The World of American Drama: From the Los Angeles Patrol

Chapter 551 The urgent case of the missing girl

Chapter 551 The urgent case of a missing girl

After returning the borrowed golf cart to the enthusiastic citizens, Jack became Danny's driver for free and took him back to the police station. By the way, he agreed to visit the Chief's house this Sunday.

After handing two autographed novels to Danny, Jack turned around and was about to leave when he saw Danny, who had just stepped into the police station, turned around and walked out again, his face becoming a little ugly.

"What happened?"

"There's a missing child case in Queens. It's very urgent. You're not busy lately, are you?" Knowing that this guy wanted to win over his strong man, Jack tilted his head and motioned for him to get in the car first.

The Dodge Hellcat had just started, and Jack was about to pick up the phone when his female boss Dana Moge called, "Jack, are you with Detective Regan now?"

Although he had said hello to Jubal before going out and helped the NYPD arrest a suspect, Jack still felt an inexplicable guilty conscience and had the illusion that he was being caught for slacking off.

"Uh, yes, sir, I was about to report to you, just now."

Jack was interrupted before he finished speaking, "I already know that your current mission is to fully assist Detective Reagan. If necessary, you can activate the operations center. This time someone wants to make a fuss out of a molehill, so we must solve it as soon as possible."

Dana Moge talked without any end, and hung up the phone after giving instructions. Both Jack and Danny, who pricked up their ears and eavesdropped in the passenger seat, were a little confused.

"Sounds a little not optimistic." Danny frowned habitually.

"Why do people make such a fuss about the case of missing children? Is it because of you NYPD?" Jack couldn't think of any other reason.

"I'm just as confused as you are." Danny spread his hands, equally confused.

But they soon knew what Dana Moger meant by making a fuss. As the car drove into the neighborhood where the crime occurred, they saw that the place was already full of police cars, and the perimeter of the cordon was filled with onlookers and people holding weapons. Reporters with cameras, even in the apartment buildings on both sides of the street, had countless heads sticking out to look curiously.

This group of reporters actually arrived faster than them, which is very unusual.

"There are cameras, please be careful with your behavior, handsome FBI guy." Danny sighed and opened the car door.

The two of them entered the cordon one after another. A patrol captain who was busy inside obviously recognized Danny. He clasped the belt around his waist with his thumbs and came forward. It seemed that many patrol officers liked to pose in this posture.

"Dude, did you find anything?" Danny patted him on the shoulder and asked.

"Teresa Campos, a 9-year-old girl, Hispanic, didn't come home after school. She lives down the block on Santa Anita Street. That's her mother over there. She was worried, so she looked around."

The patrol captain pointed at a middle-aged Hispanic couple on the side of the road, "The building manager told her that he saw several little boys picking up a pink schoolbag from the ditch on the side of the road, then throwing it down and running away. "

"Has the schoolbag been confirmed to belong to the missing girl?" Danny asked.

The patrol captain nodded, "I have sent police officers to search the building. No one has been found yet. The helicopter has also been dispatched and is checking the situation on the roof."

He led the two of them to the ditch. Lying on the ground was a clean pink schoolbag, which was obviously the one that the curious little boys picked up.

"Is this also the girl's?" Jack glanced at a doll lying in the dry drainage ditch. A patrolman wearing gloves was picking it up and preparing to stuff it into the evidence bag.

As a result, he didn't know where to press it, and the doll made an electronic voice, "Change my clothes, I'm peeing."

"I don't know, but the girl's mother said she had never seen this doll before." The patrol captain sounded a little sad. It is never easy to communicate with the emotional relatives of the victim.

"Put away the school bags and dolls, do fingerprint and DNA identification, and tell CSI that this is a missing child case and it needs to be urgent." After Danny finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at Jack.

"I'm following your command." Jack waved his hand to indicate that he should continue. As soon as he saw the media reporters on the third floor and the third floor here, he probably knew what he was talking about. The fuss that Dana Moger said was obviously referring to someone making a fuss. NYPD attacks.

The FBI can help but cannot come forward, otherwise Danny and his father will have a hard time doing it. Even if the case is successfully solved, the NYPD will look ugly.

