In fact, the Brescia incident is not difficult to clean up, or there is no need to clean up at all. It is enough to change the perspective of looking at things.

From an Italian perspective, it is natural to praise those priests and guerrillas who violated morality and faith and massacred Austrian wounded soldiers.

But from an Austrian perspective, this should not be done at all. Although there is no Geneva Convention at this time, the massacre of wounded soldiers in a church should definitely be condemned.

However, in history, the propaganda machine of the Austrian Empire was too overwhelmed, which led to a reversal of the reputation of this incident. Franz would not make the same mistake.

After so many years of operation, Franz has a strong publicity team, which can provide complete one-stop service from reporters, editors, publishers and printing houses.

There are many disadvantages to such a complete system, but the advantage is that it is extremely stable, and others cannot destroy it even if they want to.

Franz knew the importance of first impressions, so he determined the Brescia incident at the first opportunity, that is, a forced and just revenge.

The Austrian army faced shameless betrayals and sneak attacks, demons and apostates who had taken refuge in the abode of God.

But the Austrian soldiers did not choose to retreat, but chose to fight against evil to the end, and would never bow down even if the heaven was shattered.

As a result, the reputation of both parties was directly reversed. After all, no one likes sneak attacks and betrayals, and the so-called Italian nationalism is morally untenable.

Secondly, this is Venetia, which is the territory of the Austrian Empire. The Austrians are the victims, and those who are hostile to them are naturally the shameless perpetrators.

This was so certain that even Italian nationalists published articles in newspapers condemning this unethical behavior.

Mazzini, who had just escaped and ascended to heaven, even more exaggeratedly claimed that the attackers in Brescia were not Italian guerrillas at all, but a group of shameless thieves disguised as thieves.

Such a dramatic change was entirely due to Mazzini's fear that the Austrian government would use this matter to stigmatize the great cause of national independence.

But this is not something he is afraid of happening, and the so-called Italian nationalists at this time don't need Franz to smear them. They can be as black as they want.

The Venetian region is the most developed region of capitalist factories in Italy and even Austria.

However, due to the special political environment of the Austrian Empire and the traditions of the Venetian region, capitalists here often have more than one identity. They are usually nobles and bishops.

Therefore, the people here are subject to triple oppression, feudal exploitation, theocratic exploitation, and capitalist exploitation.

No matter how dirty water Franz splashed on them, he didn't feel any violation.
Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance, but these people do not have a unified program. In fact, no one, including Mazzini himself, has a truly systematic long-term plan.

So when the insurrectionists achieved some victory, they began to imitate the oppressors and began their journey of degradation.

For example, Daniele Manin, who wanted to be the Doge of Venice, and his rival Niccolò Tommaseo.

The latter did not want to proclaim himself king, but that did not mean that his ambitions were not small. He hoped that Venetia would be incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia, and then manage the area as the Venetian governor of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Bishop Cosell even planned to create a new religion and serve as the new spiritual leader of the Italian nation.

Ambras, this name is definitely considered prestigious in the Austrian Empire, and the future heir of his family, Luca Ambras, was one of Franz's childhood companions.

This kind of honor is not something that every local noble can have the opportunity to possess. However, this family that manages theocracy always wants to make multiple bets and is on the wrong team at critical moments.

It was a joke to restore theocratic rule in the nineteenth century. Even Pius IX, who was the Pope, could not do it, let alone their small theocratic family.

The Ambras family holds multiple episcopal seats in Italy and controls several wealthy dioceses, but those parishioners want to go to heaven, not to die.

So when the Austrian Empire's army arrived, the 10,000+ parishioners controlled by the Ambras family offered little resistance.

One of Franz's childhood playmates, Luca Ambras, also died. The latter did not follow the former's advice to make a living overseas.

Luca Ambras began to take over the family business after returning to his hometown, and later he also participated in the conspiracy between the family and those Italian nationalists.

