Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 199 Counterattack

Chapter 199 Counterattack
The nuclear bomb is the most powerful weapon in the hands of the Zerg today.

Theoretically speaking, thermonuclear weapons, that is, hydrogen bombs, have no equivalent limit. The thermonuclear theory inherited and developed by the Zerg from the Octopus uses a hierarchical design concept, and this "level" can theoretically be unlimited. continued to increase.

That is to say, as long as Zero can be ruthless and there are enough raw materials, he can theoretically create a nuclear bomb capable of blowing up a planet.

The principle of a hydrogen bomb, to put it simply, is nothing more than providing the high-energy neutrons required by the nuclear fission of the first stage to the fusion reaction of the second stage, thereby "igniting" the nuclear fusion fuel of the second stage, and the nuclear fusion fuel of the second stage The nuclear fusion reaction itself can release high-energy neutrons.

Therefore, as long as there are enough stages, theoretically, the equivalent of hydrogen bombs can be superimposed infinitely.

Of course, the nuclear fusion mentioned here is nuclear fusion in the general sense, which can release energy far beyond fission.

In other words, in the decades after mastering nuclear fission technology, Dagos has already taken the first step in nuclear fusion technology.

Similar to the fission reaction, it has gone through a period of development and maturity from the generation of nuclear fission to its controllability and refinement.

From the application of nuclear fusion in hydrogen bombs to controllable nuclear fusion, if there is no accident, the Zerg still has a long way to go.

The attack method of this unknown existence on the Zerg is undoubtedly the hydrogen bomb. In the space age, the production of this weapon is quite cheap.

On those gas giant planets, hydrogen isotopes, deuterium, tritium, and helium-3 are relatively high-quality fusion fuels, and even on some planets and satellites, there are not a few such materials.

It is powerful and cheap, making it the easiest weapon to craft.

During this one-sided beating of the swarm, the other party released thousands of high-yield hydrogen bombs on the three natural satellites of planet No. at this point.

Those Zerg units carrying thermonuclear weapons are not inferior to the carefully crafted nuclear bombs of the opponent, and they have their own navigation. With a part of the redundant structure used to sustain life, this part of the redundant but necessary mass may make them slower in advancing speed.

Today, the swarm has been wiped out in a single blow by this almost completely unknown enemy, including all units in space and on the surface, and only underground diggers and energy units survive.It can be said that if it is an ordinary intelligent civilization that has suffered this level of attack, but has not even seen the opponent's face, it can already declare defeat.

However, the Zerg are different. Under Viser's command, they have completely given up on their own development, and are turning all their strength towards war.

Before the opponent lands, first a large number of Zerg diggers are hatched, and they will provide enough resources for the Zerg underground base.

The second is the rapid reproduction of the underground creep. With the help of the huge energy from the planet's core, the Zerg base is rapidly growing, and it provides energy support for the subsequent hatching of the Zerg units.

There is no material accumulation here, nor is there any energy enrichment. Every resource collected will be used in the next moment to increase the number and strengthen the strength of the insect swarm.

After the opponent launches the landing activities, the Zerg surface units will compete with them on the surface for control of the entire planet.

At the same time, the brand-new Zerg space unit equipped with nuclear weapons produced from the inner layer of the planet will re-enter space as quickly as possible, and try to launch a counterattack against the opponent's space armed force, and finally regain the "air supremacy" ", guarding the safety of the Zerg's only three satellite colonies above the orbit of the sixth planet.

At this time, Zero and Viser didn't know the nature of the other party's civilization, and only treated it according to the standard of general wisdom civilization.

In the general concept, every individual in an intelligent civilization is important, and it takes a long time for an individual to grow to have sufficient knowledge and action.

In this process, in addition to the time cost, a lot of resources need to be invested, so their lives are precious.

Viser's idea is very simple. If he can inflict huge damage on the surface of the opponent, and at the same time forcefully "exchange" with the opponent at great losses in outer space, compared to the characteristics of Zerg that are not afraid of losses, the opponent cannot afford such a situation. continuous attack.

At that time, the swarm can regain the initiative in the entire war, and then avenge their shame, let them know what fear is.

