Chapter 114 Chapter 114

Liang's mother's face darkened, and she said, "Isn't your wife working in the system, the labor union in the district? Isn't the medical examination a good welfare for Ding? She talked and chatted with the units below, at least she hoped to win some Customers. In a place as big as ours, we certainly can’t just do door-to-door individual customers, but focus on those large units doing work and receiving customers from groups and large enterprises.”

"It depends on the way. You and that uncle, who can run the business? They want kickbacks, how do you give them?" Boss Liang has been in the business for so many years. He has never eaten pork and seen pigs running. He knows how to do it. That kind of big customer of the group needs to pay real money, and any relationship is not as secure as the bundle of interests.

Liang's mother was silent, she understood that what her son said was right, she had only heard about these business methods, but in fact, if people reached out to ask her for kickbacks or other benefits, she should have a preliminary charter here.

Opening a medical examination center is not something that can be done without knowing professional medical examination techniques.She and Lao Tong have limited abilities, and the old sisters can't worry about these things.They used to work in hospitals, and patients begged them to take the initiative to give them benefits. They really had no experience in how to win over customers.

Lin Ruoyan broke the deadlock and said: "You are all retired doctors and nurses from the top three hospitals as the backbone, providing professional medical examination services, coupled with some novel medical examination process design, the advantages are obvious."

"There are only a few types of physical examination, how can it be novel?" Liang's mother was puzzled.

Lin Ruoyan then said: "For example, everyone goes for the physical examination on an empty stomach, so you prepare a breakfast for everyone who comes for the physical examination. If the place is large enough, the breakfast can be made like a breakfast restaurant in an outside hotel. There are many choices of dishes. Let customers eat on the spot after the physical examination to increase the sense of experience. The wool comes from the sheep, and the breakfast fee is also shared in the medical examination fee.

In addition, men and women have to separate floors, and each guest must have his own small cabinet for storage.The doctors in charge of the medical examination in the department all use the backbone, but the guiding nurses can recruit some younger nurse interns with less education to reduce costs.However, under the guidance of a real person, every customer who comes is a VIP experience, and there are people to manage wherever they go, so they don’t need to go around like headless flies. After such a set of procedures, they create a noble experience, which is definitely much better than the physical examination in ordinary hospitals. up.

Also, care must be taken in the decoration, not the white walls and green walls of the hospital.The color of the physical examination center can be more lively, just like in a shopping mall, each floor has a theme color, separate colors for men and women, blue and green for men, pink and yellow for women, etc.Every floor should have a high-end lounge area with sofas and coffee tables, and provide free boiled water..."

Lin Ruoyan just casually described the model of the physical examination center she had seen in the real world. This is basically the standard configuration of the medical examination center more than ten years later, but it is refreshing to say it now.

Boss Liang naturally knows that the decoration of the store is very important, and Liang's mother also compared the physical examination she had done in the hospital with Lin Ruoyan's description, and immediately felt the service improvement that customers can enjoy from the perspective of customers.

She used to hear complaints from some patients in the hospital, saying that they came to the hospital for a check-up, and they would get sick even if they were not sick.This is because the doctors and nurses in the tertiary hospitals are very busy. Whoever has time to explain to the medical examiner where you should go to line up, which room to check and what to check is the patient's own worry and question.

The kind of guided service that Lin Ruoyan mentioned was only available in Gao Gan's ward.If their medical examination center can also provide this kind of service effect, why not attract customers?

"Various services should have different service treatment according to the different medical examination items. For example, you design the physical examination into multiple packages, the entry physical examination, the retired medical examination, the physical examination of the current employees, the project prices are different, and it is still ordinary for leaders. Employees have different charging standards, and the clinics and doctors provided have some grades, which can be attractive and stimulate customers who have purchased ordinary packages to try to buy upgraded packages.”

Boss Liang's eyes lit up when he heard it: "It makes sense. Only when there is comparison is attractive. Everyone wants to experience more high-end services. If everyone has the same medical examination content, every year, and everyone in a unit is like this, then it is meaningless Yes. Just like the service items in our barber shop, we always have to introduce new ones. In addition to new hairstyles, there are also different packages, such as scalp maintenance, perm maintenance, etc. It seems that there are many names and different grades for customers to choose from. Customers feel fresh every time they come, and they will come more often.”

Liang's mother nodded frequently, wishing to take out a notebook to write down these good words, but finally gave up, because she couldn't remember so much, she said sincerely: "Mr. We can't use your good idea to make money for nothing."

Boss Liang's mother is a kind person, no wonder she can teach Boss Liang to be a responsible person.Lin Ruoyan became more and more interested in the medical examination center project, but the annual rent of 60 yuan was still too little.If she really participates in this project, she will start a chain and expand the scale. This month, she will invest 1000 million yuan to open a few more stores in an all-round way.

She smiled and said: "If you really sincerely invite me to participate in this project, then I recommend doing a chain business, spreading the scale at once, and seizing the market. Otherwise, others will learn our routine after one visit, and start a business like a cat and a tiger in other places. The business will be affected. After all, the medical examination is just one person a year."

"I understand the truth." Boss Liang sighed, "A physical examination is different from a haircut. We don't have to worry about business in barbershops all over the street. After all, everyone has long hair and needs a haircut every month. But our capital is limited, and my mother's side is I can rent a cheap place in the hospital where I used to work.”

Liang's mother also said: "We have never opened a medical examination center, and we have no money to start a chain all of a sudden, and secondly, no one can take care of so many things. We should do this first, gain experience, and earn money in the future. Open up new stores."

That being said, Boss Liang has already seen the eagerness in his mother's eyes. 60 a year to rent a building, his family must be able to afford it, the problem is that the cost of buying equipment and hiring manpower is also considered when opening a medical examination center.What Lin Ruoyan said just now has come true. In addition to the money for renting the building at the beginning, no matter what, I have to invest hundreds of thousands of renovations, which is not counting the money for medical examination equipment.Therefore, the start-up capital of only one medical examination center cannot be made without 200 million yuan.

They only listened to what others said was lively, and they didn't open a single store. They didn't know how much money they could make, so they talked about chains, which would definitely be unrealistic.However, Mr. Lin is so optimistic about this project, if she is willing to invest money in it, and open a few more in Beijing at once, maybe she can really monopolize the market of some large companies.

A large scale also means that it can accommodate larger customer groups, just like a barber shop, people are unlikely to come to his shop in X District from the north of the city to get a haircut, as there are always a few nearby.

The same is true for physical examination. If others follow their example and build a medical examination center of the same quality and open a store in another urban area, customers will probably choose the nearest place. Who would go so far to a certain store early in the morning hungry? Going for a physical examination is not to look at intractable diseases.

In industries with low technical barriers, services can also be copied. They must take the lead to obtain stable and large customers, so that they may not be surpassed by latecomers.It is definitely a good way to expand the scale of the chain. The sooner it is opened, the more advantageous it will be, and it will be easier to establish a brand reputation.

 double update first update

(End of this chapter)

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