Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 152 The Immune System

Chapter 152 The Immune System
The blue sea extends to the sky, the waves are rolling in the distance, and the ripples are rippling nearby. The golden light of the sun is reflected on the sea surface, shining with charming brilliance.

From time to time, you can see some seagulls or fish jumping on the sea surface, and white clouds in the distance spread under the blue sky, and the soft sunlight penetrates the clouds, making the sea surface more crystal clear.

Without the bloody and brutal fighting, most of the land units of the Zerg fell into dormancy.On land they have almost completely stopped expanding, except for the necessary swarms for logistical production.

The mighty ocean exploration is still going on, and Sass has fallen into the intense memory reading.

It is easy to absorb and difficult to digest. This kind of thing does not take too much time, but it is not something that can be done in a short period of time to really organize and use it.

The lizard people group on the islands is much more technologically advanced than the Saadman Empire on the mainland. There is almost a generation gap between them. The gap formed during this period is not due to the length of development time, but is caused by the technological revolution. leap.

It can be said that they have reached a new level, and many new things are in front of their eyes. Even if they haven't really started research, those technologies that belong to the future have already shown some signs at this moment.

At least from the memories obtained by SARS, many new things have already taken shape in the minds of these scientific researchers.

This is of course a good thing. It can provide some research directions for Sass and save a lot of time.

With the cooperation of the Zerg field, Sass' scientific research progress is gradually accelerating.But recently, it will stop all research projects, and concentrate on digesting the knowledge it got from the lizardmen.

The advancement of basic technology is closely related to the enhancement of Zerg's ability, so it is very important.

Now, apart from very few creatures that can pose a slight threat to the Zerg, they don't have any strong enemies in the explored world, and the need for the replacement of arms is not so urgent.

Therefore, it is not necessary for Zero to chase after the end and blindly pursue the further enhancement of the Zerg unit.


Although it has been expected, the time it took Sass to acquire the knowledge of thousands of Lizardman elites this time still exceeded zero's expectations.

Because it took a full two years!
In fact, it didn't take much time to absorb memory and knowledge. In the second month after the start, this step was basically completed.

For the rest of the day, Sass spent time teasing out this knowledge, trying to incorporate it into the Zerg's own development.

By comparison, the technology trees lit by the two lizardmen civilizations have many similarities in the main trunk, but there are also many differences in the branches.

Due to the different environments in which civilizations live, their emphases are also not the same.

For example, due to the chaotic environment, the Lizardman civilization on the ocean, its navigation technology, weapon technology, and even the art of war are far superior to the Saadman civilization on the mainland in these aspects.

However, although there is an almost generational gap in the technological level of the two civilizations as a whole, the mainland civilization is not completely useless.

A peaceful and stable environment has promoted the development of its productivity, and it is still far ahead in terms of people's livelihood technology such as agricultural manufacturing.

In this process, Saas combined the scientific research levels of both parties to organize it into a complete scientific and technological system.

Although many of them are completely useless to the Zerg, but as the saying goes, the number of skills does not overwhelm the body, and it is also good as a reference for analogy.

At the same time, it took such a long time to complete this work, and Sass finally figured out the true technological level of the lizard people civilization on the ocean.

To put it simply, they are probably in the early days of the Age of Discovery, but they are not the same.

At least in fact, it seems to Zero that their navigation technology is long enough to traverse the world, but due to the chaotic external environment and the overall status quo that has been unable to be unified for a long time, it has involved too much energy of the entire ethnic group, otherwise at this time At this moment, they are likely to have already begun the colonial era.

Among them, the most zero attention is its research process related to biology and microcosm.

The microscopic instruments originally used to observe the microscopic world came out 12 years ago. After these years of development, they can now observe the cell level relatively clearly.

They also gained a deeper understanding of biological structure and the basic substances that make up the world.

In addition, they are also ahead of the Zerg in the detailed observation of the tissues and systems in the organism.At least before SARS, it was completely unclear that the basic structure of living things was composed of cells.

Now, of course, all of this is a loot for the Zerg to help the Swarm continue to make big strides on a micro level.

In the study of the basic substances that make up the world, their research is also deeper than that of Sass.Its external manifestation is that the basic cognition of various material elements has already taken shape.

Although the finer levels have not been observed yet, if not for the sudden invasion of the Zerg, their conjectures and verifications on this level are constantly being carried out, and even the research on the microscopic level is also developing rapidly due to the demand.

The technical Sass about its instruments and other aspects cannot be directly applied to the Zerg, at least it is impossible to actually create a microscope for the Zerg to use, it is unrealistic, and it is not applicable to the Zerg.

In terms of microscopic observations, the Zerg already has bugs that specialize in scientific research assistance. Sass’ plan is to refer to the microscopic principles of lizardmen, and cooperate with the improved vision obtained from Sommer to upgrade this bug again. , so as to reach a level similar to that of the lizard people or even surpass them.

There is no technical difficulty in this point after understanding its principle. Sass can directly use biological structures to cause similar effects.

This is the benefit of having basic knowledge as a background. Blind imitation can achieve the goal in the short term, but it can only get the shape but not the spirit.

Microscopic instruments are obviously the research results of the lizard people in optics and materials science. Sass has obtained many such technological products, some from the lizard people's minds, some directly observed the real objects, and some even stay in the on the drawing level.

This is the precious legacy left by the Lizardmen to the Zerg.It allowed Sass to easily accomplish things that were previously determined to be difficult to accomplish.

