Chapter 640 Great Voyage ([-])
A proposal from the Taoyuan Guild caused heated discussions in the council.

The general content of the proposal is to attack the country of Moro, open up the trade route to Tianzhu, and establish a trade transfer station along the coast.

After discussion, the overwhelming majority agreed to the proposal.

"Mountains don't turn and water turns, and the Central Plains Sea bans us to do business, so we will go to Tianzhu to do business."

Winter of the third year of Yan State 430 (643)
Three thousand troops of the Yan Kingdom, most of them guild mercenaries, launched a sneak attack on the Moroyu Kingdom.

At the same time, the Kingdom of Yan also united with the Kingdom of Srivijaya. The two parties agreed that after the war, the coastal areas of the Kingdom of Marayu belonged to the Kingdom of Yan, and the inland areas belonged to the Kingdom of Srivijaya.

The Kingdom of Sri Buddha passed away and sent [-] troops to assist the Kingdom of Yan and jointly attack the Kingdom of Marayu.

At first, King Marayu didn't care about it, and vowed to repel the coalition forces of the Yan Kingdom and the Srivijaya Kingdom, and took advantage of the victory to annex the Srivijaya Kingdom.

It was not until the artillery shells bombarded the walls of the royal city that King Moroyu realized how stupid his actions were.

Can't beat Tang Lu, and can't beat your little Moroyu Kingdom?
The Yan Kingdom is obsequious to the Central Plains Dynasty, but it will not be polite to a small country like Moluoyou.

A huge stone bomb was fired from a bronze cannon, and a large part of the city wall was knocked down in an instant.

This is a super cannon specially made by Yan State, named [Gaoguryeo Cannon (Urban Cannon)].

You can tell from the name that it was originally used to deal with Goguryeo, but it was enjoyed by the Moroyu Kingdom in advance.

King Moroyu, who had vowed to persevere until the end of time, immediately sent an envoy to ask Yan to surrender.

"Everything before was a misunderstanding, and we are willing to live in friendship with your country." The envoy of the Moroyu Kingdom came to negotiate a peace, expressing their willingness to open the strait for free passage, and begging for an end to the war.

There are people in the country of Yan who understand Tianzhu, so communication is still no problem.

The Kingdom of Yan agreed to the surrender of the Kingdom of Moroyu, but put forward a more stringent requirement, that is, to cede all the land along the strait, and at the same time pay [-] young and middle-aged laborers to the Kingdom of Yan as slaves for land reclamation.

"At present, it is relatively difficult to completely annex the Marayu Kingdom. It will require a long-term public security war to suppress the local uprising. Moreover, after the collapse of the Marayu Kingdom, on Star Island, the Srivijaya Kingdom will be a family. It’s not good for us.”

Naturally, Yan Kingdom is not afraid of the Marayu Kingdom and the Srivijaya Kingdom, but Yan Kingdom's center of gravity is in the east, not here, so it is impossible to invest too much energy in guarding against local snakes here.

Therefore, it is a long-term solution to let the local local snakes check and balance each other and be used by Yan State.

Otherwise, the Yan Kingdom's garrison on Xingdao is less than a hundred, how can it resist the millions of natives on the island?

The total strength of Yan State is only [-], and most of them are still defending the Central Plains and grasslands in the east. There are only [-] troops in the Spice Islands, and only [-] troops in Xingdao.

The area of ​​Xingdao (Sumatra Island) is larger than that of the Henan area in the Central Plains, with a population of over one million, but the army stationed here by the Yan Kingdom only has 30 people.

Therefore, it is impossible to rule Xingdao by relying on brute force. You must know how to use force to fight against the barbarians, use the barbarians to balance the barbarians, and use the barbarians to control the barbarians.

The natives on Xingdao only saw the guild of Yan State on weekdays. As for the officers and soldiers of Yan State, there were only thirty, so they subconsciously believed that Yan State was not powerful.

It wasn't until Yan State secretly dispatched [-] troops from the mainland to fight that they knew the terrifying power of Yan State.

In order to prevent the Central Plains from taking the opportunity to launch a sneak attack, Yan's expedition was carried out secretly, just to prevent the Central Plains from taking the opportunity to attack itself when the outsiders attacked the Moroyu Kingdom, making them fight on two fronts.

"At the beginning, our ancestors conquered Sanhan with a population of 220 with only 60 soldiers. Now, why can't our descendants conquer the million natives of Xingdao with [-] people?"

Hundreds of years ago, the Wang family conquered Samhan with a population of 200 with only 60 soldiers. This is the glory of the Wang family and an important milestone in the rise of the Wang family.

The method of conquest is nothing more than leveraging strength, forming alliances with weaker indigenous tribes, and even calling brothers to suppress powerful tribes, so that Sanhan is always in a situation of division and melee, and is eventually eaten away by the royal family.

Bringing the aborigines to fight the aborigines is a means of conquering overseas.

Before, the Wang family wanted to reproduce this conquest mode in the Central Plains, but unfortunately encountered the special situation of Li Shimin.

After the Marayu Kingdom ceded all the land along the strait, it began to mobilize its troops to resist the land invasion of the Srivijaya Kingdom.

The country of Yan also began to use volcanic ash to build stronger castles along the coast of the strait, and the native immigrant population came to open up wasteland.

The most important thing is that in the narrowest part of the strait, there is a relatively large island, which is occupied by the Yan Kingdom's court, and a city port is built on it to facilitate the collection of taxes on passing merchant ships.

The state of Yan collects less taxes on the guilds, but it is not polite to the Tianzhu merchant ships that come to the Spice Islands to do business in Tianzhu, and must be treated heavily.

I do business with you, yes!You do business with me, no!

This port city that blocks the Hangu Strait is also named Hangu Pass/Hangu Port/Hangu City.

Subsequently, the fleet of the government of Yan State, led by the explorer and navigator Zheng He, continued to sail westward, following the route of the ancestor Wang Rui, looking for a place where a trade transfer station could be built on the route.

A trade transfer station needs to meet the following conditions:
[[-]. There is a relatively long distance from the previous trade transfer station, and the functions cannot be repeated, which will waste resources, but it should not be too far away, otherwise it will not be able to provide supplies for the passing Yan State merchant ships in time;
[-]. There needs to be sufficient water sources near the trade transfer station, which can be provided to passing Yan State merchant ships. There must also be sufficient food sources, preferably cultivated land. If it is not enough, fishing grounds, hunting grounds, and fruit forests are also barely enough. Only in this way can we guarantee The trade transfer station can be self-sufficient, and at the same time provide food supplies for passing Yan country merchant ships;
[-]. It is better for the trade transfer station to be far away from the local land snakes/indigenous tribes, so as not to be wiped out by the indigenous tribes. The country of Yan cannot go all the way, and it is impossible to protect a trade transfer station from thousands of miles away. The distance is too far and it is not cost-effective. , and it is difficult to protect

[-]. The trade transfer station must be an excellent windless harbor where merchant ships can berth and rest;

[-]. The trade transfer station must be on the route, otherwise there is no meaning of existence. 】

Don't look at the land everywhere on the route, but it is still very demanding to meet all the above conditions at the same time.

Trade transfer stations can be operated by the imperial court or entrusted to others. Anyway, once the route is stabilized, these trade transfer stations can rely on providing services to merchant ships to make money.

For example, selling fresh water, fruits, and food at high prices, providing brothel services, providing ship repair services, providing sailor medical services, providing the latest business intelligence, and so on.

Zheng He is a seasoned explorer and navigator, so the court of Yan Kingdom hired him to find a suitable place for the court to build a trade transfer station.

(End of this chapter)

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