Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 151 Close Connection

Chapter 151 Close Connection
Of course, Zero has not forgotten the original intention of the Zerg to launch the war. As soon as it emerged from the ground, a large number of Zerg units headed towards Xinken's residence purposefully.

Under the precise positioning of the explorer, the lizard man who was over seventy years old could not escape at all and had no way to escape. In fact, he was also powerless to escape.

After the Zerg surrounded him, before they could make a move, he passed out as if he had been greatly stimulated, which saved a lot of effort.

Fortunately, Xinken, who can be called an encyclopedia of lizardmen, did not die directly, otherwise Zero would have been nothing.

At the same time, not only Xinken, but every scientific researcher with a name and surname on the islands and in the entire sea area, no matter what job they are engaged in, no matter what project they are good at, or what they are doing at the moment, are all insects. The group immediately surrounded the captured object.

They have a clear division of labor, and they are captured on the premise of not hurting them as much as possible. Even in order to achieve this, sometimes the swarm will force them to leave only one escape route for them to go to the swarm. He fled in the direction of hope, reducing the difficulty of arrest in a disguised form.

Under the threat of life, these existences whose intelligence level is absolutely among the best in the entire lizard people group will panic and act according to instinct.

This is also a part of Zero's design for the Zerg capture plan. After all, these lizardmen scientific researchers are not rough-skinned fighters. Intellectuals should be treated like intellectuals. This is a precious wealth of Zerg. Naturally, it is impossible to treat them like ordinary lizardmen.

Even for them, there will be no good results anyway.

In the lizard people society, each one can be called a scientist lizard people. They are either specialized or just interested in scientific research, and they are injured or coerced by the Zerg and stuffed into the Zerg camp. Keep them alive as long as possible until SARS arrives or they are transported to SARS.

It is foreseeable that for quite a long time in the future, Sass should be busy.

After the useful people have completed the transfer, the Zerg really have no scruples.

Before, they only dispatched ground troops, and after the goal was achieved, the insect swarm had no intention of leaving.

While the land unit was attacking, Zero tested all the "weapons" accumulated before on these lizardmen, such as the blaster improved from the fire worm, and the biological bomber with no brain but containing violent gas. - Play and so on.

In fact, the number of Zergs who are actually responsible for attacking is not particularly large, at least they do not have an absolute crushing advantage compared to Lizardmen. Tens of millions seem to be a lot, but they are actually scattered on many islands. On average, there are really no How much, at least not much more than the Lizardmen.

It's just that in the initial chaos, the lizardmen couldn't form effective resistance at all, and the civilians didn't have any sense of fighting at all.

Zero didn't even feel any resistance, and wherever the swarm passed, whether it was soldiers or civilians, they were all vulnerable.

So compared to the chaotic lizardmen like headless flies, the well-targeted and extremely well-organized swarm looked like an endless overwhelming massacre of unarmed lizardmen.

Then, after the Zerg completely let go of their hands and feet, they accelerated the pace of their demise.

The swarm combed every piece of land like wolves entering a flock of sheep. The pervasive explorers quietly explored the places where the lizardmen could hide. They may have died under the fangs and claws of the zerg. fell, or died in the poisonous gas that spread afterwards.

It was completely different from when they fought against the lizardman empire on the continent of Saran. Surrounded by the sea and the docks and ships were immediately controlled by the swarm, the lizardmen had no way of escaping.

Because even in the sea, there are Zerg foragers everywhere!They are like killers hidden under the water, quietly waiting for the delicious food to be delivered to their door in the water. Even if there are occasional lizard people with extraordinary talent and amazing water quality, they can't escape their pursuit.

Fleeing to the sea seems to be a way of life, but in fact it is a hopeless way out. If you don't drown, you will be chased and killed.

Even in the sky, there are flying dragons patrolling. This time, Zero has truly achieved an airtight and comprehensive blockade. Unless the other party is really an extremely lucky son of a plane, otherwise, even with wings, he cannot escape from this place. sea ​​area.

Compared with the attack of the Zerg Swarm on the Saadman Empire at that time, this raid was much simpler.

Although seriously speaking, their weapons are more advanced, but the appearance of firearms seems to make their soldiers gradually put down the heavy armor and put on light armor. For the sharper minions of the Zerg, it is not much different from not existing.

Moreover, the special geographical location of the island is really a natural desperation. After being controlled by the ships and docks, they became lambs trapped in this prison one by one, waiting for the slaughter of the swarm.

Of course, although the process was quite smooth, it was not without trouble. The opponent's firearms were not a decoration after all. With this, they still launched some counterattacks and caused some damage to the swarm. Unfortunately, it was not painful at all. .

Those weapons used for long-range attacks basically failed to come in handy.Because the Zerg had directly engaged in a full-scale close fight with them from the very beginning, they couldn't get away from the battlefield to use their advanced weapons at a distance, and even if they used them, the end would be the same.

With the current fighting ability of the swarm, civilizations like the lizardmen who don't even have basic air control capabilities will be crushed if they face the swarm head-on, not to mention that they choose to attack by surprise.

This war has just begun, but it can already be declared over.Not only on the islands, but also the fleet swimming above the sea at the time of the incident, were also annihilated under the attack of the Zerg flying dragons. Those huge sea ships and warships that used to straddle the port could not even hit a single shell. The crew who controlled it had already been lost, and what was more, it was burned directly on the sea surface, leaving nothing behind.

Zero doesn't know if there are any survivors, but just like the lizardmen survivors lingering on the mainland, even if there are some, they are just waiting to die. They will never dare to move in front of the swarm. Will die in ten years.

