Chapter 639 Great Voyage ([-])
Yan State 430 Second Winter (642)
Zhouren city-state republic (Southern Tibet + Assam, India)

Hundreds of years ago, the Zhou Dynasty was poisoned, and was replaced by the Gupta Dynasty amidst internal and external troubles.

Most of the Zhou people were slaughtered or enslaved, but [-] Zhou people migrated eastward, wanting to return to their homeland in the Central Plains.

Among the migrating Zhou people, under the leadership of the prince, tens of thousands climbed the unattainable snow-capped mountains and entered the snow-covered plateau to rebuild the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The vast majority of the remaining Zhou people stayed in the fertile valley plains, where they established individual city-states.

Each city-state has a hereditary city lord, and at the same time, all the city-states jointly elect one of the city lords to become the emperor of all Zhou people's city-states.

Externally, they surrendered to the powerful regime of Shendu/Tianzhu, and paid tribute to gold and silver treasures every year. At the same time, they built the Great Wall pass at the exit of the river valley and plain to block the powerful enemies in the west, and traded with various countries in Tianzhu.

Internally, they implemented a system similar to the abdication system of the emperor during the period of Yao, Shun and Yu. After the previous generation of emperors died of illness, they could abdicate to the next generation of emperors. To give way again.

Obviously, this is very similar to the Wang family's early patriarch designation inheritance law. In the early Wang family, the previous generation of patriarchs designated the next generation of patriarchs, but it was subject to the consent of most family members.

Therefore, the culture and customs of these Zhou people living in the river valley and plain have a strong royal color of Liaodong.

The role of the Son of Heaven is to conduct diplomacy on behalf of all Zhou people externally, mediate conflicts between various city-states internally, and avoid large-scale civil wars among Zhou people.

Conflicts between Zhou people were resolved through single-handed battles by nobles. Direct wars were hated by all Zhou people, and no one wanted to fight a civil war.

These Zhou people have lived here for hundreds of years, with a population of over one million, and a total of 100 large and small city-states.

Most of the city-states are hereditary city owners, but some city-states also hold the "National Assembly", that is, the Zhou people in the city-state jointly decide the affairs of the city-state and oppress the slaves in the city-state together.

People with the blood of the royal family are called countrymen, and they are the ruling class, while those without the blood of the royal family are those locals who are poisoned. They are often slaves who are caught to work, and they are also called savages.

Nowadays, the city-state Republic of the Zhou Dynasty surrenders to the Jieri Dynasty and pays a box of gold to the Jieri Dynasty every year, so the Jieri Dynasty will not attack the Republic, and allows the caravans of the Republic to enter the Jieri Dynasty to do business.

Today, something that excited everyone in Zhou happened.

An eminent monk named Xuanzang came to Tianzhu, and now he has accepted the invitation of Zhou Tianzi, and is planning to enter the [Zhou City-State Republic] to debate Buddhist scriptures.

In order to survive, Zhou people's city-state republic was forced to abandon the prejudice of beliefs long ago and accept all beliefs, so as to avoid wars with other beliefs as much as possible, so as to preserve the fire of Zhou people's civilization.

Everything is for survival!

At this moment, Hangu Pass

The Zhou people built the Great Wall and Hangu Pass at the gaps in the valleys and plains to guard against external enemies.

"Master Xuanzang, our emperor has been waiting for you for a long time."

The Zhou generals who guarded Hangu Pass spoke Liaodong dialect/Yan language with a curry flavor.

Although Tang Xuanzang could not speak Liaodong dialect/Yan language, he had heard it, so he could understand the general meaning of the guard.

"I never thought that this land of Tianzhu also has the culture of the Central Plains."

Tang Xuanzang felt very strange. He had read many classical books and knew that there was a Zhou State in Tianzhu area, but he heard that Zhou State had perished a long time ago. He did not expect to find great Zhou survivors here in East Tianzhu.