"Apply for an 'Amber Alert', send people to interview surrounding residents, collect surrounding surveillance, and check all trash cans, mailboxes, and sewers. If anything is discovered, remember to avoid this family first to prevent them from being overly nervous. Do you understand?"

The patrol captain took the order and left. Danny took a deep breath, then looked at Jack, "Are you ready?"

Of course Jack knew what he was referring to. Before the case was solved, no one liked to face the emotional family members of the victim, but this was a process that had to go through. The two came to the middle-aged couple who were hugging each other and crying. Danny introduced himself first, "Mr. Campos, Mrs. Campos, I am Detective Regan, and this is my partner, Detective Tavole." Detective."

He paused for fear of causing unnecessary associations, and did not reveal Jack's identity as FBI. Seeing the two men's trembling lips looking at a loss, he could only continue, "I have a few questions to ask."

"Wow!" The already extremely nervous woman suddenly pulled her husband's lapel and cried.

Mr. Campos seemed to be in slightly better condition. Although his speech was a little garbled, he could still speak normally. "She always came home on time, as soon as school was over every day. She knew her mother would be worried."

"She is a good child." Mrs. Campos cried until she could no longer stand still.

Jack thought to himself that it would be nice if Jie Jie or Hannah were here at this moment. Female agents naturally have the talent to soothe the victims' emotions.

At this moment, he could only bite the bullet and said, "I believe everything you said. Here are a few procedural questions that need to be asked. I know this will cause you discomfort.

Is it possible that she ran away from home, maybe you had a fight, or was taken away by your ex-husband. "

Mrs. Campos shook her head desperately, "Rige is her biological father, and we didn't quarrel. Please, you must find a way to find her. She has congenital diabetes and needs insulin injections every 24 hours."

Jack and Danny looked at each other and felt that their scalps were really numb. This was no longer a matter of golden hours.

Insulin was injected every 24 hours. The missing girl could not have been injected with insulin at school. She must have been injected before going out in the morning. Nearly a third of the time had passed.

In other words, if the girl is not found before tomorrow morning, then even if she is found later, it may just be a corpse.

"You two, interrupt me." The patrol captain waved to the two of them not far away.

"Excuse me." The two came to him.

"A lady had seen a white van speeding away from the scene before. She noticed something was wrong and tried to read the license plate, but it was too late."

"There are white vans everywhere in New York, which really narrows the range." Danny complained helplessly.

"Oh, I know, but she said the back window of the van was broken, so I thought maybe."

Before the patrol captain finished speaking, Danny nodded, "This car should be wanted, especially at toll booths on bridges and tunnels. Maybe we can try our luck."

"Notify the guys watching the surveillance of this information. There should be surveillance cameras that can capture the license plate." Although Jack said this, he also didn't hold out much hope.

If the other party dares to abduct people on the roadside, they must be prepared. Although the residents here are mostly Latino, they are obviously biased towards blue-collar communities.

It can also be seen from the street environment that although the asphalt road looks a bit old, the sidewalks are still clean, there are no homeless people or needles everywhere, and most of the surveillance cameras on the streets are in good condition.

Danny put his hands on his hips and had a bad look on his face, "I have a bad feeling, Jack, it doesn't look like it was caused by a custody dispute or anything like that, but it doesn't look like a kidnapping case for money either. That couple was just an ordinary couple." Family, what do you think?”

Jack agreed with his judgment, "At least I don't see anything unusual from the micro-expressions. This couple is just a simple victim."

At this time Mrs. Campos staggered over and said, "My baby, please, you have to find her, please."

As she said this, she grabbed Danny by the collar and slapped his chest, "Ah, please, we must find her, I can't lose my baby."

Mr. Campos quickly stepped forward and held his almost fainting wife in his arms. Danny didn't know how to react for a moment, but just murmured, "It's okay, we will do it."

He almost blurted out some promises that shouldn't be said. He swallowed the last half of the sentence with difficulty and replaced it with an inaudible, "...I will try my best."

Jack rubbed the bridge of his sore nose, patted his shoulder and said, "Let's go, hurry up, go back to your place to make room, and I'll move the combat center over for you."

An hour later, Jubal entered a large office on the second floor of the NYPD headquarters in Police Plaza with more than a dozen analysts, and soon the noisy keyboard sound began.

(End of this chapter)

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