Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 108 The God of Games Through the Back Door

Chapter 108 The God of Games Through the Back Door
Now that the decision to cooperate has been made, Ethan called MOS Company due to the time difference and told the other party what he had learned during the investigation.

And after the MOS meeting overnight, they also reached a consensus on cooperation, and asked Ethan to wait in the notebook for a few days, and they would send someone over to discuss specific matters.

MOS took the initiative to take over, and Ethan would have nothing to do. In this case, he also pressed the restart button for his vacation. He asked Hiroshi Yamauchi to lend him a few cars and a few people. Take a good look around.

Since the two parties were in the honeymoon period, Hiroshi Yamauchi waved his hand, gave out five cars, and pulled out 12 people, pulling the obvious security to Ethan to the extreme.

Under the leadership of these locals, Ethan went to Lake Ashi, which was formed by the volcanic eruption 3000 years ago, looked at the opposite Mount Fuji, and climbed up the next day.

I also went to Hokkaido and stayed for a few days at Lake Akan, the largest hot spring lake in the book.

I went to Nara again and saw what the Nintendo staff said was a herd of deer.

Then detour to Okinawa to evaluate the difference between East and West beaches...

On August [-]th, people from MOS called him, saying that all the details of the contract had been discussed, and Ethan hurried back to Kyoto to formally sign a contract with Nintendo.

In the agreement between the two parties, Ethan and Nintendo jointly established a production company called Nintendo Kyoto Semiconductor in his own name. Nintendo holds 70.00% of the shares, and Ethan holds 30.00%. One-vote veto power on matters such as issuance, shareholder change, company sale, company debt, and main business customer selection.

After the establishment of the company, Nintendo signed a licensing agreement with MOS on the 6502 in the name of the company.

During the negotiation between the two parties, many clauses have also been supplemented and completed.

For example, the chip license given by MOS only has production rights, not research and development rights.

Nintendo Kyoto Semiconductor can only produce chips according to the drawings provided by MOS, and cannot modify, adjust and re-develop based on the original chips.

Hiroshi Yamauchi was able to accept this clause, but at the same time they also put forward two demands of their own.

The first requirement is the priority agency right.

If MOS releases a new product in the future, then Nintendo Kyoto Semiconductor will have the priority to enjoy the priority agency right of the new product chip in the notebook. Of course, if other companies bid, then under the same contract conditions, MOS must also give priority to Nintendo. .

The second requirement is the right to customize chips.

Because Nintendo Kyoto Semiconductor does not have the R&D and design rights of the agency chip, when Nintendo specifies the basic chip and requires MOS to modify and customize it according to Nintendo's needs, MOS must agree, and the R&D time cannot exceed the industry standard, otherwise Nintendo Kyoto Semiconductor Company automatically obtains the right to develop and design the chip.

When these detailed terms appeared in front of Ethan, he was very satisfied with Hiroshi Yamauchi's argument, because this is the negotiation, and after learning that MOS had no objection, the laughter of celebration rang out.


Ethan, Hiroshi Yamauchi, and representatives sent by MOS raised their glasses at the same time.


The pale yellow liquid collided in the air, making a crisp sound.

"Oh Ethan, we will be a family from now on!"

After signing the contract, Hiroshi Yamauchi changed his name to Ethan.

Not only that, he put his arm on Ethan's shoulder, and at the same time, he motioned his subordinates to hold out two boxes, "This is what you want."

These words made Ethan a little confused, but he took a look, okay...

Each of the two boxes contains a collection of Akira Kurosawa's film records, with a total of more than 100 pages, displaying every work of Akira Kurosawa since his debut in color printing.

And on the cover of the entire booklet, there are two different words written in Japanese.

Write to Steven Spielberg: Thank you for liking my work, I have also seen your "Jaws", it is an excellent movie, I am very impressed by your control of the audience .

To George Lucas: "American Style" let me understand the life of young people in California in the 60s. You took great pictures. I look forward to your next work, and thank you for your love of me.

This kind of communicative signature surprised Ethan. Putting down the gift, he opened his arms and hugged Hiroshi Yamauchi, "Thank you! My friend! I am pleasantly surprised by your preparation!"

