Chapter 778 Prom
Queen Alexandra was very satisfied with Franz. She was afraid that the painters of the Austrian royal family would draw people too handsomely. It would be bad if Olga fell too far after seeing him.

But fortunately, Franz spoke better than Mrs. Sophie, and what she had seen and heard in Vienna these days, even if she didn't understand politics, she knew that the national strength of this country was far from what it used to be.

Even Nicholas I would be heartbroken to receive such a grand princess with such a high standard.

And judging from the performance of the guests, the standards were indeed very high, but not unique. In other words, there are often banquets of similar standards in Vienna.

For Queen Alexandra, the wealth of the Habsburg family meant that her daughter would not suffer hardship when she married, and the strength of Austria meant that the alliance was stable, so there was no need to worry about the two countries going to war.

Mrs. Sophie is also very satisfied, she thinks marrying Russia is the best choice for Austria at this time.The remaining countries are not worth mentioning at all, and the princes of Germany and Italy cannot continue to increase their influence and provide political resources for the Austrian Empire.

The only one with strategic value is Prussia, but the other party's interest does not seem to be great, so the priority can only be lowered.

As for Spain, which is too far away for Austria, and the former has already entered into a marriage plan with the French, it is not easy to snatch food from a tiger's mouth.

Empires that are not recognized at all, such as Brazil and Mexico, are even less likely to be considered.

To sum up, Mrs. Sophie is very satisfied with this marriage. After all, Princess Olga looks very healthy. As for her personality, she was a pretty normal child before, and the problem probably lies with Franz.

In any case, she is also a princess of a great country, if it is really impossible, she can be trained slowly.

"My dear, what do you think of Princess Olga?"

Madame Sophie suddenly wanted to ask her husband's opinion, Archduke Franz Karl quickly stuffed all the food on the plate into his mouth, poured another big gulp of wine, and said vaguely.

"Eatable, drinkable, clean, white, and tall"

Mrs. Sophie held her forehead, she regretted her behavior just now.

"I'm asking what you think."

"Of course I sat and watched, the banquet is not over yet."

Grand Duke Franz Karl kindly reminded, Madam Sophie could only say helplessly.

"Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables."
This is the dividing line that has to be eaten——
After dinner, before the dance.

Franz doesn't like being stared at, but he's gotten used to it over the years, and doesn't show much emotion when faced with burning eyes.

"Beautiful Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, if you have any questions, you'd better ask them now, otherwise you may lose your chance later."

"Honorable Grand Duke Franz Joseph, are you giving me an ultimatum?"

Princess Olga showed a charming smile, and then she was about to leave gracefully.

"No, I'm just reminding you kindly."

Franz did not chase him, nor did he give any explanation in a panic. A kind reminder made Princess Olga very angry. She felt that the other party must be provoking.

The former sighed helplessly as he watched the latter's leaving figure. However, he did not take any further action. Instead, he chose to recuperate his energy. After all, there was still some physical work ahead.

After the two separated, the atmosphere became a little awkward. After all, this series of activities was specially prepared for these two young people.

Flowers, fine wine, balls, and waltz are the favorites of young people in this era.

In order to create an atmosphere, Mrs. Sophie also invited the old Johann Strauss, who is known as the "King of Waltz", but because there were too many big figures present, his edge was covered up.

Although I don't know what the situation is, the dance has to go on.

Queen Alexandra on the other side is not in a hurry, because she knows that her daughter is actually very well-bred, and she will politely refuse even if she doesn't like it.

What's more, unlike other German princes, Austria is an ally who can sit on an equal footing with the Russian Empire. Olga will not be so ignorant.

The current situation is entirely due to the fact that the other party is not paying enough attention to her and she is throwing a temper tantrum, which just shows that Olga is very interested in Franz.

So Queen Alexandra quietly made a gesture to reassure Mrs. Sophie, and the latter breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that the two children would be in trouble if they didn't get along.

Queen Alexandra saw Princess Olga coming over and asked her to sit beside her, and said.

"My dear little Olga, how do you feel? Have a great time at the dance."

"Mom, can you remove that fine print? I'm 24 years old."

Olga scolded, but Queen Alexandra didn't care, stroking her daughter's head lovingly.

"Olga, my little Olga, there are not many opportunities for a woman to make choices in her life, so take advantage of them."


"If you don't like it, I can take you away now."

The sudden change in Queen Alexandra's tone startled Princess Olga, but seeing her mother's smile, she couldn't help but took her mother's hand and began to act like a baby.

"Mom! How can you do this! I'm your own daughter! I don't know him yet..."

Queen Alexandra tapped Princess Olga on the forehead.

"Then what's the use of holding my hand? Ask yourself! People are there!"

Princess Olga struggled for a while before mustering up the courage to walk to Franz.

It's just that before the former opened his mouth, he found that the drum music suddenly changed, followed by Franz's outstretched hand.

"Princess Olga, may I ask you to dance?"

Franz's eyes were clear and bright, and his smile was elegant and confident. Olga subconsciously nodded and held out her hand.

Then the latter loses his bodily autonomy, and Franz dances very fast, but with a rhythm just enough for Princess Olga to keep up.

In fact, the drumbeat of the music, the focus of the lights, and everyone's gazes all changed at that moment. Only Franz and Olga were dancing in the center of the hall.

And Olga didn't notice any other changes at all at this time, she only knew that her heart was beating violently, and her body was constantly catching up with the opponent's movements, but the boy who was eight years younger than her was like a boy She was as accommodating as her older gentleman.

Their dance steps became more and more coordinated, and Olga also put away the embarrassment of the deer bumping, and she tried her best to be graceful and confident.

People at the ball cast envious eyes one after another, and everyone was attracted by the elegance and beauty of the dancers.

The applause and drum beats sounded at the right time, which made Olga more confident, and the corner of her mouth could not stop smiling.

She looked at him, and the two looked at each other as if there was a fierce confrontation.

After the dance, there was thunderous applause, among which Prince Metternich and Mr. Pravich, the Russian ambassador to Austria, clapped the most vigorously.

Franz smiled and said, "Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, you are such an excellent dancer, I am honored to dance with you."

"Me too. If you can, I would like you to call me Olga."

"Very well, then. Olga, my name is Franz. Nice to meet you again."

"Me too."

"See you next time."

"Wait a minute."

One good thing about Russian women is that they are not pretentious.Olga directly put her arms around Franz's neck, stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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