fiery white rose

Chapter 223 Meeting

Chu Yiyi nodded with a smile, and continued: "Yes, but you know what, I think it's hard to fully understand a person through blind date photos. After all, photos are only a momentary expression, and we need to meet and communicate in person to understand better."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded in agreement, and said, "You're right, the photo is just an initial impression, and we still need to communicate to really understand each other. Maybe in the process of getting along, there will be more discoveries and unexpected surprises."

Chu Yiyi smiled, looked at Mu Xiaoxi and said, "Yes, maybe, after all, people have many different aspects and characteristics, and we can't make a conclusion based on just one photo."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded, and said with a smile: "That's right, so let's not jump to conclusions too early, let's wait and see when we actually meet, maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

Chu Yiyi nodded and said in agreement: "Well, that's it, don't be too arbitrary, give each other a chance, after all, people may change."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if their hearts were connected.Although I have just seen the photos, I felt each other's openness and tolerance during the conversation.For unknown blind dates, they all hold an optimistic attitude, believing that there will be more surprises and beauty in the future.

Chu Yiyi warmly invited Mu Xiaoxi into her home, and said with a smile as soon as she entered, "Welcome to my house as a guest, you're welcome, just sit down."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you Yiyi, your home is really warm and comfortable."

Chu Yiyi smiled, beckoned Mu Xiaoxi to sit down, and then went to the kitchen to prepare tea.She turned to look at Mu Xiaoxi, and said, "Mu Xiaoxi, I don't have any special snacks here, so just make some tea."

Mu Xiaoxi responded with a smile: "It's okay, just whatever you want, I'm not picky."

Chu Yiyi nodded, then turned and went into the kitchen.In the kitchen, she was a little self-satisfied, thinking that since Mu Xiaoxi was here to help her avoid disasters, she couldn't make a good impression of her.So she purposely prepared the tea a little looser, not trying to make everything look too perfect.

After a while, she came out with tea, put the teacup on the table, and said with a smile, "Come, Mu Xiaoxi, let's have a cup of tea."

Mu Xiaoxi took the teacup, blew on it lightly, then took a sip, and said with a smile, "Thank you Yiyi, this tea is really good."

Chu Yiyi nodded with a smile, and then said jokingly: "Actually, I don't have many things at home, and I'm not very good at cooking, so don't expect too much from my family's hospitality today."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Yiyi, you're welcome, I'm not here to enjoy the entertainment, but to accompany you during the blind date."

Looking at Mu Xiaoxi's smile, Chu Yiyi couldn't help but feel a little moved. She knew that Mu Xiaoxi was really thinking of herself, and she couldn't continue to act like she didn't care, so she smiled and said, "Mu Xiaoxi Xi, thank you for your understanding and company, but don't worry, although my family is simple, our blind date will not be too picky."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded and said with a smile: "Yiyi, the important thing about a blind date is the internal quality and feeling of getting along with each other, and the external conditions are not the most important."

Chu Yiyi nodded with a smile, and looked at Mu Xiaoxi happily. She felt the warmth and support from Mu Xiaoxi.The two continued to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, talking about the experience and experience of blind dates, and gradually brought each other closer.

The phone rang, Chu Yiyi took out the phone and looked at it, it showed an unfamiliar number, she hesitated for a moment, and then answered the phone.

"Hello, I'm today's blind date, are you Chu Yiyi?" A gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chu Yiyi nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, I am Chu Yiyi, hello."

"Hello, Chu Yiyi, it's a pleasure to talk to you. I'm waiting at the appointed place. If it's convenient for you, can you come over?" There was a trace of expectation in the man's voice.

Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "Of course, I'm already outside, but where are you waiting for me?"

The man patiently told Chu Yiyi the exact location, and Chu Yiyi knew the exact location, and smiled and agreed: "Okay, I know, I'll go there now."

"That's good, I'll wait for you." There was a bit of expectation and excitement in the man's voice.

Chu Yiyi hung up the phone, looked at Mu Xiaoxi, smiled and said, "He's already waiting for me at the agreed place, let's get ready to go."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, I wish you a smooth blind date."

Chu Yiyi smiled and took Mu Xiaoxi's hand, and said gratefully: "Thank you for coming with me, Mu Xiaoxi, I am really touched by your support."

Mu Xiaoxi patted Chu Yiyi's hand lightly, and said encouragingly: "Yiyi, don't worry, everything will go well."

Chu Yiyi nodded with a smile, then walked out of the coffee shop with Mu Xiaoxi and headed for the agreed place.The topic of the two also naturally turned to Chu Yiyi's upcoming blind date, full of expectations and blessings.

Chu Yiyi and Mu Xiaoxi walked to the door of the agreed restaurant. This is an elegantly decorated restaurant, and the spacious dining area can be seen through the large glass windows.

Chu Yiyi took out her mobile phone, dialed the phone number of her blind date, and waited for the connection.

"Hi, I've arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, are you in?" Chu Yiyi asked with a smile.

A familiar male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yes, I'm already in the restaurant, you can come in directly, I'll wait for you inside."

Chu Yiyi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go in now, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, she smiled at Mu Xiaoxi, indicating that her blind date was already waiting for her in the restaurant.

Mu Xiaoxi patted Chu Yiyi's shoulder encouragingly, and said with a smile: "Come on, Yiyi, believe in yourself, everything will go well."

Chu Yiyi felt Mu Xiaoxi's support, she smiled, took a deep breath, and walked into the restaurant with Mu Xiaoxi.

At the door of the restaurant, the waiter greeted them warmly and asked if they had a reservation.

Chu Yiyi nodded and told the waiter about their situation. The waiter smiled and led them into the dining area.

