Rekindle 2003

Chapter 431 You are bluffing in front of us two poor guys!

Chapter 431 You are blaming in front of us two poor guys!
Twenty years later, this kind of questioning would undoubtedly be a kind of Versailles.

Especially Penguin. Everyone knows that if you could invest in Penguin at the beginning of the century, the income you would get would be more than a thousand times.

But in 2003, all this was unknown.

Even at this moment, as the leader of the four major portals, Xinlang's investment value is much higher than Penguin, which is still fighting with investors to buy more servers.

Until 2005, Pengchengma had not given up the plan of selling the company to cash out.

"Xinlang, your biggest problem now is your public image."

Guo Guangchang's words were concise and to the point.

Cheng Tianqiao realized this opinion instantly and fell silent.

To be honest, Penguin and Xinlang at this moment are not comparable companies of the same level at all.

Putting it up together with Xin Lang actually represents Cheng Tianqiao's own point of view.

In fact, as an investment, he is more optimistic about Penguin's future development prospects.

He felt that when it was the most difficult time to start a business like Peng Chengma, a gentle scumbag who could sit in front of the computer with his glasses on his toes, open dozens of accounts, pretend to be "Qingwu Feiyang" and chat with users, compared with Xinlang It is even more shameless for the team that is unreliable and in internal strife at the moment.

From the perspective of investment logic, founders who are shameless = worthy of investment.

But Guo Guangchang's point of view woke him up.

Perhaps, compared to operating value investment, Cheng Tianqiao now needs to consider non-operating value investment more.

His public image at the moment is very bad.

In the current social thought trend, Cheng Tianqiao and Sun Hongbing are both the culprits in the eyes of society and the people.

It's just that one is synonymous with high housing prices, and the other is synonymous with games known as 'electronic opium'.

"Whose good boy plays games every day?"

"With so much R&D funding, there is nothing wrong with R&D, but we want to develop games to poison the next generation!"

"Games ruin children. There are endless ways to make money. One person plays the game and the whole family pays for it!"

"Have those who make online games considered the adverse effects their products will have on children's physical and mental health? How do they become parents? Or do they give birth to children without buttholes?"

"There are too many children addicted to the Internet. It has become an unhealthy social phenomenon and must be stopped!"

"Games, this electronic opium, are destroying our future. We should carry out another opium crackdown in Humen!"

In this ideology, it seems that all electronic opium in China is produced by Cheng Tianqiao alone.

This stereotype is deeply ingrained.

Even 20 years later, most people still think that "Cheng Tianqiao = game", completely ignoring the fact that Cheng Tianqiao had stopped making games at that time.

Of course, this may also be a success.

In fact, Cheng Tianqiao was once obsessed with gaming, but after playing it in a daze for several days and nights, he quit.

And not only did he quit, he became very disdainful of games. He just chose games, an industry where he could make money quickly, just to start a business.

At this moment, the reason why he hates games so much is because they bring him too much pressure.

"Some people played my game until they died of a heart attack. Teenagers were addicted to it. Our names were mentioned on the front page..." When he reached the sky, Cheng Tianqiao often woke up from his sleep. The accusations and insults from public opinion drove him from the clouds. Drag it to the ground.

Some players rushed into his office because they lost their equipment, pointed at his nose and cursed.For the same reason, a player attempted to play with fire at Shengda headquarters (unsuccessfully).

He has told his friends more than once: Online games are contrary to his original intention of becoming a mainstream figure in society.

Qing Yun, who had returned from rebirth, looked at the soon-to-be richest man in China in front of him and sighed in his heart.

He knows very well that, in fact, unlike emerging Internet entrepreneurs, Cheng Tianqiao, like most first-generation entrepreneurs, has a strong sense of family, country, and world.

And frankly speaking, the so-called Internet tycoons and fathers behind them all played the same tricks that Cheng Tianqiao was tired of back then.

Online games, electronic payments, big entertainment... these were once part of Cheng Tianqiao's business ideas, and they are being promoted by Penguin and Ahri, but Shengda is no longer there.

Because all of this could not carry his dreams, so after proposing these concepts, he withdrew and devoted himself to the construction of family entertainment centers.

Games are not the 'right way', so moving people from the computer in the study room back to the TV in the living room in the family center, where the whole family can enjoy themselves, is this always the right way, right?


Destroy the bones and destroy the bones, and the mouth will melt the gold.

Cheng Tianqiao's 'content + software + system + hardware' has been misunderstood as, "It's not enough for this grandson to ruin the children, he also wants the whole family to play his games!"

Empress Qin Manman has the right to say how the misunderstanding was caused.

After some information differences, the country had to say no to Cheng Tianqiao, and the Shengda box that integrated the three networks failed.

Cheng Tianqiao didn't know what he had done wrong. He saw the future trend, and he was sure that this trend was correct.

But why can't he get through?
At this moment, Qing Yun, after receiving the theme education of Wanli Xing, deeply understood what Qin Tianchuan said.

"The fundamental nature of our country determines that in the face of the country, private capital can only advance and retreat freely and develop sustainably if it always adheres to the position of cooperation rather than competition, supplementation rather than substitution, subsidiary rather than overreaching. Clarify property rights and keep in mind the importance of their own property rights. Positioning and boundaries, never go offside.”

At that time, Qing Yun thought that a sentence was extremely useless, but when he recalled it again when facing Cheng Tianqiao, he had a different feeling.

In the integration of three networks, you are integrating the lives of China Telecom and Guangdian General Administration.

Cheng Tianqiao, who finally understood that the arm could not twist the thigh, quickly deleted the functions of the box, but it was too late.

No one believed him, and everything he did was wrong in the eyes of the world.

Guangdian's order made all his efforts go to waste.

Cheng Tianqiao was depressed and ill, and then tortured by the illness, he could only turn around sadly and devote himself to the divine field of 'brain computers'.

Only this area controlled by gods will not be attacked by keyboard warriors.

After all, they don't understand.

Since then, every few years, in front of countless PPTs that can suffocate dreams, people will always mention the failed box, and then can’t wait to declare that Cheng Tianqiao is the martyr of the development of the Internet industry.

He believes that his failure was caused by five, ten, or fifteen years...

The time is getting longer and longer.

Accountant Jia, Rebus, Lin'an horse, Pengcheng horse...

People found that after 20 years, no one could complete Cheng Tianqiao's family entertainment idea.

(End of this chapter)

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