For example, the way to deal with the parasites that have caused a lot of damage to the Zerg in the past.

The previous Zerg couldn't touch these tiny creatures that could only be observed at the macro level if they gathered in large numbers, and even if they found them, it would be difficult to deal with them.

But now, the Zerg has been equal to them both in terms of visual observation and physical contact.

Therefore, their characteristics are gradually mastered by Zero.

There are two common infection methods of this kind of worm. They parasitize in the body of the big fish before, and rely on swallowing a special substance secreted by the host body. This substance is fatal to the parasite, but excessive Secretion is harmful to the host.

While devouring this substance, their reproductive ability will be inhibited, thus achieving a delicate balance in the host body.

The parasite consumes the excess special substances they secrete, eliminating its threat to the host, and at the same time, its own number is always kept above a relatively reasonable level, so that it will not pose a fatal threat to the host, and even affect the life activities of the host. Play a certain help.

To say it is parasitic, it is better to say that it is a symbiotic system that needs each other and emerges as the times require.

Obviously, it is not difficult to defend against their invasion, just let the Zerg be able to produce this substance.

However, Zero has a different view on this point.

He has always believed in one thing, that is, it is better to take the initiative to attack than passive defense.

It is foreseeable that a biological attack like this parasite will definitely not be the last time. In the long time to come, the Zerg will not be able to produce their antibodies every time they encounter such an enemy. This is certainly a feasible way. plan, but Zero has more thoughts on this.

Perhaps, the symbiotic system in this big fish can be directly used on the Zerg!

Of course, it is not a complete copy, but just use their model as a reference.

The swarm's own body can also feed such extremely tiny worms, and they all fall into a dormant state on weekdays. When the same type of external creatures invade the zerg's body, they will wake up and start fighting!

This is similar to a function against all external substances, just like the immune system in the lizard human body!
Of course, this was just a resemblance, and it might be effective against the same type of organisms, but if the intruders were smaller life forms, they would also be powerless.

When the swarm really began to enter the microscopic world, Zero gradually discovered how lucky he was to survive in this environment full of microorganisms with the body structure of the swarm.

From ants all the way to the present, their resistance to the outside world is basically completely derived from useful or useless organizational structures borrowed from various biological bodies at some time, and it is generally incoherent to put together things.

This is part of the reason why Zerg generally don't live long.Completely different from those creatures that have evolved from generation to generation in nature, the Zerg race, which has grown from tiny to small in a few decades, has not gone through a long history of evolution, so they are quite vulnerable to external environmental invasion.

Of course, these insects without emotion and lack of pain sensation will not change their ferocious nature even if they are on the verge of death. It may be a bit inappropriate to use the word fragile to describe them.

But the fact is that the erosion from the outside affects their bodies all the time. Only when they fall into a state of suspended animation like the fire worms at the beginning, because their life activities tend to stagnate, can they weaken this to a certain extent. kind of erosion.

This is part of the reason why the lifespan of the swarm is short, and it is also part of the reason why the state of dormancy can prolong the lifespan of the swarm in addition to reducing life consumption.

Everything has its essence, and nothing is a coincidence.This is Zero's biggest feeling after Zerg really started to walk into science.

Constructing the "immune system" belonging to the Zerg is only the most basic application of this biological science. Sass is still studying the construction of dormant bugs in the Zerg, but the results should be achieved in the near future.

Since Sass had already completed the research on the previous parasite, it shouldn't be a huge difficulty to copy its body structure to create a tiny bug that obeyed the leader of the Zerg.

The most valued by Zero is undoubtedly its self-reproduction ability that is stronger than Zerg individuals.

Since Sass completely copied their production mode, the Zerg unit that will be a member of the "immune system" in the Zerg body will also have this ability. They can complete self-replication by consuming energy, thus gathering enough in the Zerg body in a short time Resistance.

The so-called analogy, since there is already such a defense force, it is also in Zero's plan to use it as a biological weapon unique to the Zerg.

Compared with the previous toxin attack, this attack method is obviously much more controllable, not only as a defensive force, but when necessary, it will also turn the spearhead and become the pioneer of the swarm attack.

It's just that there are advantages and disadvantages. While gaining its reproductive ability, because of the complete replication, and so far, Sass has not been able to figure out the reason why it will die directly after staying in the ocean for a long time, so they also It also retains this characteristic, and Zero has also done experiments, not only seawater, they survive in fresh water and air for a shorter time!
It seems that only in living organisms can they survive for a long time, but this is a very important information to figure out their characteristics. It can be guessed that there must be a commonality in living organisms, and this commonality is to satisfy their survival. necessary condition.

Finding out the specific reason for this characteristic will be one of the main research directions of Sass in the next period of time, and only by solving this point can it truly become a member of the Zerg arsenal.

Of course, this is just the beginning, because the creatures that are eroding the Zerg's body all the time exist on a smaller level. With Sass's current research level, he can only observe them at most. In addition to killing and processing it, the current solution is only imitation.

That is to imitate the immune system in the lizard human body. As the existence at the top of the biosphere, they have been able to evolve all the way to this day, and there is no doubt that they have the most suitable immune system for the environment on this planet.

As for how to use this point, it still needs to be discussed in the long run. At present, Zero is just raising it. Again, time is on the side of the Zerg, and they have enough time to do these things.

(End of this chapter)

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