Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 334 Mother and Child Bear

Chapter 334 Mother and Child Bear

Sheng Xiping was tired and hungry after a busy day, but it was so late when he got home and he was too lazy to bother.

After returning home, I didn't eat any food, so I fell asleep and slept until 05:30 the next morning.

At this time, the forest farm's loudspeaker began to shout, arranging today's work tasks.

"Xiping, wake up, what's going on when I hear the loudspeaker calling your security department? Please open the window and listen."

Zhou Qinglan got up to help the child pee, and vaguely heard the loudspeaker shouting about the security department. She quickly pushed Sheng Xiping's shoulder and asked Sheng Xiping to get up and listen carefully.

When Sheng Xiping was half asleep and half awake, he sat up excitedly when he heard his wife's words. He opened the window and stretched his head to listen to what the loudspeaker was shouting.

Sure enough, the loudspeaker shouted that the security department would not go up the mountain today and would have a meeting at the field department at seven in the morning.

Sheng Xiping understood, then closed the window and got dressed.

"It's probably because the student injured the blind man yesterday. The Security Department will probably send someone up the mountain to beat the blind man today."

While getting dressed, Sheng Xiping approached Zhou Qinglan, lowered his head and kissed his son on the cheek.

Sheng Xinhua was born on New Year's Day and is almost four and a half months old now. She is chubby and weighs about fifteen or six pounds.

Now the little guy can roll over and play, which is very interesting.

I just woke up early in the morning, and the new stubble pricked my little Xinhua a little itchy, so I giggled.

"Okay, don't tease him so early in the morning. I hope he will fall asleep again later."

Zhou Qinglan finished peeing for her son, put the diaper on again, and then started breastfeeding.

Sheng Xinhua, who has been here for more than four months, is already very worry-free.

After eating enough milk around nine o'clock in the evening, you can sleep until after one o'clock. After getting up to urinate once, and then eating milk, you can sleep until after five o'clock in the morning.

It just so happened that Zhou Qinglan got up in the morning, fed the baby with milk, and coaxed the little guy to go back to sleep, while she got up to wash up and have breakfast.

Wait until about seven o'clock, feed the child again, and Zhou Qinglan goes to school.

During the recess time after nine o'clock, I rush back to feed her once, go home for another feed at noon, and feed her again before going to work.

School was over in the afternoon, and the little one woke up. Zhou Qinglan coaxed the child while watching Sheng Xitai and Chen Feng do their homework.

After dinner, there were many people at home, and everyone rushed to hold and coax the children. Zhou Qinglan took the opportunity to prepare lessons, correct homework, and so on.

After playing until 08:30, Zhou Qinglan cleaned up the child, fed her and put her to sleep, and the day passed like this.

What can I say? It depends on how good the family is. Everyone lends a hand to help. The mother of the child is not much affected, and the child is older.

It's like the kind of young couple living together. The woman is too busy to take care of the children, let alone go to work, and clean the house and cook.

After Zhou Qinglan said that, Sheng Xiping didn't want to tease his son anymore, so he had to put on his shoes and go to the floor to wash up.

In the outer room, Zhang Shuzhen had already gotten up to cook. Sheng Xian came back with the last two buckets of water and poured them into the water tank.

After Sheng Xiping got married, the task of fetching water and chopping firewood in the morning fell on Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang.

The two of them are now older, so they can reach out and do some of the work at home.

The family belongs to everyone, so you can't rely on Sheng Xiping alone for everything.

Originally, Sheng Liancheng and Liu Yujiang had agreed to pick up a small piece of wasteland at the other end of the large alkali field.

Grow some corns, beans, potatoes, etc. at home to supplement the income, so that the six dogs at home will not have anything to feed.

But at the beginning of spring this year, an order came down from the superiors, strictly prohibiting farmers from all communes and teams from picking up small pieces of wasteland and reducing the size of their fields.

Although the Great Alkali Field is located in a remote area, we don’t dare to mess around. The village has held several meetings to emphasize this matter.

Liu Yujiang came over specially and explained the situation to Sheng Liancheng.Therefore, this year's small famine cannot be opened.

There's nothing we can do if we can't open it. Anyway, now the three members of the Sheng family are officially paid, plus Sheng Xi'an is also making money as an educated youth, so life is much better than before.

Just after six o'clock, breakfast was ready. Zhang Shuzhen woke up the sleeping people in the east room to wash up and eat.

Westinghouse Zhou Qinglan also put the child to sleep, got up, washed his face and helped clean up.

Breakfast includes porridge, pickles, and steamed buns with celery leaves.

Sheng Xiping and the others were all working in the mountains, and there were plenty of celery leaves in the forest. Whoever went into the forest to pick up a few handfuls during his break would be enough for the family.

Just two days ago, Huahua brought back another wild boar. Zhang Shuzhen kept some meat and stuffed it, and made buns with Dayeqin.

