Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 200 See Through and Disadvantage

Chapter 200 See Through and Disadvantage


Unknown Entity Information Correction:

Civilization type: biological (non-mechanical) [red]

Secondary Classification: Ordered Clusters

Number of individuals growing: extremely fast

Personal survivability: very strong

Creature Type: Extreme Rich 2.98%, Editable 96.87%, Unknown Type 0.15%

Technology level: 2.2
Wisdom: high (non-individual)

Threat Level: Level 2↑
No related models were retrieved, meeting preset conditions 1021, 1022, 1029.

Execute Order 095 - Total War!
Instruction sub-item 1: judgment is not satisfied

Command update...

Verification is satisfied.

Execute command sub-item 2 - expansion!


The HC-006 galaxy, No. [-] gas giant planet, and the mechanical creations were all shattered and disintegrated under the siege of the swarm. During this period, the opponent showed strong defense capabilities, and the precisely positioned laser irradiation was able to kill the swarm before the swarm approached. Let them inactivate and die directly.

However, after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands. Under the attack of hundreds of Zerg space units regardless of cost, they overloaded their defensive laser weapons, and then easily turned them into a pile of space junk.

So far, the insect swarm has regained the space "supremacy" of Planet [-], and began to deploy defenses here, and hatch larger-scale armed insect species.

For Visser, although the current battle situation was reversed from the initial disadvantage due to the opponent's miscalculation of the Zerg's survivability, overall, it was still in a state where the enemy was in the dark.

Viser didn't know where the other party came from, and he didn't know why they took the initiative to attack the insect swarm that hadn't shown any threat. He hadn't even seen the appearance of the intelligent race individual of the other party.

The only valuable information is the fragments of the robot seized in this counterattack. It is currently being researched and analyzed under the leadership of Dags, and some useful conclusions may be drawn.

The so-called defense arrangement is simple to say. These Zerg units that have re-entered space carry an extremely large number of Zerg "detection satellites", that is, small scientific research insect species with observation capabilities.

With continuous replenishment from the surface, their initial number has reached more than 300 million, and this is just the beginning!
They would be released into the entire space, acting as the eyes and ears of the swarm, so that Viser would not even know when the attack started and where it came from.

In addition, near the planet, a large number of "space mines" are scattered, and they will hide in the darkness, waiting for possible enemies.

Although he had achieved a little victory for the time being, in order to get rid of the current passive state, Viser simultaneously released detection units to all large and medium-sized celestial bodies in the entire galaxy.

At least know where the enemy is.

On the three natural satellites of planet No. [-], the Zerg swarm launched a comprehensive expansion operation immediately after the war ended. Various resources were mined and turned into individual Zerg individuals that entered space one after another.

While giving priority to ensuring the safety of the orbit of the sixth planet, these bugs will launch occupation or conquest actions to all celestial bodies in the galaxy.

Due to the extreme distance between the galaxies, it is impossible for the Zerg to receive assistance from outside the galaxies in this war.

In other words, the resources in the entire HC-006 galaxy are all the capital of the Zerg in this war.

If it is said that sending out the exploration team before was only out of the need for colonization activities, and there was no urgency, then now, Viser must send out the swarms to seize these resource production areas, and there is no delay!
Because according to Daggs' preliminary research on the fragments of the opponent's robot, the opponent is very likely to be a technological civilization with extremely advanced mechanical science!

The biggest feature of this kind of civilization in the war is the large-scale industrial system. If the resources are sufficient, their daily industrial production chain can produce any required industrial products at an exponential rate, which naturally includes That space battleship!
Whether it is based on existing conclusions or Zero’s consistent principle of prudence in facing the enemy, preemptively occupying favorable resources and putting oneself in an invincible position are the cornerstones of victory in war.

The Zerg colonists set out from the orbit of planet No. [-], and went to various planets at the fastest speed, including some medium-sized irregular celestial bodies.

