fiery white rose

Chapter 233 Handling

Shen Ye and Mu Xiaoxi were sitting in the living room, discussing an important decision face to face.Chen Ye gently held Mu Xiaoxi's hand and said softly: "Xiaoxi, I think we should let you stop going to work for a while, so as not to have the media follow you all the time. I will support you, okay?"

Mu Xiaoxi raised her head and frowned slightly. She looked into Chen Ye's eyes and thought about his suggestion.She knew that the media had been following them since their relationship came to light, causing them a lot of distress and stress.She is also worried that her job will be affected.

Shen Ye continued: "I know you like your job very much, but the situation is different now. We need to protect our privacy and safety. If you continue to go to work, the media may follow you all the time and cause harassment to you. Moreover, I I also hope to take care of you and let you live a more peaceful life."

Mu Xiaoxi listened silently. She knew that Shen Ye's worry was sincere and he hoped to provide a safe environment for her.She recalled the recent situation of being chased and intercepted by the media, and felt helpless and tired in her heart.

She nodded gently, her eyes showing gratitude and dependence.She knew that Chen Ye was the person closest to her, and his care and love were selfless.

"Okay, Shen Ye, I listen to you. If you think this is better, I won't go to work. I believe in you and our decision." Mu Xiaoxi's voice revealed a softness and submission.

Chen Ye held Mu Xiaoxi's hand tightly, his eyes full of care and determination.He knew that this decision might be a sacrifice for Mu Xiaoxi, but he also believed that it was for their future.

"Thank you, Xiaoxi. I will do my best to take care of you and let you live a happy life. We can get through this difficulty together and rebuild our peace and tranquility." Shen Ye's voice was full of firmness and determination.

Mu Xiaoxi smiled, she believed in his promise.She knew that instead of being troubled by external disturbances, it was better to stay together and face the challenges of the future together.

They decided to keep the decision secret to avoid drawing more attention and buzz.They hope to live an ordinary and happy life quietly in private.

Shen Ye began to make plans. He would devote more time and energy to taking care of Mu Xiaoxi.He promised to provide her with a warm and safe home away from the chaos and noise of the media.

Mu Xiaoxi also felt happy and satisfied. She spent more time and energy on getting along with Shen Ye.She is willing to be his support and support, and to experience the ups and downs of life and the changes in scenery with him.

They support each other and face the difficulties and challenges in life together.Chen Ye gave Mu Xiaoxi infinite love and care, and Mu Xiaoxi repaid him with her kindness and gentleness.

Shen Ye had a good reason for not letting Mu Xiaoxi go to work.First of all, after their relationship was exposed, the media has been following and reporting on it, which has brought them a lot of trouble and pressure.Shen Ye was worried that media harassment would put a psychological and physical burden on Mu Xiaoxi, so he decided to ask her not to go to work temporarily to avoid media harassment.

Secondly, Shen Ye hopes to take care of Mu Xiaoxi so that she can live a more peaceful life.He realized that if Mu Xiaoxi continued to go to work, their time and energy would be scattered and they would not be able to take care of each other wholeheartedly.By feeding Mu Xiaoxi through Shen Ye, they can better rely on and support each other to get through difficult times together.

Mu Xiaoxi's obedience and obedience were also her response.She is full of gratitude and dependence on Shen Ye's care and love, and is willing to follow his advice.She understands Shen Ye's worries and is willing to make sacrifices for their future.She believes that Shen Ye will provide her with a safe and happy life, so she is willing to give up her job and face future challenges with him.

Mu Xiaoxi sat on the sofa, her eyes closed slightly, and her face showed a tired look.Her shoulders were slightly slumped, and she looked a little tired.Chen Ye came over and looked at her with concern.

Shen Ye asked gently: "Xiaoxi, you look so sleepy. Do you want to take a rest and take a nap?"

