The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria's Mandate of Heaven

Chapter 910 Repaying Resentment with Virtue, Why Repay Virtue?

Chapter 910 Repaying Resentment with Virtue, Why Repay Virtue?

In fact, the people who stayed in the military camp at this time were all carefully selected by Lieutenant General Molka. There were no diehards or hardliners among these people, most of them were just outsiders.

As long as they have enough benefits, they are willing to do anything. Only such people can ensure the perfect implementation of his plan.

Lieutenant General Molka's [-] troops advanced toward the palace. In order to get to the palace as quickly as possible, he had already sent artillery and other heavy weapons to a warehouse not far from the palace.

In addition, in order to increase the success rate as much as possible, he also asked the messenger to go to the Hofburg Palace to deliver a message and tell the Imperial Army that he was here to help quell the rebellion.

However, Lieutenant General Molka had to stop just as he was halfway through the journey.Because the purgatory-like scene on the street at this time made it impossible for him to walk any further.

The team that had just tried to storm the palace had been completely wiped out. It was completely wiped out in the true sense. There was not a single living person left. Every corpse had been stabbed, or had been shot in the chest or face. Or be pierced by a bayonet.

The corpses were so densely packed that one even suspected it was a massacre.Lieutenant General Molka should have been excited because he could perfect his lie.

But at this time, Lieutenant General Molka only had fear in his heart, because as a soldier, he knew very well that his army would never be able to do this.

It caused so much damage in such a short period of time, but he didn't have time to feel it all.Lieutenant General Molka could only gamble now, betting that the trump card would let him enter the palace gate.

However, as a series of violent explosions sounded, Lieutenant General Molka's war horse threw him to the ground. The muzzle of the gun appeared in the windows of the shops on both sides of the street, and countless shotguns shot out.

Such a close distance made it impossible for the soldiers to avoid it. The moment the iron beads penetrated the human body, a ball of brilliant blood mist bloomed on the street, which was particularly brilliant under the sunlight that pierced the dark clouds.

Lieutenant General Molka was beaten to pieces at this time. Before he could figure out the situation, the second round of attacks began. Countless rockets fell from the sky. His team could not escape in the narrow streets. .

Some people wanted to escape into the shops on both sides, but what awaited them was an even denser rain of bullets.

The gunmen had already been ambushed in the shops on both sides, and they were using new rifles that had not yet been delivered to the large army.

Such an efficient offensive method is undoubtedly the Austrian army.

"My own people! Don't shoot!"

Some people had reacted and shouted immediately, but in response they were met with a more merciless rain of bullets.Explosions, gunshots, and screams were heard endlessly.
The bloody attack lasted for half an hour. Lieutenant General Molka stared blankly at the streets that had now turned into purgatory.

Suddenly, neat footsteps sounded, accompanied by melodious military music, and neatly lined up Austrian soldiers appeared on the street.

Due to issues of national style, Austria's military music also sounded a bit melodious, and the neat footsteps sounded like the roar of a wild beast to the rebels who had just experienced shelling, making people feel downright frightened.

Some of the rebels who could still stand up tried to escape, some tried to surrender, and some tried to explain, but they only received bullets in response.

After another quarter of an hour, the Austrian soldiers began to strike again, and they did not let go of any corpse.

At this time, the tall foreigner had changed into a general's uniform, and his beard was still curled up exaggeratedly on his lips.

"General Hainau! Lieutenant General Molka is still alive and he wants to see you!"

The messenger was very excited. After all, catching the lieutenant general was a great achievement, but Julius Jacob von Hainau spat hard on the ground.

"How come this bastard always survives to the end! Bring him here!" Soon two soldiers brought Lieutenant General Molka over. At this time, half of Lieutenant General Molka's face and hair were singed. , one leg was wrapped in a thick bandage, and his left arm was drooping.

Seeing the other party in such a mess, Hai Nao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You traitor, don't you want to ask me why I want to kill you? Those who incited the mob to rebel just now have already asked me."

Hainao asked and answered himself.

"No comment on the order from above."

Because Heinau was a Hessian and the illegitimate son of a German nobleman and a Jew, he was rigid and did not know how to adapt, so he was very unpopular among the aristocratic circles of the Austrian Empire.

Lieutenant General Molka is just the opposite. He is born with an all-round personality and has a good skin that is harmless to humans and animals.

"Why are you here?"

This is the biggest question in Lieutenant General Molka's mind. He clearly has a script, and everyone is acting according to his plan.

According to the plan, Hainan's troops should still be cleaning up the mess in the mountains of Central Italy at this time.
"I arrived three days ago, but the troops entered the city in batches, and the communication with the Forbidden Army was not smooth, so I could only use one-third of my troops to deal with you."

"one third?"

"Well, I brought 6 people back. And as soon as the battle starts, the troops outside the city will enter Vienna within three hours.

You can't win. "

Hainaut's tone was full of disdain. He hated these guys who were eating nothing but corpses. But even so, he hesitated when he received the order to annihilate the rebels. After all, this was not in line with the style of Austria and the Habsburg family.

However, Franz said: "If we let these rebels go every time, how should we treat those loyal people? Will their blood be shed in vain?
There is an old saying from the East that is often taken out of context, 'Why repay kindness with evil? 'Now it's time for those guys to pay with their blood! "

Heinau still respected Franz very much, especially after the Brescia incident.The historic Brescia incident earned Heinau the nickname "The Hyena of Brescia".

In fact, in the Brescia incident, Italian priests colluded with the rebels to massacre Austrian wounded soldiers in the church first, and Heinau led the troops to besiege and refused the enemy to surrender.

However, due to various historical factors, the priests and rebels who treacherously massacred wounded soldiers in churches became heroes, while Hainau, who wiped out the enemy for revenge, became synonymous with cruelty.

In this life, the war went very smoothly after Franz arrived in Venice, and most of the wounded soldiers were taken care of by the wartime hospital established by Franz. Most of the remaining wounded soldiers were treated by professional doctors.

(This mainly refers to private doctors in private clinics. During the war, Franz specially recruited all doctors.)
So Franz felt that this tragedy would not happen, but history always has its inevitability. When passing by Brescia, a group of wounded soldiers entered the church to pray, praying to the priest to let them live in God's residence for a moment of peace. .

However, what they got was betrayal and eternal sleep. The passing Hainaut tribe immediately besieged the church after learning the news.

But this time the person who gave the order was not Heinau, but Franz.

The Brescia incident in history was entirely the incompetence of the Austrian Empire's propaganda machine. This time Franz must make him a hero.

(End of this chapter)

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