The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria's Mandate of Heaven

Chapter 689 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 689

In fact, Galicia at this time is not as peaceful as it seems. Even though there are [-] troops stationed, there are still people planning a conspiracy.

The Polish Restoration Army and other Polish Restoration Organizations agreed to launch the Restoration Uprising on February 1846, 2. The purpose was to expel the invaders from Russia, Prussia, and Austria and establish a new Poland centered on the Free City of Krakow.

However, the secrecy work of this group of Poles is really bad. If you ask a few Poles in a tavern in Paris or Vienna, you can know the detailed time, place, and person.

In fact, the Polish restorationists are still facing a very embarrassing problem at this time, that is, the merchants in the Free City of Krakow built a railway to Lviv in order to make more money.

This also means that if they stage an uprising in the Free City of Krakow, the garrisons of Lviv, Bilaya, Paowa, and Bochnia will be able to drive away along the railway line in a few hours. Come
Lviv, Bilaya, Paova, and Bochnia were the most important cities in Galicia at that time. The free city of Krakow was not part of the Austrian Empire in name, and it was just on the northern edge of Galicia.

In Franz's view, the Free City of Krakow, which was already connected to the Austrian Empire, was no longer likely to have an uprising, but the slap in the face came so quickly, and the rumors all over the sky made the three countries start to act.

The first to act was the Kingdom of Prussia.

Berlin, Charlottenburg Palace.

Friedrich List strongly agreed with Bismarck's view that Prussia's permanent occupation of Poland required the complete transformation of its residents into Germans.

Historically, after the Prussian government partitioned Poland, it couldn't wait to name the three provinces it had just acquired as Prussia, namely West Prussia, South Prussia, and New Prussia.

Frederick the Great ordered all the local Polish nobles to be expelled from government agencies and replaced by Prussians.German replaced Polish as the official language, and Polish and Polish culture were all discriminated against.

Numerous German primary and secondary schools were established, and at the same time, in order to attract as many talents as possible, an upward channel belonging to Prussia was created.

Frederick the Great established a number of non-commissioned officer schools in the newly conquered Poland, and made a clear promise that any talented Poles would become the new nobles of Prussia.

In addition, Frederick the Great also moved a large number of Germans to the newly conquered territory. In addition to obtaining a piece of land of their own, the immigrants could also receive government transportation and moving subsidies.

In addition to a plot of 5 to 8 hectares, there is also the privilege of being tax-free for three years.One hectare is 15 mu, which means that the immigrants will get at most 120 mu of land without any cost.

Before the death of Frederick the Great, about 35 Germans immigrated to the newly conquered Polish land, which can be called the German version of the Eastward Movement.This makes nearly half of the Prussians and mixed races in the three new provinces 60 years later.

In addition, in order to completely eliminate Poland's resistance, Frederick the Great and his descendants transformed Poland into a colony, an area that provided raw materials, markets, and cheap labor for the suzerain.

Under the strong suppression of Frederick the Great, Polish nobles and businessmen went bankrupt, and their culture gradually converged with Prussia.

Let me say here that Frederick the Great was not a time traveler, but he thought of the moves used by modern time travelers hundreds of years ago.

In contrast, Austria is a bit anticlimactic for Galicia. During the reign of Empress Teresa, a series of Austrian transformations were carried out in the local area.

These seemingly minor repairs actually laid the foundation for Austria's rule in Galicia for hundreds of years to come.

However, her eldest son, Joseph II, was obviously dissatisfied with the Queen's meek reform methods, so he started a series of radical and explosive reforms (as mentioned earlier, basically offended everyone who could be offended anyway.)
If Frederick the Great is compared to a modern web traveler, then Joseph II is a war criminal in P Society.

The result naturally led to rebellions everywhere, the forced termination of reforms, and the death of the government, making Galicia the most backward region in the original Polish territory.

In contrast, Russia only continued serfdom, and the transformation of Poland was very limited.

Although European historians always like to say that the Poles were living under Russian rule, the fact is that the rebellion of serfs has decreased significantly.

In short, Prussia's Germanization of Polish land was very successful for a period of time.

But Frederick William III's reformation of capitalist agriculture and the increasing number of mixed-race children became trouble.

Regardless of the demise of Poland, the Prussian barbarians can still be beaten culturally. As a result, these mixed-races who should have been used to dilute the Poles became the anti-Prussian vanguard.

Frederick the Great probably never dreamed that almost all the officers of the Polish Restoration Organization in the future would come from his non-commissioned officer academy.

Especially at that time, Paris had an almost irresistible attraction for young people in Europe, and unfortunately Paris was the center of Polish Zionist activities.

The French are also willing to see this undead disturb the three countries in the east, and Napoleon's troubles have greatly reduced the legacy of Frederick the Great.

The transformation of capitalist agriculture means the emancipation of serfs. From the perspective of modern human rights thinking, this is definitely a big step forward, an extremely progressive move.

But the reality is that a large number of landless and landless peasants were created, and their lives were worse than those of serfs.

Because the nobles got rid of their feudal obligations and did not hesitate to use these "free" peasants, the phenomenon of sheep cannibalism and land cannibalism continued to occur.

In the end, class conflicts in the region were sharpened, and some landless Germans were brainwashed by the Poles and began to hope to separate from Prussia.

But now Frederick William IV obviously did not have enough courage, and the first thing he thought of for a possible rebellion was to appease him.

Fortunately, the Tsar set an example and began to target the "Poles" wantonly.However, Frederick William IV's idea is still to arrest the chief culprit, regardless of the threat.

However, Poland cannot be completely conquered in this way. Friedrich List agreed with Bismarck.

"Your Majesty, I think we should take more effective measures for the Poles."

"Mr. Lister, do you have any suggestions?"

Frederick William IV valued Liszt very much because he was indeed very talented in economic development. Although Prussia's economy was not as good as that of its neighbor next door, it had already got rid of the embarrassment of economic difficulties.

"Your Majesty, it is not my suggestion, but your people need land."

After so many years of ups and downs in his official career, Friedrich Liszt is no longer the chief designer who took care of everything. He will push all the blame on himself.

Frederick William IV: "What does that mean?"

Friedrich Liszt: "I know you are afraid to continue to intensify the conflict, but what is the source of the conflict? The people have no land! And the Poles are occupying the land of the Germans at this time.."

"Then what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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