I've been busy for a while, and I'm very tired from all the work. I can't just eat vegetables, I have to have some oil and water.

Xiao Xinhua was already able to stand up, and he didn't dare to leave him alone to sleep in the West Room, so Zhou Qinglan carried the child to the Kang in the East Room.

Sheng Xinhua was sleeping at the end of the kang, and the others were eating on the kang. When the child made some movement, he turned around and saw it.

"Boss, I just heard the loudspeaker shouting, your security department is going to have a meeting this morning, are you going to discuss the black blind man?

Can't I ask you to lead a team into the mountains and beat the black blind man to death? "While eating, Sheng Liancheng suddenly asked.

Logically speaking, if the black blind man hurt someone, the forest farm would definitely arrange for the security team to go into the mountain and beat the black blind man to death to prevent others from getting hurt.

"Can't? Isn't that a female bear with her cubs?

Brother, I remember you said before that you can’t beat the female beast in spring. "

Sheng Xi'an was drinking porridge. When he heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Sheng Xiping.

“Well, it’s true that normally, we don’t usually hunt in spring, especially not hunting females.

However, if the black blind man hurt someone, the Zhang family and Zhao family must be given an explanation. "

Spring is the breeding season for animals. Logically speaking, this female animal with her cubs should not be beaten.

But the black blind man had hurt others before, so he couldn't follow the old rules.

Otherwise, everyone would not dare to work in the mountains, so what would happen?

After breakfast, those who went to work and went to school quickly packed up and went out.

At this time, Sheng Xinhua's baby also woke up. Zhou Qinglan fed the baby some more milk, and then hurried to school.

The field department is very close to the Sheng family and can be reached in a few minutes. As soon as Sheng Xiping arrived at the field department, he was called to a meeting.

The content of the meeting was indeed related to the black blind man who hurt others yesterday.

"Everyone knows that yesterday a student met a black blind man in the second branch and was injured by the black blind man.

The bureau and the field assigned a task, requiring our security department to catch or kill the black blind man who hurt people.

In this matter, I think Xiping must lead the team, he is more experienced.Xiping, tell me. "Li Zhenggang directly named Sheng Xiping.

"I don't have any ideas. I just follow the leadership's arrangements."

What can Sheng Xiping say?The decision has been made in the bureau and on the field, and it is useless for him to object alone.

"That's how it is, Xiping leads the team, the others cooperate, and go into the mountain together to find the black blind man who hurt others."

Li Zhenggang waved his hand, and the matter was settled.

"By the way, Xiping, do you need to keep your dog on a leash? Otherwise, where can we find the blind man?" "No need?" Sheng Xiping was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

He works in the security department and gets paid, serving bowls and taking care of others. When something happens, he leads a team into the mountains. This is normal.

But the Sheng family's dog didn't work and didn't get paid. It was a public matter, so why should he bring the dog along?
A female bear with cubs is not easy to mess with. If the dog suffers any damage, whose fault is it?He can't ask the forest farm to compensate, right?

"Let's go into the mountain first and check out the situation. Anyway, there are so many people in the security department. As long as you obey and don't wander around when you go into the mountain, nothing will happen.

If we really meet a black man, we all have half a dozen or so people with us, so we can just hug him if we shoot him, so what are we afraid of? "

Sheng Xiping doesn't belong to the security department alone. He can't point his fingers at everything. When something happens, everyone should work together.

Li Zhenggang thought about it. Seven or eight people were all carrying guns into the mountains. Even if they did meet the black blind man, they could still take a few shots. What should they be afraid of?
"Okay, just do as Xiping said. Go home and change clothes first, and then go to the equipment warehouse to get the gun and bullets."

Li Zhenggang waved his hand to signal the meeting to end.

Everyone came out of the field and went home to change into the clothes they had worn on the mountain. Their trousers were also tied with leg straps.

Sheng Xiping had guns at home. The five or six half guns that Wang Jiachuan had specially approved before were sent back every spring and autumn when the superiors came to check the equipment. The rest of the time they could be used as they pleased.

Now that he is working in the security department, the police did not ask him to hand over the gun.

Sheng Xiping was very comfortable with this gun, so he just put it on his back and walked out.

Erlangshen and the others had already moved from the backyard to the front. As soon as they saw Sheng Xiping's attire, the dogs knew that they were going to hunt in the mountains.

As a result, the dogs all started to chirp and shake their heads at Sheng Xiping, and some even pounced on Sheng Xiping.

"I can't take you with me today. Please stay at home and relax for a while. I will take you up the mountain when you are free someday."

Sheng Xiping patted Erlang Shen and General Hei on the head, turned around and went out, heading towards the field.

Everyone gathered at the field, then went to the equipment warehouse to get guns and bullets, and then tried the guns. Then they set off from the forest farm with the guns on their backs and went straight to the forest in the second branch line.

