idle mistress

Chapter 182

Chapter 182
Afraid to disturb the two people under the pavilion, she quickly turned around and walked back. When she returned to the house, she remembered that she almost made an oolong, so she couldn't fall asleep even more.

The next day, she put on a thick layer of makeup, which couldn't cover up her haggard face.

When she was on errand, Zeng Wanyu saw that her expression was gloomy, without the bright and charming look of yesterday, and the thick layer of makeup on her face was even more unappetizing, she secretly laughed in her heart.

That night, King Ling came back.

When the tall man in Chinese clothes came in with big strides, the four women lowered their heads and held their breath, and stood still with their hands down, not daring to look sideways.

King Mausoleum passed by the four of them, without looking at any of them, he quickly stepped into the inner room.

Hao Guanhua didn't dare to raise her eyes, and she didn't dare to take a breath when she stood there, so she didn't even see the face of the mausoleum king clearly, but she accidentally saw the faces of the two people following behind her, that's why she knew It turned out that this person surnamed Qi was actually the personal bodyguard of King Ling.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, she listened to the other three women excitedly describing the appearance of the Mausoleum King, saying how handsome and outstanding he was.

Only then did Hao Guanhua realize that it turned out that he was the only one who didn't dare to look up.

That night, another sleepless night, two consecutive nights without sleep, Hao Guanhua found several sores on her face, in order to cover these, she could only apply thicker face powder.

The next day when she was on errand, the other three girls secretly pointed at her face.

Hao Guanhua was in a trance, and the lack of sleep made her reaction a little slow, so she didn't notice the faces of these people.

This night, King Ling came back reeking of alcohol.

When he entered the room, he also didn't look at these women who were obviously here to serve him, and walked into the inner room with unsteady footsteps.

The person in charge went in right after him, and after a while, he came out again, and told a few well-behaved women outside: "You guys, hurry up and prepare hand towels and warm water to wipe His Highness's body. Yes, remember to go to the back kitchen and bring a bowl of hangover soup."

The four little girls quickly took orders.

Zeng Wanyu glanced at Hao Guanhua's nearly collapsed face, and quickly realized that her chance had come, and she and the other two quickly took the job of being close to him.

Hao Guanhua was a little slow to react, so he could only go to the back kitchen to get hangover soup.

After she brought the hangover soup, she entered the inner room, and saw everyone gathered around the couch carefully wiping the face and hands of the man sitting in front of the couch.

This time, she finally saw the true face of King Mausoleum, as described by several people, the appearance of heaven and man, extremely handsome...

This face made Hao Guanhua lose his mind for a moment.

Seeing this, the steward next to her reminded her: "Miss Hao, don't just stare blankly, hurry up and serve her."

"Ah...? Hmm!" Hao Guanhua regained his composure, and quickly stepped forward to bring the hangover soup.

"Your Highness, the hangover soup is here..." the steward shouted for her from behind her.

King Ling was originally served with his eyes closed. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and lowered his eyes. Seeing that he was really drunk, he said casually, "Bring it."

After hearing this, Hao Guanhua tremblingly held the bowl and took another step forward. King Ling raised his hand just as he was about to pick it up...

Zeng Wanyu, who was waiting nearby, had a bad idea at this critical moment, and she quickly elbowed Hao Guanhua hard.

Unprepared, Hao Guanhua shook his hand holding the soup, and the soup in the bowl spilled out immediately.

"Ah..." With her exclamation, yellow sweat splashed on her skirt, the ground, and... the man sitting opposite...

Sprinkle the soup directly on the master.

This was not a simple mistake, but a big taboo. In a panic, Hao Guanhua knelt down as soon as his legs softened: "Damn it..."

King Ling showed anger, and glanced at her with frowning eyebrows: "Will a clumsy person serve people!" After finishing speaking, he kicked her in the face: "Get out... get out for this king..."

"Your Highness, please calm down, Your Highness, please calm down." The person in charge hurriedly pushed Hao Guanhua, who had become a soft-footed crab, behind him.

King Ling's anger did not change: "It's really unlucky, let me withdraw her."

The steward took advantage of Hao Zhizhou, so he didn't really evacuate him. Instead, he took Hao Guanhua outside and told her to wait outside for a few days. If His Royal Highness Ling didn't agree, Do not enter casually.

Hao Guanhua is dumb and said that eating Coptis chinensis has suffering.

She knew that Zeng Wanyu was harming her, but she was not vigilant and suffered a dark loss for nothing.Just like that, the dignified daughter who knew the state could only obediently stand outside for a day.

After Zeng Wanyu came out, she still taunted her. If Prince Ling was not resting between a wall, Hao Guanhua really wanted to step forward and tear her annoying face.

Zeng Wanyu originally thought that after this incident, Hao Guanhua would have no chance at all. Unexpectedly, the king of the mausoleum woke up the next day and forgot about it. When he came to the outside room, he ordered Hao Guanhua to go in and wait for him to change clothes.

Surprised and delighted, Hao Guanhua went in cautiously to serve her. During the process of serving her, he didn't dare to raise his eyes to look at the King Ling, but the King Ling didn't even look at her directly.

This Mausoleum King had Zhang Junmei's extraordinary face, but he was as cold as ice, and his temperament was even more cloudy and moody.

After a few days, I have never seen him with a pleasant appearance, which made the four young girls feel pressured.

Once, four people witnessed this man beheading and killing an official in public.

But seeing the sword in the man's hand rise and fall, the neck of the third-rank official was smeared like this, and the blood sprayed directly from his neck. The scene was quite terrifying.

The four young women had never seen such a bloody scene before. Two of them vomited on the spot. Hao Guanhua tried not to vomit, but he also had nightmares for several days.

After this incident, she realized her situation.

The life of a third-rank official is nothing in the eyes of the Mausoleum King. His father is Zhizhou, an official from the fifth rank. In the eyes of the people in Cangcheng, he is a high-ranking official. , that's just a sesame-sized official who can be hacked and killed at will.

In this Yeyun Courtyard, as the daughter of Zhizhou, she is not special at all. In the eyes of this man, I am afraid that she is just like an ant like those slaves outside.

With this level of awareness, Hao Guanhua felt that the Mausoleum King was even more terrifying.

When serving in front of him on weekdays, he is always cautious, like walking on thin ice, deeply afraid of making the slightest mistake.

Every time this man frowned, she would feel chills.

Fear and uneasiness invaded her, and she couldn't even imagine that one day she would sleep with this man...
(End of this chapter)

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