Rebirth: the fiery age of Mori Gong's children

Chapter 333 The black blind man injured 2 people

Chapter 333
Sheng Xiping turned around when he heard the sound, looked behind him, and saw about ten people carrying two makeshift stretchers, hurriedly coming this way.

"What's going on? Didn't you go up the mountain to plant forests? Why did you meet the black blind man?"

Sheng Xiping saw it and hurried forward to meet him. He took the stretcher from a fifteen or sixteen year old boy and asked.

"Hey, who knows what's going on?
During the lunch break, three or four children were disobedient and sneaked into the woods to pick vegetables.

I don't know why I met a black blind man, let the black blind man throw two of them down, and the rest ran back to report the letter.

Our school teacher led the people over and beat the blind man away, and then he was rescued. "

The person who spoke was Wang Dongsheng, a teacher in the middle school department of Qianchuan Forest Farm’s primary and secondary schools. He was also a former forest farm employee.

One winter while working, a piece of wood hit his leg, and he later became lame. Since he was somewhat educated, he was assigned to work as a teacher in a school.

Sheng Xiping was so anxious just now that he didn't bother to take a closer look at who it was. Only now did he realize that the person speaking was none other than Sheng Xikang's class teacher.

He was so frightened that he suddenly looked down at the student who was raising his head.

At this time, the child's body and face were covered with blood, and his appearance could not be clearly seen, but the clothes were not those worn by Sheng Xikang that morning.

"Mr. Wang, where is our third child? Where is he?"

As Sheng Xiping was carrying someone down the aisle, he couldn't look back and had no choice but to ask Wang Dongsheng.

"Oh, you mean Sheng Xikang, he's fine, he's carrying the child from behind.

He didn't follow us into the forest. Later, when someone called for help, he followed us to chase the blind man. "

Wang Dongsheng carried the other side and panted while walking.

While talking, the group of people arrived at the field health clinic.

The people from the health center came over to take a look and waved their hands quickly, "No, the injury is quite serious. Take him to the bureau hospital quickly."

Of the two children, one of them had his scalp blown off and was injured on his body. He was unconscious.

The other one was scratched on the back by the black blind man, and his leg seemed to be bitten, and the injury was quite serious.

The forest farm health center only treated a headache and a cold. Such a serious injury could not be cured at all.

When Teacher Wang heard this, he quickly asked someone to carry the student to the small train station. Here he went to the field department to ask for a car from the leader, and at the other end he arranged for someone to go to the student's home to notify his family.

Fortunately, the leader of the field left someone at home to guard him today. When he heard that a child went to the mountain to plant trees and was troubled by the black blind man, he hurriedly arranged for a motorcycle truck from the forest farm to send the child to Songjiang River.

At the same time, I also called the bureau, who asked for a car to pick me up at the Forest Railway Station.

It was the most critical time for the afforestation competition, and the families of the two students were all on the mountain.

When several teachers saw this, they had no choice but to follow him to the hospital.

"Xi Ping, you also go to the hospital and tell the hospital to do everything possible to save the child, and the medical expenses will be charged to our forest farm account.

If there's anything you can't handle, go to the bureau to find someone. "

Zheng Xianyong also followed to the small train station. When he saw this situation, he arranged for Sheng Xiping to follow the train.

The main reason is that Sheng Xiping has many acquaintances in the bureau. If there is something important, it is too late to contact the forest farm, so Sheng Xiping can only go to the bureau to find someone for help.

The leader has spoken, what else can Sheng Xiping say?Then just follow it.

In this way, several teachers and Sheng Xiping accompanied the two unconscious students, riding the railway motorcycles, and rushed all the way to the small railway station of the Forest Railway.

The bureau arranged cars and manpower in advance to help lift the two children into the car and hurriedly sent them to the Forestry Bureau hospital.

The hospital has already received the news that as soon as the child arrives, it will be sent for examination and emergency treatment immediately.

Sheng Xiping and the others were unable to help, so they waited outside the operating room.

I don’t know how long it took, but the one who was scratched on the back and bit on the leg by the black blind man was sent out first.

"The child's leg bone was bitten off, and surgery has been performed to reattach it. No bones in the back were injured, but the wound was very deep, and it has been debrided and sutured.

Children are young and have strong resilience. If they stay in the hospital for a while, they will slowly recover. "

The doctor said a few words briefly, and Wang Dongsheng and the others helped send the child to the ward.

They had just settled down here when a nurse came out from the other end and said, "The patient has lost too much blood and is in a very dangerous situation. He needs a blood transfusion. Which of you has type O blood?"

There are so many blood vessels in the human head that a small opening can bleed a lot, let alone if the skin of the head is opened?There will definitely be a lot of bleeding, and it's normal to need a blood transfusion.

