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Chapter 264 Give You a Little Red Flower

Xu Tianxin was lying on the wall. There was snow piled up on the wall, and he had to be careful not to get pricked by the uneven bamboo sticks stuck in the soil. Fortunately, no one had replaced the bamboo sticks for many years, so his clothes were not scratched. .

She was making a clumsy sound, holding on to the wall with one hand, pushing her feet against the wall at a ninety-degree angle, and reaching out to take the basket that Guan Ertuo held high above her head.

The basket is made of broom strips that grow along the roadside in autumn.

Every spring, clusters of unique weeds grow on the roadside in northern fields, and they bloom with small lavender flowers. After the leaves fall in autumn, people will pick them back and make baskets.

In the past few days, Guan Ertu has been weaving baskets a lot.

Guan Ertu knitted it when he was boiling medicine for Xu Zhaozhao. He knitted it while sitting in front of the stove making steamed buns. After serving the medicine to the guests and waiting, he knitted it while yawning.

At this time, there were seven large white dough dumplings in the most ordinary small basket.

There are red dates on each pastry.

A couplet.

Seven window papers.

Paste powder wrapped in corn leaves.

There is also a bag of palm-sized coarse salt grains, the kind that are as coarse as possible and have nothing to do with red fishing salt.

And a two-pound piece of pork.

Before Xu Tianxin inserted the small basket with a rope, he deliberately took out the pork tied with a hemp rope. She was afraid that the other party wouldn't be able to see the New Year's gift and would be gnawed by rats again, so she hung it on a bamboo stick with one end of a hemp rope, and placed the fat and white pork against the wall.

Then do the last thing.

She took off her small slingshot from her waist. This slingshot was a simple hunting version that Mei Zhuang made for Tian Xin.

If Sister Tian Xin wants to become the king of the village, she must be perfect with a slingshot.

Facts have proven that Xu Tianxin can stick needles so accurately. Xu Tianxin has some talents. No wonder he is admired by children.

Xu Tianxin drew his bow, and the mud projectiles hit the door frame with a swish.


Guan Ertuo sighed as he said, "Why are you doing all this nonsense? Just put it inside and knock on the door and leave." He took the lead and ran away carrying Tian Xin's empty schoolbag.

This person is not loyal, nor does he want to pick up Tian Xin'er.

The two men hid behind the wall, panting.

After a while, I heard the surprised voice of a little boy in the yard: "Grandpa, grandpa, look!"

Oh my gosh, there's meat.

This family is very similar to the Guan Ertu family in the past. There is no middle generation.

The middle generation of this family is a strong laborer, but the eldest son was forcibly drafted and did not return.

The eldest daughter-in-law died in childbirth with her second child.

The old man also has a young son, who has been working hard to support his eldest brother's two children since he was fourteen years old. He has been working hard for others.

When the youngest son went to the city to look for work in the late winter four years ago, he was found to have slipped and fallen into a ditch and froze to death on the roadside. The snow was very heavy that year, and I was eighteen years old before my death. I never got married.

At present, there is only one grandfather left to support his two grandchildren.

The old man has long been unable to see clearly.

He was tremblingly touching the New Year's gift in the basket and took out the couplet.

And as he touched it, he also found salt.

As the old man trembled and dipped his fingers into the salt particles to taste, tears suddenly welled up in his cloudy eyes, and they shed more and more, until finally he burst into tears.

"Master..." Da Sun wiped his tears with his rough hands.

Xiao Sun was still holding the frozen pork. He wanted to say it was meat, but if you don’t believe it, it was oily when you touched it, which made me laugh. When he saw me crying, he immediately became hesitant.

The eldest grandson said: "Master, don't cry, my eyes should be even more invisible. Who do you think the kind person gave this to? If you can guess it, I will go to a good family after the new year, and I will work hard and earn money there." Reward money, take it home after you earn it. Then I will also buy a gift for the kindhearted person."

The old man thought to himself: Fool, the old woman didn’t like you, the big one. The person who pulled the strings said it was your brother who he wanted to buy.

And where can I go home and see it? If it is bought, it will sell far away.

"I won't sell it anymore. Anyone who doesn't leave a name will help me. I won't give up my life anymore!" The old man suddenly hugged his two grandchildren and burst into tears.

Behind the earthen wall, Guan Ertu was squatting there. He couldn't help but grin when he heard this. That's right, don't sell your baby.

If you can get over it, just hold on for two more years, old man.

As long as we persist, the two strong laborers of the new generation will grow up.

He was once almost unable to hold on, but seeing his grandson Hu holding on, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

Just like what he wrote in the couplet to this family:

If it was not good last year, it will be good this year; if it is not good this year, it will be good next year.

