fiery white rose

Chapter 235 Handling

Chapter 235 Handling ([-])

The PR Minister took a deep breath and glanced firmly at all the employees.His demeanor expressed urgency and determination, and his voice revealed expectations and trust in the team.

The public relations minister waved the employees to quiet down, and then said: "There is no time to waste now. We must act immediately, find a solution, and solve this problem today." His tone was firm and powerful.

The employees looked at each other, some looked nervous, but they could also feel the determination of the public relations minister.One of the employees quickly raised his hand: "I have a preliminary idea, maybe we can..."

The PR minister interrupted: "Very well, tell us what you think."

The employee said with some emotion: "We can issue a public statement immediately to admit our mistake and apologize to the public. At the same time, we can clearly express that we are taking steps to solve the problem and ensure that similar incidents will not happen again."

The Minister of Public Relations nodded and said with satisfaction: "This is a good starting point. We need to act quickly to ensure that the content of the public statement is accurate, clear, and can restore our reputation. You are responsible for drafting the statement, together with other team members Get it done.”

He turned to another employee: "You are responsible for communicating with the media and stakeholders to explain our position and actions. We need to respond to their questions and concerns in a timely manner."

The PR Minister continued to assign tasks, and each employee received clear instructions.He encourages them to be creative and come up with more solutions and ensures that each solution is implemented on the day.

His eyes reveal trust and expectation for team members, and also convey his understanding of the urgency of problem solving.His movements were clear and powerful, demonstrating leadership and determination.

The public relations minister turned to a member of the team: "You are responsible for monitoring social media and public opinion trends. We need to understand the public's reaction in a timely manner so that we can respond and adjust our strategies in a targeted manner."

He continues to delegate tasks and ensures that every team member is involved in the development and implementation of solutions.His expression is serious and focused, expressing his emphasis on task completion and his expectation for teamwork.

The PR Minister encourages employees to express their opinions and come up with new ideas.He emphasizes teamwork and coordination to ensure that the final solution solves the problem comprehensively and effectively.

His voice was full of inspiration and motivation: "We are a strong team and I believe we can overcome this challenge. Everyone has the responsibility and ability to contribute to the company's reputation and interests. Let us work closely and work together Work hard to make sure we address this issue today.”

The PR Minister’s actions and demeanor demonstrate his leadership and determination.He stands at the front of his team, conveying a message of urgency and importance to them, while encouraging employees to use their talents and contribute to the team's success.

Several media directors gathered together, and the atmosphere was solemn and tense.Everyone was holding the news sent by the public relations department. They felt guilty and regretted participating in the previous reports without conducting sufficient investigation and verification.They exchanged worried and remorseful looks.

The older director put down the documents in his hands and said worriedly: "This was our mistake. We published the report in a hurry without fully verifying the facts. Now it seems that we have brought wrong information to the public. "

An experienced director nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, our actions were like a heavy blow to the company's reputation. We thought we were revealing the truth, but in fact we misled the public."

Another pensive director sighed and said with regret: "We ignored the most basic journalistic ethics and made mistakes in pursuit of exclusive news. Now, we must take responsibility and correct the mistakes in a timely manner."

A determined director frowned and said seriously: "We must take immediate action to apologize to the public and clarify the facts. We need to issue a formal statement to admit our mistakes, apologize to the affected people, and explain Our reporting was wrong."

Another confident director looked at everyone and said firmly: "We can't let misinformation spread anymore. We need to take steps quickly to repair our reputation. I suggest that we work with the PR department immediately to develop a comprehensive Fix the plan and make sure our reporting is accurate.”

Directors nodded in agreement, aware that their responsibility was not just to apologize to the public but to take practical action to fix the mistake.They understand that in this crisis of public opinion, time is of the essence.

One of the directors picked up the phone and called the communications minister: "We received your message and we are deeply remorseful and sorry. We hope to work with you to repair our reputation as soon as possible. Please tell us your suggestions and plans."

The public relations minister's voice revealed understanding and determination: "We will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive repair plan. We will issue a public statement to clarify the facts, apologize to the public and take other steps to repair the reputation. We need Your full support and cooperation.”

The directors looked at each other, their expressions revealing their trust and expectations for the PR Minister.They understand that now is the time to unite and work together to repair the mistakes they have made as quickly as possible.

Their conversations were filled with regret and remorse, but also demonstrated their determination to correct their mistakes.They understand that their actions have caused serious damage to the company's reputation and it is time to take action to make amends for their mistakes.

I'm very sorry, I misunderstood your request.Below is a revised version of the dialogue and demeanor:

A young director frowned, his eyes full of anxiety and tension.He held his cell phone and eagerly called his home media, with a hint of nervousness in his voice: "Hey, it's me. I need you to delete our previous report immediately. We just learned the truth, that article The reports are false. Please take action as soon as possible."

On the other end of the phone, people in the media department sensed the director's anxiety and urgency.They knew this was an important decision, but also understood the impact removing the story would have on their credibility.The director's voice became firmer: "I know this is a difficult decision, but it is the only right choice for us. We must take responsibility for our mistakes and correct them in time."

Another middle-aged director looked even more anxious and uneasy.His fingers tapped lightly on the table, his expression tense.He dialed the phone number of his home media and said urgently: "Please delete our previous report. We just learned that it was wrong. We can no longer let wrong information continue to spread."

There was hesitation from the media department on the other end of the phone: "But... this is one of our most watched reports, and deleting it may cause a lot of controversy."

