Chapter 690
"The Russians did it very well."

Friedrich Liszt said with a smile that Frederick William IV understood what the other party meant, that is to drive the Poles out.

Only vacating the cage and changing the bird can guarantee the complete death of Polish Zionism. No matter how hard the Polish Zionists abroad work, as long as there are no Poles in Prussia, it will be useless.

It's just that this decision is not easy to make, because a little carelessness may directly lead to a rebellion.

Chancellor Ludwig von Diller and War Minister Hermann von Boyn also understood what Friedrich List meant.

They are all typical Junker landlords and naturally agree with this approach. After all, if the Poles are expelled in the "three new provinces", then their manors can be expanded a lot.

And if a war breaks out, the status of Junker landlords can be further improved.The two exchanged a wink, said Minister of War Hermann von Boyn.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the Prussian army is invincible, and we are confident in destroying any enemy who dares to challenge the order.

Those Poles will be punished the same as the Silesian troublemakers! "

Chancellor Ludwig von Diller quipped: "Maybe we can ask them if they are interested in Polish labor."

The new foreign minister, Heinrich von Bülow, was also of Junker origin.

Although his family has no interests in the "three new provinces", as the foreign minister, he is very clear that Austria is accepting Russian refugees at this time, so at this time, with Prussian refugees, can Austria still eat it?

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, the Austrian royal family and the church are accepting Russian refugees in Galicia, so we can also send our country's garbage there as a charity for them."

Although the foreign minister said "charity", Frederick William IV knew that this was definitely a good opportunity to slow down the economic development of the Austrian Empire.

If the imperial family and the church of the Austrian Empire choose to accept, they must provide large tracts of land and money, or jobs for these refugees to engage in productive labor and allow them to survive.

Otherwise, the refugees will turn into refugees and continue to intensify social and ethnic conflicts. At that time, Austria will have to spend more money and energy if it wants to clear these blood stasis.

If the Austrian imperial family and the church choose to stop losses in time instead of accepting refugees to continue to enter, then Prussia can still take the opportunity to attack the hypocrisy of the Habsburg family and the Catholic Church.

At the same time, the long border can't stop the vast number of refugees. At that time, the Austrian side will only lose their wife and lose their troops.

No matter what the original purpose of the Austrian Empire was, Prussia's plan to engage them in this way will definitely be disrupted, and may even have a counterproductive effect.

Moreover, Frederick William IV himself was the biggest Junker landlord, and he could only agree to everyone's petitions, or was forced to agree.

So Prussia began a quick trial of the conspirators and confiscated their lands and possessions, which were auctioned off to loyal Junker landowners.

However, the wealth of those conspirators alone could not satisfy the desires of the entire Junker class, and then the Prussian government received a large number of reports.

These reports pointed directly at those wealthy Polish nobles, merchants, and landed farmers. The Prussian government quickly accepted these cases and asked those who were reported to testify.

There is no doubt that those who cannot prove themselves are conspirators, but how can they prove themselves?There is no uniform standard, but what is certain is that there must be very few people who have the ability to prove themselves and can convince Prussian government officials.

As a result, another growing refugee team appeared on the border of Galicia, which made the Austrian officials on the border look confused.

Word quickly reached Vienna, much to the chagrin of the Regent Council.

Count Kolarov: "Damn Prussian barbarians, do they really think we are a garbage dump? Last time they got a group of Silesians, this time they are Poles again, next time they won't be Saxons, right?"

Prince Metternich is worried about another thing, can Austria eat so many refugees?Will Franz screw this thing up?
"Maybe the government should intervene in this matter"

Metternich's meaning is very clear, that is, the importance of Franz's personal reputation is higher than that of the Regency Council itself. In other words, the Austrian imperial government can bear this blame, but Franz himself cannot.

Although Count Kolarov was a little reluctant, after all, he had always wanted to kill Metternich and become prime minister himself.

However, Count Kolarov is still loyal to Austria and the Habsburg family in essence, so he needs to take the overall situation into consideration.

"Yes, but I need time and your consent. The Austrian imperial government must enter a state of emergency."

Metternich nodded.

"I agree, hopefully we can get through this crisis."

Millions of refugees are a challenge for any country in the world at this time, but the Austrian Empire has also developed a relatively mature solution for refugees over the years.

That is to use work as relief, land as reward, and reward as bait to expand and develop.

In fact, the Austrian imperial government would prostitute labor to carry out some infrastructure projects, and during this period it would provide them with board and lodging, tools, designs, medical care, transportation, clothes, etc.

In this way, it can also stimulate the development of the country's economy. As for those refugees, they can guarantee that they will not starve to death during this period, and then after the completion of the project, they will get a piece of undeveloped land in the country or a colony.

If they want to develop land, they must borrow money from the government, or sign a long-term contract with the state, and then expand the territory for the Austrian Empire.

If they refuse, they can choose to sell the land, which can be enough for them to live for a certain period of time.

They can choose to enter the factory, or do some short-term labor, or join the army and so on.

In short, as long as a large number of refugees do not suddenly appear in the same area, it will not cause social unrest.

However, the infrastructure projects of the Austrian Empire have been almost done over the years, and it will seem a bit tasteless to do it again.

Fortunately, the Habsburg family is quite influential in the Austrian aristocratic circle, and many nobles in the House of Nobles are willing to help.

These people are generally big landowners in Austria, and the family also has some industries such as factories. Each family can solve the job problem of dozens to hundreds of refugees.

There are more than 3000 families registered in the Austrian House of Nobility, and they can solve the work and livelihood problems of 10,000+ refugees.

In the rest of Austria, there are still a lot of water conservancy projects, roads, railways, and urban construction that need to absorb another hundreds of thousands.

The military has been clamoring to pursue France and surpass Russia, and this time it happens that the expansion of the army can solve a large number of them.

Then the royal manor and government agencies can solve the livelihood problems of tens of thousands of people.

Let Galicia think about the rest, and it is estimated that the crisis will be over.

Franz was moved to hear of these contingency measures in the Austrian Empire, but he didn't need them.

(End of this chapter)

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