Chapter 549 Centennial Shandong (Fifteen)
one year later
Winter of the third year of Yan State 340 (553)
Qi State
Dongyang City

A cavalry team of one hundred cavalry passed by here. The carriage was filled with all kinds of gold and silver treasures. There were many young and middle-aged men with their hands tied in the crowd. Under the supervision of the cavalry, they walked eastward with difficulty.

They are the cavalry of Yan State Wei, who are plundering people in Qingzhou, Qi State. These plundered people will be escorted to the coastal harbor, where there is a fleet of Yan State.

In just over a year, while the main force of the Qi State was in a decisive battle with the Liang State, the Yan army ran across Qingzhou, captured 14 cities, plundered 231862 people, and dug out countless gold, silver and jewels from the mausoleum.

The cities near the ocean have been completely occupied by Yan State, only those inland cities are left, Yanxu dare not go deep alone for fear of being ambushed, so he just let the cavalry squads plunder the population and wealth in the interior.

The conquered territory was handed over to Wei and Jin for management, and Yan only wanted population and wealth.

At this time, another group of armed cavalry from the state of Qi attacked unexpectedly, and the leader was a handsome young man without armor.

The Wei cavalry who were escorting the slaves were frightened, and the leading Wei army officer ordered: "Abandon all supplies and retreat immediately!"

The Wei army did not dare to fight. After all, this is the hinterland of the Qi State, and it is easy to be surrounded by the army of the Qi State. Therefore, they directly abandoned the captured villagers and the looted treasures, and fled to the east in a hurry.

The villagers with their hands bound looked at the cavalry of the Qi State coming towards them in fear. Although this was their own country's army, in troubled times, no matter the enemy's army or their own army, they were all devils that harmed the people.

Sure enough, after seeing the gold, silver and jewels on the carriage, some Qi cavalry couldn't help but wanted to take them away.


The boy whipped his whip to the ground and reprimanded the soldiers: "Whoever disobeys military orders will be punished by military law!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Qi cavalry put away their greed and waited for the boy's order.

The young man in front of him is a descendant of the clan of the Qi State, his name is Gao Su, and his style name is Chang Gong. He is only 13 years old now, but he is as tall as an adult, and his face is as beautiful as a fairy.

This is Gao Changgong's first battle, and he only has a hundred guards around him.

In the distance, seeing that the Qi cavalry did not dismount to loot property, the Wei army officer had no choice but to leave.

Originally, he wanted to follow the example of Qianyan Murongchui, abandoning material wealth and launching a counterattack while the enemy was looting material wealth.

But I didn't expect the young Gao Changgong's discipline to lead the army to be so good, and he didn't dismount to plunder.

This trick can be said to be tried and tested.

Cao Cao used this trick before to defeat Yuan Shao's famous general Wen Chou. During the battle, he deliberately discarded food, supplies and prostitutes accompanying the army, and waited for Wen Chou's army to stop to rob. Cao Cao took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and defeated Wen Chou.

At the same time, Murongchui deliberately abandoned food and supplies, causing Liu Laozhi's Beifu soldiers to stop and rob. Then Murongchui took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and defeated Liu Laozhi.

Because the military discipline and the bottom line of this era are the same thing, looting is normal, and miracles happen if you don’t rob, so this trick can be tried and tested. If you encounter the kind of army that has never committed any crime against the people, This trick is useless.

Or if you encounter an army with strict military discipline, you can also be immune to this trick.

After expelling the Wei cavalry, Gao Changgong ordered the soldiers to untie the villagers, and said to them: "You are all free now, go back to your hometown to farm."

The villagers did not expect that there would be an army that would not rob and kill in this world. They were all shocked, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

"The general, please leave your name. I will worship the general when I return to my hometown." A leading villager knelt on the ground and thanked Gao Changgong.

Gao Changgong didn't answer, but left here with his personal guards, and took away the gold, silver and jewelry on the carriage, leaving a group of villagers at a loss.

In the end, the villagers decided to go back to their hometown after you looked at me and I looked at you.

However, a few days later, another group of Jin cavalry passed through their hometown, captured them again, and escorted them to the coastal port.

another three months later

The war between Qi State and Liang State finally came to an end. Qi State won miserably and regained Luoyang and other places.

As long as it doesn't kill you, use it to your death!
Xiao Yan obviously didn't care about Hou Jing's life or death. He had reached this point, and he still expected Hou Jing to fight Qi Guo at the forefront.

After regaining the land of Henan, Gao Yang returned to Yecheng. He was very relieved when he learned that Gao Changgong had brought a hundred personal guards with him over the past few months to continuously take the initiative to attack, expel the cavalry troops of the Yan army, and rescue the people of Qi.

Although Gao Changgong is not his son, Gao Yang treats Gao Changgong as his own.

"Chang Gong, a young hero, will definitely be the pillar of our Qi country in the future." Gao Yang smiled, thinking about what kind of reward should be given to Gao Changgong.

Now that the land of Henan has been recovered, it is time to completely expel the forces of Yan from Shandong.

Yan Guo has been operating in Shandong for decades, and the easternmost Donglai area has been operating for hundreds of years. The local area has already become a hard-hit area for population trade. A large number of people from the Central Plains were relocated to Donglai area and finally shipped overseas.

Another month later, Gao Yang submitted the letter of credence to the State of Yan, demanding that the State of Yan return the counties and counties of Qingzhou, otherwise he would send [-] troops to declare war on the State of Yan.

This is just a normal diplomatic speech. Before going to war, you should be courteous to the other party, so you can be regarded as a famous teacher.

Under normal circumstances, the other party will swear to the death, and then a war is inevitable.

However, what Gao Yang didn't expect was that in the letter of credence returned by the State of Yan, he expressed his willingness to hand over the land of Qingzhou, but it needed to be purchased by the State of Qi, and it could not be returned to the State of Qi in vain.

"Yanlu, it's ridiculous to see profits and forget righteousness, and even sell the land for money!"

Gao Yang sneered, thinking that the ruler of the Yan Kingdom had no foresight, and could actually sell the country for a little money.

That is to say, but it is very good to be able to avoid wars. After all, every war consumes a lot of materials, people's resources, and financial resources. cause public resentment.

Therefore, since Qingzhou can be bought back with money, as long as the bid is not too outrageous, there is naturally no need to take it back through war.

In Yan Guo's return letter of credence, it stated that only livestock, people, gold, saltpeter, and Artemisia annua were accepted as bids.

If the population is exchanged for Qingzhou, 30 people are needed, and it can also be converted with several other materials, all of which have corresponding population conversion prices.

"Why does the Kingdom of Yan need so much saltpeter and Artemisia annua?"

Seeing Yan's request, Gao Yang was very suspicious. The Central Plains naturally has a lot of saltpeter and Artemisia annua, but saltpeter is generally used to make ice cubes, and Artemisia annua is a kind of medicinal material.

"It's better to let Chang Gong go to Yan Country to have a talk, just to train him." Gao Yang is actually willing to buy Qingzhou with a population of 30, but it is always good to talk before buying and lower the price.

(End of this chapter)

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