Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 109 Learning Machine Big Plan

Chapter 109 Learning Machine Big Plan
However, Ethan was only sour for a while, and then he regained his mental balance.

Because he remembered, there is Xiao Qiao by his side~
Although the four heavenly kings of Nintendo, Yokoi Gunpei, Uemura Masaoyuki, Takeda Genyo, and Miyamoto Shigeru are all awesome, but compared with Steve Jobs, it is not enough. The four generals of Nintendo only affect One field, but Steve Jobs has smashed through multiple industries!

If you have to describe it, it is that one quarter is better than four quarters!

Hehe ~
When this fact appeared, Ethan felt much more comfortable in his heart.

At the same time, he also remembered one thing——

'The special code is almost finished!Forgot to buy a special gift for Xiao Qiao! '

Was Jobs a narrow-minded man?Ethan didn't know.

But he believed that when Spielberg got Akira Kurosawa's blessing album, Jobs, who only enjoyed ordinary gift treatment, would definitely argue with him. Thinking of this, he slapped Hiroshi Yamauchi on the shoulder , Just like two brothers, they hooked up with him.

"Ethan, what's the matter?" Hiroshi Yamauchi asked suspiciously.

"Brother, can you do me a favor?" Ethan said, "I have a friend who is very interested in Buddhist culture, so... do you have any suggestions?"

Hiroshi Yamauchi was taken aback by the ambiguous words. After thinking for a while, he realized that Ethan might be asking him if he could get some gifts that represented the Buddhist culture of the book.

And for this...

He is really unfamiliar.

Because he, Hiroshi Yamauchi, is a wealthy N-generation born with a golden spoon in his mouth!

Usually, I can't wait to play every day, so how can I pay attention to such things as self-cultivation?
However, if you don't understand, you can ask.

Under the search of Yamauchi Pu, he soon found a set of books for Ethan, which came from the classics of the Caodong sect collected in Yongping Temple, "Zhengfayan Zang" written by the founder of the Kaipai Daoyuan.

Of course, Hiroshi Yamauchi couldn't get that kind of ancient book with a history of hundreds of years, but the one he gave to Ethan was not inferior, because it was a manuscript copied by the contemporary abbot of Yongping Temple himself.

It not only perfectly restores the characteristics of Chinese characters in ancient books, but also provides annotations and explanations in Japanese.

When these things appeared in front of Ethan, the first reaction in his head was that Jobs should not understand, but after thinking about it, he felt that it didn't matter much, after all Jobs didn't understand curry, but He still went on a pilgrimage to Curry.So, even if there is a difference in language, as long as it is related to Buddhism, he should have the thought of researching it, right?

When Ethan returned to the Bay Area at the end of August with this idea in mind, and gave Jobs the classics he remembered when he came to him...

This spirited guy who was barefoot at home was overjoyed immediately!

Opening his arms to give him a hug, he wanted to kiss Ethan twice on the face!
If Ethan hadn't used his arms to cover him, and repeatedly stated that Zen culture emphasizes self-cultivation, remember not to be overjoyed or sad, he might really be spit on by this guy Jobs!

After breaking free, he raised his hand to wipe it, and the fine beads of sweat on his forehead made him pant heavily.

"Oh! Sxxt! Is your special alpaca?"

"If you were an alpaca, I wouldn't dare to bring you gifts in the future!"

Ethan roared angrily.

Jobs, who was sitting on the ground, didn't care, and said with a smile, "Oh Ethan, I'm happy!"

"I love your gift!"

Jobs's playful smile made Ethan roll his eyes, he was too lazy to break his head with this guy, he patted his ass and wanted to leave, and his intention of leaving made Jobs jump up.

"Ethan, wait!"

"I still have something to tell you!"

Jobs yelled so earnestly that Ethan stopped in his tracks.

And when he turned his head and cast a puzzled look at Jobs, Steve Jobs also led him into his garage and patted a stack of documents in front of him.

With a simple scan, Ethan found that it was a triplicate, totaling two equity transfer contracts.Woz and Jobs decided to each take out 15.00% of the shares and transfer them to him for a total price of [-] US dollars.

"You..." Ethan shook the contract, he understood what Jobs meant.

Jobs was not reserved either. He sat on the table and said with a smile, "Ethan, I told you before that I can't pay back the fifty thousand dollars you gave me."

"The company was not established before, so there is no way to allocate shares to you."

"On the day the company was founded, you happened to be busy with Pac-Man, so things had to be postponed."

"And when I registered the company, I already told Stephen that although we each hold 50.00% of the company's shares, 15.00% of it is yours."

