Rekindle 2003

Chapter 419 The Chairman is Mighty and Mighty

Chapter 419 The Chairman is Mighty and Mighty

Taking a bath is one of the criteria for northerners to test the depth of their friendship.

It even takes precedence over the alcohol test in a command-and-obedience culture.

The bathing culture of our northern friends has been passed down from generation to generation.

When I was a baby, my mother rubbed it myself.

When we are older, the two generations live in the same house and go to the bathhouse together.

For many boys, entering and leaving the women's bathhouse at will is the pinnacle moment of their lives that they will never get back.

After the children finished washing, they drank soda while waiting for their parents who were still steaming.

When going to school, asking classmates to take a shower together, girls chatting about gossip, boys chatting about games and basketball, is as natural as southern students asking their best friends to go to the toilet.

Therefore, the words that could not be uttered at the dinner table were vomited out when the burden was removed while soaking in the bath or rubbing the mud.

If a friend from the north asks you to take a bath and rub each other's backs, they are probably treating you as one of their own.

The Northern Bathhouse was both a place for friendship and a place for social interaction.

In the men's bathhouse, the bosses chatted with each other, discussed the details, exchanged resources, and finally ended up feeling dizzy in the sauna.

In the women's bathhouse, the aunts, whose parents are short-lived, go on blind dates offline, exchange the relationship information of their single children, and finally end up soaking in the pool until their hands become wrinkled.

As Fenghuang WEEKLY said, people in Xishu always take a bath in teahouses, people in Guangdong love to relax in morning tea shops, and people in the north have long regarded bathing as a leisure culture.

Bathhouses are the same existence as wet markets, with the same smoke and smoke and all kinds of human life. If you want to understand the temperament of northern city people, you might as well visit a bathhouse. Of course, southerners should tone down their shyness appropriately.

If it is your first time to go to the Northeast, in addition to taking you to three small barbecue meals a day, friends from the Northeast will take you to the must-see attractions in the Northeast: bathing centers.

"Brother, are you going to take a shower?"

When a friend from the Northeast shouts these words to you enthusiastically, don't doubt that he is really not being polite.

He is just familiar with it.

He wants to share this favorite project of Northeastern people’s life with you.

Even in the Northeast, the highest etiquette for receiving friends is to entertain you at the bathing center for two days.

Rinse first, then swim, wash after swimming, wash, steam, steam, rub, soak, soak and then wash. After washing, give a pat on the back, then drink tea, eat, play board games, sleep in, and just relax for a day. Gone!
"Life is pleasant, but that's it!"

Liu Dong, who was lying on the bathing table and moving his body with the bathing master's hands, sighed to his new apprentice Bai Le on the table next to him.

As a library science student at 211 University, he felt there was nothing wrong with being in sales.

There is no cap on sales salary. You can earn as much as you want. You can laugh when your performance is good, but you can't cry when your performance is bad.

In Yanhuang, not only can you eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of wine, but the boss also takes you to the bathing center to relax.

The key point is that team building does not take up everyone’s weekend time. When they arrive, the boss disappears automatically and does not interfere with their entertainment. This is true team building and relaxation.

This kind of sales is fun to do.

When he first started his internship as a shopping guide, Liu Dong was too embarrassed to even say welcome, let alone speak loudly to customers to explain. He also had to leave his phone number and BP machine. How could he possibly do it?

At that time, I wished every day that there would be no customers in the store, or preferably no customers, so that I would not have to receive customers or leave phone calls.

Now, he hopes to get a few more clients every day, wishing he was too busy to eat and unable to take on the clients.

In the past, if the salary was not high, it was not high, and a minimum guarantee was fine. As long as you didn't run into clients and just stayed there every day, it was fine.Now, he hopes that the salary will be as high as possible, and the more goods he sells, the more customers he can handle. He does not need to share the work with others.

In fact, those who work in sales, especially before they have climbed up, are the least willing to take on apprentices.

When he first received Bai Le assigned by the leader in the afternoon, Liu Dong actually kept cursing his mother in his heart.

Because according to Yanhuang Group's sales incentive policy, it is a team system and is not specific to individuals.

Therefore, for a team, whether it is for the overall benefit or personal benefit, accepting new people, unless it is really too busy and needs to increase manpower, otherwise adding one person means that the cake will be divided by one more person.

But this will also bring about a series of problems such as too strong team cohesion and inconvenient management, and the inability of the team to fission.

All sales policies have good aspects and bad aspects. You have to look at them comprehensively to determine what is most suitable.

For Qing Yun, the most important thing at this stage is to improve the enthusiasm of Xianyu employees, or to eliminate Xianyu employees.

If you personally want to lie flat, your team will not allow it; if your team wants to lie flat, the entire department will not allow it.

However, you have to be careful when the apprentice you take has other backgrounds.

Maybe one day someone else will get on top of you.

Moreover, in reality, the less capable the apprentice is, the higher the probability is.

Although sales are low-end, their social experience is the strongest among many types of work. Liu Dong is not bad at it, otherwise he would not be assigned by the leader to lead an apprentice just a year or two after graduation, so He knew this very well.

At this moment, Bai Le also knew the truth behind this, and he just echoed the words of 'Master' and never extended it.

See more, do more, talk less, and be cautious in your words and deeds. This is something a newcomer must learn.

Facing such a slippery and unrestrained apprentice, Liu Dong was helpless.

He knew it was too shallow to talk, so he could only lie there and prepare to squint his eyes and start enjoying.

"Hey! Bai Le, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Hearing this voice, Liu Dong suddenly got excited and wanted to get up reflexively.

It's really indecent to lie naked on the bathing table with your butt facing the chairman.

As for why he could instantly recognize the voice of Mr. Xiao Qing, it was a matter of professional attitude.

For sales people, this is a basic skill.

Keep in mind the customer's voice characteristics so that you won't be confused by unknown calls.

After all, many customers at the beginning of the century preferred to use landlines to make calls, especially those using Bp phones, who did not have mobile phones at all.

However, Liu Dong's movement was restrained by Qing Yun's palm, "It's okay, just rub yours."

Liu Dong smiled quickly, and then turned his head away in embarrassment.

Too spicy for the eyes.

As a salesperson, and a salesperson like TOP who relies on relationship marketing, Liu Dong has visited many bathing centers in Huating.

In an environment where everyone was naked and honest with each other, he had long lost his feelings.

Liu Dong curled his lips quietly and felt bored. He just wanted to shout, "The Chairman is mighty and majestic."

(End of this chapter)

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