Mu Xiaoxi slowly raised his head and replied with a smile: "Well, maybe it's because I've been too busy at work recently and I'm a little tired. But I can still hold on, don't worry."

Chen Ye shook his head gently, his eyes full of care and love.He knew that Mu Xiaoxi always worked hard for their lives, but he couldn't bear to see her overworked.

"Xiaoxi, you haven't had a good rest for a long time. Your body needs adequate rest to better cope with the challenges of work and life. I will rest with you, okay?"

Mu Xiaoxi felt Shen Ye's care, she nodded, a touch of emotion flashed in her eyes.She knew that Shen Ye was worried about her health and happiness.

"Okay, Shen Ye, thank you for your concern. I also feel a little tired, let's take a rest together." Mu Xiaoxi's voice revealed a hint of exhaustion and tenderness.

Chen Ye gently took Mu Xiaoxi's hand and led her towards the bedroom.They walked into the soft light, Shen Ye gently patted Mu Xiaoxi's cheek and looked at her with concern.

"My dear, let me take care of you. Lie down, close your eyes, and relax. I will give you a quiet and comfortable environment so that you can have a good rest."

Mu Xiaoxi followed Shen Ye's instructions, lay on the bed and closed her eyes.She felt Chen Ye's warmth and care, and her heart was filled with happiness and tranquility.

Shen Ye sat by the bed and gently stroked Mu Xiaoxi's hair.His movements were gentle and rhythmic, as if he were dispelling fatigue and stress for Mu Xiaoxi.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine you are in a peaceful forest, listening to the birds singing and feeling the breeze. Relax every inch of your skin and immerse yourself in peace and tranquility."

Chen Ye's voice was soft and warm, and his tone was soft and powerful.His hands gently massaged Mu Xiaoxi's neck and shoulders, relieving her fatigue and tension.

Mu Xiaoxi gradually entered a state of relaxation, and her breathing became steady and rhythmic.She felt Shen Ye's company and care, and her heart was filled with peace of mind.

Chen Ye continued to lull Mu Xiaoxi to sleep, and he gently sang a soft lullaby.His voice was warm and melodious, like a warm wind, gently blowing at Mu Xiaoxi's soul.

Chen Ye's hands continued to gently shuttle through Mu Xiaoxi's hair. His movements were gentle and powerful, as if bringing peace and comfort to Mu Xiaoxi.His fingers gently massaged her temples, making her body and mind gradually relax.

"Close your eyes, Xiaoxi, and let me weave a beautiful dream for you. In the dream, you will encounter a beautiful garden, colorful flowers blooming in the sun, blue sky and white clouds as soft as cotton candy. You can freely Take a stroll, feel the refreshing fragrance of flowers, and listen to the singing of birds. Relax yourself and enjoy the tranquility and beauty." Chen Ye's voice gradually became deeper, echoing leisurely in Mu Xiaoxi's ears.There was a gentleness and tranquility in his tone, as if he himself had been brought into a beautiful dream by his own words.

Mu Xiaoxi's breathing became more steady, and her whole body seemed to be integrated into the dream created by Shen Ye.Her brows relaxed, and a peaceful smile appeared on her face.

Chen Ye continued to gently coax Mu Xiaoxi to sleep until he was sure that she had fallen asleep.He stood up gently and gently covered Mu Xiaoxi's body with a soft blanket to ensure that she could maintain a comfortable temperature.

Standing by the bed, Shen Ye stared at Mu Xiaoxi quietly, his eyes full of deep love and concern.He gently bent down and kissed Mu Xiaoxi gently on the forehead, then gently walked out of the bedroom, guarding a peaceful night for her.

Shen Ye knew that Mu Xiaoxi would get enough rest and relaxation in his company.He also understands that only when her body and mind are fully recovered can they face the challenges of the future together and create a better life.

Shen Ye picked up the phone and dialed Li Yilan's number.There was a firm and decisive look on his face.

