Chapter 133 Chapter 133

Lao Jiang has worked in the agency for so long, and Lin Ruoyan understands the meaning of these statements as soon as she hears them.Developers only look at whether they can make money, but the place where the land is sold hopes to drive the economy, not just a hammer sale of land.That's why this place is called a new industry city. It really hopes to introduce some industries, even if it is to undertake industries that the capital city doesn't like.

No wonder the person from District X recommended Lin Ruoyan. This girl sees a higher level than these old brothers present, and is full of forward-looking. The imported industries will use real estate as a pillar or driving force to create more job opportunities.Only by catering to the above expectations can things in the future really move forward and be supported.

If you only think about making money and doing what you want, you can buy land at a low price and sell it at a high price, and you will live up to the expectations of the leaders.The higher-ups chose Wang Min not only because of his current projects, but also because he was born in the local area and had affection for the land, so he would not spoil his reputation by messing around.

"Can you make it simpler? Do you still want to work as a hotel after taking the land?" Wang Min sincerely asked for advice, not because he really didn't understand, but because he was more concerned about how to take the first step in this matter.

No matter how wonderful the future is, right now this is an endless wasteland.Without two or three years, without tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of initial cost investment, there will be no effect at all.Besides, the developer is not doing charity, and it must be profitable to make money.Even if this is his hometown, he earns less, but it is impossible to lose money and make money.

"If this place just learns from the three counties in the east and turns into a sleepy city near the CBD of Beijing, where land is sold to build high-rise buildings, and consumption is only available at night and weekends, the local economy will be very limited, and future tax revenue and industries will not develop at all.

So we have to prepare well from the beginning, have a lot of ammunition in hand, draw a pie that is novel and scientific enough, have industrial planning and the introduction of high-end people, and give the above a certain amount of confidence and expectation, so that we can take the initiative in the follow-up development process.

My suggestion is to invite well-known planning companies at home and abroad to make more detailed industrial planning for this land and surrounding towns. Even if the research conclusion is that it will take more than ten or twenty years to build and develop the industry here, there must be For real, it looks like that.Can persuade superiors not to rush for success, and can patiently insist on policy preference.

Then choose a well-known overseas architectural design firm to plan the starting area.

This start-up area itself is an exotic town, compared with the pattern of satellite cities in Europe and the United States, the Y text in the plan catalog is compared, and foreign cases are cited.And a high-end hotel is just a project in the starting area of ​​the town.Auxiliary facilities such as hospitals, schools and residential areas are the places where the pilot area of ​​this large new city industrial planning accommodates the influx of population.

The sales office in the residential area is not a temporary building, but a large-scale complex of activity centers in the large community, permanent planning exhibition halls, community commerce and clubs.This is not only a supporting service facility for the residents, but also a display place for the industrial planning of the entire region. "

Lin Ruoyan took out the construction method of the big new city in the suburbs of the real world, and casually said a few points, which refreshed the eyes of these people present and praised them repeatedly.

Lin Ruoyan drew a large circle on the map, and the center was set at the core of Beijing City. The scope of the large circle enclosed the northernmost international airport in Beijing and the core area of ​​the future Beijing sub-center.

She also drew another dot, which is the super-large international airport that will be owned by the Greater X District in the future.

The starting area of ​​their XX new city is within the big circle, very close to the future international airport, and very close to a future special economic zone in Hebei province.

"The group of target customers I'm talking about must be people who already have a fixed residence other than a villa in the city. Buying a house is nothing more than going back to their hometown to buy a house for the future, or considering buying a second residence in the suburbs of the beautiful Beijing city. .

It is not uncommon to find a place with convenient transportation away from the hustle and bustle of the city and buy a villa.The transportation is convenient, the surrounding environment is good, and no environment at least has the basis for creating an idyllic pastoral form.As long as the villas are cheap enough and the quality caters to their mentality, instead of the low-end farmer’s house image of a farmhouse, and seeing a higher appreciation space in the future, why don’t they choose products that take into account investment while enjoying it? "

Lin Ruoyan randomly picked out one or two examples of the selling points of the type of villa she wanted to build,

"Remember what I said just now that we need to open before the expressway tollbooth? That not only shortens the physical distance and saves residents a little bit of high-speed toll, but also shortens the psychological distance with the Beijing city life circle.

We can also find a way to set the residences in this start-up area near the provincial border as the same telephone area starting with 010 as the imperial capital.The owner who bought the house here is basically the same as living in Beijing.It’s nothing more than driving a few kilometers more with one foot of gas, but it can be completely different from those high-rise cheap pigeon cages in the east of the CBD, and experience the villa life with heaven and earth.The price is just a little bit more expensive.

As for the price of a house, one million yuan sounds very high now. Waiting for the planning plan to be made, it will take at least another year for the house to be built.

Our country's economy is in a period of rapid upward growth. Everyone's income has doubled year after year, and money has also depreciated internally.Perhaps in a few years, the ordinary high-rise housing in Beijing will not be available for 100 million yuan, let alone a scarce villa with a volume of 1.0.

Now that you buy it for 100 million, it is not an unattainable dream to appreciate in value by hundreds of thousands in two or three years.And when the market opens a year later, I believe that there will be more people who can afford a down payment of 30 to [-] yuan than today. "

Will it really be like that a year from now?Looking at the next few years, the high-rise buildings in Beijing will not be available for 100 million yuan?
The people present were a little hesitant, but of course Lin Ruoyan firmly believed in this kind of thing that would happen in the future no matter in the book or in reality, and there was no doubt in her expression and eyes.

Next, she said: "I think, if Mr. Wang and all the seniors think it's okay, I will try to build a villa-like area like this first. The overall industrial planning of the new city and the planning and design of the starting area are well-known overseas consulting agencies and design firms. I pay for it.

There are not millions of these beautiful pictures that can't produce decent results, but if they are produced, there are many places that can be used.Report to the higher-ups that in the future, sales advertisements will be useful promotional materials.

As for the first opening area in the starting area, I don’t know anything about the hotel, and I have some experience in other things, such as the model group of the villa and the sales office. "

Lin Ruoyan has talked so much, and now she can finally bring forward the content she is familiar with and want to control the quality, and see what kind of attitude these people have, and whether they will do it for her.

 double update second update
(End of this chapter)

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