idle mistress

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Under the scorching sun, a group of officials escorted a group of death row prisoners through the streets of Cangcheng...

The task this time is to parade the condemned prisoners in public, and then behead them at the entrance of the downtown area at noon.

Killing this group of death row prisoners is the meaning of King Mausoleum. Killing chickens and respecting monkeys to suppress the uprising will also have a deterrent effect on some people in Cangcheng who are about to move.

Where the prison car passed by, passers-by gave way one after another, and there were also many good-natured people who followed along to watch.

Among the crowd, there was a bold kid who followed the prison car excitedly. While walking, he pointed to the prison car and counted: "One, two, three, four..."

Seeing this, the adults around him slapped his hand: "Just look, don't stretch your fingers."

The child asked with a puzzled face, "Why can't you point?"

The adult frightened him: "The people in the prison car are all vicious people. If you point at him so rudely and let him see it, you are not afraid that he will recognize your appearance and turn into a ghost to come to you at night."

Hearing what he said, the child was so frightened that he quickly hid his hands behind his back.

With the creaking sound of the wheels, the faces of the death row prisoners on the prison car turned ashen, some wept bitterly, and even some were so frightened that they lost control in public.

The onlookers soon discovered that there was actually a female prisoner on the prison van.

The woman was wearing cumbersome restraints and was forced to stand on top of the prison car. Her head stuck outside the prison car was so unkempt that people couldn't see her face clearly.

However, upon closer inspection, one can still vaguely see that she has a good appearance.

The street is paved with gravel, and the road condition is not good. The prison car is walking on it, always bumping, which is hard for the people in the prison car.

Every time the prison car jolted, Shen Qing felt something churning in her stomach, and wanted to vomit several times, but there was nothing in her stomach to make her vomit, so she could only retch.

She was standing on the prison cart, which was a wooden frame, and her neck was stuck in the upper round opening, with her head outside. After standing for a long time, her lower limbs were already weak, but her feet should not be soft, but if she was soft, her neck would be strained. suffer.

She, who hadn't seen the sun for a long time, was on her way to be beheaded when she left the prison camp for the first time.

Before leaving, the jailer brought good wine and food, saying it was a meal for the journey.

She wanted to eat, but she didn't want to be a starving ghost, but during the days of being in prison, she didn't have enough to eat, and her already bad stomach became worse.

There was a burst of noise in her ears, she slowly opened her eyes, and looked down condescendingly at a row of well-dressed escorts walking beside the prison car, and then there were ordinary people watching the excitement not far away.

She knew that these people were all looking at her, with curiosity, sympathy, and indifference in their eyes.Looking back, she saw that her hands were shackled by heavy shackles. Because of extreme malnutrition, these hands were already skinny, and the nails had become long and black due to long-term lack of repair.

The originally slender and beautiful pair of jade hands, at this moment, at a glance, there are several hands that look like the hands of an elderly person.

During these days in prison, she has been tossed out of shape.

She stood on the prison car numbly, her body swayed with the shaking of the prison car due to the weakness of her legs and legs...

Shen Qing knew that there was not much time left for her.

She's feeling lethargic and dazed, a state she's been in a lot lately, and usually closes her eyes to keep herself from waking up.

However, at this moment, she forced herself not to faint, because there was really not much time left for herself.

She tried to keep her eyes open, trying to see the world one last time.

After a long street parade, more and more people gathered below, and the sun became more and more fierce. Shen Qing knew that it was not far from the vegetable market entrance.

Soon, the prison car was escorted to the execution ground.

The officials opened the door of the prison car and urged her to get out of the prison car.

However, standing for a long time had already made her legs useless. The man thought her movements were slow, so he stretched out his hand and roughly dragged her out of the prison car.

She staggered on the flat ground, and almost fell forward. The guards around her quickly grabbed the iron lock around her neck to stabilize her, but it also almost prevented her from suffocating. and died.

Shen Qing coughed violently a few times, and with the coughing sound, a heavy shackle was put on her neck.

The wooden yoke was quite rough, as soon as a person lowered her head, the barbs on the wood would mercilessly pierce her tender skin, forcing her to raise her head with difficulty.

Soon, nearly ten people were all pulled from the prison car like cattle.

Standing there, Shen Qing felt her mouth was dry, she couldn't care less to swallow.He turned his head nervously to look at the prisoners, trying to find a familiar face among the prisoners.

However, all the way to identify, but nothing.

There was only one person who was limp on the ground with his head down and couldn't see his face clearly, but this person was short in stature, Shen Qing ruled him out immediately.

If Big Brother Mu is not here, he would have escaped from prison; otherwise, he would have already been killed. However, the cell was built extremely solidly and there were so many guards that it was almost impossible to escape.

From this point of view, it is the latter.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad.

Soon, a group of people were taken to the execution ground, kneeling side by side on the execution platform, and an executioner stood behind each of them.

The executioners carried big knives on their shoulders, with awe-inspiring expressions.

In the face of death, many prisoners were on the verge of collapse. Some were so frightened that their limbs were weak and they collapsed to the ground. What's more, they were already scared to death.

Within the time of a stick of incense, three death row prisoners fainted from fright, and soon they were woken up again by a basin of clear water.

Shen Qing knelt there, looked up at the venomous sun in the sky, for a moment, she felt very dazed.

The hour has come and everything is settled.

She didn't know why she came to this dynasty.
She saw the big knives carried by the executioners on their shoulders, the blades were sharpened to incomparable sharpness, but she knew that no matter how sharp the knives were, the feeling of falling on the neck would definitely be uncomfortable.

At the juncture of life and death, she miraculously discovered that she did not have too much fear when facing death, and even when she was looking at the big knife, she thought of...

There used to be a French biologist named Lavoisier, who tested it himself, and concluded that when the human body is decapitated, the head can still retain consciousness for a few seconds.

This time, you can try it yourself.

The heavy wooden yoke on her neck made her breathless, kneeling on her knees, following the vain thoughts in her mind, she finally couldn't bear the burden, and fainted.

The officer in charge of the execution thought she had fainted from fright, and when he saw this, he couldn't help but sighed and said, "Why did you faint again?

(End of this chapter)

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