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Chapter 265 Returning to Hometown Full of Honorary Medals

"Everything they eat has to be tested for poison. Even if I don't want to be stingy, he might still think it's taking up space in the warehouse, and he doesn't know whether he can eat it or not.

Besides, isn’t there such a saying? Gifts are less important than affection. When it comes to giving gifts, if they are given to people of too high a level, they cannot be considered practical. What you send is nothing more than a heartfelt gift. "

Xu Tianxin was thinking in his mind that he should make another biscuit for Lu Yan and Suifeng Suihe, and continued casually:

“Besides, unless it’s something that’s in your heart, what else does a person with that kind of status lack?

Look at the traffic in front of our house recently. It can only be described as a steady stream. "

Mrs. Xu was successfully persuaded by her granddaughter, which seemed to make sense.

If you give too much, you will feel like you are scratching your head, and it will appear that you are not serious.

But aren’t Lu Yan and Jia Laiguan older?

It can be seen that she and her granddaughter are really promising, and they don't feel anything wrong when they deal with fourth- and fifth-rank officials in a daze. Obviously, when I first saw the officials in the cave, they were all trembling with fear.

Tsk, maybe I have seen a bigger one and talked to it.

If they saw the old emperor, they would be bolder.

Speaking of the cave, and the road in front of the shop that her granddaughter just mentioned was full of people, Mrs. Xu couldn't help but laugh, and she wanted to mention that four days ago, she saw General Shan Shaodan again.

To be honest, she had a better impression of the general than anyone else at first.

Because Shan Shao praised her granddaughter in the cave, called her old man, and asked them if they had anything to eat, it turned out that she was a Confucian general.

So when she saw General Shan personally escorting the tribute goods through Erdaohe this time, Mrs. Xu waved her headscarf and greeted her quickly. She also called the old sisters and shouted together: "General Shan, come in quickly and get some heat." Load up the water and continue on your way with the soldiers."

The soldiers immediately heard the sound and looked at her.

Not only was Mrs. Xu not frightened, but she was also very happy to be able to help farmers like them pull the cart against the wind like when they were in the cave, and they also gave them a warm place.

Therefore, Liu Laozhu led the men that day and did not dare to touch the tribute items.

But I helped pull the horse, feed it and drink water.

Liu Laozhu laughed and told the villagers and the Zhenbei Army that Huo Jiajun helped when there was a heavy rain when he first went to Fucheng to purchase goods, and he borrowed money all the way back. County Lord Bo didn't know how to mess with them. He knelt down in front of them and shocked them, almost slapping each other back. His eldest brother also kowtowed.

In short, it was a very lively afternoon that day, and the two parties became very close after hearing about this episode.

One party is no longer so afraid, only restrained and nervous.

Several soldiers on the other side also had the nerve to find a table full of people and said, "Auntie, could you please fill up this hot water bladder?" Otherwise, they would have to endure the cold all the way, because of military discipline.

General Shan was sitting on the hot kang drinking warm tea that day, and he asked Mrs. Xu a lot of questions.

For example, what about Xu Tianxin'er? I owe so many goods and I'm not at home.

How about mutual market trading? How is business lately?

Speaking of recent business, this is the second happiest thing for Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu never expected that in addition to hosting caravans here, they would also see so many people coming from the south and going north during the Chinese New Year, rushing to Zhenbei to deliver New Year's goods.

And it’s no longer just at night, people come to eat early in the morning.

There may be many friends here sending people to give gifts.

There are many generals here in Zhenbei, but none of them has a friend. What's more, many housekeepers from the mansion came with New Year's gifts.

Mrs. Xu simply inquired about it, and Huo Yunqian alone came several times. Whether it's from Beijing, from his hometown, from Zhuangzi, or who his brother is or his aunt, anyway, there are many relatives who send people to give New Year's gifts, and there is no end to the queue, big or small. The villagers looked at it and clicked their tongues.

