Chapter 777 Olga Nikolaevna
Olga Nikolayevna said angrily, but Empress Alexandra only gave her daughter a loving slap on the back of her hand.

"You also have to see the good in others. Such a man will definitely be as hard to cheat as your father."

Olga Nikolaevna was speechless for a moment, but seeing her sister-in-law as a widow made life worse than death, but in an instant she thought of something amusing.

"Queen, don't you think that Franz Joseph is known as a "born saint"? Will he take out a "Bible" this time?"


Queen Alexandra tapped her daughter's forehead, and she began to worry about her daughter's future. After all, this old girl was too cautious, and she might not meet the standard of being a queen.

At that time, European courts generally believed that submissive and lack of independent women were more suitable to be queens or queens.

But after a long time, Queen Alexandra didn't bother to care about it anymore, because the life in Schönbrunn Palace was really too lazy.

Appropriate temperature, comfortable life, delicious food, beautiful scenery, soothing music, carefree days make people intoxicated.

Olga Nikolayevna simply didn't even tie her hair up, and she just let her waterfall-like hair hang loosely on her shoulders.

He casually picked up a piece of pizza with his hand, then flipped through the pages of the book with his slender fingers, and then threw the leftover pizza to the great auk who had been waiting for a long time while the waiter was not paying attention.

In fact, nobles usually eat pizza with a knife and fork, but when Olga Nikolaevna first arrived, she saw Franz's sister Maria eating pizza with her hands.

So the Russian princess was led astray, but it was really easy to do so.

In fact, Olga Nikolaevna met Franz's two younger brothers, a self-righteous jerk, and a big, stupid man with the word "stupid" carved on his forehead.

According to the analogy analysis method, she thinks that Franz is probably a playboy like her elder brother, but combined with the rumors, he may be the kind of sullen man.

Olga Nikolaevna was completely dissatisfied with the marriage, but Vienna was a nice city and she liked it very much.

Olga Nikolayevna felt that she should find a way to stay in Vienna and investigate for a while. The Royal College for Women that little sister Maria said looked good.

If my father asks, he can prevaricate and say that it is to acquire advanced Western knowledge.Olga Nikolaevna felt that she was simply a genius, and could not help laughing to herself.

The waiters in the Schönbrunn Palace were no strangers to the Russian princess's various strange behaviors. After all, Russians are barbarians, and it is normal to do anything rude.

Moreover, Mrs. Sophie has issued strict orders. Anyone who is disrespectful to the princess and queen may be dragged to fill the river embankment.

No one dared to test whether Mrs. Sophie's words were true or not, so naturally no one dared to make fun of Princess Olga.

Just when Princess Olga was complacent about her genius idea, bad news came that Archduke Franz Joseph had recovered from his illness.

Although both parties knew that this was a blind date, the royal family still had to save face.There must be a certain pomp and decorum, and there must be a valid reason beyond that.

So the Habsburg royal family decided to hold another reception banquet for the Russian queen and princess who had lived in Schönbrunn Palace for a month.

After the official court reception ceremony, there will be a dinner and dance, when the young people can have a good contact.Of course, this kind of thing is naturally indispensable for the atmosphere group.

As a result, unmarried men and women of Vienna's high society were invited, but these people were carefully selected to set off Franz and Princess Olga.

During the reception ceremony, Franz met Princess Olga for the first time. She was tall, plump, and had a pretty face, but it seemed a bit rude to stare straight at him.

In fact, European courts have a high tolerance for Russians, because they are all barbarians by default.

Princess Olga's eyes were full of surprise. She didn't expect the two crooked brothers to be so handsome, tall and handsome, with a majestic and solemn temperament that made people tremble.

Just taking a look at it makes Princess Olga feel different. In fact, Franz's appearance is still very outstanding, coupled with years of physical training and temperament training, making him even more outstanding.

Generally speaking, young handsome guys are very thin, but Franz is different from him. His figure is tall and straight, and his muscles are strong enough to support the military uniform he is wearing.

Princess Olga felt a little PTSD when she saw the military uniform. She wondered what to do if such a handsome guy would talk to her about military issues.

I heard that Grand Duke Franz Joseph liked digging ditches and repairing embankments. Princess Olga tried hard to recall the military books she had read, looking for an image that matched her.

"It's an engineer!"

Queen Alexandra gave her daughter a hard look, and the latter hurriedly broke away from her fantasy and put on a trademark smirk.


Almost all Vienna’s socialites, senior military and political officials, and royal family members participated.The huge crystal chandelier illuminated the entire venue brightly, and men and women in luxurious clothes gathered together.

But the trouble was that Franz and Olga had to be greeted by the guests in the center of the hall.Some people will ask some questions specifically, but most of them are polite words and have a fixed answer pattern.

According to the etiquette, Franz and Olga had to accept everyone's greetings and gifts like two mascots, and answer every question politely to show their self-cultivation.

In this era, the requirements for women are usually relatively low, because basically any question can be prevaricated with the sentence "I don't know", while men have to answer "I'm sorry, please ask my consultant or housekeeper."

However, Franz's performance surprised Princess Olga. He did not behave like his elder brother Alexander. Instead, he answered almost every question of visitors, including many well-known scholars and masters.

This made Princess Olga feel a little unbelievable, but considering that this is the territory of the Austrians, it is not surprising that the two parties have colluded.

So Princess Olga had a whim and decided to punish this hypocrite, only to find that she was just like a fool.

On the other hand, Franz was very depressed. Didn’t Mrs. Sophie say that Princess Olga was as docile as a sheep?

The former looked at the latter, and the latter was staring at the former fiercely, as if to say "It's not your fault!"

Franz was right after thinking about it. After all, it is normal to feel a little bit resentful after releasing the pigeons for a month.

However, what he didn't know was that the other party had a lot of fun in Vienna during this period.

After mascot duties are over, Franz and Olga can finally sit down at the table and have a good meal.

The delicious food and wine could not offset Princess Olga's doubts about Franz, because the latter's knowledge could no longer be described as erudite, and he was simply a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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