"Hahahaha..." Ethan's address made Hiroshi Yamauchi laugh out loud, "These are all small things. If there is a need in the future, I can also help you contact Akira Kurosawa and ask him to go to the United States!"

Now that everything has been done, Ethan is ready to go home.

But before leaving, he wanted to do one more thing.

That is to officially punch a card in Kyoto.

Because he didn't want to participate too much when MOS and Hiroshi Yamauchi were negotiating the contract, he was afraid that both parties would be affected by his own existence, so after coming to Kyoto, he only visited the ancestral house of the Yamauchi family and the production line of Nintendo. This kind of simple game made him feel a little regretful.

When he expressed his thoughts, Hiroshi Yamauchi immediately said that he was too familiar with this place in Kyoto, and the only places worth visiting were Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, Arashiyama, Gion, and Shimogamo Shrine.

The one he recommends the most is Gion. Although it is the birthplace of geisha culture and kabuki, after so many years of development, it has become a nationally famous entertainment area.

"There is the most traditional folk art performance in our country. The rakugo masters will use humorous language to tell small stories in life. Exaggerated movements, at the same time, there are some traditional singing and dancing and acrobatic performances over there."

"If you are interested, I can go with you."

"I am very familiar with it because I used to go there when I was a child."

Ethan is not interested in this kind of cultural attractions that require certain language skills, but Evelyn is full of curiosity. In order to satisfy her, Ethan can only accompany her. Of course, Yamauchi Hiroshi’s idea of ​​accompanying them was declined by them. Yes, after all, the old man is an outsider, and there is always a gap.

And after arriving in Gion, after listening to what the locals call an excellent theater for a while, Evelyn couldn't get the regional and cultural stalks thrown by the actors even with the presence of an interpreter.

So she could only leave with regret.

But fortunately, there are actually the acrobatic troupe and song and dance troupe mentioned by Hiroshi Yamauchi. When this kind of body art that everyone can understand appeared, Evelyn was also amused by the actors' antics.

"This is fun." She patted Ethan's arm and giggled non-stop.

If Ethan didn't have past life memories, then he would definitely be as curious about these things as Evelyn, but unfortunately, he did, so he didn't find it very interesting.

After a brief stroll with Evelyn, Ethan suddenly felt that this place was really worthless, but just as he was thinking about finding an excuse to drag his sister away, a burst of guitar sounds suddenly entered his ears. middle.

It was light bluegrass music.

As the guitarist continued to fiddle, the unique country style of the United States was like a breeze, blowing through the hearts of the audience.

Ethan was a little surprised by this situation.

Because he didn't expect that the popular country music in the United States could be heard in the gathering place of the traditional culture of the book in the mouth of Yamauchi?

What is this ghost?

And when Ethan thought that a tourist from the United States was here to communicate with the performance team of the book through music, he just turned his head and saw an Asian young man wearing sunglasses.

The young man has neck-length hair parted in the middle, is wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a fashionable bowler hat on his head.

This kind of dress is simply a proper American country style.

Especially in front of him, there is an open guitar case.

The appearance of performing arts for a living is really comparable to that of street artists in the United States.

'Very interesting Ang! '

Ethan thought this guy was very brave.

As a Benzi person, aren't you afraid of being beaten when you play American music in the traditional performance area of ​​Benzi?

Ethan, who was full of curiosity, wanted to praise his courage.

After the other party finished playing a song, Ethan took out his wallet from his pocket, took out two twenty-dollar bills, and put them into his guitar case.

His behavior also received repeated thanks from the man, "Thank you sir!"

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Although there was no problem with his choice of words, Ethan laughed because of his book-like colloquialism.

"Oh, you're welcome." Ethan waved his hand.

Because his sister was still watching the performance, Ethan struck up a conversation with him, "If I heard correctly, what you just played should be bluegrass?"

"Yeah!" The man nodded and said, "Bluegrass music, Doc Watson's tracks."

Doc Watson is the country folk song master in the United States.

In Ethan's previous life, he was hailed as one of the greatest guitarists in American music in the late twentieth century.

And he also won the Grammy Award for Best National Recording for two consecutive years in 1973 and 1974.

Although Ethan hadn't heard his song, Ethan knew him, so after the man nodded, he also gave a thumbs up and said: "I can also play a little guitar, so I know you play well. "

This compliment made the Asian man smile shyly.