In comparison, Lu Yan's New Year's goods are really small, but there are a lot of them.

So my granddaughter said that she would give Lu Yan more New Year's goods. Okay, Zhuangzhuang's face, we have to get two cars together.

Those who are left in Jia Lai, including Shan Shaogu in front of him, have to pledge their goods to meet the Holy Spirit. This year they are celebrating the New Year in Beijing, and there are many relatives and friends giving gifts.

And the most bizarre day is the New Year’s Eve.

Maybe he was looking for a restaurant in a remote place to eat. It might not be difficult to find, but it was too difficult to find a restaurant to actually take a bath. He was about to meet the real owner and needed to wash up.

Mrs. Xu felt that she was not exaggerating at all. On the night of Xiaonian, she had to wait for others to finish eating in the restaurant before being seated, no matter how Xiaonian wanted to eat hot dumplings. I’m not bragging, you may not be able to get such good food if you go to town.

Therefore, we almost ran out of firewood to cook the rice, so we found a stack of firewood from the village.

It was even more evil in the bathhouse, and I was spanked that night. Don't be afraid of Maitai's disapproval of your identity or anything like that. Don't be dissatisfied with anyone.

On the last night of the New Year, the well handle broke, and the iron handle must be replaced next year.

The pipes in the bathhouse also burned out.

Don't mention it, I was busy with the villagers that day and went to Lao Bai's house all night to knock on the door and buy new pipes. This side is made of mud and frozen ground, so we barely cover it with clay and cloth, otherwise we will have to stop eating.

However, I have to admit that I have made a lot of money in the past ten days.

The old women in the village have repeatedly recruited people to come to the shop to help cook.

At that time, Shan Shao listened to Mrs. Xu's story and told her that it was not over yet. After the weather got warm in the new year, the female relatives would come. This year I only have letters from home, no family members yet.

Mrs. Xu was so happy at this that she immediately said: "If we don't put people first, with so many people, no matter how lifeless a place is, it will be revitalized."

In fact, Mrs. Xu had one more thing to say, but she held it back.

That sentence is so real. What Mrs. Xu really wanted to say is, you see, there is a big difference between generals with real power and generals without real power, even if they are of the same rank.

She had heard from people that the former Zhenbei Army officer was not sure whether it was because he was old or had no background. In short, he was unwilling to conflict with the local government and wanted to do his best so as not to hurt anyone.

When the emperor is stationed in the north, he will train his troops and stay there, and when he is harassed at the border, he will just make a small fuss. It's completely different from the general style of a family member.

Looking at Huo Yunqian in his prime, he dared to take drastic measures.

What's more, the Huo family can't control the Sacred Heart, but he has the military heart.

If she were the emperor or the princes, they would be in harmony with the Huo family on the surface, showing that the Huo family is always favored and does the evil behind the scenes.

If you can continue to recruit people on the surface, don't let go of your inner taboo against the Huo family before you're sure.

Therefore, such generals were stationed in the north of the town, and the people also took advantage of them.

Isn't that right? Mrs. Xu was so busy that she didn't chat with her granddaughter for several days. She couldn't stop her granddaughter from being even busier than her. Thinking of the meeting with Shan Shao that day, she talked to Tian Xin about what was in her heart.

"Tell me, am I right?"

Xu Tianxin smiled and glanced sideways at Mrs. Xu: "Okay, grandma, you know how to do politics."

"Whether it is politics or not, governance is about people working together to do things. They are just people, and they just think about that little thing. No one is better than anyone else, so how complicated can it be? Between countries, you are better off than me. Okay, I have to give you a stumbling block. If there is any public opinion war, isn't it the same as each family in our village competing for popularity and reputation? Who knows more people and can spread the word, even if it is false? It’s true.” Mrs. Xu continued to complain while helping her granddaughter search for frozen milk to make biscuits:

"Like me and Liu Laozhu.

I couldn't get over him at first, so I could only pretend to be friendly with him on the surface, and try the next best thing to see if I could recruit him over. Slowly I discovered that there was still some hope for this person, and that's where we are today.

