Rekindle 2003

Chapter 215 When Mr. Xiaoqing opened the golden finger

Chapter 215 When Mr. Xiaoqing opened the golden finger...

People are poor and short-sighted, and horses are thin and long-haired. Although Yang Xu's words are harsh, they express the cruel situation.

But at this moment, Qing Yun shook his head, "I have long heard that Mr. Yang's negotiating skills are very good. Seeing him today, his reputation is well-deserved."

Ha ha!

Dog thief!

You actually want to mess with my mind!
A playful smile suddenly appeared on Qing Yun's face, "Mr. Yang, I wonder if you have noticed a term that is often mentioned in the news these days.


The football country, Da Mao, Ah San and our Hua country, the four countries together account for 42% of the world's population.

I heard that in the first half of the year, BMD's shipments in the BRIC countries have surpassed Intel, and its market share in countries such as football countries and Afghanistan has even reached 70%.

Even in Huaguo, where Intel has a local ally called Fantasy Group, BMD's DIY market share has reached 52%. I don't know how you should deal with it?

If you stick to the current Centrino price, I think... BMD will be very happy.

Emerging countries are indeed not as rich as established powers, but..."

Qing Yun shrugged his shoulders, "There are a lot of people! Besides, this is not an invalid population. Excluding Da Mao, the other three countries will be in a demographic dividend period similar to America's 'baby boom' from now on.

Is Intel really willing to give up this market?I think, not at all, right? "

Without waiting for Yang Xu's reaction, Qing Yun smiled, "Turn back to the question Mr. Yang asked me at the beginning.

Huaguo's economy is developing rapidly, but we can also see that we have paid a heavy price for embracing the world in the past two years. All walks of life are now undergoing difficult market restructuring. In this irreversible wave, we are constantly looking for Our fit to survive in the globalized market place.

Back to the PC industry, as a productivity tool endowed with certain entertainment functions, computers have already been popularized in Tier [-], [-], [-], and [-] cities across the country.

Where is the next growth point?Everyone is looking.

Mr. Yang, you are a native of China, and you are also the leader of foreign companies who understand the Chinese market best. You must understand that fifth- and sixth-tier towns and even townships have become key regional markets to tap their potential. "

Yang Xu was a little uncomfortable with Qing Yun's jumpy negotiation tactics, but he still nodded in the face of this problem, "Xiaoqing always sees it right, it is true, the first, second, third and fourth-tier cities have already been developed. It is almost the same, and it has entered the stage of the stock market. If you want to find a new market, you can only sink.”

Qing Yun smiled, "The fifth- and sixth-tier markets, and even some richer counties and townships, are the focus of development in the next step, which is the consensus of the industry.

Mr. Yang, to tell you the truth, I was thinking, is there a possibility that your closest partner, Fantasy Holdings, is negotiating with BMD at the moment, with a view to launching low-cost computers based on BMD chips to focus on this market.

For example...'2999, fantasy computer to take home'? "

Yang Xu frowned, "President Xiao Qing, this joke is not funny at all!"

Qing Yun spread his hands, "Mr. Yang, you may wish to ask... your loyal friends in the industry, recently, Shenzhou Digital, a subsidiary of Fantasy Holdings, what are you talking about with BMD?
By the way, don't rush to make a phone call yet, I will give you three more messages here.

First, Ms. Guo Kezun, the chief representative of BMD Huaguo District, is secretly preparing for BMD Huaguo local company. I think you know better than me what this means.

Second, Supermicro, a joint venture subsidiary of BMD, has already obtained the industry order quota for the "School-to-School Link" project of the Ministry of Education of Huaguo. Of course, Intel may think that this market will damage Intel's noble brand image.

However, as a Chinese, you should know that in Hua, what is important is a person's understanding of the world, and you may have a better idea of ​​what will happen next than a young man like me.

Third, BMD has just signed an agreement with Huaqing Ziguang. It is expected that Huaqing Ziguang will officially enter the desktop computer market on November 11.Well, this news is not as important as the previous two, right? "

Yang Xu was horrified when he heard the words.

The news knocked him out of his wits.

The third message is not as important as the first two!
This is simply the official opening of the BMD brand computer road in China!
Before 2003, BMD never received any orders for Huaguo brand computers.

After a while, he apologized, and then borrowed a lounge and began to personally confirm the authenticity of the news.

The latter three are easy to talk about. They and BMD, the life and death enemies who love and kill each other, have a lot of dark lines between them.

But he had to personally confirm the news about BMD and Fantasy Holdings.

The "faithful friends in the industry" that Qing Yun refers to include not only commercial espionage, but also friends in the industrial supply chain.

Computers are a highly collaborative industrial chain. If Shenzhou Digital follows the path of BMD technology, manufacturers in the supply chain will know immediately.

After all, this is not only related to the production link of feeding materials, but also to the feasibility study link of mass production.

Qing Yun didn't wait, and asked Guo Jing to accompany the BMD people to talk nonsense, and went back to the office and sat in front of the tea sea to make tea.

He also needs to stabilize and stabilize his emotions.

After all... this is a bit of cola, which makes him want to laugh wildly!

The advantage of poor information allows him to play with people like Yang Xu in his hands.

In later generations, during the blockade, countless people reviewed Huaguo's road to self-developed chips.

The X86 architecture, before the development of RISC-V and ARM, was an unavoidable existence.

The only three masters of this architecture are Intel, BMD, and VIA, and the latter two are authorized by Intel to master this architecture.

As for the love and killing between Intel and AMD, and the life-and-death battle in China for more than 20 years, various analysis posts of later generations have already sorted out clearly.

Qing Yun does not expect to be able to obtain the X86 architecture from Intel, after all, the substantive blockade of the Batumi and Wassenaar agreements cannot be avoided.

But he is determined to get some benefits from it, some humble technologies.

With Hexiangzhu in his hand and tea soup in his cup, the young man who lived his life like a middle-aged man, now suppressed his smile, and frowned tightly thinking about the follow-up operation.

Compared with the dark Iron Curtain in 201X, at the beginning of the century, there was room for integration and cooperation.

What chips and lithography machines are not a problem in the eyes of keyboard warriors in the academic world.

After all, if keyboard man and academics stick together, it's the same as a hooligan who knows martial arts.

Under the intensive study of the rules, everyone YY has come up with a lot of ways to bypass the Batumi and Wassenaar agreements.

Of course, this is all an afterthought, and Qing Yun has no idea whether it will actually succeed or not.

But he was willing to give it a try.


(End of this chapter)

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