Chapter 596 Final Battle ([-])
New Capital of Yan State
naval command post
"Are they stranded?"


"Going back again?"

"gone back!"

Listening to Yan Fenghuang's report, Nangong Wenya turned to look at the navigation chart on the wall.

"They have a lot of material ships, and they are all flat-bottomed river boats. They can't be fast, and they may be able to catch up now."

As if she had a strategy, she looked at the ocean current and monsoon map next to her, compared it with the nautical chart, and finally pointed to Sui Guohai Zhongzhou on the map and said: "According to the influence of ocean current and monsoon, they should pass here and rush here Go, maybe we can catch up to their supply ship."

However, Yan Fenghuang hesitated and said: "But Your Majesty's plan is to wait until the Sui State Navy is close to our waters, and then we will sneak attack them. Now that they have returned to the Central Plains, we may not be able to catch up, and doing so is not the same as your Majesty's. The original battle plan did not match."

The plan always fails to keep up with the changes. The original battle plan discussed by Yan Xu and everyone was to wait until the Sui Empire navy came ashore before making a sneak attack, but who would have thought that a Yan Kingdom warship was just following and observing the Sui Empire navy, but was actually stared at by Yang Xuangan. On board, finally the captain had to run to the Ryukyu Islands.

Originally, this matter was nothing, but the head of the Sui State Navy insisted on chasing and killing the Yan State warship, so that he lost his way, making Yan State's original plan unable to be implemented.

Faced with Yan Fenghuang's hesitation, Nangong Wenya said:
"Things will not always go as we wish. After all, our plan is just a plan, and we still need to adapt to the situation."

"Furthermore, Your Majesty and the Parliament have fully authorized my naval freedom of command. I can temporarily change the specific combat plan according to changes in the war."

"The general will be outside, and the king will not accept it!"

"The battle opportunity is fleeting, we can no longer hesitate, all responsibilities will be borne by me, Nangong Wenya!"

In the end, a group of admirals were persuaded by Nangong Wenya, and Yan Fenghuang commanded fifty Yan State warships to chase and kill Sui State material ships in the direction of Sui State Sea Zhongzhou.

When the naval command post decided to temporarily change the battle plan and choose to take the initiative to attack and hunt down the supply ship of the Sui Empire.



This is a mountain trail near Shanhaiguan. It is the closest trail to Shanhaiguan among all the mountain trails in Yanshan.

From this trail, you can go directly to the back of the Shanhaiguan Pass and attack the defenders of the Shanhaiguan Pass from both sides.

Five thousand Sui troops began to try to smuggle across this trail, and they only carried three days of dry food.

The watchtower at Luotuoping soon spotted the Sui army sneaking in the valley.

Looking at the Sui army in the valley, the Yan Guo scouts at the Luotuoping watchtower immediately shook the cableway and put the red token into the pulley basket, allowing the pulley basket to go along the cableway to the next watchtower.

Through this method of passing information from one watchtower to another, Yan Chonghuan, the chief of the Shanhaiguan Customs, soon knew that the Sui army was sneaking across the Luotuoping trail.

What's even more frightening is that the general of the Sui army who was marching secretly in Luotuoping Valley still didn't know that he had been discovered by Yan State, and he was still carefully leading his soldiers to climb various mountain cliffs.

This trail is not easy to walk, it breaks when you walk, and you need to climb the mountain.

Therefore, every time the soldiers of the Sui Army walked a certain distance, they had to stop and open the mountains, break down the boulders blocking the road, cut down trees, and build tree bridges between two cliffs.

two hours later

The second half of Luotuoping

Many soldiers of the Sui army are cutting trees around, and some soldiers of the Sui army are resting the cut trees, removing all the roots and branches, leaving the trunk, and then crossing it between two cliffs to form a tree bridge.

The soldiers walked on the rickety tree bridge, and from time to time some Sui soldiers fell from the tree bridge into the deep valley.

Knowing that the Sui army had smuggled into Luotuoping, Shanhaiguan quickly responded. Five hundred Yan soldiers entered Luotuoping in light clothes. They had been lying in ambush for a long time, came out of the forest, and shot arrows at the Sui soldiers who were crossing the bridge.

The crossbow arrows were fired, and various screams came and went, echoing in the mountains.




Originally, the tree bridge was unstable, and the crossbowmen of Yan State on the opposite side kept shooting arrows. The soldiers standing on the tree bridge fell into the deep valley and died.

It was extremely difficult to cross the tree bridge against the enemy's arrows. The soldiers of the Sui Army quickly collapsed. They retreated to the other side of the cliff and dared not cross the bridge again.

The soldiers of Yan State would not give them another chance, they directly fired arrows with kerosene, ignited the tree bridges, and destroyed the tree bridges that the soldiers of the Sui Army had worked so hard to build.


The general of the Sui army who smuggled into Luotuoping cursed secretly, but ordered: "Withdraw!"

Until now, he still didn't know how he was discovered, and he didn't see any beacon fires around him. Could it be a coincidence?Just happened to meet Yan State's patrolling troops?
The generals of the Sui army could only guess like this, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why the Yan army came so quickly.

When we came, many people died on the cliffs. When we went back, we had to climb those cliffs again, and many people died.

When five thousand Sui troops failed to sneak into Luotuoping.



In order to cooperate with the sneak attack troops, the main force of the Sui army launched an attack on the bunker group.

With the odd positive trend and mutual cooperation, the main force attracts the attention of the Yan State, so that the sneak attack troops can be safer.

The generals of the Sui army were still very capable of fighting, but their strength was limited by their emperor's micromanagement.

However, the generals of the Sui army who were directing the attack on the bunker group did not know that the [-] Sui army who attacked Luotuoping had been defeated and were currently climbing the cliff.

"Brothers, the time has come to be loyal to the country!"


Following Yu Wenshu's order, more than 3000 Sui soldiers attacked the Shanhaiguan bunker group.

Due to the limited width of the battlefield, the more than 40 Sui army was divided into more than [-] batches, and they took turns to attack the Shanhaiguan blockhouse group.

More than half of the millions of Sui troops had just arrived in Lulong, and even more than 13 Sui troops had just arrived in Zhuojun. The number of Sui troops stationed at the front line at Linyu Pass was actually only [-].

However, even the 13 Sui army could not attack Shanhaiguan at the same time.

Due to the limited number of fishing boats, the Sui army temporarily made a large number of canoes.

Fishermen's fishing boats couldn't enter the deep sea area, let alone their canoes, so the battlefield was very small, and they could only attack in the small narrow strait west of Qinhuangdao, which couldn't accommodate too many people at all.

The watchtower on the top of Jieshi Mountain in Qinhuangdao discovered the movement of the Sui army, immediately lit the beacon fire, beat gongs and drums non-stop, and waved brightly colored flags at the same time.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The Shanhaiguan General Command issued an order and the flag was waved.

Subsequently, the high bunkers waved flags one after another, indicating that they were ready.

Each high bunker used military flags and musical instruments to issue orders to the lower bunkers under its jurisdiction, reminding them to prepare for battle.

The soldiers of the various short bunkers also stood on the top of the bunkers, waving their military flags, signaling that they were ready.

The officers of the high bunkers checked the low bunkers under their jurisdiction to see which one did not wave the military flag and which one lost the chain at this critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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