But if he hadn't cooperated at the beginning and he still looked like that dead person, I felt uncomfortable thinking about this person, and I definitely wanted to get rid of Liu Laozhu. "

"Oops? Uncle Jingdong, why are you here?"

Old Mrs. Xu smiled and said: "Just tease your breasts. I pretend to be like Uncle Jingdong. You don't call him uncle. The old lady at home is even more teasing. She is afraid that she can't remember the name and asks him to slip into the hole." Besides, don’t say he’s here, it’s his father.”

Mrs. Xu took out the frozen milk from the vat and looked up: "..."

It’s really here.

When did you come?

Comes from wanting to "except his father".

Liu Jingdong was afraid, Dad, thanks to your obedience, the village has become better today.

Liu Jingdong humbly asked Xu Tianxin how to write the word "qin".

Xu Tianxin wiped the flour on his hands with a handkerchief, and when he took the pen to write for him, a big bird's cry suddenly came from outside: "Grandma, come on, come on, the caravan is coming!"

Mrs. Xu immediately ran out with Xiaopao. Her actions betrayed her heart, but she did not forget to pretend to be serious and said: "Oh, even if you get up early, isn't it normal for us to have guests here? There are many people on duty over there. Why are you so excited?"

Indeed, this time four caravans came at once.

Moreover, the caravans that his sister Xu Tianxin knew were about to finish their breakfast and buy some food before setting off.

"Shopkeeper Hui Shangzhang and the others?"

Yes, these people never left. That time when they met Dashan, Mrs. Xu specifically inquired about him, saying that they were waiting for the final payment from the court. Just tell me whether you can still have this rotten court.

As a result, in order to save money, these shopkeepers could only send some of the porters back in advance to escort the money, while they and the other part of the escorts had to continue to stay.

"There is also Lu Shang, shopkeeper Wan, the medicine merchant, and shopkeeper Wang, the silk merchant. My second uncle asked me to come back and call you quickly."

When Mrs. Xu heard that they were all those her granddaughter wanted to give gifts to, she hurriedly turned around and said, "Dabao, hurry up, Shopkeeper Zhang and the others are leaving."

The New Year gifts that Xu Tianxin wants to bring are all piled up at his home, and there is no room in the shop.

After hearing this, Liu Jingdong stuffed the paper with the word "Qin" written on it into his arms and started to help Xu Tianxin move the wine jars and load them into the car.

The big bird quickly went to look for Liu Laozhu. Unexpectedly, not only Liu Laozhu came, but the fourth uncle and the seventh uncle also came after hearing the news.

The difference is that shopkeeper Zhang is the first customer to arrive at their store.

When it comes to opening a store, people of all kinds and personalities are bound to come together. Although the villagers of Erdaohe are very open-minded, but no matter how open-minded they are, in contrast, shopkeeper Zhang is still the friendliest to the villagers, and everyone is very grateful.

So after staying up late last night, all the villagers who were supposed to have a break and work the afternoon shift came here.

Everyone was still rushing towards the shop, saying: "It is already the twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year is about to come. They are on the road now, and the thirtieth and first day of the lunar month will be on the way."

In front of the Erdaohe shop, fourteen colorful flags swayed.

In addition to preparing a car of high-strength liquor for Lu Shang, Xu Tianxin wanted to give her some Surabaya stones.

He also gave it to the four shopkeepers individually, each with four jars of Tusu wine:

"I had money to buy wine, but there was a heavy snowfall a few days ago, and the wine shops in the town couldn't get the wine. I went to buy it, but then he stopped selling it to me, saying that there wasn't much left, and he had to consider the merchants and people in the town. My uncles also delayed for several days before setting off to Fucheng to buy wine. So they prepared a few small gifts, just enough for everyone to have a drink on the first day of the new year."