Luca Ambras knew exactly what he was facing, but in order to restore his family's reputation and keep his own good life, he decided to take a chance.

Of course, this is just Luca Ambras' wishful thinking. In Franz's opinion, he has fallen.

The Ambras family has done too many bad things by using their divine power and the position of bishop, which even puts those gangsters to shame, ranging from drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms smuggling, organizing gangs to premeditate robberies, murders, forcing girls into prostitution, and collecting protection fees.
They want to overthrow the Austrian government. The most important reason is that the strengthening of security and government control makes it impossible for them to do whatever they want.

Franz once persuaded him to leave and also persuaded him to stop, but Luca Ambras and the entire Ambras family still took the road of no return.

But this time they were not forgiven. Franz sent an army of 5000 people to completely wipe out the power of the Ambras family from the world.

The situation of the battle was completely one-sided, and the parishioners who had high hopes for the Ambras family chose to watch indifferently.

As for the private soldiers trained by their family, they are okay in gang fights, but when they face the regular army, they are scared to death.

After the war started, a few shells knocked their souls out, running around like a group of headless flies. Even those who dared to fight among them were unable to organize an effective counterattack in this chaotic situation.

Except for a few who died in battle, most people chose to surrender.Generally speaking, Franz will take the approach of holding those who surrender to account, never asking for threats.

However, for these treasonous gang members, Franz did not want to let anyone go. Not only did he order all the traitors to be hanged, he also sent people to collect intelligence from the people and crack down on those who slipped through the net.

Facts have proved that the friendship between these gang members and the people does not exist at all, and there is almost no sworn hatred.

After the local people witnessed the Austrian army defeating the families that had oppressed them for hundreds of years, everyone became brave. Not only would they provide clues to the Austrian army, they would even spontaneously organize militiamen to watch from the sidelines. assist.

In addition to these gang members, Franz was also arrested by the local gendarmerie.The gangsters can be so rampant, and they definitely deserve a lot of credit.

fighting?There is no fight!
Franz is not a war madman. With his status, is it not easy to just make up a reason to make these people put down their weapons and arrest them?
In addition to these powerful anthropomorphic gadgets, some minor figures also appeared on the stage of history at this time.

For example, the former Marshal Laporte was just a submissive small shopkeeper before, but with his ruthlessness, he became the commander of a million-strong army. Not only did he kill the real generals, but he also took them into his subordinates. .If it was a few centuries ago, then he would have been a hero.Unfortunately, he met Franz, so he could only become a clown.

It was given to Pius IX as a bargaining chip, and was later burned on the rack after Franz entered the city. It became the backdrop for the liberation of Rome, and was even painted by the artist into his own paintings for future generations.

The famous Italian painter Achille Vianelli painted this and named it "Liberation of Rome".

Achille Vianelli was a typical court painter, and even served as Lu Yi Philip's teacher, teaching him Impressionist painting techniques.

However, the Orleans Dynasty had fallen by this time, and the French Provisional Government could not accommodate him, so the great painter could only look for new meal tickets.

At this time, Rome extended an olive branch to him, but this person was not Pius IX, but Angelo Nebuti.

After Angelo Nebuti was captured, he also became one of the backdrops for the "Liberation of Rome". Pius IX also specifically ordered the executioner to be tied up with iron chains and simmered over a low fire.
In this way, the great painter Achille Vianelli failed to witness Angelo Nebuti's restoration of the glory of Rome, but instead witnessed its destruction.

Enrico Cernuschi, nicknamed "Little Robespierre".However, he did not have the talent and learning of Robespierre. He studied law, but failed in many trials. In addition, he had no strong connections and could only work in a sugar refinery.

After the outbreak of the great rebellion, Enrico Senuschi incited workers to riot and established the "People's Court". Their principle was simple: whoever had money would be judged, and whoever did not pay would be guillotined.

Franz felt that calling such a person "Little Robespierre" was an insult to Robespierre and the French Revolution.