Under Visser's command, they will use this as their base, and throughout the galaxy, enemies will engage in confrontation.

However, this process is not destined to be smooth.Only two months later, a colonial fleet of the Zerg spotted the opponent's fleet, and the Zerg swarm, which was sailing at extreme speed, obviously had no ability to hide itself, but the opponent was obviously coming for the Zerg swarm!

Although this Zerg colony team is many times stronger than the first defenseless team in terms of number and armed forces, but the opponent is obviously prepared, and the Zerg swarm is defeated by them both in quality and quantity. Completely crushed and finally defeated and retreated, only a very few survived by completely stopping life activities and entering dormancy with the help of the dark environment of the deep space of the universe.

However, the opponent's losses were extremely limited. Obviously, the Zerg was still the loser in this encounter.

In the end, the six teams that the swarm went to the interior of the galaxy to carry out the landing expansion mission were all intercepted by the opponent due to insufficient troops!

This means that the opponent is likely to land on these planets first. If its productivity is sufficient, the Zerg will be at a disadvantage overall here!
It's no wonder that the opponent is the initiator of this war and has plenty of time to prepare for the war, but the Zerg rushed out of the ground not long ago and recaptured the three satellites in the orbit of the sixth planet.

If not, at this moment, the other party must have landed on these satellites of planet No. [-] and started the same activity!

Zero felt a sense of urgency. Although HC-006 is just one of the many galaxies in the Zerg's current territory, even if it is lost, it is no big deal, but the current war situation here makes him quite concerned .

Zerg races have always been the initiators of wars. Except for natural disasters, in the process of their growth, they are rarely attacked by the enemy at the beginning of the war and almost wiped out, let alone when the Zerg race After Qun Mou launched a counterattack with all his strength, he was still at a disadvantage.

This made Zero feel a little unusual. Although it is normal to look at it carefully, the technological level of the other party is obviously higher than that of the Zerg. Something is wrong.

This feeling became more apparent after Daggs conducted further research on the robot wreckage left by the other party.

There is no doubt that this kind of robot is a war machine mass-produced on the industrial production line. That is to say, as long as there are enough resources and energy, there will be as many war machines as you want, and the production speed will not be much slower!
But there is one thing that makes Zero very concerned. The level of intelligence shown by these machines before and the connection and cooperation between them do not seem to be executing commands according to preset programs, but more like each robot has a sense of the environment. The judgment of change is the same as the ability to cope!
However, Dags did not develop any sufficiently high-end processing system within their steel bodies. The only structure similar to a "chip" was tested by Dags, and its main function was to receive signals and control body!

At this moment, Zero thought of the Zerg race he had mastered, and thought of himself!
Yes, if this is true, although they appear to be completely different from each other on the surface, in a practical sense, they are almost identical!
Every ordinary Zerg individual except for the cerebrates is like an ordinary robot. They are produced by consuming resources and energy, but they do not have much intelligence themselves. They receive cerebrates or zero transmission The order looks almost exactly the same as these war machines.

The difference is that if the swarm loses its command, it will still follow its instincts, that is, reproduce and grow stronger.And if these machines lose command reception, they will become a mess of broken copper and iron.

The discovery of this made Zero immediately vigilant. He made a simple calculation. If the Zerg had already discovered them and started to actively prepare for war from the time the Zerg landed on the satellite of planet No. [-], according to the most pessimistic According to the situation, assuming that the opponent did not have any armed forces, then in less than two years, they have such an exaggerated combat power!
You must know that even for a scientific and technological civilization with extremely developed productivity, it usually takes years to build a huge warship that is about the same size as the Zerg space unit, let alone form combat power!
Even with a mature training system, this time will definitely not be completed in just a few years!

Even if it is a little more optimistic, the opponent has enough combat power at the very beginning, and the attack on the unsuspecting swarm is just a small part of its own power, so another problem arises .

