happiness of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi." Li Yilan said solemnly.

The employees looked at Li Yilan, and they could feel Li Yilan's determination and hard work.Although they still find it difficult to accept the news, at least they know that the company's interests and image are safe in Li Yilan's hands.

"Assistant Li, we believe you can handle this problem. Now that Shen Ye has made a decision, we will try our best to support him and consider the interests of the company." An employee expressed support.

Other employees echoed: "Yes, we will try our best to cooperate and hope everything goes well."

Li Yilan felt relieved to hear the support and understanding from the employees.She knew that this task was not easy, but as long as she had everyone's support and cooperation, she believed that she would be able to find a balance point to ensure the interests of the company and the happiness of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi.

"Thank you for your understanding and support. I will try my best to make all preparations and work hard for the interests of the company and Shen Ye's happiness." Li Yilan said, she believes that as long as everyone works together, we will be able to overcome difficulties and tide over this difficulty.

Li Yilan stood on the podium in the conference room. She looked at all the employees with a firm and confident expression.She knew that disclosing the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi was a necessary task, and it had to be done beautifully without any mistakes.

"Dear colleagues, I know that everyone has a lot of doubts and worries about making the relationship between Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi public. But as a member of the company, we must take this task seriously and proceed as planned."

The employees nodded one after another with serious and firm expressions.They know that Li Yilan is a capable leader, and her determination and encouragement make them believe that this task can be successfully completed.

"This task is very important and related to the company's image and reputation. We must do our best without any mistakes. I believe everyone can do their best and strive for the best results for the company." Li Yilan said firmly said.

The employees listened to Li Yilan's words silently, and their hearts were full of determination and courage.They know the difficulty and risks of this task, but as long as they have Li Yilan's leadership and support, they believe they can overcome all difficulties.

"Assistant Li, we will do our best to ensure the smooth progress of this task. We believe in your ability and judgment, as well as the strength of our team." An employee stood up and said.

Other employees expressed their support, some applauded and others nodded, expressing their trust and support for Li Yilan.They know that only by uniting and working together can they successfully complete this task.

Li Yilan looked at everyone with a smile. She felt the team's cohesion and morale improved.This strengthened her belief that everyone can work together to accomplish this task beautifully.

"Thank you very much for your support and trust. I believe that our team has enough strength and wisdom to overcome all difficulties and successfully complete this task. Let us work together to win glory for the company!" Li Yilan said excitedly.

The employees applauded one after another, their eyes full of confidence and determination.They know that as long as everyone works together and works together, they will be able to achieve the desired results.

From this moment on, Li Yilan and everyone in the team understood the importance and challenge of this task.They will work hard to ensure the smooth progress of the disclosure of Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi's relationship, while also protecting the company's image and reputation.

The completion of this task is not only a personal success, but also a victory for the entire team.Li Yilan and the staff believe that together they can overcome the difficulties and create a satisfying ending.

【Media reports】

Title: Shen Ye's love affair with the mysterious woman Mu Xiaoxi is exposed!

Chen Ye, a single aristocrat who has fascinated countless women, now finally someone can conquer his heart!Recently, we exposed Shen Ye's relationship with a woman named Mu Xiaoxi, which surprised many people.

According to people familiar with the matter, Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi met at an accidental social event.The two fell in love at first sight and soon fell into a sweet love.Mu Xiaoxi is an excellent designer with charming appearance and talented design skills. The combination of her and Shen Ye is a match made in heaven.

Shen Ye has always been a very low-key person, and his love life has always been a mystery.But this time, he resolutely chose to go public in order to prove his sincerity and commitment to Mu Xiaoxi.

Once the news was exposed, it immediately attracted the attention of many fans and media.Everyone left messages to wish the new couple and hope their love will last long and happily.


1. Fan A: Shen Ye finally has a girlfriend!so happy!I hope they can be happy and be together forever!
2. Mu Xiaoxi’s fan B: I really like Mu Xiaoxi’s design works. She and Shen Ye are really a perfect match!I hope their careers and love will go well.

3. Media critic C: Shen Ye has always given people a cold image. I didn't expect him to make his relationship public so soon.Perhaps this is a new breakthrough for him and also sends a positive signal to fans.

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