fiery white rose

Chapter 222 Encounter

Chapter 222 Encounter
Mu Xiaoxi thought for a while, and then said: "I think you can choose a decent attire without losing your personality. It should not only show your confidence and charm, but also leave a good impression on the other party."

Chu Yiyi nodded seriously: "Well, you are right. I think I will wear a suitable dress, simple and elegant, not too fancy, and not too conservative."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled approvingly: "Yes, it's a good idea to choose a suitable dress, which can not only show your temperament, but also make the other party feel your confidence."

Chu Yiyi then asked: "What about makeup? Do you think I should wear light makeup or heavy makeup?"

Mu Xiaoxi thought about it for a while, and then said: "I think light makeup is more suitable. The point is to make your skin look natural and smooth, and highlight your facial features. Don't make it too heavy, so that your personal characteristics will be more prominent."

Chu Yiyi nodded in praise: "You really know a lot, Xiaoxi, thank you for your advice."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and shook her head: "You're welcome, I'm just offering some random opinions. The key is to maintain your own style so that the other party can get to know you better."

Chu Yiyi smiled, she felt Mu Xiaoxi's care and support: "You are right, I will make the best preparations to show my truest side in the blind date."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded encouragingly: "That's right, a blind date is not only an opportunity, but also a process of understanding yourself and others. No matter what the final result is, I hope you can enjoy this process."

Chu Yiyi smiled, her eyes full of confidence and firmness: "Thank you, Xiaoxi. With your company, I feel more courageous."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and patted Chu Yiyi's hand: "You are my good friend, and I will always be by your side to support you."

The conversation between the two continued in a pleasant atmosphere, talking about all aspects of the blind date.During the communication, Chu Yiyi gradually felt her inner peace and calmness. She knew that no matter what the result of the blind date was, she would face it with confidence.And Mu Xiaoxi's company added warmth and courage to her.

Chu Yiyi and Mu Xiaoxi were excitedly chatting about their preparations for the blind date on the phone. Suddenly, Chu Yiyi said, "Xiaoxi, before we go on a blind date tomorrow, why don't we meet up first, have a cup of coffee together, and cheer each other on?" ?”

Mu Xiaoxi smiled happily: "Of course, I think this idea is very good. We can meet each other first, encourage each other, and reduce a little tension."

Chu Yiyi nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too. Then which coffee shop should we meet?"

Mu Xiaoxi thought for a while, and then said, "We can meet at that cafe in the city center. The environment there is nice and convenient."

Chu Yiyi agreed and said, "Okay, then it will be at the cafe in the city center. How about tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock?"

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "No problem, 10 o'clock is exactly right. I'll go there a little earlier and choose a good seat."

Chu Yiyi smiled: "Okay, see you then. I hope we can all have a pleasant blind date experience."

Mu Xiaoxi said excitedly: "Of course, I will! See you tomorrow, Chu Yiyi."

Chu Yiyi also said expectantly: "See you tomorrow, Mu Xiaoxi."

The two hung up the phone, feeling more relaxed and happy.They agreed on tomorrow's meeting place. This small meeting made them feel the power of friendship, and it also added anticipation and warmth to tomorrow's blind date.

After hanging up the phone with Chu Yiyi, Mu Xiaoxi turned to Shen Ye excitedly, and said with a smile: "Shen Ye, Chu Yiyi is going on a blind date. I promise to accompany her to have a cup of coffee tomorrow and give her some encouragement."

Shen Ye smiled and nodded: "That's a good idea. Going on a blind date with a friend can make her relax a bit. I support you."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded with a smile, and continued: "Yes, I think friends should support and encourage each other. And I also hope that she can find a good partner."

Shen Ye patted Mu Xiaoxi's shoulder lightly, and said gently: "You are such a kind person, I believe your company will be of great help to Chu Yiyi."

Mu Xiaoxi looked at Shen Ye with a smile, felt his understanding and support, and then said hesitantly: "However, Shen Ye, do you think there will be... any problem with going on a blind date with Chu Yiyi tomorrow?" Woolen cloth?"

