Lin Ruoyan compared the local climate and felt that the high-rise residences in the southern part of the country might be more suitable for the local area.

The climate in the country varies greatly from south to north.In the hot and humid areas of the south, orientation is not a concern when building a house, but ventilation is very important.In the large tower building with a patio, the room does not need to be exposed to direct sunlight, but it must be able to open the windows to achieve natural ventilation.

Such a large tower design is the most popular model in China around the millennium.In the north, the outer walls are minimized and made square and transparent from north to south.In the south, the shape is more exaggerated and unrestrained, focusing on ventilation and sunshade.Especially in Guangdong Province, there are many high-rise residential buildings that borrowed from Xiangjiang and Lion City, which are small and exquisite, and full of human care.

Such buildings usually have six to eight households on one floor, each with three or four bedrooms, with open terraces and natural ventilation.The windows are well protected from the sun and rain, leaving a large balcony with drainage and sinks.The public corridors do not need to be closed or installed with windows, the corridors are wider, and there are a few more large elevators, which are very suitable for the family living needs of the locals.

Locally, a woman with several children often applies for this type of free social housing provided by the government.It is likely that none of these children had the same father and did not live with the mother and child.No way, the local area is very open, the unmarried pregnancy and divorce rates remain high, and the birth rate is much higher than that of developed countries. In order to take care of these single-parent families with many children, the policy will be tilted to a certain extent, making it easier for families with a large population Apply for social housing.

Therefore, it is different from the domestic pattern of small apartments with one or two bedrooms. The local area should consider multiple bedrooms and a large kitchen.And from the very beginning, the interior decoration must be in place, and it must not be delivered as a rough house.Because of the local decoration level and efficiency, it is simply a pit.

To sum up, it is really good to design products according to the real needs of local family structure and social housing.

As for standardization, there is too much experience in the country, mass production of large towers, with scale, all costs can be reduced.I just heard that there are basically no particularly suitable building materials supporting industries in the local area. In the past, large domestic enterprises used to ship bridges and pavements from China. There is still sand and stone in the local area, but cement production cannot keep up, and other large-scale prefabricated building materials industries have also stagnated. A few decades ago, production capacity was very backward.

If it is necessary to build large and high-level buildings, the corresponding downstream enterprises must first follow, or closely connect with shipping.The shipping period from China to here is about 45 days. When the container is delivered, it is definitely not possible to return the empty container. It is still necessary to consider the local output, or the local products can be sold on the way back, so as not to run out.

This actually involves what local products can be exported. Petroleum and minerals are transported by special ships. Can other semi-finished products and processed products be transported in large containers?If not, is it more cost-effective to set up a factory locally?

Lin Ruoyan had a lot of problems in her mind, and she needed to investigate them one by one.Fortunately, Lu Wei's language skills are good, and she has also worked on special fronts, and her means of collecting intelligence are top-notch.Lin Ruoyan has a lot of information that cannot be investigated publicly, and Lu Wei always has channels to get reliable information.The black and white news of the two of them put together, and many doubts can be easily resolved.

Hua Mengmeng and Chen Jun have not been idle for the past few days, and have specially investigated the local hotel industry.

In the past, this was the back garden of the developed countries in Europe and America. After all, the weather conditions are good, and it is close to North America. The tourism industry used to be very developed. Several well-designed hotels were built in several coastal cities decades ago.It's just that in the past ten years or so, the operation of these hotels has become more and more difficult.

After the current president came to power and broke up with country M, fewer and fewer people from Europe and the United States came here to travel.On the contrary, wealthy tourists from those countries and South America who cooperate accordingly continue to enter, and there are more businesses, and hotels must gradually change from leisure-oriented to business-oriented.

There are many luxury suites in the hotel, and the rental of simple and practical hotel apartments with stoves and washing machines is very popular.

There are many vacant high-end apartments and even unfinished buildings in the local area. The original developers of these buildings have fled abroad, and the property rights have been nationalized. In fact, there are some opportunities to upgrade to meet the current rental needs.

Hua Mengmeng and Chen Jun brought back their ideas and told Lin Ruoyan that if they buy or rent an old apartment, renovate it and decorate it into a short-term rental apartment for Chinese people, which is convenient for business travelers to handle business, then we will make a Chinese style apartment next. The big canteen, in fact, the benefits will be good.

When Lin Ruoyan heard it, isn't this the prototype of a long-term rental apartment in China?

In the book era, ten years later, this kind of long-term rental apartment transformed from an old building will be popular for a while, providing services similar to hotel apartments, and also setting up some social spaces, gyms, cafes, and large dining halls, focusing on young fashion and fast-paced life. It is convenient, and it is supplied to those who work in big cities outside their hometown.

It may be an idea to do this overseas, but how long will Bowa's stability last?The original book has a golden period of ten years, and after the president dies, the social and financial environment will be turbulent.

To do this abroad, it is better to start a pilot in China earlier.

Lin Ruoyan was not in a hurry to deny Hua Mengmeng's ideas at this time, but just clicked to let them look at the problem at a higher level, to study whether a business can be done, whether it will be long-term or short-term profit, and what conditions should be used to judge.

The two are young and full of vigor, but their understanding of overseas is still too shallow.Hua Mengmeng may be better, she has a language advantage, and can go over the wall to foreign forums to see the real thoughts of local people, but Chen Jun is more conservative. She used to think that foreign countries are good, but now she feels that the domestic economy has great potential, so there is no need to involve too much in foreign countries. much energy.

Lin Ruoyan wanted them to discover for themselves that not all countries in this world have long-term and stable development opportunities like ours. Once uncontrollable factors occur, whether there is a problem with the local political situation or the economy, it will be difficult to do business. Making more money is likely to be nothing in the end, and you have to sacrifice your money to save your life before you can get out of it.

Lin Ruoyan came to the local area to investigate in person, in order to hurry up and start a business that can bear fruit in the short term. She can only plan other longer-term projects, but she may not have the chance to realize them.

Lin Ruoyan came this time, followed Yuan, and met some senior leaders of the province where the housing construction project was going to be done.However, in order to secure the contract, Mr. Yuan introduced Lin Ruoyan and his party according to the corresponding branch companies of large state-owned enterprises.The local people trust big state-owned enterprises more, especially in projects related to social and people's livelihood such as social housing, they need to find a guaranteed team to support them.

Lin Ruoyan obeyed Mr. Yuan's arrangements in everything, and would not just show up casually. First, she had to figure out the identities of the key local people and the things they controlled. In the future, when she actually started a project, she would naturally arrange for professionals to match her interests.

She knew very well that overseas projects would not go as smoothly as domestic ones, and it was her first time here, so meeting the people in the management department was already quite rewarding.What Mr. Yuan wanted next, he didn't just say it with empty teeth.The planning and design plan she wants to give, the new town construction plan, the approximate investment and the return she wants, all of these may have to be discussed in detail after returning to China.

The third update is the third update, thank you for your continued support.

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