Chapter 699 Thirteen Roman States ([-])

Spring of the fifth year of the Republic 480 (695)
The expedition team headed south along the coastline and discovered many hunting and gathering civilizations on the peninsula. The local indigenous people were still very primitive.

The expedition had no interest in these primitive people and simply circumnavigated the peninsula and sailed north.

When we reached the end of the peninsula, we discovered that it was a peninsula, so we sailed south along the other side of the bay.

They finally discovered a farming indigenous tribe in a river flood plain.

Thank God, the indigenous tribes they discovered before were all hunters and gatherers, and occasionally they could see one practicing slash-and-burn farming. Now they finally discovered a group that actually used agricultural tools for farming.

"The further south you go, the higher the level of civilization. If you continue going south, you will definitely find Rome." Li Huamei said firmly.

Continuing further south, they even discovered an ethnic group that had formed the organizational structure of state power.

This ethnic group has its own hereditary rulers and managers appointed by the hereditary rulers.

This is a simple national structure.

Their hereditary ruler is called "Nolanya" by his subjects, and the group calls itself "Lixikuo", which are all direct transliterations.

Li Huamei directly translated "Nolanya" into "king" and named the country of the "Lixikuo" people "Lixikuo Kingdom".

Li Huamei and others lived in the "Lixikuo Kingdom" for three months, conducted in-depth exchanges with them, conducted barter trade, and taught them more advanced farming techniques.

Li Huamei discovered that this country had entered an advanced slavery social form, and they would actually capture indigenous people from other tribes as serfs.

You must know that the other indigenous tribes they discovered before did not know how to farm and could not implement slavery. People from other tribes were captured and directly sacrificed. Some people were even eaten after being sacrificed because productivity was too low. There was simply no surplus food to feed the slaves.

At the beginning, the warriors of this country wanted to arrest Li Huamei and others as slaves, but they were taught a lesson by the Iron Armor and Iron Sword of the Yan Kingdom Expedition Team.

Their obsidian great swords were unable to cause even the slightest damage to the finely forged armor of the Yan Kingdom expedition team.

However, the main purpose of the expedition is to find the Roman Empire, not to capture the indigenous people. Moreover, this place is too far away from the Yan Kingdom, and the transportation cost alone is ridiculously high. The indigenous people here will be captured as slaves and transported back to the Yan Kingdom. It's very uneconomical.

Therefore, the expedition team that gained the upper hand did not pursue the victory, but chose to reconcile with the locals and engage in trade cooperation.

The expedition team’s biggest harvest in the Kingdom of Lixikuo was a new crop (corn).

Some of these new crops are black, some are yellow, and some are green. (Modern yellow corn is a cultivated high-yielding variety, and American wild corn comes in all colors.)
Li Huamei named this crop "Romana (corn)", which means a new crop discovered in the Roman continent.

In addition to discovering new crops, the expedition also discovered new wildlife.

For example, a white animal that looks like a sheep and a giant camel. (alpaca)

"Is this a sheep or a camel?"

one of the expedition members asked in surprise.

"It should be a new species unique to Rome, why not name it... alpaca!"

Planting Rome and hunting wild animals are the country's main sources of food.

After the slaves died from exhaustion, they would also be minced into minced meat. The meat pieces were eaten by the people, and the bones were ground into powder and used to fertilize the farmland.

The people here are very warm, hospitable, and simple, with a legacy from ancient times.

Nolanya/the king's daughter/princess personally entertained the expedition team. She also slaughtered a slave with a good figure in front of the expedition team, made delicious food and shared it with the expedition team.

"In Rome, you can actually feel the customs of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Chinese orthodoxy, and bathe in the happy life of the ancients."

one of the expedition members joked, before rejecting the delicious meal and eating the romaine (corn) on the side.

Before leaving, Li Huamei presented him with an unopened can of wine, a rusty silver dagger, a piece of moldy woolen cloth, and two pairs of smelly cloth shoes.

Nolanya/the king gave back five alpacas, ten bison (North American bison), five hundred romanes (corn), and a beautiful pottery made by themselves.