Shen Ye looked at Mu Xiaoxi, understood her worry, sighed softly, and said, "I know your worry, but I trust your judgment, Chu Yiyi is your friend, you can handle it well. As long as it doesn't involve privacy and our marriage, I don't think it's a problem."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded, her expression relaxed a lot, she felt Shen Ye's trust and understanding.Shen Ye continued: "But I still want to remind you to pay attention to some inappropriate topics and behaviors. After all, Chu Yiyi is an independent individual. We cannot make decisions on her behalf. We can only give support and opinions when appropriate."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded seriously, expressing that she understood what Shen Ye meant.She knew that she had to maintain a proper sense of proportion in the process of going to accompany Chu Yiyi, not only to make her friend feel supported, but also to avoid unnecessary problems.

Shen Ye smiled and said encouragingly: "Don't worry, you will definitely do well. When you see Chu Yiyi tomorrow morning, cheer her up, I believe she will meet a good fate."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded and looked at Shen Ye gratefully, his heart was full of emotion.The understanding and support between them made her feel very happy.

The next day, Mu Xiaoxi and Chu Yiyi agreed to meet in a cozy coffee shop.Chu Yiyi sat by the window early, looking at the door expectantly.When Mu Xiaoxi walked into the coffee shop, Chu Yiyi immediately saw her and waved with a smile on her face.

Mu Xiaoxi walked up to Chu Yiyi, smiled and said, "Chu Yiyi, long time no see, you are still as beautiful as ever."

Chu Yiyi stood up with a smile on her face, took Mu Xiaoxi's hand, and said excitedly: "Mu Xiaoxi, you are the one. I feel better when I see you."

After the two sat down and ordered coffee, Mu Xiaoxi asked with concern: "Chu Yiyi, how is your preparation for a blind date last night? Are you nervous?"

Chu Yiyi smiled, sighed softly, and said, "To be honest, I'm still a little nervous, after all, it's the first blind date. But I'm not too nervous, because I have you by my side."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and nodded, comfortingly said: "It's okay, a blind date is actually an opportunity, you just need to maintain confidence and be yourself."

Chu Yiyi nodded, her smile gradually recovered: "Well, you are right, I will try my best to relax myself."

Mu Xiaoxi picked up the coffee cup, looked at Chu Yiyi tenderly, and said, "Chu Yiyi, I believe you will meet a good person, your excellence is self-evident."

Chu Yiyi looked at Mu Xiaoxi gratefully, and gradually relaxed a lot.She feels that it is really important to have the company of friends, who can give encouragement and support during tense times.

Not long after, the coffee was served, and the two chatted easily and happily about some light-hearted topics, and the laughter kept coming.Chu Yiyi suddenly remembered something, smiled and said to Mu Xiaoxi: "Mu Xiaoxi, I heard from Shen Ye that your work is going well recently, it's really great."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded with a smile, and said modestly: "Yes, the company's projects have been progressing well recently, and I am very fortunate to be able to work in this team."

A gleam of envy flashed in Chu Yiyi's eyes, and she said frankly, "You are a man of many talents. Not only are you ambitious, but you also have so many hobbies, which is really admirable."

Mu Xiaoxi shook her head with a smile, and said, "In fact, everyone has their own advantages and specialties. I think the most important thing is to be able to be yourself and pursue the life you want."

The conversation between the two gradually became relaxed and happy. They exchanged each other's life and recent situation, as if time became slow and beautiful in this warm coffee shop.

In this way, Mu Xiaoxi and Chu Yiyi spent a wonderful time chatting happily, and their company made them feel warm and at ease.At this important moment, the support of friends has become the most precious strength.

After the two were seated, Chu Yiyi looked at the menu of the coffee shop with a smile, and then lightly rang the bell.Soon, a waiter came over and asked with a smile, "Hello, what do you need?"

Chu Yiyi raised her head, smiled and said, "Let's have two cups of latte, thank you."

The waiter nodded, wrote down the order, and asked politely, "Do you need to add sugar or milk?"

Chu Yiyi looked at Mu Xiaoxi, and replied with a smile: "Add some milk."