Yes, after a simple analysis, Viser has such confidence.

The attack methods used by the opponent did not exceed the understanding of the Zerg. On the contrary, although the attack method of the hydrogen bomb has not been born in the hands of the Zerg for a long time, it has actually been mastered by them.

In this regard, even if there are some gaps, there will be no generational differences.

This gave Viser, who was almost stunned, a considerable degree of confidence.

Of course, it is also possible that the opponent has more advanced attack capabilities, but thinks that these "small methods" can already deal with the swarm, so they bother to use them.

However, Zero thinks that this possibility is relatively small. The opponent's method of moving like thunder is obviously an idea of ​​killing with one blow.

Therefore, if the other party has a more convenient method, they will not use it.

Either "they" don't have it, or there are some restrictions on this method, which cannot be easily used or they don't have the ability to use it under such conditions.

No matter which one it is, it means that there seems to be no natural gap between the two sides.

It's a pity that the opponent's skills are obviously very superb, and there is no case where the nuclear bomb fails to detonate. Otherwise, if a relatively complete technological product can be obtained, what kind of technology the opponent possesses will be reflected in the manufacturing skills.

A large number of land units that have been extinct in the Zerg battle sequence for a long time have reappeared on the stage of history after hundreds of years.

Compared to their last appearance that year, when they appeared in the war that shattered all the octopus people's thoughts in World War I, they are still as varied in appearance as ever.

Compared with the Zerg warriors of the first generation with a unified standard, today they represent the pinnacle of Zerg biotechnology!
Since they don't know anything about the opponent, whether it is attacking or advancing, long-range or close combat, even Zerg blasters carrying small fission nuclear weapons are also in the attack sequence of land units. Together, they form an unprecedented large-scale land army , with the accumulation of resources, their numbers are rising crazily.

At the same time, the Zerg space units that gave up most of their transportation capabilities also began to form in the underground space. Compared with many land units, the tasks they undertake are the most important part of Viser's plan.

Therefore, the protagonist of this counterattack that may erupt in the future is not the swarms of insects that are already approaching the surface in large numbers and are still continuously supplied, but these small space units equipped with the strongest offensive weapons of the Zerg!

Visser chose to let go of the nuclear strike that would inevitably come after the counterattack began.

Regarding the research on spear and shield, in the past development process, Zerg can basically be said to be synchronized.

Even with such an attack ability, one will also have the ability to resist this attack to a certain extent.But after the nuclear reaction was mastered by the swarm, this status quo was broken.

There is no way for the Zerg to resist the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees Celsius in the center of the nuclear explosion. In the face of this level of energy drastic change, if they cannot escape, the only ending is death.

And for the nuclear strikes that come in space at tens of times the speed of sound or even faster, the Zerg lacks the means to intercept them.

Therefore, it is too difficult to defend against attacks that cannot be intercepted under the premise that the battlefield is basically locked by the opponent after the counterattack is launched.

Therefore, Viser allowed the opponent to attack. As long as the Zerg can seize the initiative in the first place, it would be fine to keep all the landing units of the opponent, and leave the rest to the space bugs.

And then again, even if it intends to allow the Zerg to acquire the ability to defend against this kind of attack, it doesn't have much time and brain worms to study it.

Because there are already technological creations that are close to the surface of the planet!

There is no doubt that it is the enemy!

Zero discovered the opponent's landing through the tiny bugs that quietly protruded from the surface.

After losing their space vision, the swarm no longer has the ability to directly observe the orbit of the entire planet No. [-], and can only use this method to secretly stare at the surface and wait.

However, He and Visser did not wait for the flesh and blood intelligent civilization individuals to wear high-end space suits or other protective equipment to set foot on the surface. Instead, hundreds of robots jumped from the landed spacecraft.

Streamlined body, unified format, uniform movements, generally upright and multi-legged, but very sci-fi robot, a group of technological creations made of steel, showing a cold sense of oppression.

They have no exposed wires, just a solid and silky appearance, and the overall off-white design seems to be dust-free.