"Stephen has no objection, he has already signed the equity transfer agreement."

"My share was signed after finding a lawyer."

"Now, since you're here, take things away..."

Jobs took out a pen from his coat pocket and handed it to Ethan.

Such a situation made Ethan laugh heartily.

When the rustling sound appeared, the company called Apple Computer had an additional owner.

At the same time, the assets under Ethan's name have also grown a bit:

At this moment, he is the major shareholder of Destiny Games, owning 70.00% of the shares;

Is a shareholder of Chuck Pedro Chip Company, owning 20.00% of the shares;

Is a partner of Nintendo Kyoto Chip Company and owns 30.00% of the shares;
Also an angel investor of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, owns 30.00% of Apple Computers...

Ethan didn't know how much these things were worth.

But this is not important.

Because he's Ethan Jones, he's not interested in money~
Hehe ~
After returning the contract belonging to the company, Jobs, and Woz, Ethan also asked casually: "Steve, why did you suddenly ask me to sign? Is there something wrong with the company?"

In fact, after giving Jobs $[-], Ethan never knew about the company.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't have a chance.

Today happened to be time, so he just asked casually, and his words made Jobs smile and fish out an account from the drawer, and pushed it in front of him.

"Yes, something happened to the company." Jobs said proudly: "The sales of APPLE 1 exceeded expectations. Stephen thinks this business has a bright future, so we are going to take off like an airplane!"

Opening the account, the records are like spring rain, nourishing a sapling to thrive.

Although Apple was established less than half a year ago, they have sold 680 and three APPLE 1s, and the total revenue has exceeded 180 million US dollars!

Although this sales volume can't catch up with the Altair released in January [-], but in a start-up company, this figure can already be called heaven-defying!
What's more, when countless companies are looking for ways to sell, Apple's name has spread throughout North America with the help of "Pac-Man"!
And this is what makes all companies envious!
After all, no matter how good the product is, it needs to be sold!

Ethan is very satisfied with such a report.

He simply flipped through it without looking carefully, and after closing it, he said, "Do you have any plans?"

"Of course!"

When facing Ethan, Jobs had no intention of hiding anything, and said directly: "I have discussed with Stephen, I am going to rent an office and hire a few permanent employees, because I always ask friends for help before. The way of piece counting allows them to help me assemble the computer... Then, we also received some feedback from customers, Stephen will solve some minor problems existing in APPLE 1, try to upgrade it in some categories, and strive to be in the New and better products will be launched next year..."

It may be because the future is a beauty that can be discerned by the naked eye, so when talking about his career, Jobs's eyes were shining. He told Ethan about his arrangement and introduced the relationship between himself and Woz. Division of labor, and explained the idea of ​​​​wanting to recruit friends and hire them to work.

For these arrangements, Ethan felt that there was no problem.

But when Jobs talked about Woz and said that he wanted to develop some games on a new version of the computer in the future, Ethan, who heard this strange idea, said, "Stephen wants to develop computer games?"


This idea made Ethan a little confused.

Because he is playing games himself!

In this case, Apple wants to make games again?

What the hell is this!

And his doubts caused Jobs to wave his hands again and again, "Oh Ethan—you got it wrong—"

"Stephen doesn't want to develop games, and he doesn't have the inspiration to develop new games. He just wants to embody some old games on the market, those circuit board games, in the form of computers."

"Because of this, it helps us sell more computers."

Jobs waved his hands and explained their ideas to Ethan——

"Stephen should have told you before that I want to sell computers to more ordinary people."

"But I haven't found a way, I haven't found a suitable solution."

"Because I didn't know at that time what ordinary people can use after buying a computer."

"But the development of "Pac-Man" gave me and Stephen a new idea."

"We felt that if we could add some games to the next generation of Apple, it might be able to attract ordinary people who are interested in games to buy computers."

"Because for them, this is a gimmick that the computer can be used at home. They don't have to go outside, on the side of the road, and enjoy a short game time at a price of 25 cents a time. They can be at home, on the warm sofa, and have a good time. The joy of the tasting game..."


Isn't this special code a home game console!
Jobs' thoughts made Ethan's eyes go dark!
Good guy!
Labor and management are so kind to you, and you are so special that you want to kill Lao Tzu?

Ah, Jobs, I really misjudged you, big-eyed guy!
At this moment, Ethan has a toothache.

Because he simply didn't understand the difference between Jobs' thinking and home game consoles.