Sheng Xiping has type B blood and cannot transfuse type O blood. However, among the teachers who came with him, Wang Dongsheng and another one are both type O.

The two of them were called away by the nurse to have their blood types tested and crossed, and then blood was drawn to transfuse the child who was undergoing surgery. Each of them received a transfusion of [-] milliliters.

After a long time, another child was also pushed out.

"The scalp that was lifted up by the black blind man has been sewn up. This child is in some danger. Tonight is the key. As long as he doesn't have a fever tonight, he will most likely survive."

By this time, the parents of the two children had arrived.

Seeing her child like that, the child's mother suddenly cried out of breath, and the child's father couldn't cry either.

Wang Dongsheng was the child's class teacher. At this time, he could only apologize to the parents with a pale face.

In the spring reforestation competition, students from upper elementary school to junior high school and high school have to go up the mountain to participate.

Before heading up the mountain, the school issued repeated orders requiring all students to abide by discipline, follow teachers' arrangements, and not be allowed to act without permission.

Of course, when this happened, there must be reasons for the teacher's ineffective supervision. As the child's class teacher, Wang Dongsheng must have an attitude.

"Teacher Wang, I don't blame you for this.

Before going up the mountain in the morning, we all gave many instructions not to let them run around.

This must be the rule in school. It's because the children are naughty and disobedient. They are still ignorant and run around when they are sixteen or seventeen years old. If something goes wrong, they can't blame others. "

Zhang Guifu, the father of the student who suffered a head injury, said while wiping tears.

"Teacher Wang, please sit down and rest quickly. You have transfused so much blood into the child, and we haven't thanked you yet."

Most of the people in this era are still very simple, and blackmailing is rare.

In the event of an accident, the school and teachers must be partly responsible.

But as Zhang Guifu said, he is a young man of [-] or [-] years old, not a three or four-year-old child who cannot understand words.

The school and parents repeatedly told them not to run around because there were dangers in the mountains, but they still refused to listen and sneaked into the woods. The main responsibility for this matter still lies with the students.

Of course, this is not the time to hold anyone responsible. It is important to take care of the children first. As long as the children are still there, there will definitely be explanations for other matters, both on the field and in the bureau.

It was getting late, and since the students' parents and relatives had arrived, there was no need for Sheng Xiping and the others to stay.

Especially Wang Dongsheng and another teacher. They received blood transfusions. Four hundred milliliters was a lot, so they had to go home and rest quickly.

It happened that the car that sent Zhang Guifu and his friends was still parked at the Forest Railway. Sheng Xiping and his group left the hospital and went straight to the Forest Railway and took the car back to the forest farm.

It was almost ten o'clock when Sheng Xiping and the others returned to the forest farm.

As soon as they got off the bus, brothers Wang Tianqing and Wang Tiancheng came forward, saying that Wang Jiachuan asked them to come and wait, and asked how the two students were doing.It's not easy to talk at the station at night.

Sheng Xiping discussed with several teachers and simply asked Wang Dongsheng and another teacher who received a blood transfusion to go home and rest first. They went to Secretary Wang's house to explain the situation.

Four hundred milliliters of blood may not feel anything to some people, but some people have different physical constitutions and may feel tired and sleepy.

Wang Dongsheng and the teacher donated blood and didn't eat. They felt uncomfortable during the car ride, so they didn't insist and went home first.

Sheng Xiping and two other teachers went to Wang Jiachuan's house.

It was already this time, the forest farm had stopped supplying power, and candles were lit in the east room of the Wang family. Wang Jiachuan sat in front of the candles and sighed.

"Dad, Brother Xiping, and the teachers from the school are all back." As soon as he entered the door, Wang Tianqing said to the east room.

"You're back? How are you? Have the two children been rescued?"

When Wang Jiachuan heard this, he quickly put on his shoes and went to the outhouse, asking questions as he walked.

It's no wonder he was so nervous. The main reason was that various accidents occurred in Sichuan Forestry Farm in the past two years, which would make anyone else worried.

"Secretary Wang, those two students were rescued.

Is the one in Zhang Guifu's family called Tianliang?The injury was more serious, and Teacher Wang and Teacher Shen received blood transfusions.

The doctor said that as long as I don't have a fever tonight, I should be fine.

The broken leg of Zhao Dashun's Zhao Xuehai has been reattached and the wounds on his body have been sutured. He should be fine after staying in the hospital for a while. "

The two teachers together remained silent. When Sheng Xiping saw it, he was the only one who could speak.

"Oh, it's good to rescue them, otherwise, we really can't explain to their parents.

Why is it such a coincidence?When they entered the forest, they met the black blind man?
These children too, grew up on a forest farm and don’t even know the little black blind man?Can he still be regarded as a bitch? "

Wang Jiachuan led a team up the mountain to inspect the work today and was not present.He heard people talk about it after he came back in the evening.

