Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 208 208 Routine of Big Enterprises

Boss Liu patiently explained: "When our big state-owned enterprises come overseas, no matter whether the contract is negotiated or not, the initial investment will not be small. If you are not willing to pay, how can there be a chance for a big project?

For example, the pre-project manager arranged by Mr. Yuan didn't have any projects at the beginning, so he brought 3000 million yuan in funds, which was the kind of money that didn't need invoices.There is a bare-handed commander, who formed his own team, hired bodyguards and drivers from overseas Chinese, and recruited two small translators and assistants from China.Apart from going out in suits and leather shoes, the project manager himself is an old man with a vest who does odd jobs in private, buying vegetables, cooking, renting a house, and repairing electrical appliances. "

Lin Ruoyan admires such a pre-project manager. She travels alone to an unfamiliar country with a huge sum of money, builds relationships from scratch, and finds the right path. This requires the ability to resist setbacks and a strong comprehensive ability .In addition, she is also curious: "The financial management of state-owned enterprises is so strict, can there be money without invoices?"

"When doing overseas projects, how can we have formal invoices? Many local receipts can be used, as long as the accounts are clearly written. Anyway, how do you do things if you don't give expansion funds? Private companies can easily spread the market, but financial management is not strict. State-owned enterprises need If you want to spread it, some domestic principles must be broken and adapted to meet the needs of overseas." Boss Liu paused, relaxed his tone and stopped mentioning those sensitive content, and replaced it with other things, "You know this After the pre-project manager arrived, did you ask for the second batch of people and materials?"

Lin Ruoyan frowned and thought: "Could it be an expert in exploration or construction, or some kind of farming boss? Let them bring a bunch of domestic equipment to the field for field inspection?"

Boss Liu shook his head: "This former manager, let the second batch of people sent from China be cooks and security guards who are veterans and can use guns and play ping-pong. As for the goods, they want a round table for ten people, several copper Quality hot pot and supporting cooking utensils, as well as two folding table tennis tables. Don’t ask me how I know, I have seen it at the scene.”

Lin Ruoyan was really surprised: "Why?"

"Do you think you can start a serious business after you come here? Many projects have a relationship of half a year and a year before they have a chance. The biggest advantage of the Chinese people is catering and ping-pong social networking. Their early-stage manager majors do this expansion.

Don't the locals get off work on Saturdays and Sundays?He specially rented a big villa, and invited all kinds of friends to his house. All kinds of exquisite dishes made by domestic first-class chefs, after eating one meal, he would definitely want to come again.The same is true for table tennis. We have friendship leagues, we can get together every week, and we get acquainted with each other after coming and going.

The little translation girl he recruited from China is also very good. She majored in X language and came to practice before graduation. She learned the local accent very quickly and has a cheerful and lively personality. She is very popular with the wives of high-ranking officials.Later, the big project in province B was able to be obtained, it must be due to the credit of this little girl. "

"Then I'm actually here to take advantage of it." Lin Ruoyan was thoughtful, "I didn't do anything, but I got such a good opportunity, and I feel more and more uncertain."

Boss Liu likes Lin Ruoyan's modest attitude very much, unlike some young and frivolous juniors who do big business, he just said a few more words: "Mr. Leverage your strength to win all the big projects. The idea you talked about moved him, and it can also impress the local management. It is a good thing to work for the welfare of the people, and it depends on what you say at the time, which will make both parties more interested."

Lin Ruoyan is the best at fooling the concept, not to mention it is roughly mentioned in the plot of the original book.

Bowa is a country that needs votes. Although the president is very popular, the term of office must be determined in accordance with the constitution, and he must be re-elected when the time limit is reached.In order to come to power, the opposition party naturally has to make good use of the opportunity of each general election.

Therefore, the current ruling party will do some practical things, so that the people can see and feel the benefits.What do the locals lack?Housing and jobs are just in demand.When building a new city on flat land, the same supporting infrastructure must also be able to keep up.

Large domestic companies basically develop around the above themes.Building bridges, paving roads, reclaiming wasteland and farming, followed by housing construction.

Lin Ruoyan has seen a lot of residential projects in the local area these days. The old residential areas are built by developed countries. Most of them are commercial houses for foreigners or local rich people. There are also some unfinished buildings like this. The overall situation is not large.

Some other countries were invited to build local communities, mainly multi-storey or low-rise residential buildings. For example, country E built several Soviet-style garden communities.It seems that the expert housing models common in the 60s and [-]s of our country have not improved at all.That kind of house is more suitable for the cold climate, not so suitable for the local equatorial rainforest climate, and it is mainly made of bricks, the construction speed is slow, and it is a bit bulky, so it is not very popular.

Therefore, if Lin Ruoyan wants to do housing construction in the local area, she must do more quickly, save money, and adapt to the real needs of the local residents.

Another thing to note is that local labor costs are high and efficiency is low.

The work and life of the local people are completely separated. Manual workers are basically paid weekly, and there are also trade unions, which regularly organize activities and negotiate salary increases with companies.The characteristic of the weekly salary payment is that when the money is paid on Friday afternoon, the attendance rate of people is the highest. After receiving the salary, the work in the afternoon of the afternoon is basically gone.

So it is said to work five days a week, but in fact, it is four and a half days a week to be able to attend work.Not to mention work efficiency, local manual laborers are generally not highly educated, have limited technical skills, and do not have the assiduous spirit of domestic migrant workers.

For local construction projects, according to the local labor laws and regulations, 1 foreign worker must correspond to 10 domestic labor positions.However, the work and efficiency of these 10 people are basically equal to one or two domestic workers.Therefore, every time a project contract is signed, the negotiation of the employment ratio is the highlight. Large domestic companies generally work hard to use more domestic labor.

If Lin Ruoyan is going to engage in housing construction projects, the details of the employment ratio of workers, especially skilled workers, must be calculated in advance, otherwise the project will be very slow.

She had seen a building next to the local airport. It seemed that the structure had been capped, and there were people under construction inside. After asking, she found out that the small office building with less than six floors had been built for five years and hadn't been completed yet.Even if the interior of a building of this scale is fully luxuriously decorated, from the start of digging to the turnkey decoration, it takes about a year for domestic workers to finish it, and the southern region can grab it in seven or eight months.

The local climate is so good, there is no winter construction trouble at all, how can a small building be built for five years?However, the efficiency of local workers is like this, so there is no need to worry if all the buildings are built with local people.

The key to fast construction is the employment of labor, so it is good and economical, what is the local standard?

Three more second

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