Chapter 597 Final Battle ([-])

When the soldiers of the Sui army at Linyuguan crossed the sea to launch an attack, the warships of the State of Yan from Shanhaiguan also came to the bay to the east of Linyuguan and threw flints at the Sui army barracks on the wharf of Linyuguan.

"Fight the fire! Quickly put out the fire!"

Some military camps that were too close to Liaodong Bay were set on fire, and the soldiers kept fighting the fire under the command of the generals.

Originally, the pier was small, and the pier near Liaodong Bay was attacked by Yan State Flint. Therefore, the Sui army could only crowd on the west side, away from the range of Flint.

As a result, the Sui army's barracks became even more crowded, with people crowded everywhere, and the pier was even more crowded. There were often seven or eight people standing on a row of bamboo rafts, which was seriously overloaded.

Even the bamboo rafts of the Sui army overturned directly into the sea because they could not bear the weight of too many soldiers, and countless people drowned.

The soldiers of the Linyuguan barracks were fighting the fire and restoring order, while the [-] Sui soldiers in the Qinhuang Strait were not feeling well.

On the other side, the Yan State Artillery was constantly throwing flints at the Sui army in the strait. Fishing boats, canoes, and bamboo rafts were hit by flints, and the soldiers on them sank to the bottom of the sea.

Because they were going to fight close to the bunkers, all the Sui soldiers who crossed the sea were wearing armor. Once they fell into the sea, they would sink to the bottom of the sea immediately, unable to float at all, and it was useless to swim.

A flint hit a fishing boat, and the fishing boat was directly pierced by the flint, cut off in the middle, and the whole ship began to sink into the bottom of the sea. The soldiers on board tried to find a way to take off their armor.

But the armor was so easy to take off. Before they took off the armor, they had already sunk to the bottom of the sea and drowned.

Fortunately, because the bunkers were too dense, the country of Yan did not have much space to deploy more original cannons, so more than half of the soldiers of the Sui army successfully crossed the strait and reached the coast of Shanhaiguan.

Over the past few hundred years, Yan State has artificially increased the drop in the coast of Shanhaiguan, so that the soldiers of the Sui army who arrived at the coast could not go directly to the shore, but had to take a ladder and step on the shoulders of their comrades in order to climb to the Shanhaiguan. Coastal land.

The soldiers of the Sui Army who arrived at the coast began to build human ladders. The fat people squatted below as stepping stones, while the thin ones stepped on the shoulders of their comrades, and then grabbed the edge of the coast with both hands, trying to climb up.

"Made, if you grow fat, you have no human rights."

A chubby Sui soldier began to complain that he hated people stepping on his shoulders, especially when the soldiers on his shoulders accidentally stepped on his upturned face with their feet, and they were running away, scaring him out. poop on his nose and mouth.




"Hand! Help me!"

The edge of the coast has long been filled with all kinds of glass shards, iron nails, barbed wire, and so on.

The fat soldier who was squatting below as a stepping stone was still complaining that he was too miserable, but when he saw the thin soldier above his head was stabbed with glass shards, he immediately felt very good.

Not only all kinds of glass shards, but also the soldiers of the Yan State, holding the shield in one hand and the spear in the other, poked at the faces of the soldiers of the Sui State who were climbing the coast.



A spear was pierced into the eye socket of a Sui soldier, and then pulled out again.

The Sui soldier immediately fell into the sea with a "plop", sank to the bottom of the sea and drowned.

Yu Wenshu, who was watching the battle at Linyuguan Wharf, saw the tragic battle on the other side, and he immediately regretted not letting the soldiers across the sea carry bows and arrows.

The reason why you don't carry bows and arrows is because you want to fight close to the bunker group. What do you do with bows and arrows in melee combat?Doesn't that add weight to the soldiers and make it more troublesome for the soldiers to move?
Before crossing the sea, the soldiers of the Sui army had to be bombarded with flints from the warships of Yan State on the Liaodong Bay. The ladder climbed the coast, and there were not only all kinds of glass shards on the coast, but also guarded by Yan soldiers.

This is a hundred times more terrifying than Tongguan Hangu Pass in the Central Plains!
If Zhuge Kongming had seen the Shanhaiguan Pass in Yan State during this period, he would have to demolish the Jianmen Pass overnight, and then rebuild the Jianmen Pass according to the Shanhaiguan Pass.