As soon as Wang Jiachuan heard that two students participated in reforestation and the black blind man was injured, he quickly sent someone to find out the situation.

Today, teachers and students from the middle school section of Qianchuan Forestry Farm were replanting new saplings in a forest class in the second branch line where the "survival rate and three-year survival rate" did not meet the standards.

During lunch, four or five students sneaked out of the homework area without the teacher's attention and went deep into the woods to gather wild vegetables, asarum, fritillary and other medicinal materials.

As a result, a student discovered a small black thing not far away, which looked like a puppy.

The student didn't think much about it, so he went over to catch the little guy.

That little black thing is not a dog, it is a blind black boy. When it sees someone trying to catch it, the little thing climbs up the tree.

These students were very naughty, and climbing trees was not a problem, so they climbed up with the tree in their arms and reached out to grab the little thing, which made the blind black boy scream in fear.

Those students didn't understand that wherever there were cubs of the Black Blind Man, the female Black Blind Man must be nearby.

Not long after leaving the barn, the blind female found an ant nest and was eating ants.

The mother bear protecting her cub is not easy to mess with. As soon as she heard the cry of her cub, the mother bear became violent and rushed towards the tree.

First, he slapped Zhao Xuehai on the back who was watching the fun under the tree with his paw, and then slapped Zhao Xuehai directly to the ground.

Just when Zhao Xuehai was struggling to get up, the female bear bit Zhao Xuehai's leg again, biting off Zhao Xuehai's leg at that time.

Zhao Xuehai fainted from the pain on the spot. When the female bear saw that Zhao Xuehai was no longer moving, she ignored him without hesitation.

At this time, Zhang Tianliang, who had climbed up the tree, also knew that something was wrong and hurriedly slipped down to run away.

As a result, the black blind man pounced on him, lifted off his head with a claw, and then slapped Zhang Tianliang away with another blow.

Along with Zhang Tianliang and Zhao Xuehai were two other students. When they saw that something was wrong, they ran away, calling for help.

It happened that Wang Dongsheng and several teachers were leading the students to work.

As soon as they heard something was wrong, several teachers and students rushed over with tools, scared the blind man away, and rescued the two students.

After hearing Wang Jiachuan's words, Sheng Xiping couldn't help but sigh.

These kids don't know anything, but they are quite capable.

Can the little black blind man be chased away?The mother bear with her cubs is more ferocious than usual and is most likely to hurt people.

"Oh, I hope those two children will be fine.

Secretary Wang, I think it is better not to let these students work in the mountains in the future.In fact, these children can't do much and only cause trouble. "

Sheng Xiping hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold it back and said.

“In the past few years, many forest farms in our bureau have had accidents due to students working in the mountains.

Which forest farm did you come from before?Didn't some students get forest encephalitis after being bitten by a grass crawler?

He was a good kid at first, but then he became stupid.

Who came to our forest farm last year?Didn't he fall from the Overlord Circle?

How dangerous it is. If you don't do this right, you will be run over by a car and your life will be lost. "

That is to say, now, after a few decades, if the school wants to organize an off-campus activity, it must be reported to the relevant departments for approval.

Otherwise, if an accident occurs, the school cannot be held responsible.

Education is not paid much attention to in these days. Students have to do any kind of work in school.

Rural schools have several large fields. Who will do the work in the fields?Quan pointed at the students.

Planting in the spring, shoveling and weeding in the summer, harvesting in the fall, breaking corn, cutting beans, and sometimes beating beans.

Schools like forest farms, in addition to these activities, are reforestation in spring.

Due to tight time and heavy tasks, there are not enough forest farm employees, so students can only participate.

Appropriate participation in labor is beneficial to students, but reforestation in these deep mountains and old forests is really not suitable for students, it is too dangerous.

“Hey, I understand what you’re saying, but our forest farm doesn’t have enough manpower.

Reforestation only lasts for half a month, and it is too late. The coniferous saplings we stored for the winter have sprouted buds and spread their leaves, making it difficult for them to survive. "

Wang Jiachuan couldn't help but sigh after hearing Sheng Xiping's words. He didn't want students to go up to work in the mountains either. Wouldn't the situation not allow it?
Besides, before going up the mountain, we have emphasized discipline many times. These children don't listen and have to run around and cause trouble. What can we do?
We cannot delay the task of spring afforestation just for the sake of a few students.

"Okay, you guys have been working hard all day. You're already tired. Go home and have a rest."

Wang Jiachuan looked at his watch and saw that it was ten o'clock, so he asked everyone to go back and rest.

Sheng Xiping and the two teachers didn't eat at night, until now.

At this moment, I was hungry and sleepy, and had no intention of chatting, so I left the Wang family and went home to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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