Chapter 383 Mystery on the Beach ([-]) (Please vote for me)
Early the next morning, Jack was still busy in the kitchen, cooking a loving breakfast for Sleeping Beauty on the bed, when their cell phones rang almost at the same time.

The calls were made by Rossi and Hotchner respectively. Another body appeared near the beach. The team was divided into two. Jack Reed and Rossi went to the scene where the body was dumped, while the rest went to the hotel where the deceased lived to investigate. .

After bidding farewell to Jiejie in a hurry, Jack went downstairs and took an Uber home to pick up the car. In order to save trouble last night, he parked the Suburban directly near Jiejie's house. Now he could only leave the car keys to her.

It was too much to go back together last night and talk about the investigation clues about stopping by the gym, but to go to work together the next day.

Although he bought a new car, Jack is definitely not someone who likes the new and hates the old. He still fires up the car when he goes to work, changes his clothes, and hurries to the Santa Monica Marina.

Although it took some time, Jack, who only stepped on the accelerator and hardly stepped on the brakes, was still the first to arrive. By the time Rosie and Red arrived late, he had already been soaking in the seawater for a while.

The body was stuffed under a wooden trestle, and almost half of it was soaked in sea water. Jack could only take off his shoes and jump under the bridge for inspection.

Seeing Rosie and Red appear, he waved his hand to indicate that they didn't need to come down to wet their feet.

"It's almost the same as the previous corpse. He was shot in the head and castrated after death. What a ghost. This time the corpse was wrapped in plastic film."

With the help of Rhett's extended hand, Jack returned to the trestle. As he spoke, he put down his trousers, wiped off the sea water and sand on his feet, and put on his socks and shoes.

"So our previous speculation was correct. The murderer wrapped the body with emotional sustenance, but we don't know the reason for hiding it yet." Reid said.

Jack agreed, “Yes, and although he changed the way he abandoned the body, he still chose the beach, which may have some special meaning to him, the kind of criminal comfort zone you talk about when you draw a circle on the map. "

Rossi hung up the phone and turned towards the two of them, "Jack, did you smell the smell of alcohol when you checked the body? Hodge and the others found a large number of empty wine bottles in the hotel room, and the bedside bar was completely empty. ”

"Yes, I can smell the smell of alcohol without tearing the plastic film. This guy was completely drunk before he died." Jack said and dialed Garcia's phone number.

"Baby, I hope you have some good news. We already have five corpses on hand."

"I may disappoint you, Your Highness. Let me ask a question to Dr. Reed, who has an IQ of 187. The victim, Sean Taylor, rented a blue Dodge after getting off the plane, but the local police could not find the car.

The car rental agency has activated the recovery system, but the GPS is turned off. How should I find this car? "

It's a pity that Rhett can't think of an answer this time.

"Are there any other deceased cars with this condition?" Rossi asked from the sidelines.

"Yes, and that Joseph Krause, he also rented a car, but he can't find it either," Garcia answered.

"So our murderer is also proficient in stealing cars?" Jack was surprised.

"Not necessarily, it could be an experienced auto mechanic." Reid said.

The discussion was fruitless for a while, and then Jack remembered the purpose of calling Garcia.

"By the way, Garcia, let's take a look at the latest forensic report. What is the alcohol concentration in the other victims' bodies?"

"Wait a minute, um. The report says that the alcohol concentration in the bodies of the four previous deceased persons was relatively high."

Garcia's voice just came out on the phone, and the eyes of the three people on the other end of the phone lit up at the same time, and they finally found some common ground.
Two hours later, in the conference room of the local police station, everyone gathered together to begin the first profiling.

Rossi was the first to make an opening statement, "The murderer started committing crimes almost two months ago, but the interval between crimes has been shortening in the past few weeks. Why is this?"

Jack took a sip of the milk tea he just bought. He didn't even have time to eat breakfast because he was in a hurry, leaving all the breakfast for Jiejie.