The replanting of saplings in this forest is almost completed. However, due to yesterday's incident, the forest farm temporarily suspended the tree planting task of Maekawa Primary and Secondary Schools. Today, the students have returned to school.

They are all forest farm people and are very familiar with the surrounding forest areas.

Even if there was no one to lead the way, they knew where it was after listening to Wang Dongsheng's description, and the group arrived at the place where the accident happened yesterday.

After this night, the originally bright red blood stains had darkened, but some traces could still be seen in the weeds and shrubs on the ground.

Sheng Xiping led people around here, and found that there were traces of large wild animals trampling and walking in the northwest direction.

"Let's come this way." Sheng Xiping led the people, following the messy traces on the ground, looking all the way to the northwest.

The weather at this time was very warm and the sun was shining brightly. Since the leaves had just sprouted in the forest, there were only small buds and the sunlight could penetrate.

Everyone followed the discovered traces and climbed over mountains and ridges for more than ten miles. At this time, they were all tired and thirsty.

"Stop and rest for a while. Have a drink of water and rest."

After passing through a ditch and pond, and halfway up the mountain, Sheng Xiping didn't care, sat down on the ground, took out a water bottle to drink water, and asked everyone to sit down and rest.

Even though the people in the security department also train on a regular basis, when it comes to walking through the woods in the mountains, these people are really no match for Sheng Xiping.

Even Sheng Xiping cried out that he was tired, and the others couldn't hold on for a long time. They sat down at random places and took out their water bottles to drink water.

"Xi Ping, where do you think this blind man can go? We've chased him so far, why haven't we seen a single shadow?"

After drinking some water and taking a breath, someone asked.

“The mother bear shouldn’t be able to go too far with her cubs.

As we were following along, didn't we see two ant nests that had been ripped apart?It must be a mother bear passing by with her cubs looking for food.

I guess it shouldn't be too far away from us. "

During dinner in the morning, Sheng Xiping asked the third child and it was said that the little black blind one was not too big.

Thinking about it, if they were older, those students wouldn't be regarded as puppies.

Therefore, it must be the cub given birth to by a female bear who squatted in a barn during the winter. It is not very big at this time, and maybe it is not yet in the lactation period.

With such a little guy, the female bear must not be able to move very fast, and she also has to find something to eat.

So Sheng Xiping estimated that they should not be very far away from the female bear now.

While he was talking, a gust of mountain wind blew by, and along with the wind, there was a faint "squeaking" sound.

Sheng Xiping looked stern and immediately put the kettle into his crossbody pocket, then stood up from the ground and looked towards the top of the mountain.

"Xiping, what's wrong?" Liu Chunlai asked next to him.

"It seems that I heard the call of the black blind man, and it's over the mountain."

Sheng Xiping and the others were currently halfway up the mountain, not far from the top of the mountain.

The sound was not too loud and was blown by the wind. Sheng Xiping judged that the sound should have come from Gangliangzi.

"Ah? Why didn't I hear you?" Liu Chunlai looked confused. Was there any movement from the blind man just now?
"The sound was not loud, and it was different from Heixiazi's normal calls. It seemed that he had encountered something and was frightened."

Sheng Xiping frowned, thinking carefully.

The sound just now should be the scream of the blind man. To be precise, it should be the sound that the blind man makes when he is frightened.

At this time, another sound of "hoo" came from the wind.

From a distance, the sound was not loud, but Sheng Xiping could confirm that it wasn't the bear's movement just now.It seems that there are two bears on the other side of the mountain.

Sheng Xiping walked up the mountain without saying a word. "Don't make any sound, be careful, and keep up."

The latter sound was louder, and several other people heard it.

Maybe it was because of the distance, but I didn't feel like my scalp was numb and my back was feeling the cold wind.

So Sheng Xiping said to follow, and these people immediately cheered up and followed Sheng Xiping quickly up the mountain.

Generally speaking, there are many clear soup forests on the mountain, and it is particularly noisy at the foot of the mountain, especially in the ditches and ponds.

They were all strong young men, so it was not difficult for them to go up the mountain. After a while, everyone reached the top of Gangliangzi.

At this time, the "squeaking" sound became clearer.

Sheng Xiping stood on the mountain and looked down. There was also clear soup forest underneath. Not far to the east, a large and a small couple of dark things were running through the forest to the west.

The female bear in front looked back while running, making a very sharp cry, urging the blind bear behind to run quickly.

The blind little bear behind was also screaming, but it was too small and couldn't run fast even if it tried its best.

The mother bear had to stop and go back to pick up the blind bear.

At this moment, there was another "scream", and Sheng Xiping felt his scalp tingling.

This is a physiological reaction. Even an experienced hunter like Sheng Xiping will react involuntarily.

As for the people in the security department behind them, after hearing the roar, some of them were so frightened that their legs trembled.

If he hadn't been holding on to the tree trunk, he might have fallen to his knees.

(End of this chapter)

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