The World of American Drama: From the Los Angeles Patrol

Chapter 552: Solving the case also requires politics

Chapter 552: Solving the case also requires politics

"This damn world, there are 16 registered sexual offenders living near an ordinary community." Danny complained loudly as he walked into the office holding a thick stack of materials.

"Any news on the white van?" Jack asked.

"There was a false report in the Astoria area, and the situation didn't match up. It was an Asian family. When the case is over, I want to have a talk with the racial discrimination reporter."

Danny sent the information about the sexual assault offenders in his hand to several on-call patrol officers, urging them to verify the alibi of these perverts as soon as possible.

"Jack, come with me." Dana Moge appeared at the door at some point and nodded slightly to Jack.

"Ah, okay." Jack put down the investigation materials in his hands and followed.

The female boss walked non-stop as she walked out of the police station and towards the police square, "Frank rose from an ordinary patrol officer to his current position step by step. The support he received from the upper echelons was far less than that from the citizens. So popular.”

Jack said nothing and listened quietly behind her. He didn't know why his boss said this to him, but he knew that as he came into contact with all aspects of the world, politics would definitely not be avoided. .

When he went to Washington, D.C. to receive the medal, he discovered that the FBI director in this world was obviously not the one he had seen photos of online in his previous life, but he looked somewhat familiar, but he didn't know which American TV series or movie he was a minor character in.

This also reminded Jack that there was a big difference between the two worlds. If he wanted to be able to have a transcendent status in the bureau like Rosie, he still had a lot to learn.

There is an old saying in Siris, which is called those who know the current affairs. Bah. A good swimmer will drown in the water, but he is completely incompetent in water. If he falls into the water, he will die faster.

Although he is now just a senior agent and is not involved in issues such as political alignment, people have to grow up, and he cannot hide under the big tree of Rossi forever.

As a person with cheats, he would not consider immortality for the time being, but Jack at least had the confidence to survive everyone he knew around him, so he naturally had to consider some long-term issues.

It's hard to say whether he will stay in the FBI for the rest of his life. He has no intention of becoming Hoover, but in this country, if you want to live a more enlightened life, you don't just have money. A certain social status or background is also a must.

Jack can't do anything like being a good dancer, but he doesn't object to making some friends with strength and background, because many people seem strange to him, but they are not that strange to him.

Take Danny Regan and his big family, for example. Although Jack has not watched this American TV series, he has somewhat recalled it these days. It seems to be a serious drama about a police family in New York.

In addition, he is also quite familiar with the face of Danny Regan, the Second Lieutenant Carwood Lipton of Company E in "Band of Brothers".

When he searched for his father Frank Regan on the Internet, he was even more confused. Isn't this Monica's older ex-boyfriend in "Friends" - "Uncle Charlie", with those two slaps on his face? The well-groomed mustache is so impressive.

The romantic private detective who wore a floral shirt and drove a Ferrari convertible that the actor played in the old version of "Hawaii" was also one of Jack's childhood memories.

Now that he knows this, Jack can naturally make friends with the positive characters in these "dramas" without any psychological burden, just like when he recognized a certain "accounting assassin" at a glance and couldn't wait to reach out to him. An olive branch came out.

I followed my female boss across the street and arrived at the Police Plaza opposite the NYPD headquarters building. From a distance, I saw that the steps were already surrounded by reporters and photographers.

In the center of the crowd was a podium engraved with the NYPD police logo. Microphones with the logos of various media and television stations were inserted in front of the podium. Standing on the podium at this time was Chief Frank Regan.

From what his boss said just now, Jack learned that the chief was her collaborator in the NYPD. Both parties agreed that making full use of each other's resources and reducing the crime rate was a top priority. The struggle for power between the federal and state governments was Things for politicians.

To a certain extent, there is an alliance between them. Although Frank Regan has some help due to his father's status as chief and has quite deep connections in the police department, overall, at the top, there is still Lack of roots, especially in politics.

After all, the old man in his family has been retired for almost 20 years, and the old guys have already retired. This one basically relied on his own strength to get to where he is now.

