Chapter 694 Tanzania Colony

In East Africa, under the personal control of Franz, the Tanzanian colony of the Austrian Empire finally made a turn for the better.

With the large number of Indian Dalits being shipped to the colonies, the severe labor shortage problem was finally resolved.

Language barriers are fatal to the vast majority of officials in the world. If left alone, administrative efficiency will be infinitely close to zero.

However, this situation is very common in the Austrian Empire, so even if there is a language barrier, it will not be to the extent that all actions cannot be carried out.

In fact, there are also translators in the Governor-General of Tanzania, but there are not many of them. Most of them are believers who have developed the church in India over the years, so the risk of being trapped by translators is minimized.

However, it is a bit nonsense to practice ethnic equality in the colonies of this era, and it is still the old routine of free people in clerical countries.

These Dalits (untouchables) are not slaves, but they are in debt and need labor in exchange for food and freedom.

However, Franz still underestimated the impact of Hinduism and the caste system on these Indian untouchables. At first, these people worked so hard that they died of exhaustion directly under the hot African sun.

These people have no resistance to kneeling to pick cotton, and they don't even care that some people's knees are bloody.

At first, the officials of the Tanzanian colony reported to Franz with high spirits that these "black slaves" were really useful!He has never seen such a hard-working and cheap labor force.

(Dalits have relatively dark skin, but Asian faces make a big difference from blacks.)
But soon the Dalits began dying in large numbers, causing panic among colonial officials.

In fact, Franz, who was far away in Vienna, was also very puzzled. He was actually ready to fight these Dalits.

Because the Japanese in California taught him a lesson before, Franz couldn't help but think of Kikuchiyo's famous comment on Japanese farmers in "Seven Samurai":
"Japanese farmers are the most cunning. They don't give rice when they ask for rice, and they say they don't have any when they want wheat. In fact, they have everything. If you lift the floor and look, you will find a lot of things in the storage room if they are not underground. Rice, salt, beans, wine
Go to the depths of the valley to see hidden rice fields.Superficially honest but the best liar, they will lie no matter what!
As soon as there is a war, kill the disabled soldiers and grab weapons.listen!The so-called Japanese farmers are the most stingy, most cunning, cowardly, bad-hearted, imbecile, and murderers. "

Franz originally planned to let the Japanese supplement the labor force in low-end industries. Farming is the old profession of these guys.

Franz felt that it was a professional counterpart, so there would be no problem.Ask yourself, whether it is transporting by sea or supplying rations, these Japanese immigrants have never been treated badly.

And it's just farming, so what else can happen?

It really came out that the output of those farmlands managed by Japanese immigrants in California dropped by 70%, which was even worse than a natural disaster.

At first, the colonial government in California was still looking for a reason, because things were too outrageous and they were afraid that Vienna would not believe it.

Franz also had informants in California. After he got the news, he directly ordered the California government to search the houses of the Japanese immigrants.

As a result, a large amount of agricultural products and wine were found. During the period, some people even got muskets and prepared to resist.

However, the colonial army of the Austrian Empire was too experienced in dealing with this kind of stragglers, and quickly eliminated the resistance forces.

At the same time, since the agricultural areas in California are all the Great Plains, those Japanese could not escape if they wanted to. They could only be caught up and killed by cavalry after exhaustion.

In the end, the harvest season turned into a blood sacrifice.More than 1.5 Japanese immigrants were killed, but Franz discovered new uses for Japanese immigrants.

In East Africa, Franz also did not expect these Dalits to be any better than the Japanese.But the news from Tanzania surprised him.

The Austrian colonists in Tanzania had no choice but to divide them into several groups, and then use the method of working for half a day and resting for half a day to reduce the death of laborers.

Eventually the church's investigative team found out the truth, the working model of the Austrian imperial colonies and the attitude of the colonists towards the Dalits resembled a kind of ascension ceremony in the Hindu branch.

According to legend, if the lowest Dalits have accumulated enough merit, they will have the opportunity to be taken across the Styx River by Brahma priests. They will have the opportunity to worship the gods, so that they can reincarnate to a higher class after death to enjoy the prosperity of the world.

(Dalits are not normally allowed to worship gods.)
That's right, it's just that they get paid for their work, so this group of people mistakenly regard Tanzania as a paradise.

But not all Dalits have this belief, only the untouchables in the Kaleka area have such legends.

However, Franz is not prepared to really use these people to death. Although the transportation from India to Tanzania is convenient and smooth, this is not in line with his philosophy.

These Dalits are well controlled and have no self-respect at all, they do what the colonial Tanzanian officials tell them to do.

In terms of learning ability, I don’t know how many streets the local blacks have exploded. Hendry Vandermeer would have jumped up and cursed the streets if he hadn’t been paralyzed when he saw the work efficiency of these Dalits.

Soon the Dalits got used to the life in East Africa. It is hot here, coupled with the strong sunshine, if it is a white person in Europe, it is easy to get sunburned, or even suffer from heatstroke and dehydration.

However, this is nothing to the Dalits who live in a harsh environment all year round. In fact, the temperature in southern India is much higher than that in Tanzania, and the summer is above [-] degrees all year round.

For these Dalits, life in Tanzania is like a vacation.

The most important thing is the rice that they can't eat for a lifetime, and they can't finish it here.

Austrians seldom eat rice, and eat rice as a dish, so it is cheaper for those Dalits.

It is also very easy to manage the Dalits. Even if the colonial officials draw a circle on the ground, those people will sleep and shit directly in it, and will never leave half a step, let alone escape.

However, it was impossible for Franz to let them sleep in the pen. Officials in the Tanzanian colony ordered Dalit labor to build a house for themselves.

Every morning when a whistle blows, the Dalits wake up.Then when the third whistle blows, they'll be rounded up for dinner.

After eating, these people will follow the colonial officials to work, and what to do is completely determined according to their needs.

Of course, there are some people who show a talent for planting, so they don't have to run around with them, they are responsible for taking care of the farmland.

Another point is that although these Dalits behaved submissively when facing the colonists of the Austrian Empire, they always attacked the local black uncles hard.

Afterwards, Franz analyzed that they might have finally found someone darker than themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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