And his beeping expression was also seen by Jobs. Jobs, who was still immersed in his own world, instantly realized that Ethan had misunderstood himself, so he quickly said: "Oh Ethan——"

"Don't look at me with such eyes that you want to kill me!"

"We don't sell games! We don't do home consoles either!"

"We just want to make games and sell computers for free!"

'? 'Ethan still didn't understand.

Jobs didn't give a shit anymore, and said directly: "Our plan is this, Stephen will write the game on the computer, but not store it in the computer, but record the written code on the card, and then copy those Jam sent to user."

"Now, isn't it useless for ordinary people to buy computers?"

"But when these game-laden jams show up, they'll be able to buy a computer!"

"Because they can write codes on our computer according to the tutorial on the cardboard. If all the steps are correct, they will be able to find that the code they wrote has become a game!"

"When such a rewarding situation occurs, it will not only increase the public's interest in computers, but also avoid lawsuits from other game companies by teaching computer programming!"

"More importantly, this way of entering codes will not take up the storage space of the computer! We don't have to worry about the computer space being too small to accommodate more games!"

"In the eyes of users, a computer bought for a few hundred dollars can play all arcade games on the market! In terms of product promotion, this is also a gimmick implantation!"

Having said that, Jobs' face was full of excitement.

Because he thinks his ideas are awesome!
And Ethan was dumbfounded!

Using computer programming to sell home computers to the masses?

What an outrageous idea this damn!


This special code is obviously a genius idea!
Because programming is a very painful thing for people who don't understand computers, and they don't have such a painful need. Before the birth of major office software, or even if office software was born, but in their Before it became popular, people's demand for computers was still very small.

So how to expand the market in this case?
Then we can only use interest as the driving force, and use the points that the public is most interested in as a gimmick to attract people to come and pay!
And video games are what people are most interested in right now!
Ethan didn't know how many people would pay the bill when Jobs put this inspiration into reality, but he believed that this kind of entertaining inspiration would definitely stimulate a group of people to try it!
Before, it was playing games.

Now, that's trying to make a game.

When a series of codes are entered, the computer screen turns into a game interface...

That sense of accomplishment is unparalleled!

At the same time, Ethan remembered another thing.

Using games to promote sales of computers seems to be the first and simplest level!
real core...

That special code is famous in history!

Thinking of this, he immediately patted Jobs on the shoulder and said, "Tell Stephen."

"Don't copy anything else, just copy my "Snake Game"."

"Is this okay?" Jobs was startled.

He didn't understand why Ethan would change so quickly.

Ethan, who wanted to understand, smiled and said, "Of course!"

"I'm not selling "Snake Game" in North America now, your plagiarism will not affect my interests at all, not only that, but your behavior is still promoting me!"

"You think, in the next few decades, when the current group of young people are old, they will recall the past and think that when they were learning computers, the first programming software they came into contact with was "Snkae Game". What kind of scene?"

"Me! Ethan Jones! And you! The founder of APPLE! That's all memory of the times!"

'? ? ? '

That's right!

Ethan tasted it carefully, and then realized something was wrong!
Game programming may indeed be able to promote the sales of home computers, but more importantly, it will allow players to deeply remember this game that was once created by themselves!
Making games is not the same as playing games!
The latter, that is simple and cool!
Once the threshold has passed, it will start to enter the Buddhist time!
And the former, that is full of achievements!
After the time-consuming and laborious study, the successful display is the best compliment!

Although it is only a moment, it can be remembered for a lifetime!

And when this angle of making a name for himself in history appeared, Jobs was immediately stunned.

He blinked his eyes at Ethan, his head seemed to be a little out of order.

But in the next second, he reacted and jumped to the ground, and jumped out in a flash!
"Oh—I'm going to find Stephen—"

"I'm going to find Stephen!!!"

The crazy sound made Ethan smile and shake his head.

To be honest, this kind of plan is just a random idea, and no one knows whether it will work or not.

However, the current "Snake Game" does not have much interest in North America.

In this case, being able to advertise for Apple...

That's a beauty too.

Of course……

If only the free little snake could be a fond memory of people learning about computers...

Then Ethan can reluctantly accept the fact that the little snake can be famous in history!

after all……

The copyright belongs to him!

Hehe ~
 Note: ① Computer games in the 70s were indeed spread with paper cards at the beginning.The developer first writes the game himself, and then prints the confirmed code on a paper card and sells it to anyone who wants to buy it. ②Woz and Jobs did promote APPLE 2 by copying the game.The game Woz copied was called Breakout.

  PS, there is an update today, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I don’t have time to code.

(End of this chapter)

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