Chu Yiyi looked around, and soon found a familiar face, that was her blind date.He sat in a window seat and watched them come with a smile.

Chu Yiyi bit her lips lightly, feeling her heart beating faster, but she tried her best to control her emotions and walked towards the dining table.

When she walked up to his blind date, he stood up and greeted her with a smile.Chu Yiyi also smiled, looking at him with confident and warm eyes.

"Hello, Chu Yiyi, nice to meet you." The blind date reached out to her for a handshake.

Chu Yiyi stretched out her hand without hesitation, shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "Hi, I'm glad to meet you too."

The handshake between the two was full of kindness and confidence, as if they were conveying best wishes to each other.At this moment, Chu Yiyi felt her nervousness and uneasiness slowly melt away, replaced by expectations and hopes for the future.

After Chu Yiyi shook hands with the man, he enthusiastically asked her to sit down and pointed to the opposite seat.Chu Yiyi smiled and nodded, and walked to her seat.

The man also sat down again. His appearance was very capable, and his eyes revealed a kind of wit and intelligence.He was slightly short, but well-proportioned and looked vigorous.

He looked professional in a dark suit and tie neatly tied.His haircut is neat and neat, and he shows great attention to detail.

Not only his appearance, but his temperament is also outstanding.He sat there, confident and unassuming, exuding a mature and stable atmosphere.Every subtle movement reveals his self-discipline and restraint.

Chu Yiyi observed him, and couldn't help being curious about his meticulous and calculating temperament.She couldn't help but imagine that this man might be a serious person who pursues perfection.

"Ms. Chu, hello." He said with a smile, his voice was slightly magnetic, yet gentle.

Chu Yiyi also responded with a smile: "Hi, we finally have a chance to meet."

He nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, I've been looking forward to this meeting too."

Chu Yiyi felt that there was a kind of deliberation in his words, as if after a lot of thinking.She couldn't help but wonder if every step in this man's life had been carefully planned and considered.

The two sat at a table in the restaurant with the menu in front of them.Chu Yiyi looked at the man with a smile, and said, "I heard you work in the financial field, right?"

The man nodded and responded with a gentle smile: "Yes, I work for an investment company, mainly responsible for fund management and investment strategy formulation."

Chu Yiyi nodded with interest: "Sounds very professional, are you particularly interested in finance?"

The man smiled and said: "I am a person who pays more attention to planning and stability, so I have developed a strong interest in the financial field since I was a child. I think financial management and investment are very interesting knowledge, and it can also help people better. plan your future."

Chu Yiyi nodded to express her understanding: "I think what you said is very reasonable. A stable plan can indeed make people face the future with more confidence."

He added with a smile: "Of course, besides work, I also like outdoor sports, such as mountain climbing and cycling. I think these activities can relax me and allow me to better face the challenges of work."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said: "It turns out that you are still a person who loves sports. I also like outdoor activities. Although time is limited, it makes me feel very happy every time."

The topic of the two gradually turned to hobbies.They talked about travel experiences, food tastes, and laughed easily with each other from time to time.Chu Yiyi found that although the man looked serious on the outside, he was lively and cheerful in his conversation.

They also talked about some topics about culture and art. The man said that he likes to read, especially books on economics and history.Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "I also like reading. Although it may not be as deep as yours, I think reading can enrich our knowledge and vision."

The man smiled and nodded: "Yes, reading can indeed benefit people a lot, and it can also make people think better."

Their conversation became smoother, without the restraint and strangeness before.The two exchanged each other's experiences and ideas in a pleasant atmosphere, and gradually established a feeling of intimacy.

The waiter came over and asked what they wanted to order.Chu Yiyi smiled and said to the man, "What shall we order?"

The man looked at the menu with a smile and suggested, "We can order some special dishes and try the local delicacies."

Chu Yiyi nodded in agreement: "Okay, then do as you said."

During the process of ordering, the two exchanged their preferences and expectations for different dishes from time to time.Their conversations are full of joy and ease, as if communicating with each other has become a natural thing.

As the dishes came to the table, they continued to enjoy a pleasant dinner.The conversation expanded from work and interests to more aspects, and the two gradually established a deeper understanding.In this warm atmosphere, their hearts seem to have become closer.

Chu Yiyi sat opposite, observing the man involuntarily.Although his appearance is quite serious, in the conversation with him, she gradually found that he has a kind of humor and ability, his expressive ability is very strong, and every sentence is full of logic and thoughtfulness.This made Chu Yiyi curious about him, and she was eager to know more about his thoughts and world.

During the conversation, he was able to switch topics freely, from economics in the professional field to interesting stories in daily life, and from philosophical thinking to personal growth experience.His views are clear and profound, and Chu Yiyi can't help but respect his ingenuity.

Gradually, their conversation became more relaxed and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.Chu Yiyi began to realize that although this man looked serious, she was not restrained when communicating with him, but full of a sense of comfort and intimacy.She felt his sincerity and spontaneity, which made her feel relaxed and happy.

Chu Yiyi felt an urge to know more about him. She longed to know more about his past, his dreams and his philosophy of life.She realized that this man was not only serious and professional on the outside, but there was more in his heart that was worth discovering.

As the conversation deepened, Chu Yiyi began to look forward to spending more time with him.This night's blind date did not bore her, but made her full of expectations for the future.This man seemed to be someone who would make her feel comfortable and at ease around him, and she wanted to keep getting closer to his world and learn more about him.

In this pleasant atmosphere, Chu Yiyi began to feel that her expectations for this blind date had increased a lot.She was no longer so nervous, but more willing to explore and discover the uniqueness of this man.

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