Xu Tianxin raised his hand to the long queue and said: "I borrow Tusu wine to ward off evil spirits, bring peace and good luck. I wish all shopkeepers a smooth journey. Good luck in the new year."

The villagers of Erdaohe then shouted: "Wish you all a happy new year."

Shopkeeper Zhang felt that he must be on the road during the Chinese New Year. He might be a little sad because he couldn't see his relatives. Otherwise, why would his eyes be red? He is not a person with shallow tears.

"No, no, please wait a little longer and give me a pen and paper." Shopkeeper Zhang suppressed his tears and called to the other shopkeepers: "We have to write a thank you note. Although it may not be useful, it can be posted on the wall before the caravan comes. You can show it to them. This is what we do. We understand how the team leaders think. Having a thank-you letter will make you feel more confident about staying in Erdaohe."

In fact, not only the caravan shopkeepers were filled with emotion when they received the Tusu wine and the free melon seeds and chestnuts, but also Xu Youcang, Xu Youyin, Liu Jingdong, and the powerful tiger Dapeng were also deeply moved.

People who have never gone out to sell goods in a world of ice and snow do not understand the suffering and sleeping in the open on the road.

While on the road selling goods, these boys also said that it turned out that when they arrived at Erdao River, they took a bath not to be clean, but because they were so cold that they wanted to jump into the hot pool immediately.

When Xu Youyin was selling goods, his gloved hands were so cold that he couldn't straighten them. At that time, he thought, it would be great if there was a basin of hot water to warm his hands.

Therefore, these people are more practical than others and are carrying buckets of hot water to fill the four teams with free hot water. He also asked if there were enough torch oil and fire breakers.

Most of the villagers were talking to the vendors: "Emma, ​​there's not enough room, so I just left. It's still Chinese New Year, so be sure to pay attention to your steps on the road. You must come again next year, and it will be like nothing else next year." Same."

As for what's different, I still have to count on the old ladies to be eloquent.

The whole table helped hold down the paper of thank you note and said to shopkeeper Zhang:

"It will be civilized by then. We will row on the small rime river and you will sit in the boat. You will sit in a row on the boat, which means lying down.

Then we will take you to see the scenery, catch some of your favorite fish, prepare a small barbecue on the shore, grill a pike, and put the pork belly slices on the stone pan, and it will sizzle and become oily.

Then use a packet of spicy cabbage made by my sister, and let me tell you, it’s not cured. "

Cai Baozi didn't have time to introduce himself to Shopkeeper Wan:

"Next year we will build a new house. If you open the windows in the summer, you will have a beautiful view of the water. We will build it all the way to the river.

There was a gate by then, and there was a long corridor of several dozen feet leading into the house, with a shed built on it. If the house felt stuffy, they would sit outside eating watermelon and drinking tea.

Even the room you stay in has a one-button sliding unlock inside, which means it has an iron mortise lock, which will make you feel more at ease. "

The eggplant bun wife hurriedly said:

"It is also equipped with a full set of exquisitely crafted furniture and a hidden safe, which is the small box where you put your money. It can definitely keep your wealth and secrets for the big shopkeeper. Even the cheap backyard is very beautiful, and you can see the jungle from the backyard. It's yours too, you can play with it as you like when you go up the mountain."

Da Mozi was talking to Shopkeeper Wang: "Don't be afraid if the cold weather comes again like this year. There will be a big kang, which will be much bigger than now. You won't be able to squeeze in anymore. Let's put it this way, to use a not-so-good analogy, you This Kangtou is infected with the plague, and even if you live on the Kangtou, you are not sick."

Pepper reminded: "Tian Xin Nai said that it is called close contact."

"Yes, if you catch the plague at the end of the kang, it's not considered a close contact at the end of the kang. You must come next year, the old man is so arrogant!"

After the shopkeepers finished writing their thank-you letters, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. It didn't sound like a house, but a greenhouse next year.

Both parties waved their hands.

"Let's go, folks!"

“Have a safe journey and return home with your hard-earned money!”

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