In the past five years, Tang Xuanzang has gone through many difficulties and dangers, crossed many dangers, encountered horse bandits from time to time on the road, contracted diseases, and almost died several times.

Finally, he arrived in Tianzhu, where he saw the declining Buddhist culture and first-hand Buddhist scriptures.

In this era, the Buddhist culture of Tianzhu has declined, leaving only a lot of Buddhist relics, and Hinduism has begun to rise. Hinduism has integrated Brahmanism, Buddhism, Jainism, and indigenous religions to create its own teachings.

When he was explaining Buddhist scriptures to King Jieri in Qunu City, he suddenly heard that there was a country named "Zhou" in East Tianzhu. The emperor of that country invited him to discuss Buddhist scriptures in Zhou Kingdom. accepted the invitation.

When he first came to Zhou State, he felt a different Central Plains culture.

Obviously, although the Zhou State is mainly based on the culture of the Central Plains, it also absorbed and integrated many local cultures of Tianzhu. This is called doing as the Romans do, as can be seen from their curry-flavored Liaodong dialect.

Among the city-states of the Zhou people, there is a special city-state. The owner of the city-state is a woman, and the officials in the city-state are also women. Women can have polyandry, but men should learn [masculinity], abide by the husband's morality, follow the three obediences and four virtues .

Tang Xuanzang was born handsome, and learned to be rich, so when he first entered the city, he was spotted by the female city lord and wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.

"You say you see through the world of mortals, but why don't you dare look into my eyes?"


at the same time
Kingdom of Moroyu (Jambi Province, Indonesia)

There are two Buddhist countries on Xingdao (Sumatra Island), and hundreds of indigenous tribes, large and small.

The two Buddhist countries are [Mara Tour] and [Sri Buddha Pass], both of which were established by immigrants from Tianzhu.

Some Buddhists in Tianzhu, after being persecuted by the local kings, fled through the land in the northwest, and finally entered the Central Plains through the Western Regions. This is Chinese Buddhism.

Some escaped by sea in the southeast direction, and fled to the Spice Islands of the Yan Kingdom. Some chose to belong to the Yan Kingdom and became subjects of the Yan Kingdom, while some chose to live in Xingdao (Sumatra Island) and Moon Island ( Malay Peninsula) to establish a Buddhist state.

Since the center of gravity of Yan State is in the Central Plains and the Northeast, it is not interested in attacking these countries, but has established friendly trade relations with these countries, and other exchanges are gone.

However, in the past two or three years, more and more caravans from Yan State have entered the Tianzhu Sea (Indian Ocean) through the Hangu Strait (Malacca Strait), wanting to trade with Tianzhu.

Therefore, Moroyu Kingdom actually wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

This year, King Moroyu issued a new decree requiring all ships to pay tolls to the Kingdom of Moroyu when they pass through the Moroyu Strait (called the Hangu Strait/Malacca Strait in Yan State), otherwise they will be charged Seize the cargo on board.

The Marayu Kingdom was established 50 years ago by a group of immigrants from Tianzhu. Today's king is the third generation and is in his youth.

The Srivijaya Kingdom in the south was established five years ago and was also an immigrant from Tianzhu.

The new decree promulgated by King Moroyu did not even attract the attention of the Yan Kingdom. After all, the Yan Kingdom's noble council still focused its attention on the east, and had no time to take care of trivial matters here.

Although the court of Yan State did not pay attention, some guilds of Yan State did, such as the Taoyuan Guild.

The Taoyuan Guild has gradually transferred its trade to the south, so it attaches great importance to this decree of King Moroyu.

No one had ever thought of blocking the Hangu Strait (the Strait of Malacca) before, so everyone passed freely. Now, a small country with a population of just over 20 actually wants to occupy the strait and collect protection fees from merchants in Yan State.

This is really the first time in history, so the shareholders of the Taoyuan Guild attach great importance to it.

(End of this chapter)

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