The waiter nodded, then smiled and said, "Okay, please wait a moment, and I'll serve you coffee right away."

After the waiter left, Mu Xiaoxi looked at Chu Yiyi, smiled lightly and said, "Are you in a good mood today, do you like coffee so much?"

Chu Yiyi giggled and nodded: "Yes, I'm really in a good mood today, and chatting with you makes everything very pleasant."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded with a smile, and said, "Coffee is indeed a good choice, it can make people feel relaxed."

After a while, the waiter came over with two cups of latte coffee and put them gently on the table, the steaming aroma permeated the air.The waiter smiled and said, "Please enjoy it slowly. If you need it, you can find me anytime."

Both Chu Yiyi and Mu Xiaoxi thanked, then picked up the coffee cup, blew on it gently, and enjoyed the aroma of the coffee.

Chu Yiyi smiled and raised her coffee cup, touched Mu Xiaoxi's cup lightly, and said, "Come, for our friendship and bright future."

Mu Xiaoxi also raised her glass with a smile, clinked glasses with Chu Yiyi, and said, "May we all be able to find the happiness we want."

The smiles of the two were full of confidence and expectation, and the relaxed atmosphere made them feel each other's support and friendship.With a sip of coffee, their conversation became more relaxed and cheerful, like a pleasant heart-to-heart exchange.

A wonderful afternoon gradually came to an end amid laughter and exchanges. The two friends packed up their things and prepared to leave.Chu Yiyi looked at Mu Xiaoxi with gratitude in her eyes: "Xiaoxi, thank you for coming with me, I'm really happy."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and shook her head: "You're welcome, Yiyi, we are friends, and we should support each other."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then walked out of the coffee shop together.Although everyone has different experiences and choices in life, at this moment, both Chu Yiyi and Mu Xiaoxi feel each other's company and understanding, and this friendship will accompany them to a better future.

Mu Xiaoxi took a sip of coffee, then looked at Chu Yiyi with a smile, and asked, "Hey, Yiyi, what are the conditions of your blind date?"

Chu Yiyi smiled, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, and said, "Actually, I'm not particularly picky. The main thing is that I hope that he has a good character, has a sense of responsibility, cares about his family, and gets along well with each other."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded, and said understandingly: "Well, these conditions are very important. After all, marriage is a matter of a lifetime. You must find someone who can support each other."

Chu Yiyi smiled and added: "That's right, and I think the tacit understanding between two people is also very important. Only when we can understand and tolerate each other can we go further."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded and agreed: "Yes, tacit understanding is really important, so that we can be happy when we are together."

Chu Yiyi looked at Mu Xiaoxi with a smile, and asked, "What about you, Xiaoxi, what qualifications do you think a blind date should have?"

Mu Xiaoxi thought for a while and said with a smile: "It's about the same. Good character, responsible, understanding, and have your own goals and pursuits. At least you must have a stable job and life."

Chu Yiyi nodded, and said in agreement: "That's right, a stable job and life is really important, so that we can give each other a stable family environment."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled, and continued: "Besides, I think we need to have common hobbies, so that we can enhance our relationship and not make life boring."

Chu Yiyi nodded in agreement, and continued: "Yes, common interests and hobbies can increase opportunities for communication and let each other understand each other better."

The two communicated in a relaxed atmosphere, sharing each other's views on the ideal partner.The words of each other seem to meet in the depths of their hearts, making them more aware of their expectations and looking forward to future happiness.In the aroma of coffee, their dialogue is like a beautiful picture, outlining their yearning and pursuit of a happy marriage.

Mu Xiaoxi looked at Chu Yiyi with a smile, and suddenly asked mischievously: "So, Yiyi, what do you think from the photos of the blind date? Do you have any feelings?"

Chu Yiyi smiled, shook her head helplessly, and said, "Well, to be honest, I don't really like it from the photos. I feel that he is a bit too reserved, like a very traditional person."

Mu Xiaoxi laughed after hearing this, understood what Chu Yiyi meant, and said, "Hey, so, it seems that our first impression was not very good."

(End of this chapter)

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