"Thank you, sir, for your compliment."

After a brief chat, Ethan discovered that this guy had a dull personality.

Whatever Ethan asked, he said what he said, and when Ethan praised him, he just nodded and smiled, not lively at all.

This character is really meaningless.

And just as Ethan was about to end this boring conversation and turned to look for his sister, a loud cry suddenly entered his ears.

It was Japanese, and Ethan didn't understand it.

And when the middle-aged man who made the sound jumped up to Ethan, he found that Ethan was talking to the man, and he bowed and apologized: "Smi Masai..."

Ethan understood this sentence.

The middle-aged man who broke in felt something was wrong, and quickly changed his words, "Sorry, sir."

"It's okay." Ethan didn't care about the interruption.

At the same time, he could also see that the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared was obviously in the same group as the guitar man.

Since they are friends, Ethan feels a bit like an outsider.

But before he could say that he would stop disturbing, another voice came over.

"Oh Ethan—I knew I'd see you here—"

Turning around to look, good guy, why is Hiroshi Yamauchi here?

It seemed that he could see Ethan's doubts, but it was more like being happy after signing the contract. After he came forward to say hello to Ethan, Hiroshi Yamauchi half-jokingly talked about his intentions.

"Don't worry, I have absolutely no intention of following."

"After you left, an old friend of mine came to the company to find me, saying that he wanted me to help his son arrange a job at Nintendo."

"It's not a big deal for me, so I just said we'll meet first if it's convenient, and then my friend told me that his son should be performing here now."

"When I heard about Gion, I thought you might be here, so I decided to follow him to take a look. It would be best if I could see you. If I can't see you, it's not enough fate."

While speaking, he also shook his finger at the middle-aged man who had yelled earlier.

And when Ethan looked along Yamauchi Hiroshi's fingers, the young man who was playing bluegrass music also took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and the hat on his head under the scolding of the middle-aged man.

When the thing that concealed his identity disappeared, that pretty face almost made Ethan jump!

What the hell!

The guy who chatted with him for a long time turned out to be Shigeru Miyamoto!
In the previous life, when the guy who was hailed as the god of games by the book appeared, Ethan felt that he was really unlucky. When he came to the book, he actually read all the four fantasy gods of Nintendo.

But Hiroshi Yamauchi's words also aroused his curiosity, because in his memory, Shigeru Miyamoto is not a second generation!

And under his side-by-side inquiries, Hiroshi Yamauchi also told the truth——

"What do you say he does? Oh—he's an ordinary English teacher."

"As for when we was all decades ago."

"I didn't grow up with my parents, because my parents divorced when I was very young, and my mother lived in my aunt's house for a long time due to personal reasons, so in my childhood, only my Grandfather grandmother."

"Because my grandfather built Nintendo with his own hands and built an empire of Hanafuda and Solitaire. He hoped that I could succeed him and continue the glory of Nintendo. Therefore, when I was young, he opposed it from all aspects. I made a special request that I could live his life."

"But I don't like it. When I was young, I just wanted to live a simple life, and then I ran out of the house and socialized with people outside."

"And Shigeru Miyamoto's father met me at that time."

"We played well because I wanted to play and he could play."

"So...even though I'm back at Nintendo, we're still in touch..."


This history made Ethan feel a lot of emotion.

He never thought that the tyrant of Nintendo would still miss a friendship.

He didn't even expect that the legendary god of games turned out to be Nintendo through the back door!
Looking at Shigeru Miyamoto, who was bowing to Pu Yamauchi with a nervous face, Ethan, who once again witnessed history, shook his head.

What are these things!
Why is this Hiroshi Yamauchi like a chosen one, all talents take the initiative to vote!

This world is too unfair!

Sour sour!

 Note: ①Shigeru Miyamoto really entered Nintendo through the back door, or in other words, he couldn’t find a job at all at that time, he didn’t study at all in college, he just went out to play, and his favorite thing was playing with the Beatles Play and sing like a warrior. ② Yamauchi Pu's father is also a son-in-law, and he left because he couldn't stand the discipline of Lao Yamauchi. Finding a son-in-law is very common in this book, and son-in-law and adopted son are the characteristics of this book.

(End of this chapter)

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