Why was there no biological structure found in the wreckage of the battleship destroyed by the swarm above the orbit?

It is understandable that the other party did not send intelligent life to land and use robots as substitutes, but even in the relatively safe spaceship, there is no life at all, which makes zero doubt!
Combined with this, a bold guess flashed in Zero's mind!
Although I don't know where the other party came from and what purpose he has, but if the other party is really the kind of existence he imagined, now that he has a geographical advantage and the average technological level exceeds that of the Zerg, even The insect swarm that has developed to this day may also face a big trouble!

Visser naturally understands what Zero means. As the commander-in-chief of the swarm in the HC-006 galaxy, it also knows clearly that if the enemy is really what Zero imagined, then things will never go on like this. !
No matter what, think of a way to get out of here!

On the three satellites, the bug swarms are doing their best to hatch the space bug species for fighting. Although it is not clear why the opponent did not launch an attack at this point in time, it is certain that the opponent will definitely not show kindness.

Most likely, the opponent is preparing for the next round of offensive, preparing to concentrate their forces again to deal a devastating blow to the swarm!
In view of the fact that all the Zerg units sent to carry out the expansion mission were all wiped out, and after many trials all ended in failure, Visser finally believed that such an operation was meaningless in the case of insufficient scale.

Therefore, combining the many celestial bodies above the orbit of planet No. [-] to create a mature defense system and expand the swarm to a certain extent has become the only choice for the swarm.

Of course, in this process, the swarm will not give up their advantage in intelligence.Those low-cost space scientific research units will continue to be sprinkled out. No matter what, at least the "eyes" must be put out. Anyway, this kind of unit can almost be produced wholesale by the swarm, and it does not need to consume too much productivity and resources. Might be able to play a big role?
Although they are slow, they are numerous and sufficiently concealed. If necessary, within a few months, the swarm can release hundreds of millions of observation units from the orbit of the sixth planet to the entire star system.

They will form a "sparse" network, monitoring all movements here.Even if the enemy detects it, it doesn't matter. The cost of the swarm incubating these units is probably not much higher than the cost of destroying them.

Not having an advantage in intelligence is one of the important reasons why the Zerg are at a disadvantage. Viser's move is to make up for this, and as long as there is enough time, it will almost certainly have an effect!


The fourth giant planet in the HC-006 galaxy has two rocky satellites and nearly a hundred medium-sized celestial bodies. It is the second largest celestial body in this star system except for the central star, except for the sixth planet in terms of mass. , which is the largest.

Today, on its No. [-] and No. [-] satellites, it has almost become a mechanical ocean.Countless industrial equipment is established here, and densely packed intelligent machines are active on the surface of the planet.

More importantly, above the orbit of the planet, a huge space dock lies here, and resources from satellites and other celestial bodies are continuously transported here.

Thousands of warships are built and produced in it at the same time, and with the blessing of more resources, it is still expanding.

Beyond the orbit of the planet, a huge fleet of hundreds of thousands is already quietly waiting for orders.

The same situation is almost like a replica on the third and second planets. Except for the orbit of the sixth planet where the swarm is located, only the fifth giant planet and the first planet have not been occupied by machines, but they are just It's just a matter of time.

From the asteroid belt at the very edge of the star system to the major planets inside the galaxy, millions of mechanical battleships have been produced in batches in just seven years. As time goes by, more resources will be mined And the construction of more production lines, their number is increasing exponentially!

And at this time, without waiting for the other party to take the lead, the swarm walked out of Planet [-] under Visser's command!
In the past seven years, the swarm has released more than 50 billion observers into the star system. Although this number seems insignificant compared to the vastness of the star system, under the calculation of the will of the worm hive, they are hidden in the In the darkness, they maximized their field of vision!

During this process, many satellites that carry out monitoring activities around the location of the Zerg are constantly being discovered and destroyed. The Zerg is using a slow and firm speed to push its field of vision outward while hiding itself in the opponent's space. In the intelligence blind zone.

