Chapter 700 Holy Religion ([-])

Republic 480 Seventh Year Summer (697)
Snowy plateau
Ho Kyung
"All living beings are suffering. Only by believing in the Holy Spirit can you be liberated and be at ease in heaven and earth."

The missionaries of the Holy Spirit came to the snow-covered Zhou Kingdom, which was fighting a civil war, and spread the faith of the Holy Spirit here.

This was allowed by Emperor Zhou Ji Ling'er.

In order to win the aid of the Yan State and win this civil war, Ji Ling'er not only abandoned her [Confucian-Brahmin] faith and converted to the Holy Religion, but also allowed the Holy Religion missionaries to preach freely in her ruling area.

The way missionaries spread their beliefs is very simple, that is, to explain the holy religion version of the "Bible" everywhere, and then after a few days, they will test the local people's understanding of the Bible. If they understand more, they will give a pack of dried salted fish for free.

Through this method of delivering food, the faith of the Holy Religion spread very quickly. In Haojing City, many low-income people who had no enough food to eat already believed in the Holy Religion.

There are many versions of the Bible. The original version is the Bible of Hongyan Tao. In the Bible of Hongyan Tao, the founder Zhao Jun is the Holy God, while the founder of the Wang family, Wang Kang, is the Great Demon King, Demon Ancestor, Demon God, Devil, and Invincible. name certificate.

Later, some deviant believers of Hongyan Taoism betrayed their faith, tampered with the Bible, and established the Holy Religion.

In this deviant's altered version of the Bible, Wang Kang is the Holy God and Zhao Jun is the demon who betrayed the Holy God.

The former Hongyan Dao Bible is also called the "Old Scripture", and the latter's tampered version of the Bible is also called the "New Scripture".

No one now knows who founded the Holy Religion. They only know that there was more than one founder, and they were all Hongyan Taoists at the beginning.

Hongyan Dao is illegal in the Republic and belongs to a cult, so it can only spread belief secretly.

However, the Holy Religion was officially established as the state religion by Emperor Yan Ling/Wanyan Ling of the Republic in the spring of this year, and the faith can be spread freely.

Xu Guangqi is a devout believer in the Holy Religion. He was sent by his godfather to spread the faith on the snowy plateau.

Luoyueyuan, where the old capital of the Yan Kingdom is located, has become a holy place for Hongyan Taoism and the Holy Sect.

Followers of Hongyan Taoism would secretly go to Luoyueyuan to pray, and believers of the Holy Cult built a glorious temple in Luoyueyuan openly and openly.

The Shengjiao Temple is larger than the Luoyang Imperial Palace, and the cost is very huge. It is also a hollow stone building, and the holy gods of the Shengjiao and many saints are carved inside.

The portrait of the holy god Wang Kang is carved in the center of the temple, and then surrounded by the saints Wang Liang, the saint Wang Chong, the saint Wang Yue, the saint Wang Taihao, the saint Wang Tairan, the saint Wang Nujiao, the saint Wang Changzhi, the saint Wang Changye, sage Wang Changyu, sage Wang Wan, sage Wang Jue, sage Wang Jue, sage Wang Ba, sage Yan Xue, sage Yan Lan, and so on.

In addition to the saints, there are also some demons who oppose the saints.

For example, the Goguryeo people, in the Holy Religion belief, are a demon race that does all kinds of evil.

The Japanese and Sanhan people are ugly, despicable and shameless monsters.

The biggest devil is undoubtedly Zhao Jun, who founded Hongyan Dao.

The worldview of the Holy Religion is as follows:

A long time ago, the Holy Spirit created this world and also created Nuwa Fuxi.

Later, Nuwa Fuxi multiplied and gave birth to the entire human race.

One day, the Holy Spirit walked through a bamboo forest and enlightened a bamboo.

The Holy Spirit walked through a stone mountain and enlightened a spiritual stone.

The Holy Spirit walked through a clear spring and enlightened the water.

The Holy Spirit looked up at the sky and attuned a cloud.

