Chapter 558 Everyone’s Suggestions

After listening to Lao Zhu's story, the water friends immediately became happy.

"Brother Zhu, isn't this in line with your wishes?"

"That's right, isn't sister-in-law coming right now?"

"I guess Lao Zhu looks sad on the surface, but he's happy on the inside!"

"Don't...don't, sister-in-law...sister-in-law, please let go!"

"Let me see, this is Xiaoli's. The purpose was not pure from the beginning!"

"Brother Zhu, does the old Zhang you are talking about have a very good family situation? Otherwise, how could it be possible for that Xiaoli to take the initiative?"

"Why do I feel like I'm taking over? Could it be that this woman is deliberately looking for Lao Zhang to take over?"

"Lao Zhu has talked so much, but it still feels like there is too little information."

"It is true that there is a little bit of information. After all, it is not Lao Zhu's own experience, so I can understand it."

"What else can we do? The best way is to directly give money to the woman to abort the child!"

"+1 for taking over! Let the woman abort the child as soon as possible!"

"It's not that everyone is irresponsible, but the woman's purpose is not pure. And once the child is born, he will have to raise his own child and the woman's child in the future, which will be too stressful."

"I'm just saying, boys must learn to protect themselves and take safety measures when they are outside!"

"I couldn't agree more! Back then I made a mistake and regretted it for eternity, marrying a tigress!"

"Don't tell me, my wife was a gentle and beautiful woman when we were in love, but after getting married, she turned into a tigress! I have to turn in my monthly salary, and then give me 300 yuan in pocket money. .”

"Marriage, what exactly does it bring to men?"

"What else can we do? Let's take over. Is it ruthless to pull out the ×?"

"If you can't control your subordinates, then just take over honestly!"

"Lao Zhu, tell us, what is Lao Zhang's family situation like?"

"Yes, yes, please tell us about his identity and background so that we can analyze it more calmly and rationally."

"And what's going on with Xiaoli? How does she look? What's her figure like?"

Looking at the barrage of water friends, Lao Zhu hesitated a little.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "Since everyone wants to know about Lao Zhang's situation, I will give you a brief explanation."

"Actually, Lao Zhang's family is at the level of a small rich man."

"We have a few houses and a factory there."

"As for the big money, there shouldn't be any, but there should be a lot of small money."

"Generally speaking, Lao Zhang's family situation is very good."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be spoiled for choice in the blind date market. Like me, he is still in his thirties and has not yet been married."

"As for Xiaoli, everyone was relatively familiar with her when she was in high school."

"But after high school, I never saw her again."

"It wasn't until she got divorced and returned to her hometown that we met once or twice."

"Xiao Li should I say, better than average."

"But she has a good figure, and it's hard to tell that she has given birth..."

After learning about Lao Zhang's family situation, it further confirmed the thoughts in the water friends' hearts.

"Looking at the situation, it seems that Xiaoli is obviously here to take over!"

"A divorced mother with children like this is the best at handling men."

"Based on the current situation, we can either let your friend, Lao Zhang, take over, or abort the child, which will probably cost the woman a lot of money."

"Haha! This is what will happen if you can't control yourself! Let Lao Zhang seek his own blessings!" "Xiao Zhu, brother, I've been here too. Let me advise you, it's best not to get involved too deeply, or you'll end up in a mess. Both sides are offended.”

"I'm very sure that the woman is 80.00% here to take over the bid. Otherwise, how could she win the bid?"

"When it comes to things like marriage, you can't just look at looks and figure, but also look at your character!"

"It's true. Once you get married, you will find that character is actually greater than everything else."

"Lao Zhu, I'm not saying that you must understand a situation like this well enough. If you don't understand the inside story, even if we give you an idea, it won't be of much use."

"I feel that Lao Zhang just wanted to have fun, but unexpectedly he lost it."

"Let go of helping others and respect the fate of others!"

"That's right, one is willing to hit and the other is willing to suffer. Why are you so worried about it?"

"If you, Lao Zhu, don't add any filters to your story, then it's enough to show that Xiaoli has a handle on your friend."

"Lao Zhu, I suggest you advise Lao Zhang to calm down, think carefully, and then decide whether to get married or pay for an abortion."

"The woman's motives are not pure. She should just pay the money and have the child beaten! If she keeps it, she will have to raise other people's children. How much effort it will take!"

"Lao Zhang is not married yet. Isn't it true that the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried? Isn't it nice to get married together?"

"A person like Lao Zhang who likes to play is not a good bird."

"Bitch and dog, forever!"

Looking at the barrages sent by water friends, Lao Zhu frowned and fell into a state of thinking.

He felt that what everyone said made sense.

Although he and Lao Zhang grew up, they have a good relationship.

But this matter is obviously Lao Zhang's family matter.

As the saying goes, "It's hard for an upright official to break up housework"!
He's an outsider, so it's really not good for him to get involved.

If he supports aborting the child, but Lao Zhang ends up marrying the other party, then he is really not a human being inside and out!
After thinking for a long time, he licked his dry lips and said in a deep voice, "What everyone said makes sense."

"This matter is Lao Zhang's own business."

"No matter how good the relationship between the two of us is, we can't get involved blindly."

Water friends are quite satisfied with Lao Zhu's statement.

However, everyone has not stopped discussing his friend Lao Zhang.

"Hasn't Lao Zhang always had that Xiaoli in his heart? If this happens, of course he will get married!"

"Yes, if you love her, you must love everything about her, including her daughter!"

"Isn't it good to pick up a daughter for nothing? Don't listen to other people's slander."

"I'm raising a daughter. What else do I need to consider, and I don't need any money from you?"

"Since you can't control your lower body, then spend half your life repaying it!"

"A scumbag paired with a scheming bitch, I suggest you lock him up!"

"Everyone has made a mistake about the child in Xiaoli's belly! Whether the child is Lao Zhang's or not is a matter of debate!"

"Damn it! If it's not Lao Zhang's, wouldn't he become the real successor?"

"My suggestion is that since you want to get married, you should wait until the child is born before getting the certificate."

"It's best to do a paternity test in advance to avoid having to be a father!"

"It's not scary to have a child. I'm just afraid that the woman is pregnant and will come to you for explanation, so I must do a paternity test!"

"This is obviously a trap dug to make people jump! That old Zhang successfully fell into the pit, and he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die..."

(End of this chapter)

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