The director's voice sounded slightly frustrated: "I understand this is difficult, but our credibility has been damaged and we must take action to repair it. Please believe me, removing the story is the right choice and we need to make this decision." "A middle-aged male director picked up his mobile phone, frowned, and stared at the screen with a firm gaze.He looked calm and dignified, wearing a well-kept suit.He dialed the media phone number at his home, with a hint of nervousness and determination in his voice.

Director: "Hey, it's me. On behalf of the Shen family, I have an important task for you. Please delete our previous report immediately. We now know the truth and that report is wrong. Please Take action as soon as possible."

The media crew on the other end of the phone was shocked, unable to believe what they had just heard.As one of the most prestigious and powerful families in the country, the Shen family is engaged in various industries and has extensive influence.The director's words made them feel pressure and urgency.

Media staff: "Sir, we fully understand your request. We will take immediate action to delete the report. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and distress caused to you. We will ensure that this error is corrected in a timely manner."

Director: "Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. I know this is a difficult decision, but we must be responsible for the misinformation spread by the outside world and ensure that the truth is spread. Please be sure to delete it as soon as possible and issue a correction statement to the public."

Media staff: "Sir, we will act immediately to ensure that the report is deleted and a correction statement is issued. We will fully cooperate with you and the Shen family to fix this error and try our best to restore our reputation. Please rest assured that we will deal with this issue as soon as possible .”

Director: "Thank you for your cooperation and commitment. I believe in your professional ability and professional ethics, and that you can handle this issue properly. Please be sure to speed up the process and ensure that our instructions are implemented in a timely manner."

After the call ended, media staff jumped into action, deleting the story and issuing a correction.They were deeply shocked because the Shen family's request made them realize that this was an important task that required great attention.They went all out to ensure that this task was completed in order to respond to the directors' expectations and safeguard the reputation and interests of the Shen family.

Early the next morning, the sun shines through the curtains into the bedroom, warm and soft.Chen Ye slowly opened his eyes and stretched comfortably.He freed one hand and fumbled for his cell phone on the bedside table.Looking at the time, he realized that it was long past the normal time to wake up.

Chen Ye's heart moved, and he remembered the promise he made last night.He gently pushed away the quilt and sat up.Wearing loose pajamas, he quietly walked out of the bedroom and took the familiar path to the kitchen.

Mu Xiaoxi, his wife, is a gentle and considerate woman.She always prepares delicious breakfast for him in the morning.Shen Ye wanted to make today's breakfast different. He decided to make a special breakfast for Mu Xiaoxi to thank her for her hard work and love.

He opened the refrigerator and took out fresh ingredients such as eggs, bread, tomatoes, bacon and orange juice.He carefully placed the ingredients on the counter, ready to start his creation.

First, he took out a pan and lit the gas stove.When the pan is hot, he gently breaks a few eggs and separates the egg whites and yolks into two bowls.He diligently whisks the egg whites to make them smooth and creamy.

Next, he sliced ​​the bread into thick slices and put it in the toaster.The bread slowly begins to turn golden brown and exudes an attractive aroma.Shen Ye quickly took out the toasted bread slices and placed them on the plate.

Meanwhile, he's frying the bacon in another pan until it's crispy and flavorful.He gently drained the excess oil with a paper towel and arranged the bacon on the bread.He sliced ​​the tomatoes and placed them on one side of the plate, adding a pop of color to his breakfast.

Finally, he picked up the oranges and squeezed fresh orange juice in the juicer.He poured the orange juice into a nice glass and placed it next to the plate.

With everything ready, Shen Ye smiled and looked at the breakfast he had prepared for Mu Xiaoxi.He felt that his heart was filled with satisfaction and happiness.

Mu Xiaoxi had always cared for him meticulously, and this time, he wanted to repay her with this special breakfast.He gently picked up the plate and glass and quietly walked to the door of the bedroom.

He opened the door and saw that Mu Xiaoxi was still asleep.He gently approached the bed and set down the plate and glass.He whispered, "Honey, I made you breakfast. Love you."

Mu Xiaoxi slowly opened her eyes and saw Shen Ye's smiling face and the carefully prepared breakfast.Surprised and touched, she sat up with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxi looked at the breakfast in front of her affectionately and felt her husband's love and care.She looked at Shen Ye gratefully, her eyes full of tenderness and happiness.

"Chen Ye, you are such a gentle and considerate husband." Mu Xiaoxi said softly, her voice full of gratitude and love.

Chen Ye sat beside the bed and held Mu Xiaoxi's hand.He smiled and said: "My dear, this is just a little bit of my love for you. You prepare breakfast for me every day, and I want to give you a surprise to let you know how much I love you."

Mu Xiaoxi felt her husband's deep love, and her eyes became moist.They quietly enjoyed this warm moment and tasted the breakfast made by Shen Ye himself.

This breakfast is not only the taste of the food, but also the deep emotional exchange and tacit understanding between the two people.They talked in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, sharing each other's joys and worries.

After breakfast, they hugged each other and enjoyed each other's warmth and love.Chen Ye's heart was filled with satisfaction and happiness. He knew that his efforts were worth it because he brought smile and happiness to Mu Xiaoxi.

This morning, their love was deeper and their hearts closer.Shen Ye hopes to bring happiness and warmth to Mu Xiaoxi every day, because she is the most important person in his life.

After a warm breakfast, they decided to spend this beautiful day together.Holding hands, they walked out of the house and welcomed a new day full of hope.They know that no matter what the future holds, they will always be together and create more beautiful memories together.

(End of this chapter)

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