At that time, Xu Tianxin saw this couplet and asked hesitantly: "Don't tell me, Hengpi just needs to be alive."

Guan Ertu said: "How can it be possible? Yes, it will be fine sooner or later."

Guan Ertuo and Xu Tianxin went back together with a smile.

Guan Ertu also hugged Xu Tianxin and said, "My merits are immeasurable, disciple. This family thought it was a good relationship between his two sons when they were still alive."

Xu Tianxin patted the snow on his gloves first, and then said a Wanfu salute to Guan Er Tu Zheng'er Ba Sutra. He said with a smile: "Learn from Master. This is the best. When the two boys grow up, they will be proud of their father and uncle." "

After they finished speaking, they laughed like fools and went to find Liu Jingdong and Da Niao.

Liu Jingdong was looking at it blankly. There must be my master among the three of us. The big bird salesman has a sharp mouth. He wanted to write down and write a poem:

"To celebrate the New Year and welcome the New Year, I must have two kilograms of melon seeds. Okay, aunt, look at the scale. Do you want it too? Okay."

"Tofu, and frozen tofu. Grandma, don't bargain on the price, there's nothing wrong with it. If you buy too much, I'll see my grandson later and beat me up. And we have to drive to three villages a day and stay in each village for at least half an hour." About to leave."

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, do you want to see if there is anything you want to buy? Look, dang dang dang, the colorful hairband is here, and it looks good if it is loose or tied up."

Da Niao saw Xu Tianxin walking over, one arm covered with colorful hair ribbons, and pointing with his little hand. If you don't believe it, please look at his sister who loves pee escape but has to admit that it is very exciting:

"It's elegant when worn loosely, and it's chic when tied up to ride on an ox and cut rice. It doesn't delay work and doesn't fade. The headband is strong and easy to wear..."

Liu Jingdong answered: "Everyone is gone, but it is still there."

Big Bird said hurriedly: "No, no, my uncle means to let you choose a few more to wear. At the end of the year, there is no girl who doesn't like to be pretty. If you want to be better, headbands are indispensable."

The girls looked at Liu Jingdong and covered his mouth and smiled shyly.

It can be seen that the four-person group does not need to go to the town or go to the market. The small caravan that can buy everything in one stop is still very popular in remote villages.

After all, it was a maroon oxcart, and there were rare girls among the people driving the cart. The older girls and younger wives looked at Xu Tianxin with curiosity.

Although the uncle who was the leader was not very good at selling goods, he had an unusual appearance. He looked rich and handsome at first glance.

In addition, when the villagers heard that they were from Erdaohe, they not only did not dare to find trouble in collecting tolls, but also happily said to the four people: "I went to the administration office a few days ago and met Liu Lizheng by chance."

It's just that Liu Lizheng was sitting at the front of Li Zheng's team. He was seated at the bottom and didn't say anything. So when "One Stop Shopping" left, many aunties asked: "Will you come again? Why don't you sell meat?"

"We can't grab every business. Yes, I'd like to wish you all a happy new year in advance. I wish you a fertile land and abundant crops in the coming year, so drive!" Xu Tianxin, carrying Big Bird, took the lead in turning the first car around and left with a smile.

When doing good deeds in the second village, Xu Tianxin did not dare to climb the wall because there were neighbors nearby.

This time she was at ease, and when she found the right moment, she quietly opened the wooden door, put the basket into the yard, flicked away a marble made of mud as a reminder, and left.

But he was so low-key that he was almost found.

In this family, a fifteen-year-old girl lives with her four younger brothers and sisters.

When she saw a special gift among the New Year gifts, the girl opened the door and ran after it.

She was sure and certain that the good Samaritan was a woman.

The fifteen-year-old girl was wearing patched trousers that only reached her calf. She was standing at the intersection, holding her menstrual belt in her hand and choking with tears.

Since her mother died, no one cares that she is a girl.

Who is it? He actually knew that she didn't even have a menstrual belt.

Xu Tianxin hid behind the pile of firewood, thinking: Girl, while you are helping your brothers and sisters, don't forget to take good care of yourself.

In the next three days, as more and more “New Year’s gifts” were given, the “one-stop shopping” caravan also told them where to go and where they could fish.

The General's Mansion is different from the previous county government. The unowned river is no longer difficult for the people, and fish will be harvested until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Perhaps this troubled situation will offend the local Li Zheng, but Liu Jingdong said that he is not afraid and will go to his father if anything happens, and he is capable of stumbling upon his father.

As for robbery on the road, do you dare? First, think about the consequences first. If you hurt them, will they be dug out?

Then think about whether his body shape is just for decoration.

It's just the right time for him to be cold enough. He carries a knife and an arrow, and his eyebrows are covered with frost. It's best not to offend him, a white-browed hero.