As soon as the Austrian army invaded the city, "Little Robespierre" sent an invitation, asking Franz to come to his home to accept their surrender.

Franz did not keep the appointment, and only twenty cannons responded.He was too lazy to think about whether this was the Hongmen Banquet, let alone accept the surrender of such a person.

The New Montagnards of "Little Robespierre" were thus destroyed. Post-war statistics showed that more than two tons of gold and silver vessels were found in the ruins alone. During the rebellion, as many as 700 people were executed by their so-called "People's Court" people.

Except for a small number of people who came to Venice from other parts of Austria to do business or serve as officials, most of the rest were native Venetians.

As for whether these people are guilty or not, there is no evidence to be found at this time.

(The situation in Lombardy is even more outrageous, but for the sake of continuity, let’s talk about it together when we get to Lombardy.)
Franz is ordering himself to bring reporters and pens to help record the facts and help the Austrian army clear their names.

However, the reality is that there are some unclear people within the Austrian army. A low-level officer jumped out to accuse Heinau of atrocities as soon as the incident occurred.

That's right!This "brave" and "upright" junior officer did not blame Franz, but Heinau.

The latter's identity was too sensitive. He was a Jew, an illegitimate child, and a foreigner. He was nailed to the pillar of shame almost as soon as he was born.

Relatively speaking, Franz's background was much more upright, so he was selectively ignored.

The most direct purpose of this low-level officer is to show his uniqueness and make a name for himself.

In addition, he was also suspected of wanting to show off in front of Franz, but he just happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

First of all, he can't get away with being accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason. Secondly, slandering the nobles and smearing the image of the army is enough for him to drink.

As for the next fate of this little man, Franz was not prepared to ask about it.However, sometimes there will be unexpected joys even though there is no intention to do it.

Before even being interrogated, this little guy revealed that he was an informant placed by a big shot in Vienna who was placed next to Franz.

Along this line, Franz easily eliminated a large number of unstable factors lurking around Franz.

But Franz didn't feel too big about catching such a big fish, because they would die soon.

On the contrary, Julius Jacob von Hainau, who had a great reputation in history and was known for his cruelty and cruelty, became a little frightened.

"Archduke Franz, is there something wrong with us killing everyone like this?"

Franz looked at the fierce-looking man in front of him and sighed.

"The executioners of Arad, the hyenas of Brescia and the Habsburg Tigers have this much courage?"

However, Franz couldn't tell Heinau how terrible his reputation was in later generations. Even Sherman and Grant, who burned the city in flames, regarded it as synonymous with cruelty.

During the Civil War, Sherman, the commander-in-chief of the Union Army, ordered Atlanta to be burned down, and all the elderly, women, and children who could not be evacuated were burned alive.

And ordered the soldiers to kill anyone who dared to put out the fire and escape from the city.

Perhaps God couldn't bear to look at such atrocities, and heavy rain extinguished the flames. However, Sherman did not care about the so-called providence. He ordered the soldiers to set fire again, and it took more than a week to completely destroy Atlanta, the industrial center of the southern United States at that time. Turned into scorched earth.

During the Civil War, Grant also condoned soldiers' robbery, rape, and massacre. After becoming president, he also liked to use high-pressure policies to suppress aliens and people of color, signing the "Horace Page Act" (the infamous "Horace Page Act"). The predecessor of the Chinese Exclusion Act).

Franz felt that what Heinau did was still far worse than the two "greatest" Americans above, but his reputation was much worse.

"General Hainau, I have a message for you.

Killing one person is considered a sin, killing ten is considered a crime, killing a hundred is considered evil, killing a thousand is considered a pride, killing ten thousand is considered a hero, and killing millions is considered a hero among heroes.

The eternal karma is all in killing people. "

Franz patted Hainaut meaningfully on the shoulder.

The meaning of the former is obvious, that is, let the latter make his own decision.

Franz's words were like enlightenment. At this moment, there was only one word in Heinau's mind: "Kill!"

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