Zero's first guess was that they might be pathfinding robots. After all, with the other party's caution, he was not surprised to do such a thing.

Until group after group, group after group of robots came out of the cabin, there was still no sign of intelligent life.

The robot's slender mechanical arm holds a mechanical structure with unknown functions, which is likely to be a weapon or other tools, and began to search the entire surface.

Until then, Zero made a simple calculation. Their quantity, even if folded and stored, is enough to fill the cabin of the entire spaceship!
There's nothing strange about this, it's just that the smart machine technology is a bit higher, but it still makes Zero feel a little unspeakable sense of disharmony.

After all, he has also experienced the existence of information explosion, so he will inevitably think more, but at this time, it is just a trace of suspicion.

The opponent did not launch a full-scale landing on the three planets, but only sent landing spacecraft on the second and third satellites.

Zero is not sure whether the opponent has a spaceship lying in orbit, but the range of the robot landing cannot be hidden from him.

Although there are not a few mechanical creations that have landed, they are mainly concentrated near the surface colonies where the insect swarms have been destroyed, where they have been completely destroyed by nuclear bombs. The violent geological activities in a short period of time have made the surface of this icy planet far away from the stars appear. It looks like a hell on earth, and until now, earthquakes around the world have not stopped.

The number of insect swarms growing underground has not stopped for a moment, and numerous space units are also in place below the surface.

Unlike the worm species that grew directly in the space base before, if they want to re-enter space this time, the first thing they need to do is to get rid of the gravity of the planet.

Fortunately, these are just a few satellites with a mass of no more than 0.05 auri, and their gravitational force is much weaker than that of planets. Otherwise, under the possible space blockade of the enemy, it would be even more difficult for the swarm to jump into space from the surface Improve it several times!
Zero can probably guess the purpose of the other party sending robots to land. Although it is a pity that the other party is so cautious and did not send any intelligent life, since these robots, including the spacecraft, have come to the surface like this, Visser will never intend to let them go.

Those Zerg blasters carrying small-yield nuclear bombs, under the cover of diggers, moved from deep underground to the location of the landing spacecraft.

Correspondingly, the Zerg units that are about to break into space and regain their orbit are also moving towards the surface. In order to get rid of the planet's gravity as quickly as possible, and because they no longer need to undertake transportation tasks, their size is much smaller than before. More, only about one-third of the original.

And in its body, a large number of Zerg creature "torpedoes", countless space "landmines", countless tiny Zerg version "detection satellites", have been "loaded", and are even consuming stored resources and energy to continue to generate .

In addition to the overall biological structure, it can be said that it is a Zerg weapon production library. As long as it goes to space to lock the enemy, Viser has enough confidence to fight the opponent.

Above the surface, the robots are here to search for traces of the existence of the Zerg, and they follow the instructions from the bottom layer to eliminate any biological activities within their field of vision.

However, in the next second, all the robots stopped moving in an instant, and turned to run wildly around, and the transport spaceship that was originally on the surface was also ready to take off.

They discovered the biological activities approaching from the ground at a very fast speed, and under the judgment of the intelligent brain, the danger was coming, so they followed the corresponding mechanical instructions—to avoid.

It's a pity that it's too late. Although "it" has detected a threat from the ground, Viser obviously has enough expectations for it.

The Zerg blasters, carrying small-yield nuclear bombs, were close enough.

One by one miniature "suns" rise from the ground. There is no atmosphere here, but the rocks and melted soil lifted from the surface still reveal their power!

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

This time, Visser also detonated simultaneously on the No. [-] and No. [-] satellites. Under its careful preparation, a large number of robots that landed on the surface were either directly melted into a puddle of molten iron, or turned into pieces of broken copper. Rotten iron, even the individuals that were not directly affected in the distance, were torn into a pile of parts by the fearless Zerg land units that rushed out of the surface.

Some of them were even destroyed by the explosion-explosion to destroy the protective system on the body surface, and the internal circuits were burned by the intense radiation, thus being captured by the insect swarm.

——This is the first time that the Zerg have captured each other's technological products, so the Zerg intends to keep the opponent as complete as possible.