What's more, Tian Xin'er didn't know what she was carrying, and she looked more fearless than him.

Rumor has it that Xu Jiatian Xin has a travel tool.

So what Guan Ertuo and Xu Tianxin didn't know was that after their trip, many people clearly felt that they couldn't hold on any longer, so they switched to new machines, which helped many people abandon their frozen cabbage gangs and go fishing.

And no one who receives special annual gifts does not pray for blessings.

An old lady from a family received the "New Year's gift". She immediately faced east, knelt down in the yard, coughed, wiped her tears and said, "Although I didn't leave a name, I know your name. You are called a safe life, and your elders are called longevity." Kang Jian, your descendants are called Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan."

However, most people did not dare to move in the first few days after receiving the "New Year's gift".

I always feel that I don't have this luck, because someone else threw it away wrongly.

Or who harmed them? But they are already so poor, why do they still want to blackmail them? They don’t even have land.

It wasn't until the "New Year's gift" was put aside for several days, and every family not only vomited at the sight of the white pastry, but also ran out if there was any trouble, and no one came to claim it, did they believe that it was really for them.

Therefore, most people's words of thanks are not to wish well-intentioned people a smooth life, but "My family's fate is not good, and everything we ask for does not work, so we don't pray for anything else. We are afraid of dragging down the nobles and not being able to survive. We can only wish and be kind." People will be far away from disaster in the future.”

During the past three days, while selling goods in a remote village, an incident occurred.

Oxen-carts are rare in the village, and many of them don't even know that there are horses taller than oxen.

The children suddenly saw three oxcarts coming, which were still maroon. They couldn't help but chirped curiously and wanted to touch them.

There was a disabled little boy who didn't know whether he had polio or something wrong with his legs. He came over to take a look. The other children in the village laughed at him and said that he would never be able to ride a cow in his life, and it was all in vain.

The little boy was already unsteady on his feet, and was knocked over by a chubby little boy who was dominating his position. He couldn't get up for a while.

In the eyes of the little boy, the tall Liu Jingdong appeared at this moment.

Then the little boy flew up the next moment.

The tall elder brother lifted the little boy over his head and held him high. Under the astonished gazes of the children in the village, he walked up to the maroon old cow and said, "Want to touch it?"

"I can?"

Liu Jingdong not only let the little boy touch the cow, but also comforted the cow for a while in advance. Then he looked at Xu Tianxin, who nodded with a smile and put the little boy on the cow.

"Who said you can't ride a bull in this life? Work hard and be literate when you grow up. Then you will buy a cow like this. This cow is currently worth eighteen taels of silver. When you grow up and earn enough money, you can buy it. .”

At this moment, the little boy riding on the maroon old cow opened his eyes wide and bright.

Eighteen taels?

The child's father came in a hurry after hearing the news. When he saw this scene, he suddenly stopped and stood in the distance. He immediately blocked his eyes with the sleeves of his cotton jacket.

That night, Liu Jingdong returned home and wrote two poems.

One song includes all of Big Bird’s sales jingles, expressing everything he has sold.

"Bean sprouts have two curved branches, which can be used for drinking and eating.

If the vegetables are not planted in the soil, the flowers will never bloom when they sprout.

It can clear away heat and reduce internal heat, just like the ginseng fruit in the sky.

He is a baby born from mung beans, and we call him mung bean sprouts. "

Finally, I would like to add a sentence, the Year of the Ox has passed, the tiger is in the mountains, Erdaohe Convoy, who can compete with it!

This is what it means to sell out everything before the year, it just depends on whether it’s great or not.

The next thing to sell is the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. I heard that the Xu family went to town and ordered a lot of goods before the fifteenth day.

And the other one was something literate he wanted to say to the little boy at that time.

But he didn't hold it back at the time. Xu Tianxin gave me some advice on the way, and Liu Jingdong wrote:

Everything is based on diligence, and everything depends on self-reliance.

He must be diligent, thrifty, and run a good family, and he can only study and farm.

"Dad, I'm going to the Xu family."

"Why are you going again?"

"I forgot how to write the word Qin."

Liu Laozhu wiped his face, wondering if he could hold back two more songs before visiting his husband on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, for a total of six songs.

I have been studying in the small children's class for three consecutive years. Is it possible to be promoted to the D-shaped class? Stop sitting with children and tremble just by reading six poems.

When Liu Jingdong arrived, the Xu family was preparing New Year's gifts, and they happened to take advantage of Zhao Dashan's yamen to deliver tens of thousands of catties of fish to the camp to deliver the Xu family's New Year's gifts.

Mrs. Xu looked at the New Year's gift prepared by her granddaughter and said, "Isn't this unreasonable? There is a little less for the general, but so much for General Lu and General Jia."

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