Although Frank Regan is the highest-ranking officer (Chief of Department) in the NYPD police department, he is responsible for all large and small affairs within the NYPD system and wears a four-star police badge.

But in fact, there is another one above him (Police Commission), which can be called the Chief Director, Police Director or Police Commissioner. It is a civilian position. It is appointed by the Mayor of New York and changes every five years. It is regarded as the mayor's check and balance on the NYPD. Tool man. The police commissioner is not responsible for the specific affairs of the NYPD. In theory, he does not even need to have police experience. If the police commissioner has not worked in the NYPD before being assigned, he is not even qualified to wear a police uniform and does not have law enforcement power.

It can also be seen from this that not only the relationship between Frank Regan, a powerful leader who was promoted from within the NYPD, and the politicians who have taken turns cannot always remain good, but the same is true for the ordinary police officers below.

There have been previous incidents where NYPD police officers carried coffins and took to the streets to protest against low wages. At the funeral of a deceased police officer, when the mayor was speaking, the police officers in the audience turned around in protest.

Now that the mayor has advocated cutting the NYPD's budget as soon as he came to power, his relationship with the NYPD is naturally not very harmonious, and his relationship with Commissioner Frank Regan is also very delicate.

The mayor needs support, needs to serve his sponsors, and needs to cover up scandals. The NYPD, the largest police department in the United States, needs funding, needs to fight crime, and needs to maintain its own strength to gain more say.

So the two sides had previously played a political game like Tai Chi pushing hands, suppressing, supporting, compromising, maneuvering, and wooing foreign aid.

Jack felt dizzy after hearing this. It wasn't that he didn't understand, but he just wasn't very interested in politics. Behind those seemingly complicated political methods, there was nothing more than the word "interest". He didn't want to swim in that cesspool. I don’t want to be a troublemaker in the hands of some people.

Fortunately, what Dana Moger needed was not a stick, but a sharp knife. The two stopped a little far away from the crowd, just enough to hear Frank Regan's speech on the stage.

At this time, the reporters below were already in a mess. They all raised their hands and shouted the name of the director loudly, wanting to ask questions.

Frank Regan ignored these guys, but cleared his throat and said, "Before I answer the question, I need to make a statement.

As you know the first hours of a case like this are crucial, so I would like to ask for the media's assistance in repeatedly showing Teresa's photo to the public.

The task force will follow up on every clue in a timely manner, and I would like to assure the citizens that the entire NYPD will do their best and work around the clock until this girl is found. "

Before he finished speaking, the reporters started chattering again. Frank Regan pointed to the male reporter standing at the front with the loudest voice, showing a helpless expression, "Miguel, you can ask questions now." .”

The male reporter named Miguel held up a shorthand notebook and said, "Director Reagan, someone on the Internet claimed that the NYPD deployed three fewer police officers in today's case than in the case of a missing child on the Upper East Side last summer. One percent, what do you think about that?”

Frank Regan sighed silently, "Miguel, you are a professional reporter, and then you choose to believe a guy who is holding a notebook and making up news online, right?"

Amidst the low laughter of the other reporters, the male reporter wanted to speak, but was interrupted by a female voice with a broadcast accent.

"So what do you say to the polling question about the general lack of trust in police in the Hispanic community and the fact that crime rates in the area have been slowly rising?"

The speaker was a female reporter who looked a few years older than Dana Moger and was fashionably dressed but already in her mid-teens.

"I will not respond to so-called polls, Miss Davidson." Frank Regan also called the other party's last name.

“But it’s a fact that crime has dropped across the board in every borough of New York since I took over.”

Miss Davidson, who looks like Taylor Kelly and is also a reporter and news anchor, then asked a somewhat pointed question.

"So, can you take it as a hint that the mayor's cuts to the police budget will not affect the NYPD's ability to protect the safety of citizens."

Frank Regan seemed to be speaking righteously, but in fact he avoided the issue tactfully, "We are not going to discuss the issue of financial allocation today. A nine-year-old girl is missing, and time is passing by minute by second. We must do The task was to find Teresa immediately.

The media are asked to do their part and show as many photos of Teresa to the public as possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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