The Holy Spirit looked at the starry sky and enlightened a star.

Later, these enlightened spiritual beings became the earliest royal family and multiplied from generation to generation.

As the descendants of the Creator God, the Wang family shoulders the mission of guarding this world.But one of them, Zhao Jun, was originally a gust of wind, but was enlightened by the Holy God and turned into a human being, but he betrayed the Holy God and wanted to destroy the world created by the Holy God.

The faith of the Holy Cult spread very smoothly on the snow-covered plateau, because the ruling class of the Zhou Kingdom could also be regarded as descendants of the Holy Shen Kang.

The holy missionaries were not only eloquent, but also worked part-time as doctors, treating poor people who could not afford medical treatment free of charge.

"Holy God, bless me to reunite the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

The emperor Ji Ling'er came to the only temple in Haojing City to pray to the holy god Kang.

He is not only a believer lamb of Shengshen Kang, but also a descendant of Shengshen Kang, a descendant of Wang Changyu's blood. Like the nobles of King Yan, he also belongs to the descendants of gods.

A few months later
Ji Ling'er was defeated and fled in panic with the remaining defeated soldiers, abandoning Haojing City, while another Zhou emperor attacked Haojing City.

The people of Haojing City were in panic, because massacre of the city was a routine operation during the war.

Some wealthy people took their families and hid in the temple, trying to protect themselves in the name of Yan State.

But most ordinary people have nowhere to escape.

"They have already believed in the Holy Spirit, and they are the lambs of the Holy Spirit. As the messengers of the Holy Spirit in the world, we cannot and should not abandon these lambs, otherwise, our souls will not be able to enter Luoyueyuan."

Xu Guangqi had a serious look on his face. He decided to take risks alone to dissuade the new emperor who had taken over Haojing City from harming the innocent people in the city.

Luoyueyuan is a holy land of the Holy Religion. After the death of every lamb of the Holy Spirit, the soul will enter Luoyueyuan, where they can feel the grace of the Holy Spirit left in the world.

Sure enough, the Emperor Zhou's army started killing people as soon as they entered the city.

Xu Guangqi wanted to meet Emperor Zhou, but was blocked.

"What happened there?"

Emperor Zhou saw the commotion in the crowd and asked casually.

"He is a missionary of the Holy Religion and wants to meet with Your Majesty." A Zhou nobleman next to him replied.

The nobles of the Zhou Kingdom were also descendants of the Wang family and Wang Changyu's bloodline. Naturally, they were also descendants of Shengshen Kang.

Even Xu Guangqi is an offshoot of the noble family of King Yan, and he also has the blood of the royal family.

"Oh? Let him come over. He is also interested in the Holy Cult." Emperor Zhou said calmly.

The traditional [Confucian-Brahmanism] paid too much attention to the saints of Confucius and Mencius and the Brahman gods of Northern India, while neglecting the ancestors of the Wang family. Therefore, the new generation of Zhou nobles no longer had a firm belief in [Confucian-Brahmanism]. , eager to carry out religious reform, or to convert directly.

Emperor Zhou was interested in the Holy Religion because it emphasized the health of the Holy Spirit. However, he was also dissatisfied with the Holy Religion. That was that the saints of the Holy Religion were all ancestors of the Yan State, not the ancestors of the Zhou State. .

In other words, the Holy Religion paid too much attention to the lineage of [Wang Changzhi] and ignored the lineage of [Wang Changyu]. This was the main dissatisfaction of Emperor Zhou with the Holy Religion.

After a while, Xu Guangqi was allowed to meet the emperor.

"Xu Guangqi, I have met Your Majesty. May the Holy Spirit bless you."

Xu Guangqi said respectfully to Emperor Zhou.

"May the Holy Spirit bless you." Although Emperor Zhou didn't care about the life and death of the people, he respected the Holy Spirit Kang very much and responded politely.


The Holy Religion is the most civilized and noble faith in the world. A very important reason why we Central Plains people failed is because we have no faith. ——"General History of the World·Song Dynasty·Qin Hui"

(End of this chapter)

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