"It shows that the murderer's emotions are getting tense and he needs to vent. Whether it is for financial reasons or emotional reasons, his life is becoming more and more difficult." "The comfort zone of the murderer can basically be determined, from Santa Monica to Redondo This area between the beaches is obsessed with beach bodies for unknown reasons.

As for the whereabouts of each victim on the night of disappearance, we can only trace it back to 9 p.m. for the time being. "

A pencil was spinning dexterously in Red's hand, which seemed to represent the speed of his thinking at this time, which made someone a little envious.

"We haven't found their missing car yet," Chief Parker of the local police station added.

"Is it possible that the murderer killed the victim in a deserted place under the pretense of hitching a ride?"

Hotchner shook his head, "This cannot explain how the murderer knew that the victims met his emotional standards. Whether they are bankrupt or suffering from other economic crises, they cannot be judged from their appearance in a short period of time."

Jiejie agreed, "Judging from the gym's surveillance, Sean Taylor still looked upset when he left the gym that day."

"And Joe Krause's wife said that he has been in a bad mood recently because of financial problems and often goes to the beach to relax." Hotchner recalled the conversation with Mrs. Kraus yesterday.

"So, do all victims have this problem? Jack, what do you do when you are in a bad mood?" Rossi asked suddenly.

"A date? Uh, no." Jack glanced at Jie Jie guiltily, then quickly looked away and began to replace the old rookie John.

What does this guy do when he's in a bad mood?He came to his house, drank wine and smoked cigars in the backyard, and then talked about his ex-wife and his son.

"Looking for a place to have a drink?" He pondered for a long time, thinking of the strong smell of alcohol that he had smelled on the deceased, and seemed to have found the right answer.

Rossi nodded affirmatively, "Maybe, I mean, is it possible that the murderer did not take the deceased to the beach, but they went there themselves, and the murderer just waited there nearby."

The thick fog seemed to be instantly broken by his words, and everyone began to think quickly.

Emily murmured to herself, "No one would refuse a free drink at a bar or party. When you are upset, maybe you will refuse an approach from the opposite sex, but the kindness from a stranger? Isn't that what it means? Do you want someone to talk to?"

Rhett poured cold water on her without knowing it, "But we still have one problem that we haven't solved yet. Even if Garcia completes the background check on all the victims, it is found that they are all business people with financial problems.

But it still cannot be explained why some of them were wrapped into mummies and some were not wrapped at all. There must be similarities and differences among them that we have not discovered. "

Chief Parker felt that he was not keeping up with everyone's thoughts, and asked, "So, can you tell me first, what should I tell my men to pay attention to?
After the fifth corpse was discovered today, the officials in the city hall went crazy and almost ordered me to solve the case within a time limit. "

Hotchner pondered for a moment and made a brief summary, "What we are looking for is a middle-aged man. His target is those who are depressed and come to the beach to get drunk.

He does not appear to be threatening on the surface, is good at listening, can make friends with the victim in a short period of time, and can make the victim reveal his true feelings in a few words.

We speculate that the murderer also suffered bankruptcy or divorce in a short period of time, and used this to empathize with the victim. He felt that his behavior was a kind of kindness, liberating the victim from the abyss of pain. "

Rhett then explained, "Every time he castrates the victim after his death, it is because of his own reasons. I guess it is a kind of 'Yangwei' from psychological to physical."

"By the way, he may also be skilled in auto repair or at least know how to turn off the GPS of a dismantled car."

Sheriff Parker looked sad. Although he was still looking for a needle in a haystack, a rough psychological portrait could at least give people an idea of ​​what the needle looked like.

"I think I know where Garcia should focus her investigation." Jack's words attracted everyone's attention.

"Check the consumption records of the five victims, especially liquor stores and bars, and compare where they bought alcohol or have similar consumption records. You may be able to find a similar place."

 I didn’t take a day off even though you were on vacation. During the double period, come and get some monthly passes!
(End of this chapter)

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