The essence and painstaking efforts of the Yan family for hundreds of years are reflected in the defense system of Shanhaiguan.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the soldiers of the Sui army crossing the sea completely collapsed, and they fled to Linyu Pass in a hurry.

In the process of fleeing, there were also Yan Guo flints constantly bombarding him.

Moreover, the Linyuguan wharf was extremely crowded. Many soldiers of the Sui Army returned to the wharf, but they couldn't get ashore anyway, and the passage was blocked by comrades on the shore.

"Give way!"

A wounded Sui soldier crossing the sea shouted to his comrades on the pier.

However, there was a lot of noise on the pier, and no one could hear who was talking, so no one answered him.

Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, the injured Sui soldier crossing the sea was extremely angry, and raged to everyone on the shore:

"Give way to my mother!"

After cursing, he held a spear and stabbed at the crowd on the shore, trying to scare the crowd on the shore to evacuate and make way for himself.

However, the shore was really too crowded, and there was really no way out. Some soldiers of the Sui army who were crowded at the front were stabbed to death by their comrades.

Immediately, a commotion broke out in the Sui Army's position. The Sui Army soldiers who were stabbed to death, and his old comrades ran over and scolded the person who stabbed them: "Which team are you from, how can you kill your own people?"

Afterwards, the two sides quarreled and fought violently. The soldiers of the Sui army who didn't understand the situation were still clapping and applauding. They were very excited to see this kind of fighting scene. Everyone likes to be a crowd.

The entire Sui army camp became chaotic. Yu Wenshu and other Sui army generals were in a hurry, and hurriedly asked the supervisory team to kill chickens and monkeys, beheading the troublemakers on the spot, and only then managed to restore order.

After the order was restored, Yu Wenshu understood his mistake. It was not that so many soldiers could not be crowded at the dock, which would cause trouble easily.

As a result, most of the soldiers were asked to return to the city walls of Linyu Pass, and only the soldiers responsible for protecting the camp and those preparing to launch an attack could stay at the pier.

The Sui army took all the wounded back to the city for recuperation, and then the second batch of Sui army was ready to attack.

Because many fishing boats were pierced and sunk by flint, Yu Wenshu had to order some Sui soldiers to go to the nearby woods to cut down trees and bamboo forests to build more rafts.

Some soldiers of the Sui Army really didn't want to continue to die, so they took advantage of the opportunity of being arranged to cut trees in the woods, went straight into the depths of the woods, completely became deserters, found a certain village in the mountains, and went to the village to become the emperor of the country. Enslave the mountain people there.

When the soldiers of the Sui army were restoring order and preparing for the next round of attack, the soldiers of Yan State in Shanhaiguan were also very busy.

Many Yan State servants pushed the wheelbarrows and transported the flint to a Taiyuan cannon on the coast. The Yan State soldiers who were accidentally injured were also being treated by doctors at the Shanhaiguan headquarters.

The last batch of soldiers of Yan State who were in charge of defending the coast were transferred back to Shanhaiguan headquarters to rest and recover their strength. Another batch of soldiers of Yan State who were energetic and recharged for a long time were dispatched to the coast for defense.

Everyone must walk according to the route planned in advance, and must not run around indiscriminately, and must not occupy the traffic routes of other arms, so as not to cause traffic jams like the Sui army.

There are even special [traffic soldiers], they are not in charge of fighting, they are only in charge of directing how and which way the soldiers of Yan State walk on the battlefield, and arranging the flow of personnel in Shanhaiguan in an orderly manner.

In war, it is not only about the military command ability of generals, nor only about the weapons and equipment and bravery of soldiers, but also about various small details of life.

An ordinary battlefield traffic line, an inconspicuous [traffic soldier], seems to have no effect on the war, but it is an important link to victory.

For example, if it is also a head injury, because the soldiers of Yan State are required to wear short hair, it is easier to treat and the mortality rate is therefore lower.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Sui Army still had long hair. Once the head was injured, it was very troublesome to treat, and the mortality rate was therefore very high.

A small hairstyle, which seems to have nothing to do with war, can also affect war.

(End of this chapter)

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