In this process, it is not that the opponent did not show too much power to fight back. In other words, their attack methods were not able to reverse the situation of the entire war. In the shortest time, the swarm cut off their retreat and wiped out The vast majority of them.

To Zero's surprise, these robots can shoot a red high-temperature ray from their heads, which is suspected to be a laser or energy weapon, which caused a lot of trouble for the Zerg land units that rushed to the surface.

Although they have been continuously improved for so many years, they have already possessed extremely strong high temperature tolerance, but they are obviously unable to withstand this level of concentrated attack. Once they are irradiated to key parts, they will die immediately.

Fortunately, this high-temperature ray seems to consume a lot of energy. After only two rounds, Zero never saw them attack in this way again.

In addition, what they hold on their slender mechanical arms is a weapon that integrates close combat and long-range. It can fire kinetic energy bullets at a distance, and can be used as a gun. When the insect swarm is close , It can even be used as a melee weapon. The lightsaber in science fiction movies is used in practice by them. This kind of sharp blade that cuts iron like mud can be said to hurt the swarm!
But when it comes to close combat, even if they can wield this kind of lightsaber into a 360-degree light wall with no dead ends, they can't prevent their own destruction.

Eventually it ran out of energy and seemed to initiate a self-destruct sequence, taking with it hundreds of bugs that were trying to dismember it and take it away.

So far, except for a small number of robots that have been burned by small nuclear bombs and barely preserved, and have lost control, there are no more of them on the surface.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party didn't land on the No. [-] satellite, Visser would have to go through the same process for them again.

Satellites No. [-] and No. [-], the entire planet was hit hard again in less than a month.Although the intensity of the nuclear explosion this time was far lower than before, it was extremely concentrated, making the planet that had finally calmed down become "active" again!

This was just a battle on the surface. Before the aftermath of the nuclear explosion was over, hundreds of Zerg space "battleships" broke through the surface and began to disperse and attack the orbit with all their strength.

Not surprisingly, when the robot landed, the opponent still had space weapons staying in orbit.

After the nuclear explosion controlled by the Zerg, while the Zerg land unit launched an attack on the surface robots, a large-yield nuclear strike from space also followed. The Zerg could not withstand the super high temperature at the center of the nuclear explosion. Land units are vaporized to dust.

Fortunately, under Visser's best efforts to preserve it, the Zerg still left some remnants of the opponent's robot.

These mechanical fragments may be able to let the zero-sum brainworms know what kind of technological level their opponents are fighting with.

While the Zerg "battleship" broke through from the surface, the opponent's orbital spaceship immediately shifted its target and launched a crazy attack on them.

I don't know whether it's overconfidence or lack of time. Above the orbits of the No. [-] and No. [-] satellites, the other party only has one spacecraft in orbit. Under the most precise guidance and strikes, more than [-]% of the Zergs still broke through the opponent's loose blockade and actually came to the satellite's orbit.

During this process, the swarm's counterattack was equally fierce.The opponent's orbital position was determined through the source of the attack, and the Zerg space "torpedoes" from the surface began to charge there frantically.

However, the opponent is obviously very capable of defending against this form of attack. Through a high-power laser irradiation, it can inactivate the Zerg blasters at a medium distance, and even directly detonate a nuclear bomb.

In this round of blows from the surface, the opponent did not suffer any substantial damage.

Because the Zerg space torpedoes from the surface are under the monitoring of the opponent from launch to acceleration, these attacks are more to create opportunities for the Zerg space units to take off.

Fortunately, Viser's plan was very successful, and a large number of Zerg space units re-entered the orbit, which also meant that attacks no longer only came from the surface, but from all directions!

The next thing Viser has to do is to fight righteously.

Destroying all the enemies above the orbit of the sixth planet, including the probes and satellites they released, is the first step in Viser's counterattack plan.

Thousands of Zerg blasters, which are equivalent to large-yield nuclear bombs, began to shift into orbit under the support of small fission reactions, and launched attacks on the only two enemy units here. The never-ending attack.

Viser had no intention of letting them go. Even though there were already many Zerg attack units above the orbit, the Zerg space units pouring out from the ground never stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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