Chapter 382 Mystery on the Beach ([-]) (please vote)
Rossi thought for a long time and clapped his hands, "Maybe the murderer showed love to them and when he was rejected, he would treat the corpse like this."

Jack thought Rosie's idea was simply unbelievable, "Only one of the four deceased was confirmed to be gay. There is no problem with the sexual orientation of the others for the time being, and"

He glanced at the corpses in the room and said, "As far as I know, even people with the same surname have different preferences for appearance and body shape."

"Perhaps being rejected will make the murderer more excited?" Rossi shrugged. Maybe he felt that this speculation was a bit unreliable.

Jack shuddered subconsciously, and the side effects of having too rich an imagination were revealed at this moment. For a moment, his mind was filled with magical sounds such as "Give me Kangkang", "What are you doing", "Brother Jack, don't want it anymore".

Fortunately, Garcia's call saved him in time. "The forensic test report came out again. Except for the unfortunate removal of a certain organ, none of the three previous victims showed signs of being violated."

"Thank you, dear." Jack breathed a sigh of relief, just like he wasn't a troublemaker.

"Is there any investigation progress regarding the whereabouts of the three people?"

"Only one has been found for the time being. Sean Taylor once swiped a credit card at a gym near the conference center. The address will be sent to you now.

In addition, although I did not find their mobile phones, I retrieved the mobile phone numbers in the names of the three people and retrieved the communication records, and no suspicious numbers were found. "

After talking to Garcia on the phone, Jack returned to the police station with Rosie first.

Because the convention center is in the city, Rossi said he had done enough exercise today, so Jack had to change his partner.

When he came back, he happened to encounter Hotchner escorting a middle-aged woman out, and Rossi quickly said hello to him.

"Any gains?"

"Joe Krause just lost his job not long ago, and the couple is facing a financial crisis." Before Hotchner finished speaking, Emily and Reid also walked out of the conference room.

"What a coincidence, we just found out that one of them, Sean Taylor, lost his vacation home because he defaulted on his mortgage, and the other one just signed the divorce agreement the day before coming to Los Angeles." Emily said.

"So what the victims have in common is that they all suffered serious property losses or financial problems? Maybe the murderer did the same." Jack held his chin.

"It sounds much more reliable than the speculation about homosexuality."

"So, how did the murderer learn this so quickly? A service industry practitioner?" Hotchner asked.

He is a local and is familiar with the local situation. Judging from the traces at the scene, he is most likely a male, because there was only one person's footprints at the scene just now, and the deceased was a fat man close to 240 pounds.

His ability to quickly gain the trust of his victims and then attack them is paradoxical, indicating that this person is very social, but at the same time not very noticeable.

Faced with these clues that were temporarily sorted out, everyone was suddenly in trouble. Instead of narrowing the scope of suspicion, it became more complicated.

Finally, Hotchner looked at the time and said, "It's getting late. Let's go back and rest. We'll meet directly at the police station tomorrow morning. We need more clues, and both the forensics team and Garcia's side need time." "

The advantage of working on a local case is that you can go home and sleep at night. Jack stood up and said, "Jiejie and I will stop by that gym on the way back."

In order to avoid disputes and troubles, gyms are probably the most monitored indoor scenes in this country besides banks.Jack and Jiejie successfully obtained the surveillance video. It has to be said that sometimes the FBI's signboard is much easier to use than the local police station.

It seems that every old American has learned to say to the local police, please produce a search warrant, but when they face the FBI, they will appear to be extremely cooperative.

"It looks like this guy is just venting." Jack switched angles and watched Sean Taylor keep changing from one device to another.

In the surveillance video, Sean Taylor seemed to have been competing with the fitness equipment. He drove the treadmill very fast, but could not keep up with the speed. The strength equipment was obviously more intense than he could bear.

"It was like he was venting self-punishment. It seemed like he was not just losing a vacation villa, but he was a bit cynical."

Feeling that Jiejie was now becoming more and more interested in profiling, Jack tentatively asked, "When are you going to formally propose to Rosie and Hotchner to become a profiler?"

Strictly speaking, in this group, only Rosie, Hotchner, Reid and Emily can be considered serious psychological profilers. Jack can only be considered half of them. He will not be able to do so until the end of next year at the earliest. Get a master's degree.

"I am considering further studies, and Rhett said he could introduce his teacher, Professor Jason Gideon, to me. You know, the professor who is the founder of BAU with Rossi."

Jie Jie, whose little secret was revealed, gave him a cute look.

"It seems that Hotchner will hire a new liaison officer soon." Jack said, opening the car door for the lady in a very gentlemanly manner.

The two returned to the city and had dinner at a Spanish restaurant.

After thinking about Italian food, Jack recently started thinking about Spanish food. The two are somewhat similar and have their own characteristics. They are quite similar to the relationship between Huaiyang cuisine and Shandong cuisine.

This seems to make sense based on the geographical location of the two countries in Europe.

The only Spanish dish that made Jack feel uncomfortable was the churros, which were churros sprinkled with sugar and dipped in hot chocolate.

Tapas, a snack skewered with toothpicks, is very interesting. Someone secretly wondered if they could improve it by using the recipe of Bobo Chicken.

After having enough wine and food, she returned to Jiejie's small apartment. After some tenderness, Jiejie took out a check and handed it to Jack, which shocked the latter.

"I am free (Free means both freedom and free)!"

Jiejie was immediately delighted by this guy's anger. She fell into his arms and laughed until she couldn't stop laughing. It took a long time to recover.

"This is ten thousand dollars. I know you spent one hundred thousand dollars in New York this time. Count me in. I also like the ending of that story."

Jack looked embarrassed, "If I tell you, I actually have no money at all."

As he spoke, he counted the heads on his fingers. The old Hunters, the two Suits lawyers, bald Frank, Wesley and Hannah all paid a total of $6 in the name of participating in the gambling game.

Jack actually used the money to make an anonymous bet at a gambling company, betting that Charlie and Yvonne would not break up. After deducting taxes, he made a net profit of more than [-] yuan. Everyone's money was returned in full, and he would also give the rest The small amount was sent to "Yifang Cafe" in the name of a tip.

(End of this chapter)

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