If there were a little more survivors, it might be able to exist for a while longer, but extinction is already a certainty.

As for those lizardmen captured by the swarm, those who are more cooperative and uninjured will be temporarily placed properly after the war or massacre is over, and they will even have a certain degree of freedom, but they don't know what they will face. What kind of fate.

Of course, the Zerg's capture operation was not really smooth without twists and turns. There are still many existences who would rather die than surrender. After realizing the purpose of the Zerg's capture alive, they chose to kill themselves.

For such an existence, no matter how many swarms there are, there is absolutely no way. It is difficult to live, but it is easy to want to die when you are besieged by swarms.

Even if they didn't understand why this group of vicious monsters who appeared suddenly could show such an attitude, and what they were going to do to capture themselves alive, but thinking about it, they knew it would not be a good thing.

They would rather die than fall into the hands of the Zerg and wait for an unknown fate.

Of course, this is very rare.

The other lizardmen may not understand this, but they just chose to be lucky or were subdued by the swarm before they had time to kill themselves.

And those who are weak or injured and dying, such as Xinken, are being sent to Sass at the fastest speed.

After such a long period of growth, with the brain capacity of the lizardman, it does not take that long for Sass to complete a knowledge acquisition, so there is no need to worry about the lack of time, as long as it can be delivered to it alive, There is no need to worry about the remaining zero.


While Sass was busy, the war soon reached the stage of cleaning up the battlefield. In fact, there was nothing to clean up. It was nothing more than a performance stage for the hatchery and storage. Just for reference only.

The cleared Zerg will go back to the underground camp to go dormant, leaving only a few to help the hoarder collect resources.

After completing the treatment of an island, they will also swallow the hatchery above the surface, leaving a mess, and then return to the camp to go dormant.

This process may vary depending on the size of the battlefield and the progress of the war, but it is generally the same.

Zero hatched so many Zerg units for this war, just to make the war end as soon as possible. Now that the war is over, he will not remake them, because with the conversion efficiency of the storage, it is not cost-effective .

They will be like the insect swarms on the Saran continent, waiting for the next war in dormancy, or reborn in another way after natural death.

Of course, this is not a lack of compassion, it is not cost-effective is one reason, another important reason is that the number of Zerg individuals is directly related to the strength of the Zerg field, and it also affects the research of Sass all the time process, so a living Zerg is far more valuable than a resource.

Speaking of the Zerg Field, its role has been further highlighted in this big expansion of the Zerg Swarm.

There is no need to mention Sass's research bonus. According to Sass' own calculations, it should be able to reach about 15.00%, which is a half increase, which is already a substantial increase.

As for the strengthening of zero ability, it is not so obvious, but he can feel that the so-called controlling creatures should not be the main function of the field.

Because with the strengthening of the Zerg field, an almost undetectable hazy feeling appeared in Zero's heart.

He seems to have become a little bit smarter?
Zero uncertainty, this is a rather strange feeling, unlike physical changes, biological changes in their own consciousness are often slower, because those subtle influences are not as obvious as changes in appearance .

Just as a person's mentality changes with age, he is often ignored by himself and takes it for granted.

Only when you think back to yourself a few years ago or even more than a decade ago and compare yourself with each other will you find obvious differences.

The reason why Zero can notice this is because the changes in a short period of time are too obvious.

If you gain a little weight every day, you may not notice it immediately, but if you gain two hundred catties all at once, unless it is a monster weighing thousands of tons, you will notice it no matter what.

In addition, the connection between him and Sass seems to be closer, which is more important to him than the former.

Since the Zerg was born, except for absolute obedience, Sass is Sass, and there is no deep connection between it and Zero except for strict subordination.

Even the language obtained from the lizard people was taught to Zero only after Sass created a "dictionary".

There is no obstacle to the communication between zero and it, but the overall distinction is still clear.

However, after the strengthening of the Zerg field this time, Zero really felt that the distance between Sass and him had been shortened.

This feeling is one-way, because Sass doesn't have any intuitive feelings about it.

But for Zero, he has never felt its closeness and loyalty to him so clearly.In the past, Zero also knew this clearly and was absolutely sure.

However, knowing and feeling are two different things, and now he can even vaguely feel some of Sass' thoughts and mood swings!
Zero even feels that if ordinary Zerg individuals don't have the same rich psychological activities as Sass, he must also be able to feel some of the thoughts of these bugs.

In other words, this is not a change between him and Sass alone, but affects the entire Zerg race!
In the future, if there are new brain worms hatching, it will definitely be like this.

He even felt that maybe the illusion that he became smarter came from Sass, not from the addition of the field.

Because when the previous field was first born, he didn't have this feeling.

This strengthening of the Zerg field has brought Zero and Zerg individuals closer together.

If it continues like this, maybe one day in the future, there will be no gap between Zero and Sass or Cerebral Worms. It can be said that what Sass belongs to is His!
The knowledge system it acquires, its scientific research results, etc., will all be shared with Zero!

Perhaps, and IQ?
Thinking of this, Ling felt a little guilty about plagiarizing other people's academic achievements openly and accepting them without changing them.

It's just that for the Zerg, there is no doubt that it is a good thing.

This means that from now on, Zero can no longer just act as a spectator in the study and research of Sass, but can really join it, and keep abreast of the development of Zerg technology and the progress of the research done.

At this moment, Zero feels that the Zerg field may not be as simple as it appears. With the development of the Zerg, it once again began to show its importance to Zero.

  Debt free and light~~
(End of this chapter)

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