The expedition team left the [Lixikuo Kingdom], continued sailing south, and came to the jungle area.

In the highlands of the jungle area, they found many indigenous tribes who practiced slash-and-burn farming, and their level of civilization was similar to that of the dwarf indigenous people of the Spice Islands.

But more importantly, they discovered a new crop (pumpkin) here.

Because this new crop looks like a lantern, Li Huamei named it [Lantern Melon (Pumpkin)].At the same time, Li Huamei named this ethnic group [Lantern Tribe (indigenous people from central and northern Mexico)], which means the ethnic group that grows lantern melons.

After communicating with the local indigenous people for several months, the expedition team obtained many lantern melons and heard that there was a powerful civilization (Maya) in the southeast.

At first, communication was all through body language. Later, slowly, Li Huamei also learned some of the indigenous languages ​​of the local people.

"Rome! It must be Rome!"

Hearing that there was a powerful civilization in the southeast, Li Huamei thought that it must be Rome. It couldn't be wrong.

When coming to the "Roman Empire (Mayan City-State)", Li Huamei finally saw the city.

The previous indigenous tribes were all villages, and some did not even have villages.

Now, they finally discovered a city, and from the sea, this coastal "Roman" city looked very huge, even larger than the county seat in the Central Plains.

On the beach, some "Romans (Mayans)" who were picking up shells looked curiously at the fleet on the sea.

The level of civilization of the "Romans (Mayans)" was much higher than that of other "Romans". They could already build ships and sail, but they could only sail in lakes, rivers and offshore waters, and could not sail across the ocean.

"Rome (Maya)" is not a unified country, but similar to Greece, with hundreds of city-states operating independently, but sharing the same culture, art, and language.

Compared with other "Romans", their higher level of civilization is reflected in the fact that they created their own writing and even their own astronomical calendar.

The astronomical calendar is an important symbol of a farming nation. Without the astronomical calendar, we can often only cultivate by slash and burn.

The "Romans (Mayans)" here have a mature slave system, nobles who specialize in managing slaves, and priests who pray for good weather.

But the weapons are very backward, and they still use obsidian great swords, not even bronze.

At first, the "Roman (Maya)" city lord who ruled this city thought the expedition was an invasion by barbarians (Lantern tribe) from the north.

In the world view of the "Romans (Mayans)", they themselves were the center of civilization, surrounded by barbarians.

Because their level of civilization is indeed higher than the surrounding ethnic groups, and much higher.

Therefore, as soon as the expedition team landed, the "Roman (Maya)" army surrounded them and threw wooden spears at the expedition team.

They don't have bows and arrows, and they can't make bows and arrows. The way of fighting is to first cover a wave of firepower (throwing wooden spears), and then pick up the obsidian big sword and face it head-on.

However, the wooden spear pierced the armor of the expedition team members, but it did no harm at all.

The captain of the expedition team and Li Huamei were wearing a set of plate armor. They stood within the range of the wooden spear and allowed the wooden spear to hit their armor.

"Devils! They must be devils!"

The Romans (Mayans) found it unbelievable that someone could be struck by such a dense mass of wooden spears without being harmed. These mysterious people from the sea must be the legendary devils!

Some brave Romans (Mayans) rushed forward and chopped down the expedition team, but their own hands were numb from the shock.

"These Romans don't seem very friendly!"

said a member of the expedition.

"Are you going to kill them?"

one of the expedition members asked.

"No, we are here to do business with the Romans. If we start a war, we will not be able to do business." Li Huamei still firmly believed that this place must be Rome, and these people must be Romans.

As for why these Romans seem to be very backward, it must be because these people are not pure Romans, but barbarians attached to Rome, such as Germans and Goths, just like the Southern Huns attached to the Han Dynasty, women It is the same reason that Zhenren is attached to Yan State.

In the end, the expedition launched a counterattack and easily defeated these Romans (Mayans).

The expedition team consisted of only more than 50 people, but they easily defeated more than 300 Romans (Mayans) on the opposite side. This was the Republic's first battle with the Romans (Mayans).

"We defeated Rome!"

(End of this chapter)

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