"Li Yilan, I have an important request. I need you to help me completely suppress those so-called media opinions. I don't want to see them have any negative impact on our lives and careers."

Li Yilan listened to Shen Ye's words quietly, knowing that this was very important to Shen Ye.She nodded, showing her understanding and support.

"Shen Ye, I understand your concerns. As your partner, I will do my best to protect our interests. I will work with our team to take all necessary measures to deal with negative media reports. You can Rest assured, we will give those media outlets a warning to ensure they will not attack or slander us again."

Chen Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Li Yilan's answer.He knew that Li Yilan was a capable and determined person who would do her best to protect their interests.

"Li Yilan, I really appreciate your support and help. You know, this is very important to us. We need a good reputation to maintain our career and life. I believe you can do it, give those media a A clear warning to let them know we are inviolable."

Li Yilan smiled slightly, knowing that she was shouldering Shen Ye's expectations and trust.She is determined to do whatever it takes to complete this mission.

"Shen Ye, don't worry. I will handle this matter and protect our interests. I will work closely with the team and take necessary legal measures to deal with the media's false reports. We will make sure they understand that we will not Any attacks and slander against us will be tolerated."

Chen Ye felt Li Yilan's determination and confidence, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Li Yilan, you are one of the people I trust most. I have complete faith in your ability and determination. I know you will fight hard for our interests. Thank you, really."

Li Yilan smiled slightly, she understood Shen Ye's gratitude.

"Shen Ye, we are a team and we must support and trust each other. I will do my best to protect our interests and ensure that we can move forward with peace of mind. You don't have to worry, we will handle it all."

Shen Ye looked at Li Yilan's determination and confidence. He knew that they stood together and that no matter what difficulties they faced, they could overcome them together.

"Li Yilan, thank you for your commitment. I know we will get through this difficulty and move towards a better future together. Our team is strong and united, and I believe we can overcome any difficulties."

Li Yilan nodded, with a firm light shining in her eyes.

"Shen Ye, we will work together to achieve success together. You are not fighting alone, we are a team. No matter what difficulties we face, we will unite as one and overcome them together. We will let the media understand that we are not Easily knocked down."

Shen Ye felt Li Yilan's determination and team spirit, and his heart was full of confidence and hope.

"Li Yilan, thank you for your support and encouragement. I believe we can overcome everything and achieve success. Let us work together to completely suppress these media opinions and protect our reputation and interests."

"Shen Ye, let's move forward together and not let any negative public opinion block our path. We will show the world our strength and determination. We will overcome difficulties and achieve our goals."

Their eyes met, full of firmness and determination.They know that as long as they work together, they can face any challenge, protect their interests, and move toward a brighter future.

When Li Yilan realized that the public relations department had not taken immediate action to deal with the negative media reports, she felt very disappointed and anxious.As a senior manager of the company, she understands the urgency and importance of dealing with public opinion crises.She was confused and concerned by the inaction from both PR departments.

Li Yilan began to think about possible reasons.Maybe the PR department doesn’t fully understand the magnitude of the problem, or they don’t realize the urgency of action.She understands that in this digital age, information travels very quickly and the damage to a company's reputation and interests can be quickly amplified.She was worried that the public relations department did not take action immediately, because this may cause the problem to further expand and worsen.

As a leader, Li Yilan knew she couldn't just be frustrated and blame the PR department, but look for ways to solve the problem.She decided to personally communicate with the head of the PR department and express her concerns and expectations.

After Li Yilan hung up the phone with Shen Ye, she knew that this was an urgent and important task that required immediate action.She quickly dialed the company's public relations department.

"Hello, this is Li Yilan. I just had a phone call with Shen Ye. We are facing some negative media reports and we must take immediate action to deal with it. I need you to deal with this issue immediately to ensure that our reputation and interests are not damaged. "

The person in charge of the public relations department could feel the urgency and determination in Li Yilan's words, and he became very serious. If he didn't handle it well, he would lose his job.

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