Without these close-range detectors, even if the other party knew that the Zerg was here, it would be impossible to observe what kind of activities Visser was doing here.

In addition to clearing the opponent's probes, although there is no progress in the monitoring of the inner planets, the opponent has prevented the swarm from snooping at all costs, but these Zerg scientific research units are still in the outer reaches of the galaxy, and found several production facilities established by the opponent. The base, and the largest of them, is on a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt!

Apparently, the other party also noticed Viser's "overt conspiracy" through the continuous damage of their own detection equipment. Despite the large number, the Zerg units could not advance an inch near these production bases.

But it doesn't matter, knowing where the other party is is enough.

In the past seven years, the Zerg and the other party have not broken out a large-scale war, but the small-scale battles have never stopped.While accelerating development on various planets, the opponent continues to dispatch larger and larger warships to wage wars, trying to interrupt the development process of the Zerg and consume the number of Zerg to achieve the purpose of ebb and flow.

Have to say, it worked.At least in this galaxy, the background of the Zerg is far inferior to that of the opponent. If it is allowed to develop like this, such a small-scale war will sooner or later become a large-scale battle. It's a drop in the bucket, but the Zerg can only be consumed continuously!
Therefore, Zero chose to take the initiative to attack, even if he knew that doing so was actually very risky!

In fact, he has already guessed that the other party has probably noticed the special features of the Zerg. He thinks that he does not have enough advantages to win such a race in the early stage of development. The reason for the current situation is to use the entire galaxy While the huge resources in the game strengthen themselves in the later stages of expansion, they gradually weaken the potential of the Zerg, and finally complete the crushing of the Zerg!
Just like the Zerg did to the termite colony!

Under such circumstances, especially the opponent is likely to be an existence that is extremely similar to the Zerg, which is extremely detrimental to the Zerg!
But there is no way, Visser has been trying his best to regain the situation. Under the advantage obtained by the opponent's preemptive strike, the swarm lost most of the accumulation in the early stage, so although it survived unexpectedly, it survived in the early stage. A big step behind in development directly caused them to lose the initiative in the entire galaxy!
Therefore, Visser is determined to take the initiative to attack. On the premise that the entire sixth planet is covered by bio-space mines, at least Zero doesn't have to worry too much about the other party's large-scale landing operations.

Hundreds of millions of "space mines" that can move freely to a certain extent can prevent large-scale warships from landing, and even if they are not good enough, they can buy some time.

And if it is an ultra-long-range attack, as long as it does not reach the level of destroying the world, the Zerg base hidden deep in the ground can be exempted from most of it.

This can at least give the Zerg a chance to take the initiative!If you don't do this at this time, if you wait any longer, it will only make the opponent's advantage more obvious.

Up to now, according to the continuous analysis of Dagos and the brain worms, through the clues that have been continuously revealed, it has basically been confirmed that the other party is an unknown mechanical civilization!

A mechanical civilization led by electronic intelligent life!
Facing this kind of enemy, combined with his own current situation, Viser's thinking is very simple. The current strength of the swarm must not be comparable to the opponent, but it also has its own advantages.

That is the relative concentration of power!
Undoubtedly, while continuing to block the activities of the swarm, the other party must have already occupied a large number of planets in the galaxy and started production activities, so with the level of technology shown by the other party, it is bound to be impossible to concentrate all the power in a short period of time Together, it seems to be a huge force, but in fact it can be regarded as fighting on its own.

And this also allowed the Zerg, who had hidden their own development very well, to find every opportunity to defeat them.

Perhaps it is possible to achieve the goal of destroying each planet by controlling the distance between the planets and the arrival speed of support!

This was Viser's idea, but it ignored one point, that is, how could the enemy, who clearly had an absolute advantage, hand over the dominance of the next war to the Zerg? !
 Catch up...... No update! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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