After the labor problem that plagued the Tanzanian colony was solved, the development speed of the colony was greatly improved.

The problems that the colonists of all ages could not solve were easily resolved in this way. In fact, many things are like this. Before quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, there are no solutions.

In fact, the Tanzania Governor's District has a large population. There are Dutch, Portuguese, Arab, and a lot of mixed-race people who don't know who they are. Coupled with Franz's strong support, the white population has exceeded [-].

Yet even 3 is still too little for Tanzania, even to connect the farmlands of the conquered lands.

In fact, the 3 people are mainly businessmen, shopkeepers, fishermen, craftsmen, soldiers, and sailors. The number of laborers is seriously insufficient, and these people don't want to go deep into the inland, but just want to stay by the sea.

Among the primitive countries that were wiped out by the Governor-General of Tanzania before, three of them have entered the agricultural era.

But after the Austrian Empire took over those lands, it found that it was not capable of managing the inland lands, so the former Governor of Tanzania, Hendry Vandermeer, came up with the idea of ​​using black slaves to increase labor.

This trick has been used on the American continent for hundreds of years, it can be said that it is a gem, but Hendry VanderMeer overlooked a problem, that is, these blacks are too familiar with their own land.

As long as there is no supervisor, or if the supervisor is not paying attention, those black people will run away or be lazy.As a result, the colonists could only wear straw hats and follow behind with guns for supervision.

Coupled with a series of natural disasters and man-made disasters, in the end, this veteran businessman was paralyzed.

But this does not mean that the previous Governor's thinking was wrong, on the contrary, his food plan was very far-sighted.

At this time, the entry of a large number of Dalit laborers only restored the proper state of the Tanzania Governor-General. In fact, the Austrian Empire was able to open up a large amount of agricultural land here in a few years.

As for pioneering, Franz felt that more manpower was needed. You must know that it took the colonists and these natives hundreds of years to open up those farmlands.

Moreover, East Africa is different from Galicia. In the Austrian Empire, Franz can directly dispatch heavy machinery and even explosives to destroy things that may hinder development. In addition, there are more refugees in Galicia than there are Dalits in Tanzania at this time.

And compared to pioneering, integrating the previously occupied lands of the six countries is the top priority now.

Tanzania's infrastructure is so poor that development must at least require roads to connect these areas with Bagamoyo by the sea.

In addition, in order to adapt to the development of the times, Franz is also planning to build a new city, which is Dar es Salaam.

This city is the capital of later generations of Tanzania and the country's largest port. At this time, it was still a small fishing village named "Mzizima".

The original local residents were the Kutus of the Mogoro Kingdom, but with the establishment of the Tanzanian Governor-General of the Austrian Empire, tragic wars broke out among the surrounding indigenous kingdoms for their living space.

Coupled with the sneak attack of the Oman Empire, the "Mzizima" at this time has been abandoned.

After dealing with a wandering tribe who had taken over the magpie's nest, Benny Elbine led the soldiers of the colonial army into the village.

In fact, generally speaking, as an assistant to the governor, he should survey the terrain by boat, because Dar es Salaam is a port city.

But this time Benny Elbin also had a mission, and that was to build roads.

That's right, Franz not only needs a sea route, he also needs a land channel. In fact, in addition to strengthening the control of coastal areas, he is also preparing for the construction of railways.

It’s just that with Tanzania’s development level at this time, don’t think about the railway. Everything has to be shipped from Europe. Unless the Suez Canal is opened, the cost is too high to be practical.

Although Benny Erbin has a white face, he is a native of Tanzania, so he knows all the tribes living in the local area.

But this tribe that occupied Dar es Salaam was something he had never seen before. In addition, along the way, he found that the natives who had been defeated and fled had returned.

This is very unusual, because both the Austrian army and the Oman Empire's slave hunting team are like natural disasters to the natives.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for the aborigines who have escaped to come back. Although some kingdoms have evolved the most primitive agricultural civilization, almost every country's main resource is its own herd.

So for those nomads, it's the same wherever they go, and there is no need to come back to take risks.

Benny Elbin wanted to ask some captives, but the Dalit laborers killed black people without any explanation, and all he saw along the way were corpses nailed to wooden stakes.

The Ngoni kingdom, the last of the Seven Kingdoms, has also been harassed as Dalit laborers are being sent further inland.

The Ngoni Kingdom has sent messengers several times to request a truce, but in fact the Tanzania Governor-General did not use troops against the Ngoni Kingdom. There was only a colonial advance team of about 300 people nearby.

After the Ngoni Kingdom absorbed several subjugated tribes, their total number should be 10.

But what neither Benny Elbin nor Hendry Vandermeer in Bagamoyo expected was that there were nearly [-] Dalit laborers in the advance team.

In fact, in order to prevent the Dalits from rebelling, the Governor-General of Tanzania did not distribute weapons to them. Only the team leader of each group had an old-fashioned arquebus for self-defense.

(Groups here are 100 people.)
After all, there are many ferocious beasts in East Africa, and there are many homeless blacks. These guys who lost their homes are more terrifying than wild beasts. Many white colonists were killed by these stragglers.

For the colonial army, it was not terrible to fight head-on. What was terrible was that at night, poisonous insects, ferocious beasts, and blacks were more terrifying than each other.

The job of the advance team of the colonial army was to protect these Dalit laborers, allow them to resume local agricultural production, and prevent them from escaping by the way. They were also responsible for guarding and distributing supplies.

You must know that food and medicine will not fall from the sky, and food planted on the ground will not mature immediately. If there are only a few hundred people, they can live by hunting and gathering.

But once the population size exceeds four digits, if you don’t want to starve to death, you must either engage in breeding and farming, or separate your family to other hunting grounds, otherwise the land will not be able to support so many people.

These food and medicines are the key to controlling Dalit labor more useful than guns and whips, yet the level of tameness (slavery) of these guys is an eye-opener to the Austrian colonists.

Later, the colonists of the advance team directly threw supplies to the Dalit laborers for a week at a time, and then went directly to the grasslands to hunt or just fell asleep to pass the time.

But just when the Austrian colonists were getting carried away, the Dalits were cutting bamboo into spears, cutting wood into bows, and covering skins into armor, and a big plan was brewing

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